Curtis Reeves - The Listings: July 28 - August 3

Curtis Reeves : Photo Gallery

Retired officer arrested in Wesley Chapel theater shooting
Man killed after dispute over texting in theater - FOX 13 News
Texting argument leaves one dead, another hurt in movie theater ...
Curtis Reeves: Judge denies bond for Cobb Theatres shooting suspect
Wesley Chapel movie theater shooting suspected gunman, Curtis ...
Arrested | Kingsport Times-
Movie Theater Shooting Suspect Curtis Reeves Was 'In Fear Of Being ...
Chad Oulson killed in Florida cinema and wife injured while trying ...
Chad Oulson Photos: Pics of Florida Movie Theater Victim | HEAVY
Wesley Chapel movie theater shooting suspected gunman, Curtis ...
Curtis Reeves (curtmo76) on Twitter
Retired Fla. cop shoots man dead in texting row during Mark ...
Curtis Reeves, 71, a retired Tampa, Florida police captain has ...
Texting Allegedly Triggers Movie Theater Shooting by Retired ...
Curtis Reeves (curtrev704) on Pinterest
Curtis Reeves - Quora
RA - RE - Historical Bristol Street Directory 1871
O - Historical Bristol Street Directory 1871
Charlie Daniel, Susan Reeve & Curtis Fowler
Q - R - Historical Bristol Street Directory 1775
HO - Historical Bristol Street Directory 1871
G - Historical Bristol Street Directory 1871
D - Historical Bristol Street Directory 1871
Bukambibig 12/09/13
CH - CI - Historical Bristol Street Directory 1871
BA - Bristol Street Directory 1871
Brothers of bravest of the brave police officer accept his award on his behalf
2013 Canada Army Run: local half-marathon runners (page 2 of 2)
CSHS JV and Varsity Football
Erzbergrodeo ☆☆☆ Copyright © Bernhard Egger :: eu-moto images™ | in touch with our passion ★ All rights reserved 4325
Reeve (IMG_9524) - upper Santa Ana River - 29 Aug 2013
figuladra appendiculata australie37mm4
No bond for theater shooting suspect Curtis Reeves
Retired Tampa Police Department officer, Curtis Reeves, arrested in movie ...
Movie theater shooting suspect was once go-to guy on Tampa police force
Ex-Police Officer Curtis Reeves Shoots Dead Chad Oulson For Texting in Cinema
Who is Curtis Reeves?
Retired cop guns down man for texting at Florida movie: sheriff
Texting Allegedly Triggers Movie Theater Shooting by Retired Police Captain
Florida Movie Theater Shooter is Retired Tampa Police Captain Curtis Reeves
Wesley Chapel movie theater shooting suspected gunman, Curtis Reeves, Jr ...
Curtis Reeves, Retired Cop, Named as Suspect in Wesley Chapel, FL Movie ...
Retired police officer charged in Florida theater killing
Pasco County releases Curtis Reeves, Jr., arrest report in Wesley Chapel movie ...
Retired officer facing second-degree murder charge in movie theater shooting.
2 people shot in Tampa-area movie theater: Cops
Gunman in Wesley Chapel Cobb Theatre shooting ID'd as former Tampa Police ...
Dad's texting to daughter sparks argument, fatal shooting in movie theater

Curtis Reeves : Videos

Retired Cop Curtis Reeves Kills Man at Wesley ...
Retired Police Curtis Reeves Kills Moviegoer over ...
Curtis Reeves Press Conference. Kinda Sorta - YouTube
Wesley Chapel movie theater shooting suspected ...
Curtis Reeves, Chad Oulson, "So I Shot Him" - YouTube
Honey Brook's Curtis Reeves after election letter ...
Winging My Way Back Home - YouTube
Talking Larry the Bird Curtis style - YouTube
LinkOnly1/14/14 ex-COP KILLS MAN 4 TEXTING ...
Retired cop charged in deadly texting dispute in Fla ...
Nutty neighbours - YouTube
Nutty neighbours 5 - YouTube
Man shot dead after dispute over texting in cinema in ...
Nutty neighbours 8 finding the geek - YouTube
Nutty neighbours 2 - YouTube
Wesley Chapel theater shooting suspect makes first ...
Nutty neighbours 10 bouncing on the trampoline ...
Nutty neighbours 6 - YouTube
Nutty neighbours 3 - YouTube
Retired Cop Curtis Reeves Kills Man at Wesley ...
Speak The Word,Lord - YouTube
Nutty neighbours - YouTube
Man shot dead after dispute over texting in cinema in ...
Mercy Walked In..... - YouTube

Curtis Reeves : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites


Selective listings by critics of The New York Times of new and noteworthy cultural events in the New York metropolitan region this week. * denotes a highly recommended film, concert, show or exhibition. Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional

What are some uncommon last names for the boy name Drake?

Im filling out this form for a role-play and would like to know some uncommon last names for the boy name Drake. Thanks ;3 Answer: Abbott Adams Adkins Aguilar Alexander Allen Allison Alvarado Alvarez Anderson Andrews Armstrong Arnold Atkins Austin Bailey Baker Baldwin Ball Ballard Banks Barber Barker Barnes Barnett Barrett Barton Bass Bates Beck Becker Bell Bennett Benson Berry Bishop Black Blair Blake Boone Bowen Bowers Bowman Boyd Bradley Brady Brewer Bridges Briggs Brock Brooks Brown Bryan Bryant Buchanan Burgess Burke Burns Burton Bush Butler Byrd Cain Caldwell Campbell Cannon Carlson Carpenter Carr Carroll Carson Carter Casey Castillo Castro Chambers Chandler Chapman Chavez Christensen Clark Clarke Clayton Cobb Cohen Cole Coleman Collier Collins Colon Conner Cook Cooper Copeland Cortez Cox Craig Crawford Cross Cruz Cummings Cunningham Curry Curtis Daniel Daniels Davidson Davis Dawson Day Dean Delgado Dennis Diaz Dixon Douglas Doyle Drake Duncan Dunn Edwards Elliott Ellis Erickson Estrada Evans Farmer Ferguson Fernandez Fields Figueroa Fisher Fitzgerald Fleming Fletcher Flores Flowers Floyd Ford Foster Fowler Fox Francis Frank Franklin Frazier Freeman French Fuller Garcia Gardner Garner Garrett Garza George Gibbs Gibson Gilbert Gill Girard Glover Gomez Gonzales Gonzalez Goodman Goodwin Gordon Graham Grant Graves Gray Green Greene Greer Gregory Griffin Griffith Gross Guerrero Gutierrez Guzman Hagel Hale Hall Hamilton Hammond Hampton Hansen Hanson Hardy Harmon Harper Harrington Harris Harrison Hart Harvey Hawkins Hayes Haynes Henderson Henry Hernandez Herrera Hicks Higgins Hill Hines Hockney Hodges Hoffman Hogan Holland Holloway Holmes Holt Hopkins Horton Houston Howard Howell Hubbard Hudson Huff Hughes Hunt Hunter Ingram Jackson Jacobs James Jefferson Jenkins Jennings Jensen Jimenez Johnson Johnston Jones Jordan Joseph Keller Kelley Kelly Kennedy Kim King Klein Knight Lamb Lambert Lane Larson Lawrence Lawson Lee Leonard Lewis Lindsey Ling Little Lloyd Logan Long Lopez Love Lowe Lucas Luna Lynch Lyons Mack Maldonado Malone Mann Manning Marsh Marshall Martin Martinez Mason Massey Mathis Matthews Maxwell May McBride McCarthy McCormick McCoy McDaniel McDonald McGee McGuire McKenzie McKinney McLaughlin Medina Mendez Mendoza Meyer Miles Miller Mills Mitchell Montgomery Moody Moore Morales Moran Moreno Morgan Morris Morrison Morton Moss Mullins Munoz Murphy Murray Myers Nash Neal Nelson Newman Newton Nguyen Nichols Norman Norris Norton Nunez O'Brien Oliver Olson Ortega Ortiz Osborne Owen Owens Padilla Page Palmer Park Parker Parks Parsons Patrick Patterson Patton Paul Payne Pearson Pena Perez Perkins Perry Peters Peterson Phelps Phillips Pierce Pittman Poole Pope Porter Potter Powell Powers Pratt Price Quinn Ramirez Ramos Ramsey Ray Reed Reese Reeves Reid Reyes Reynolds Rhodes Rice Richards Richardson Riley Rios Rivera Robbins Roberson Roberts Robertson Robinson Rodgers Rodriguez Rodriquez Rogers Romero Rose Ross Rowe Roy Ruiz Russell Ryan Salazar Sanchez Sanders Sandoval Santiago Santos Saunders Schmidt Schneider Schultz Schwartz Scott Sharp Shaw Shelton Sherman Silva Simmons Simon Simpson Sims Singleton Smith Snyder Soto Sparks Spencer Stanley Steele Stephens Stevens Stevenson Stewart Stokes Stone Strickland Sullivan Summers Sutton Swanson Tate Taylor Terry Thomas Thompson Thornton Tobias Todd Torres Townsend Tran Tucker Turner Tyler Underwood Valdez Vargas Vasquez Vaughn Vega Wade Wagner Walker Wallace Walsh Walters Walton Ward Warner Warren Washington Waters Watkins Watson Watts Weaver Webb Weber Webster Welch Wells West Wheeler White Wilkerson Wilkins Williams Williamson Willis Wilson Wise Wolfe Wong Wood Woods Wright Yates Young Zimmerman Zimmer Zelgado Zogrinc Zersten Zetter Zaperelli Category: Other - Entertainment

'The evidence of guilt is significant': Former cop held without bail in ...

1 hour ago ... Curtis Reeves, 71, made his first appearance in court Tuesday to face second- degree murder charges for allegedly killing Chad Oulson, 43, ...

What celebrity should I draw?

I have one more project to do for one of my art classes (in this one Ive been doing portraits of celebrities), and Im not sure who to draw. Ive already drawn P!nk, Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka, Jamie Lee Curtis, Sarah Jessica Parker, Ty Pennington, Steve Carell, and some others. I dont want ideas from Disney Channel like Miley Cyrus or Justin Beiber (no offense), I want to draw celebrities with actual talent. Answer: Keanu Reeves from The Matrix? :) Category: Polls & Surveys

What are some good last names that go with the name Alex?

Im writng a book and the main character becomes famous and she and this actor named Alex fall in love at the end so I was trying to figure out a good last name that goes with Alex. Could you please help me? Answer: Abbott Adams Adkins Aguilar Alexander Allen Allison Alvarado Alvarez Anderson Andrews Armstrong Arnold Atkins Austin Bailey Baker Baldwin Ball Ballard Banks Barber Barker Barnes Barnett Barrett Barton Bass Bates Beck Becker Bell Bennett Benson Berry Bishop Black Blair Blake Boone Bowen Bowers Bowman Boyd Bradley Brady Brewer Bridges Briggs Brock Brooks Brown Bryan Bryant Buchanan Burgess Burke Burns Burton Bush Butler Byrd Cain Caldwell Campbell Cannon Carlson Carpenter Carr Carroll Carson Carter Casey Castillo Castro Chambers Chandler Chapman Chavez Christensen Clark Clarke Clayton Cobb Cohen Cole Coleman Collier Collins Colon Conner Cook Cooper Copeland Cortez Cox Craig Crawford Cross Cruz Cummings Cunningham Curry Curtis Daniel Daniels Davidson Davis Dawson Day Dean Delgado Dennis Diaz Dixon Douglas Doyle Drake Duncan Dunn Edwards Elliott Ellis Erickson Estrada Evans Farmer Ferguson Fernandez Fields Figueroa Fisher Fitzgerald Fleming Fletcher Flores Flowers Floyd Ford Foster Fowler Fox Francis Frank Franklin Frazier Freeman French Fuller Garcia Gardner Garner Garrett Garza George Gibbs Gibson Gilbert Gill Girard Glover Gomez Gonzales Gonzalez Goodman Goodwin Gordon Graham Grant Graves Gray Green Greene Greer Gregory Griffin Griffith Gross Guerrero Gutierrez Guzman Hagel Hale Hall Hamilton Hammond Hampton Hansen Hanson Hardy Harmon Harper Harrington Harris Harrison Hart Harvey Hawkins Hayes Haynes Henderson Henry Hernandez Herrera Hicks Higgins Hill Hines Hockney Hodges Hoffman Hogan Holland Holloway Holmes Holt Hopkins Horton Houston Howard Howell Hubbard Hudson Huff Hughes Hunt Hunter Ingram Jackson Jacobs James Jefferson Jenkins Jennings Jensen Jimenez Johnson Johnston Jones Jordan Joseph Keller Kelley Kelly Kennedy Kim King Klein Knight Lamb Lambert Lane Larson Lawrence Lawson Lee Leonard Lewis Lindsey Ling Little Lloyd Logan Long Lopez Love Lowe Lucas Luna Lynch Lyons Mack Maldonado Malone Mann Manning Marsh Marshall Martin Martinez Mason Massey Mathis Matthews Maxwell May McBride McCarthy McCormick McCoy McDaniel McDonald McGee McGuire McKenzie McKinney McLaughlin Medina Mendez Mendoza Meyer Miles Miller Mills Mitchell Montgomery Moody Moore Morales Moran Moreno Morgan Morris Morrison Morton Moss Mullins Munoz Murphy Murray Myers Nash Neal Nelson Newman Newton Nguyen Nichols Norman Norris Norton Nunez O'Brien Oliver Olson Ortega Ortiz Osborne Owen Owens Padilla Page Palmer Park Parker Parks Parsons Patrick Patterson Patton Paul Payne Pearson Pena Perez Perkins Perry Peters Peterson Phelps Phillips Pierce Pittman Poole Pope Porter Potter Powell Powers Pratt Price Quinn Ramirez Ramos Ramsey Ray Reed Reese Reeves Reid Reyes Reynolds Rhodes Rice Richards Richardson Riley Rios Rivera Robbins Roberson Roberts Robertson Robinson Rodgers Rodriguez Rodriquez Rogers Romero Rose Ross Rowe Roy Ruiz Russell Ryan Salazar Sanchez Sanders Sandoval Santiago Santos Saunders Schmidt Schneider Schultz Schwartz Scott Sharp Shaw Shelton Sherman Silva Simmons Simon Simpson Sims Singleton Smith Snyder Soto Sparks Spencer Stanley Steele Stephens Stevens Stevenson Stewart Stokes Stone Strickland Sullivan Summers Sutton Swanson Tate Taylor Terry Thomas Thompson Thornton Tobias Todd Torres Townsend Tran Tucker Turner Tyler Underwood Valdez Vargas Vasquez Vaughn Vega Wade Wagner Walker Wallace Walsh Walters Walton Ward Warner Warren Washington Waters Watkins Watson Watts Weaver Webb Weber Webster Welch Wells West Wheeler White Wilkerson Wilkins Williams Williamson Willis Wilson Wise Wolfe Wong Wood Woods Wright Yates Young Zimmerman Hope I helped! Category: Baby Names

The Listings: July 28 - August 3

Selective listings by critics of The New York Times of new and noteworthy cultural events in the Northeast this week. * denotes a highly recommended film, concert, show or exhibition. Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional listings, show times

71 Year Old Retired Police Officer Curtis Reeves Shoots & Kills ...

71 Year Old Retired Police Officer Curtis Reeves Shoots & Kills Moviegoer Chad Oulson Over Texting Altercation … Suspect Arrest & Charged with Second Degree Murder. Father's texting to 3 year old daughter sparks fatal ...

Has anyone watched the Terror of Tiny Town?

And what were your thoughts on the Movie? Answer: 5 Reviews 5 star: (3) 4 star: (1) 3 star: (1) 2 star: (0) 1 star: (0) Average Customer Review (5 customer reviews) Share your thoughts with other customers Search Customer Reviews Only search this product's reviews The most helpful favorable review The most helpful critical review 33 of 33 people found the following review helpful: Classic Cult Film This film is a typical 1930s potboiler Western of the singing cowboy variety. What makes it special, however, is the gimmick of its all-midget cast. Beyond the gimmick casting is the star of the film. Billy Curtis, who plays the hero Buck Lawson in the film, had a significant Hollywood career. In the early 1950s he starred with George Reeves in "Superman and the Mole... Read the full review › Published on December 1, 2005 by Pen Name › See more 5 star, 4 star reviews 1 of 1 people found the following review helpful: Terror of Tiny Town This is definitely one of the funniest westerns we have watched. It has romance, cattle rustling, bad guy, good guy, singing, stagecoach, etc. I could go on and on - you just have to watch it yourself. Published 1 month ago by Jaynut › See more 3 star, 2 star, 1 star reviews Most Helpful First | Newest First 33 of 33 people found the following review helpful: Classic Cult Film, December 1, 2005 By Pen Name (USA) - See all my reviews This film is a typical 1930s potboiler Western of the singing cowboy variety. What makes it special, however, is the gimmick of its all-midget cast. Beyond the gimmick casting is the star of the film. Billy Curtis, who plays the hero Buck Lawson in the film, had a significant Hollywood career. In the early 1950s he starred with George Reeves in "Superman and the Mole Men" and in the early 1970s starred as the Category: Books & Authors

Ex-Cop Accused of Fatally Shooting Movie-Goer For Texting During ...

The suspect, Curtis Reeves, is a retired Tampa police officer, Nocco said. He will be charged with second-degree homicide, according to Nocco. Nocco identified the victims as Chad and Nicole Oulson, who he said were ...

Retired Cop Shoots Chad Oulson In Florida Movie Theater For ...

Chad Oulson, the father of a 3-year-old daughter, was shot dead in the Wesley Chapel movie theater by Curtis Reeves after the two got into.

Who is Curtis Reeves? - FOX 13 News

20 hours ago ... We're learning more about a retired Tampa police officer accused of shooting and killing a man in Wesley Chapel movie theater, reportedly in a ...

What celebrity have you seen in person, just by chance?

I served pizza at my first job to a very popular news anchor in my area. I have also ran into another news anchor several times at a grocery store. Last month at the airport on my way to Vegas I was standing next to "Cali" from "Real chance of Love" and "I Love Money 2". So yeah theyre not like REAL celebrities but thats who Ive seen. Answer: Billy joel Christy Brinkley (there both short) Chrisopher Reeves(kinda of a jerk) so is Gary Debussy the made a movie in front of my house called it a trash can Jamie lee Curtis (hot)she came to the bar on her yacht when I worked at the bar Robin Williams when they filmed wold according to garp (funny in real life) Brooke shields(hubba hubba) at the movie theater in mystic Jessica Simpson In New Jersey at walmart she signed my CD i bought one just so she would sign it ( hot hot hot) Ronni James Dio and Justin timberlake (i was amazed how many 40 year old guys at the concert with timberlake T)shirts on when I worked security at Mohegan sun and Britney spears she was really nice and Jimmy Buffet and George harison when he was alive at fishers island and Evel Knievel bike week Daytona beach and Micheal Jordan he was at his restaurant at Mohegan sun Category: Polls & Surveys

Chad Oulson killed in Florida cinema and wife injured while trying to ...

3 hours ago ... Curtis Reeves shot 43-year-old victim in the chest after row; Nicole Oulson was shot in the hand as she tried to protect her husband; Terrified ...

Retired cop guns down man for texting at Florida movie: sheriff - U.S. ...

The retired Tampa police captain accused of gunning down a man texting during a Mark Wahlberg war movie will be arraigned on a second-degree murder charge Tuesday in a Florida court. Curtis Reeves Jr., 71, is charged ...

What are some bands that constantly talk trash on other bands?

Answer: Well Ian McCulloch of Echo & the Bunnyman fame is pretty famous for his trash talking, but the great god of disparagment has to be Morrissey. Great words from the man himself: "Bring me the head of Elton John" "I detest Stevie Wonder. I think Diana Ross is awful." "My opinion is that Craig Gannon didn't really win because... he's still Craig Gannon." "The Cure, a new dimension to the word 'crap'." On David Bowie) "(He is) not the person he was. He is no longer David Bowie at all. Now he gives people what he thinks will make them happy, and they're yawning their heads off. And by doing that, he is not relevant. He was only relevant by accident." "I think Bob Geldof is a nauseating character." "I wish the very, very worst for (Mike) Joyce, for the rest of his life." "There are indeed worse groups than Modern Romance. But can anyone seriously think of one?" "Robert Smith is a whingebag." "For me Prince conveys nothing. The fact that he's successful in America is interesting simply because he's mildly fey and that hasn't happened before there. Boy George, again I think he really doesn't say anything either." "Oasis are very tame to me. At a time when they have the spotlight of the world on them, they should have made the most revolutionary, creative record and instead it's practically awful. For a song which is trying so hard to create hooks, it doesn't really have any. God bless Noel; I'm sure he'll always have a spot on 'Bob's Full House', but I search for something with more bite and rage." "If Prince came from Wigan he would have been slaughtered by now." "Madonna reinforces everything absurd and offensive. Desperate womanhood. She is closer to organized prostitution than anything else." Needs more: "I loved and love Johnny Marr, but I feel tremendous indifference to Bruce and Rick." "If met Vic Reeves, I'd have no desire other than to smack him in the face." "I hate, loathe, detest, abhor, abominate, cannot stand or abide Miss Numan." (Gary Numan) "Paradoxically, The Cramps are worth their weight in gold for making The Police seem like a great big sloppy bowl of mush." On Joy Division: "They were always incredibly boring. There was never a stage (before Ian Curtis committed suicide) where anyone in the audience was interested." Category: Rock and Pop

Curtis Reeves Arrested In Movie Theater Shooting - Business Insider

The former cop, 71-year-old Curtis Reeves, is being charged with second-degree murder for the death of Chad Oulson whose wife, Nicole, was also injured. Reeves, who was with his wife, was upset by Chad Oulson's ...

I need songs for a volleyball workout?

My coach asked me to make a playlist for our open sand beach volleyball workouts? Hes very traditional so they need to be fun with out profanity or anything? Answer: Here is a list of some of the songs on my iPod that might work for you: •Dream On – Aerosmith •In Memory of Elizabeth Reed – Allman Brothers •Push - Aretha Franklin •Pick Up The Pieces - Average White Band •Do It (‘Til You’re Satisfied) - B.T. Express •Manic Monday - The Bangles •Good Vibrations - The Beach Boys •Got To Get You Into My Life – Beatles •Stand By Me – Ben E. King •One Way or Another – Blondie •Dazz – Brick •Stomp – Brothers Johnson •Born To Run – Bruce Springsteen •I’m A Rocker – Bruce Springsteen •What Cha’ Gonna Do For Me – Chaka Khan •Johnny B. Goode – Chuck Berry •Move On Up – Curtis Mayfield •Pipeline – Dick Dale & His Del-Tones (with Stevie Ray Vaughn) •Mac’s Boogie – Dr. John •Rebel Rouser – Duane Eddy •Frankenstein – Edgar Winter Group •Cliffs of Dover – Eric Johnson •Tuff Enuff – Fabulous Thunderbirds •One Thing Leads To Another – The Fixx •In The Mood – Glenn Miller •Peter Gunn Theme – Henry Mancini •The Harder They Come – Jimmy Cliff •Boom-Bapa-Boom – Jimmy Vaughn •Any Way You Want It - Journey •Rock And Roll – Led Zeppelin •Let It roll – Little Feat •Your Mama Don’t Dance – Loggins & Messina •Dancing In The Street – Martha Reeves & The Vandellas •Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us Now – McFadden & Whitehead •Hit Me With Your Best Shot – Pat Benatar •Get The Party Started - Pink •We Will Rock You – Queen •Going In The Right Direction – Robert Randolph & the Family Band •Gimme Some Lovin’ – Spencer Davis Group •Fly Like An Eagle – Steve Miller Band •I Won’t Back Down – Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers •I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For – U2 •Linus & Lucy – Vince Guaraldi •Jump – Van Halen •Birdland – Weather Report Category: Volleyball

The Last Tradition: Texting Allegedly Triggers Movie Theater ...

The shooting suspect, identified as retired Tampa police officer Curtis Reeves, 71, became annoyed when a couple sitting in front of him were texting during the movie's previews, according to the Pasco County Sheriff's office.

Retired Tampa cop denied bail in movie-theater slaying - U.S. News

The retired Tampa police captain accused of fatally shooting a man who was texting during a movie had every right to defend himself, his lawyer argued in court Tuesday. But Curtis Reeves Jr., 71, who faces life in prison for ...

Heroic Armed Citizen Stops Movie Texting With Gun, Murder

Nicole Oulson, Chad Oulson, and daughter Curtis Reeves, a Responsible Gun Owner in Wesley Chapel, Florida, was ready to defend himself when he went to a matinee showing of “Lone Survivor” Monday — ignoring the ...

If you had to create a wwe stable with 4 members who would you put in it?

And what would you call it? Answer: I've always thought about using a Horsemen like group, especially since I did notice WWE bringing back managers for Tyson Kidd on Superstars. I thought, what if they brought in Arn Anderson to manage 4 superstars who had potential, but just needed that leader? These would be the following in the group (however, three of them would be re-named to have a better "fit" for the stable): 1. Dolph Ziggler - He would go back to his brown hair. Re-named to Nick Nemeth, maybe? 2. Skip Sheffield - Re-named to the "Silverback" Skip Reeves or something of that sort. 3. Michael McGillicutty - He would go back to Joe Hennig, his original ring name. 4. Johnny Curtis Dolph Ziggler would obviously be the leader of the group. Most likely be an upper-mid card talent when the group begins. Then with the "guidance" from Arn Anderson, he takes Dolph to "new heights" and begins his venture in the Main Event. Dolph Ziggler is a great wrestler and the strongest talker of the group. Although Arn Anderson would do the majority of the talking, Dolph would be second in charge when it comes to talking. Skip Sheffield is basically the muscle of the group, which is a perfect role for him. He's huge, intimidating, and really comes off as a one man wrecking machine. He would be in the mid-card going for the Intercontinental or U.S. Title. Michael, er, I mean Joe Hennig and Johnny Curtis are the tag team of the group. They have the "look" together and in my opinion could definitely work as a tag team. What would be the name? I guess the Horsemen? I really don't know what I'd call them. I know many wouldn't like the idea of calling them the Horsemen because the original Horsemen can't be duplicated, but I thought it was a good idea. Category: Wrestling

What are some good books to do a book report on?

Hi, I am in grade 8 and I have to do a book report. Can anyone recommend a good book that I can talk about to the class other than the Twilight series? How about Killing Mr. Griffith by Lois Duncan? My friend suggested by I heard it involves the killing of a teacher and I dont think that it will work out with the whole school-environment thing. LOL. What does everyone else think? Answer: This is just Part of One list from my website. Louis Sachar Holes Christopher Paul Curtis Bud, Not Buddy Carl Hiaasen Hoot and Flush. Gary Paulsen Brian's Saga - Hatchet; Brian's Return; Brian's Winter; The River; and Brian's Hunt. Alida's Song; The Quilt; Soldier's Heart; Nightjohn; Sarny; and The Legend of Bass Reeves. John Gunther Death Be Not Proud - A memoir about the death of his son from a brain tumor. Lois Lowry The Giver - Banned in some areas, yet required reading in other schools, this is a rather different look at a utopian society. Sequels: Gathering Blue and Messenger Richard Peck Long Way From Chicago and A Year Down Yonder - In the first, a brother and sister spend the summer with an eccentric grandmother. In the sequel, the girl spends an entire school year with her grandmother. Johanna Spyri (1827 - 1901; Swiss) Heidi Publication 1880. Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849 - 1924; English) The Secret Garden Publication 1911. Anna Sewell (1820 - 1878; English) Black Beauty - This story is told from the horse's point of view. Warning: It's a sad story, but there is a happy ending. Publication 1877. Louisa May Alcott (1832 - 1888; American) Eight Cousins - Rose's father has died leaving her an orphan. She goes to live with her Aunt Plenty and Aunt Rose. She is very lonely until she makes friends with a servant, Phoebe and then seven cousins, all boys, arrive. Life will never be the same. Publication 1875. Little Women - This novel about Jo and her three sisters, Meg, Amy, and Beth, is set during the Civil War. Their father has gone off to fight. It is based upon the author's life and the lives of her three sisters. Publication 1868. Little Men Publication 1871. Jo's Boys - This is the sequel to Little Men.Publication 1886. Jane Austen (1775 - 1817; English) Pride and Prejudice - The courtship of proud Mr. Darcy and prejudiced Elizabeth Bennet is complicated by their persistent misunderstanding of each other's actions and feelings. There are many interesting characters. Mrs. Bennet is preoccupied with marrying off her five daughters. There is an impressive dowager aunt who intimidates everyone except Elizabeth. The amazingly conceited clergyman rehearses his speeches to young ladies. The story is set in the 18th century. Publication 1813. Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874 - 1942; Canadian) Anne of Green Gables - Orphaned red head Anne Shirley goes to live with an elderly brother and sister, Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert on Prince Edward Island. Anne is a bookish dreamer who needs to be loved. Publication 1908. Sequels include: Anne of Avonlea, Anne of the Island, Anne of Windy Poplars, Anne's House of Dreams, and Anne of Ingleside. Fred Gipson (1908 - 1973; American) Old Yeller - The old stray dog certainly is ugly and a thieving rascal, but out here on the Texas frontier a dog is a good companion, especially with Dad away on a cattle drive. Publication 1956. Jack London (1876 - 1916; American) The Call of the Wild - A domesticated dog, Buck, is kidnapped and sold to gold hunters. To survive he has to learn to listen to the call of the wild and learn the ways of his wolf ancestors. Eventually, he falls into the ownership of John Thornton, whose life Buck saves twice. Publication 1903. White Fang - A half wolf - half dog is nearly destroyed by the vicious cruelty of men. If you have not yet discovered the "WHOLE STORY" Publications you should check them out. They provide information and pictures about the time and place in which the story is set. The books shown here for White Fang and The Call of the Wild are from that series. Publication 1906. Esther Forbes (1891 - 1968; American) Johnny Tremain - Johnny is an apprentice to a silversmith in Boston (not Paul Revere) in the days just prior to the American Revolution. An accident ends his apprenticeship. In the days following his accident he meets Samuel Adams, John Hancock, and many other men of history. Publication 1944. Jonathan Swift (1667 - 1745; Anglo-Irish) Gulliver's Travels - Lemuel Gulliver travels to a series of very unusual and heretofore unknown lands. In one place he is a giant compared to the Lilliputians. In another, he is the size of a mouse compared to the people he finds. He also finds a floating island and a place where intelligent horses are served by humanoids. Publication 1726. This was made into a movie starring Ted Danson. Daniel Defoe (1660 - 1731; English) Robinson Crusoe - Crusoe finds himself stranded on an uncharted island off the coast of South America for nearly 30 years. He must find food, shelter, and clothing. He survives because of his faith in God. Many years after landing on the island, he saves a man named, Friday, who is about to be eaten by cannibals and Friday becomes Crusoe's faithful servant. Publication 1719. Johann Wyss Category: Books & Authors

What are the lyrics to "The Ultimate Orgy of Homosexuality" by Saint Smythe?

I cant find them... Answer: Old Godzilla was fu*kin' around Tokyo City like a big playground When suddenly Batman jizzed from the shade And hit Godzilla with a bat-cu-m spray Godzilla got laid and began to f*ck back But didn't expect to be f*cked by Shaq He proceeded to open up a can of Shaq-lube When Aaron Carter came out of the blue And he started sucking off Shaquille O'Neil In the back seat of the Batmobile Before they could make it to Aaron's love-shack Abraham Lincoln teabagged his sack Took a nine-inch vibrator out of his hat and blew Batman Then he ran out of rubbers and he ran away Because Optimus Prime came on Batman's face. This is the Ultimate Orgy... of Homosexuality Good Guys and Bad Guys with Dildo... as far as they eye can see There's quite a lot of Fellatio and much Sodomy This is the Ultimate Orgy... of Homosexuality. Godzilla took a shit on Optimus Prime Like Scruff McGruff shit all over crime And then Shaq came back covered in Godzilla-scat Then Jackie Chan jacked off and nutted on his back And Batman was flaccid and trying to get horny So he thought of am Armadillo named "Corey" But something suddenly caught his eye and he licked Indiana Jone's thirteen-inch dick Then he took Godzilla from behind Reached around for his cock which he just couldn't find Then Batman squirted, and he shot, and he missed And penetrated Jackie Chan with his fist Then he jumped in the air and he gave the "Peace" sign As Abraham Lincoln tried to sixty-nine With Optimus Prime, and they both got some Then they all got covered in Care Bear-cum This is the Ultimate Orgy... of Homosexuality Good Guys and Bad Guys with Dildo... as far as they eye can see It's gayer than "Brokeback Mountain", I think you would agree This is the Ultimate Orgy... Cue porno music, a fucky jive chorus As down from the heavens, came naked Chuck Norris Who discovered a dick, as hard as bones Attatched to the crotch, of Indiana Jones He bent over on the ground, smiling with glee As Batman changed into, Ron Jeremy. But Chuck ssw through this clever disguise And buried Batman's face, in-between his thighs. Then Gandolf the Pimp, and Gandolf the Hoe! Matt Damon and the guys from "Mr. Show" And Benito Mussolini and his big weenie And Tony Curtis in a pink bikini Robocop, the Terminator, William Shatner, Ralph Nader Lopan, Peter Pan, every male Power Ranger Keanu Reeves and Bill S. Preston Spock, The Rock, and Charles Eston Came out of nowhere, lightning fast And they all fucked Norris' cowboy ass It was the greatest bukkake that the world every saw Making Japanese men stare in total awe The sex went on for a century Many cocks were sucked, but eventually a champion stood (All the girls got wetter) Mr. Rogers in a cum-stained sweater This is the Ultimate Orgy... of Homosexuality Hot chicks and bad girls with strap-ons... as far as they eye can see Tits and vaginas all cumming all continously This is the Ultimate Orgy... (Great big lesbian orgy...) This is the Ultimate Orgy... (I think I'll jerk off again now...) This is the Ultimate Orgy... of Homosexuality Category: Lyrics

The Listings: August 25 - August 31

Selective listings by critics of The New York Times of new and noteworthy cultural events in the Northeast this week. * denotes a highly recommended film, concert, show or exhibition. Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional listings, show times


Selective listings by critics of The New York Times of new and noteworthy cultural events in the New York metropolitan region this week. * denotes a highly recommended film concert, show or exhibition. Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional

Do you know any good books for a preteen ?

I like series alot I like the Bluford Series also Another thing that I like is journal books they are good Answer: THIS IS A VERY LONG LIST SO YAHOO CUTS THE BOTTOM OFF - TO GET THE WHOLE LIST YOU WILL NEED TO GO TO WEBSITE Anthony Horowitz Alex Rider Series (Stories about a teenage spy) - Stormbreaker, Point Blank, Skeleton Key, Eagle Strike, Scorpia, Ark Angel, Snakehead, and The Gadgets (Technical Background Data). Diamond Brothers Series - The Falcon's Malteser (1986), Public Enemy Number Two (1987), South by South East (1991), The Blurred Man (2003), The French Confection (2003), I Know What You Did Last Wednesday (2003), The Greek Who Stole Christmas (2007), and The Radius of the Lost Shark (Forthcoming). Pentagram Series - The Devil's Door-Bell (1983), The Night of the Scorpion (1984), The Silver Citadel (1986), and The Day of the Dragon (1989). Power of Five (In the U.S.: The Gatekeepers) - Raven's Gate (2005), Evil Star (2006), Nightrise (2007), and Necropolis: City of the Dead (2008, Forthcoming). Christopher Paul Curtis Bud, Not Buddy Carl Hiaasen Hoot and Flush. Gary Paulsen Brian's Saga - Hatchet; Brian's Return; Brian's Winter; The River; and Brian's Hunt. True Adventures - How Angel Peterson Got His Name; Caught by the Sea; Guts; Father Water, Mother Woods; and My Life in Dog Years. Back in Time - The Cookcamp; Alida's Song; The Quilt; Soldier's Heart; Nightjohn; Sarny; and The Legend of Bass Reeves. Tucket Adventures- Mr. Tucket; Call Me Francis Tucket; Tucket's Ride; Tucket's Gold; Tucket's Home; and Tucket's Travels. The World of Adventure - Captive!; Danger on Midnight River; and Escape from Fire Mountain. Explore the World of Gary Paulsen - Canoe Days; The Beet Fields; The White Fox Chronicles; The Transall Saga; Dogteam; A Christmas Sonata; The Monument; The Haymeadow; The Night the White Deer Died; and Canyons. Tales to Tickle the Funny Bone - Lawn Boy; The Amazing Life of Birds; Molly McGinty Has a Really Good Day; The Glass Cafe; The Boy Who Owned the School; and The Schernoff Discoveries. John Gunther Death Be Not Proud (A memoir about the death of his son) Lois Lowry The Giver, Gathering Blue, and Messenger Louis Sachar Holes, Small Steps, Someday Angeline, Johnny's In the Basement, The Boy Who Lost His Face, Dogs Don't Tell Jokes, Sixth Grade Secrets, and There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom Richard Peck Long Way From Chicago and A Year Down Yonder Kate DiCamillo Because of Winn Dixie, The Tiger Rising, The Tale of Despereaux, and The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. Robin Jones Gunn Christy Miller Series - Summer Promise; A Whisper and a Wish; Yours Forever; Surprise Endings; Island Dreamer; A Heart Full of Hope; True Friends; Starry Night; Seventeen Wishes; A Time to Cherish; Sweet Dreams; and A Promise is Forever. Sierra Jensen Series - Only You, Sierra; In Your Dreams; Don't You Wish; Close Your Eyes; Without a Doubt; With This Ring; Open Your Heart; Time Will Tell; Now Picture This; Hold on Tight; Closer Than Ever; and Take My Hand. Katie Weldon Series - Peculiar Treasures Laura Ingalls Wilder Little House in the Big Woods Little House on the Prairie Farmer Boy Johanna Spyri (1827 - 1901; Swiss) Heidi Frances Hodgson Burnett The Secret Garden Anna Sewell Black Beauty - This story is told from the horse's point of view. Warning: It's a sad story, but there is a happy ending. Publication 1877. Louisa May Alcott (1832 - 1888; American) Eight Cousins - Rose's father has died leaving her an orphan. She goes to live with her Aunt Plenty and Aunt Rose. She is very lonely until she makes friends with a servant, Phoebe and then seven cousins, all boys, arrive. Life will never be the same. Publication 1875. Little Women - This novel about Jo and her three sisters, Meg, Amy, and Beth, is set during the Civil War. Their father has gone off to fight. It is based upon the author's life and the lives of her three sisters. Publication 1868. Little Men Publication 1871. Jo's Boys Publication 1886. Jane Austen (1775 - 1817; English) Pride and Prejudice - The courtship of proud Mr. Darcy and prejudiced Elizabeth Bennet is complicated by their persistent misunderstanding of each other's actions and feelings. There are many interesting characters. Mrs. Bennet is preoccupied with marrying off her five daughters. There is an impressive dowager aunt who intimidates everyone except Elizabeth. The amazingly conceited clergyman rehearses his speeches to young ladies. The story is set in the 18th century. Publication 1813. Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874 - 1942; Canadian) Anne of Green Gables - Orphaned red head Anne Shirley goes to live with an elderly brother and sister, Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert on Prince Edward Island. Anne is a bookish dreamer who needs to be loved. Publication 1908. Sequels include: Anne of Avonlea, Anne of the Island, Anne of Windy Poplars, Anne's House of Dreams, and Anne of Ingleside. Fred Gipson (1908 - 1973; American) Old Yeller - The old stray dog certainly is ugly and a thieving rascal, but out here on the Texas frontier a dog is a good companion, especially with Dad away on a cattle drive. Publication 1956. Jack London (1876 - 1916; American) The Call of the Wild - A domesticated dog, Buck, is kidnapped and sold to gold hunters. To survive he has to learn to listen to the call of the wild and learn the ways of his wolf ancestors. Eventually, he falls into the ownership of John Thornton, whose life Buck saves twice. Publication 1903. White Fang - A half wolf - half dog is nearly destroyed by the vicious cruelty of men. Publication 1906. The Sea Wolf Publication 1904. Esther Forbes (1891 - 1968; American) Johnny Tremain - Johnny is an apprentice to a silversmith in Boston (not Paul Revere) in the days just prior to the American Revolution. An accident ends his apprenticeship. In the days following his accident he meets Samuel Adams, John Hancock, and many other men of history. Publication 1944. Jonathan Swift (1667 - 1745; Anglo-Irish) Gulliver's Travels - Lemuel Gulliver travels to a series of very unusual and heretofore unknown lands. In one place he is a giant compared to the Lilliputians. In another, he is the size of a mouse compared to the people he finds. He also finds a floating island and a place where intelligent horses are served by humanoids. Publication 1726. This was made into a movie starring Ted Danson. Daniel Defoe (1660 - 1731; English) Robinson Crusoe - Crusoe finds himself stranded on an uncharted island off the coast of South America for nearly 30 years. He must find food, shelter, and clothing. He survives because of his faith in God. Many years after landing on the island, he saves a man named, Friday, who is about to be eaten by cannibals and Friday becomes Crusoe's faithful servant. Publication 1719. Johann Wyss (1743 - 1848; Swiss) Swiss Family Robinson - Fritz, Ernest, Jack, Franz, Mother, and Father survive a shipwreck and find themselves stranded on a deserted island near New Guinea. Being a religious family they offer thanks to God for all that he has provided. They salvage all that they can from the ship. They build a tree house for protection from wild animals, find food, make candles from berries, bread from roots, and a canoe from a tree. They face snakes, wolves, bears, and a lion, but are doing quite well until they discover a way to leave the island. Who will go? Who will stay? This was made into a movie a very long time ago. Publication 1812. Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 - 1894; Scot) Treasure Island - Young Jim Hawkins, an innkeeper's son, finds a treasure map among the belongings of a dead seaman. Pirates seek that very map and Jim finds himself in quite a predicament. On board ship, Jim overhears Long John Silver's plans for mutiny. This has also been made into a movie. Publication 1883. Kidnapped - Young David Balfour went to visit his uncle after his father's death. Uncle Ebenezer wants to steal the boy's inheritance and won't stop at murder. David is soon kidnapped and on board a ship facing a life of slavery. The story is set in 18th century Europe. Publication 1886. Jules Verne (1828 - 1905; French) Around the World in Eighty Days - Phineas Fogg tries to make his way around the globe in 80 days in order to win a bet of 20,000 pounds. He is accompanied on his journey by a servant and they implore all sorts of modes of travel (elephant, sled, balloon, etc.). Publication 1873. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea - Professor Aronnax leads an expedition attempting to destroy a giant sea monster. Their efforts with harpoons are futile and the men find themselves in the water. Later, they are captured by the enigmatic Captain Nemo on his underwater vessel, the Nautilus. Publication 1870. The movie starred a rather young Kirk Douglas. Rudyard Kipling (1865 - 1936; English) The Jungle Book - A boy is lost in the jungle of India and adopted by a family of wolves. Publication 1894. Just So Stories - Publication 1902. Captains Courageous - Harvey Cheyne is a spoiled rich teenager who considers himself above the manual labor aboard the ship. Then he falls overboard and his rescued by a fisherman who insists he earn his keep. Publication 1897. Scott O'Dell (1898 - 1989; American) The Black Pearl - Ramon and his father seek pearls of the coast of Baja, California. Ramon dreams of finding a valuable black pearl, but he also thinks of the monster of the deep, Manta Diablo. When he does find a black pearl he is warned that to keep it risks the wrath of the monster. Publication 1967. Island of the Blue Dolphins - This is the true story of an Indian gir Category: Books & Authors

The Listings: Sept. 22 - Sept. 28

Selective listings by critics of The New York Times of new and noteworthy cultural events in the New York metropolitan region this week. * denotes a highly recommended film, concert, show or exhibition. Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional

How would I find anything in a local newspaper for W.C. Burris?

William Curtis Burris was my grandfather who lived in Hillsboro, Ohio. He was a pastor for many years. Answer: --Is this the right man?? William Curtis BURRIS Born: 09 FEB 1903, Daviess Co , Indiana Died: (NOTE: Census: 1920 Reeve Twp, Daviess Co Indiana age 17, listed as Curtis) His PARENTS: Alfred Allen BURRIS--b. 10 JUL 1867 in Indiana ; d. 13 APR 1926 Married: 23 MAR 1893 in Daviess Co Indiana to Effie Lillian CHANDLER Their children: 1.Mary L. BURRIS--b. 13 AUG 1900 Indiana 2.**William Curtis BURRIS 3.Lester A. BURRIS--b. 21 AUG 1905 , Indiana ; d. 18 DEC 1993 , Lawrence, Indiana 4.Mabel B. Burris b: JUL 1894 in Daviess Co Indiana 5.Elsie G. Burris b: JUL 1897 in Daviess Co Indiana 6.Bertha E. Burris b: 6 SEP 1898 in Daviess Co Indiana 7.Clarence Raymond Burris b: 7 AUG 1907 in Alfordsville, Daviess Co Indiana William married Cora Margarite Alford Her Birth: 5 NOV 1903 in Indiana Her Death: AUG 1982 in Indiana Her Father: John Wesley Alford b: 26 APR 1872 in Indiana & Mother: Martha Collins b: 2 MAR 1876 in Indiana William's Maternal GRANDPARENTS: Father: William Henry Chandler b: 11 JUN 1847 in Kentucky Mother: Lieuellen Prewyer b: 1848 in Kentucky His Paternal GRANDPARENTS: Father: Seth Curtis Burris b: 3 FEB 1836 in Kentucky Mother: Mary Jane Allen b: 22 MAR 1839 in Indiana goes back to his Paternal 4TH GREAT-GRANDPARENTS. goes back to his Maternal 2nd GREAT-GRANDPARENTS. This site mentions him: Portsmouth Daily Times, 20 Jan. 1939 Henry F. Wooten obituary--says at end: "Funeral services will be at 2 p. m. Saturday at Windel-Howland Funeral Home, with Rev. W. C. Burris of Central Christian church officiating." EDIT--The newspaper for Hillsboro, Ohio that I found was called the HIGHLAND SUN (H'boro is in Highland County). Category: Genealogy

Tax Campaign By Toronto Brings a Bill From the Mint

David Miller, the mayor of Toronto, wants Canadas federal government to share some of its national sales tax with cities. But all that his campaign has generated so far is a 47,680 Canadian dollar ($48,972) invoice from the federal mint. Apparently, the mint not only makes the money in Canada, it owns the intellectual property rights, as well. Mr. - Toronto Mayor David Millers campaign for government to share national sales tax with cities has prompted federal mint, which owns intellectual property rights to nations money, to send invoice for 47,680 Canadian dollars ($48,972); Royal Canadian Mint says permission is needed to use pennys image, which is found on bumper stickers, Web sites and other marketing materials; city spokesman says officials are astonished to see such request and city has so far refused to pay; photo (M) - By IAN AUSTEN

SPORTS OF THE TIMES; A Tale of Honor And Intrigue Inside the Giants

When the Giants hired Jim Fassel to be their coach after the 1996 season, Bill Parcells, then about to leave the New England Patriots, was never whispered to have been a serious candidate to return to the team he had guided to two Super Bowl championships. But now it can be told that Parcells was almost offered the job that Fassel got. Ernie - Dave Anderson Sports of The Times column discusses Tom Callahans new book The GM about former New York Giants general manager Ernie Accorsi (M) - By DAVE ANDERSON


Selective listings by critics of The New York Times of new and noteworthy cultural events in the Northeast this week. * denotes a highly recommended film, concert, show or exhibition. Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional listings, show times

Retired Fla. officer Curtis Reeves tells moviegoer to stop texting ...

14 hours ago ... Curtis Reeves, 71, has been charged with second-degree murder and it's not immediately clear whether he has retained an attorney.

How do I write to Game Informer magazine via computer?

I want to write to the Dear GI section.Is there an E-Mail address I can write to or what? Answer: Here's some of their e-mails: GAME INFORMER MAGAZINE PUBLISHER Cathy Preston EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Andy McNamara EXECUTIVE EDITOR Andrew Reiner SENIOR EDITOR Matt Helgeson SENIOR ASSOCIATE EDITOR Matthew Kato ASSOCIATE EDITOR Adam Biessener ASSOCIATE EDITOR Joe Juba ASSOCIATE EDITOR Matthew Miller ASSOCIATE EDITOR Bryan Vore ASSOCIATE EDITOR Ben Reeves CONTENT MANAGER Matt Bertz GAME INFORMER ONLINE ONLINE EDITOR Jeff Cork MEDIA EDITOR Nick Ahrens ASSOCIATE EDITOR Meagan VanBurkleo PRODUCTION ART DIRECTOR Thomas Blustin PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Curtis Fung - Stuart Category: Video & Online Games

Accused Movie Theater Shooter Was 'In Fear of Being Attacked'

3 hours ago ... Former police captain Curtis Reeves, 71, was arrested at the Wesley Chapel, Fla. , movie theater Monday. The shooting erupted after an ...

Wesley Chapel movie theater shooting suspected gunman, Curtis ...

2 hours ago ... Former Tampa Police captain Curtis Reeves, Jr., suspected of shooting a man and his wife in a Wesley Chapel movie theater Monday ...

Name as many WWE/TNA Wrestlers Names that start with the letter C?

Who Ever Names The Most Gets The Best Answer Answer: C.C. Starr C.G. Mullins C.J. O'Doyle C.M. Punk C.M. Sigmon C.W. Anderson C.W. Bergstrom Cabana Man Dan The Cabinit Cactus Jack C.Jack & M.Payne C.Jack & C.Charlie Cade Sydal Cal Roberts California Kid (1) California Kid (2) Calvin Knapp Calvin Pullins Cameron Steele Cameron Star Can-Am Connection The Canadian Wildman Candi Devine Candice LeRae Candice Michelle Caprice Coleman Captain Rection Cardiac Arrest Carl Demarco Carl Fergie Carl LeDuc Carlito Cool Carlos Colon Carlos Peradas Carlos Rocha Carly Colon Carolina Kid The Cartel Carnage Crew Cassidy O'Reilly Cassidy Riley Caswell Martin Caveman Broda Chad Collyer Chad Fortune Chad Parham Chad Wicks Chae (Nitro Girl) Chance Beckett Chance Prophet Chaparita Asari Charles Baillargeon Charles Mercury Charles Evans Charles Fischer Charlie Hunter Charles Mercury Charles Robinson Charlie Cook Charlie Fulton Charlie Haas Charlie Haas/Rico Charlie Kontellis Charlie Norris Charro Aguayo Chase Del Monte Chase Stevens Chastity Chasyn Rance Chavo Guerrero Chavo Guerrero Sr Chaz Warrington Cheech Cheerleader Melissa Cherrie Lamour Cherokee Warrior Chet Jablonski Chet The Jet The Jet & Skyfire Chet Wallick Chi Chi Cruz Chick Donovan Chick Garibaldi Chicken Neck Chicky Starr Chief Big Heart Chief Chewacki (1) Chief Chewacki (2) Chief Coy Chief Jay Eagle Chief Kit Fox Chief Levai Chief Little Eagle Chief Little Wolf Chief Lone Eagle Chief Thunderbird Chief Thundercloud Chief Thunder Mountain Chief War Cloud Chief War Eagle Chief White Cloud Chief White Eagle Chief White Owl Chigusa Nagayo Chin Lee Chinita Chilly Willy Choi Sun Chris Adams Chris Benoit C.Benoit & Jericho C.Benoit & Malenko C.Benoit & Guerrero C.Benoit & Edge C.Benoit & Angle Chris Bosh Chris Cage Chris Candido Chris Cash Chris Champion Chris Chetti Chris Colioni Chris Colt Chris Curtis Chris Daniels C.Daniels & Styles Chris Devine Chris Duffy Chris Hall Chris Hamrick Chris Harris Chris Hero Chris Jericho C.Jericho & C.Benoit C.Jericho & Christian Chris Kanyon C.Kanyon & DDP Chris Kole Chris Markoff Chris Marval Chris Masters Chris Maverick Chris Michaels (TN) Chris Michaels (NY) Chris Mordetzky Chris Norte Chris Nowinski Chris Powers Chris Rombola Chris Sabin Chris Styles Chris Stylz Chris Taylor Chris The Bambi Killer Chris Tolos Chris Vaughn Chris Vega Chris von Erich Chris Walker Chris Walker (2) Chris Wayne Chris Young Chris Youngblood Christian Cage Christian & C.Jericho Christian & Edge Christian Vaughn Christian York Christie Ricci Christy Hemme Christopher Bishop Christopher Daniels Christopher Nowinski Christopher Street Connection Chuck Adcox Chuck E. Chaos Chuck Karbo Chuck Miller Chuck Palumbo C.Palumbo & S.O'Haire Chucky & Billy Chuck Richards Chuck Taylor Chyna (Joanie Laurer) CIMA Cinder Cindy Rogers Cisco Grimaldo Clarence Mason Claudio Castagnoli Cleo Reeves Cliff Compton Clive Myers Cloudy Clyde Steeves The Cobra The Cobra (WCW) Coco Samoa Cody Daniels Cody Hawk Cody Runnels Col. DeBeers Cole Twins Coloso Colosetti Colossus of Death Colossus The Gladiator Collosal Connection Collosal Kongs Colt Cabana Columbian Tigers Commancharos Con Dandos Con Iakivedes Con Papalazarou Con Tolios Conquistadors Conrad Kennedy III Cora Combs The Cormier Family Corporal Chaos Corporal Kirschner Corporal Robinson Corporate Ministry The Corporation Corsica Brothers Corsica Jean Corsica Joe Cory Kastle Cosmic Commander Cousin Junior Count Bartelli (UK) Count Grog Cowboy Bradley Cowboy Kirk Cowboy Lang Cowboy Luttrall Cowboy Parker Craig DeGeorge Craig Pittman Crash Holly Crash The Terminator Crazy Ivan Crazy J Crazy Shae Crowbar (Devon Storm) Crowbar & D.Flair Cru Jones The Crusaders Crush (Brian Adams) The Crush Girls Crusher Bloomfield Crusher Bonez Crusher Lisowski Crusher/Bruiser Crusher Mason Crusher Verdu Crusher Yurkof Crybaby Cannon Crybaby Edwards Cryme Tyme Cuban Assassin #1 Cuban Assassin #2 Cuban Assassins Cuban Assassin Cuban Connection Curley Moe Curt Hennig C.Hennig & S.Hall Curtis Iaukea Curtis Hughes Curtis Peterson Curtis Smith Curtis Thompson Custom Made Man Cutie Suzuki Cyber Kong Cyclone Castro Cyclone Negro Cyrus (Don Callis) Czaya Bob Nandor Category: Wrestling


JAZZ Full reviews of recent jazz concerts: AHMED ABDULLAHS DIASPORA (Tonight and tomorrow) A decade ago the trumpeter Ahmed Abdullah made Dedication (CIMP), introducing a rousing group he calls Diaspora. The iteration heard here includes players like the saxophonist Salim Washington and the pianist D. D. Jackson, as well as - By THE NEW YORK TIMES

Police: Texting argument in movie theater sparks fatal shooting ...

22 hours ago ... Curtis Reeves, a retired police officer, apparently went seeking a theater employee to ... When Reeves returned, he was without a manager.

Curtis Reeves: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | HEAVY

23 hours ago ... Curtis Reeves is the suspect in the fatal Wesley Chapel, Florida, movie theater shooting. Reeves is a retired Tampa cop.

ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT; A Musicians Death Has a City Taking Stock

AFTER the death of Jackie McLean, jazz saxophonist and educator, on March 31, the jazz world turned its attention to Hartford. The globe-trotting musician was the most visible figure in the citys arts and education arena, helping to create and oversee two of its better-known institutions: the Artists Collective, a nationally recognized community - Article on jazz scene in Hartford, Conn, and impact of death of jazz saxophonist and educator Jackie McLean; McLean created and oversaw Arts Collective, nationally recognized community education center, and jazz program at University of Hartfords Hartt School of Music, now known as Jackie McLean Institute of Jazz; Greater Hartford Festival of Jazz and Monday Night Jazz series are slated to begin in mid-July; photos (M) - By BRIAN WISE

Where do I find info. for the parents of William Curtis Burris?

He was born 19, Feb., 1903 in Daviess county, Indiana. Died on 18, Dec. 1983 in the same county. (no mention of town presently, His wifes name was Cora Alford. Answer: Clear, accurate, and you mention the county. Gotta love you! 1910: Reeve, Daviess, Indiana; Roll: T624_344; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 0010; Image: 805; (As indexed and with suggested corrections, not as written) Alfred A Burris 42 Effie L Burris 38 Mabel V Burris 15 Elsie G Burris 13 Bertha E Burris 11 Mary L Burris 9 William C Burris 7 Lester A Burris 17 [4] Clarence R Burris 2 Indiana Marriages (not free) has Alfred A Burris to Effie L Chandler 23 Mar 1893 Daviess Co. I'll let you look up Alf and Eff on the 1880; no sense my having all the fun. They were both b. Indiana. Category: Genealogy

Can anyone give me the names of all the songs on this series of Strictly Come Dancing?

Im loving this series of Strictly Come Dancing (Season 4) and i thought buying the new cd by the Strictly Band would give me all the songs i love from it,! Its only one cd with about fifteen to twenty songs and not the ones i want. So can someone please give me a list of all the songs performed this season? Thanks, Elle xx Answer: Week 1 Don nd lilia - Cha Cha Cha to Let's Groove Tonight by Earth, Wind & Fire. Austin & Erin - Waltz to The Rainbow Connection by Sarah McLachlan. Mark & Hayley - Waltz to Temmessee Waltz by Eva Cassidy. Gary & Karen - Cha Cha Cha to Hippy Hippy Shake by Swinging Blue Jeans. John & Kristina - Waltz to Come Away With Me by Norah Jones. Andrew & Ola - Cha Cha Cha to Mercy by Duffy. Tom & Camilla - Cha Cha Cha to Nowhere To Run To by Martha Reeves and the Vandellas. Phil & Flavia - Waltz to I Have Nothing by Whitney Houston. Week 2 Jessie & Darren - Salsa to Hey Mambo by Barry Manilow. Christine & Matthew - Foxtrot to The Way You Look Tonight by Westlife. Lisa & Brendan - Salsa to Rhythm Is Gonna Get You by Gloria Estefan & The Miami Sound Machine. Jodie & Ian - Foxtrot to World On A String by Michael Buble. Heather & Brian - Salsa to La Banda by Spanish Harlem Orchestra. Gillian & Anton - Foxtrot to Razzle Dazzle from Chicago. Rachel & Vincent - Salsa to Can't Buy Me Love by The Beatles. Cherie & James - Foxtrot to Sweet About Me by Gabrielle Cilmi. boys' group dance to She Bangs by Ricky Martin. Week 3 Astin & Erin - Jive to You Can't Stop the Beat from the musical Hairspray. Mark & Hayley - Tango to Tanguera by Sexteto Mayor. Gary & Karen - Jive to Lipstick, Powder and Paint by Shakin' Stevens. John & Kristina - Tango to Tony Bennett's Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Andrew & Ola - Tango to Bang Tango's version of Twentieth Century Boy. Tom & Camilla - Jive to to Sam Sparro's Black and Gold. Don & Lilia - Tango to Whatever Lola Wants by Gotan Project. girls dance a Swing together to Choo Choo Ch'Boogie. Week 4 Christine& Matthew - Quickstep to She's so Lovely by Scouting For Girls Jodie & Ian - Rumba to I Just Can't Stop Loving You by Michael Jackson Heather & Brian - Quickstep to Joe Pesci's version of Old Man Time Cherie & James - Rumba to Songbird by Eva Cassidy Jessie & Darren - Quickstep to Help by the Beatles Lisa & Brendan - Rumba to Suddenly by Billy Ocean Rachel & Vincent - Quickstep to Little Green Bag by George Benson Week 5 Rachel & Vincent - Samba to Hips Don't Lie by Shakira Lisa & Brendan - American Smooth to It Happened In Monterey by Frank Sinatra Heather & Brian - Samba to Lola Lola, Andy Fortuna version Cherie & James - American Smooth to Layla by Eric Clapton Mark and Hayley - Samba to Spice Up Your Life by the Spice Girls Don & Lilia - American Smooth to Can't Smile Without You by Barry Manilow Austin & Erin - Samba to Everyone Move Your Feet by Junior Senior Andrew & Ola - American Smooth to You Know I'm No Good by Amy Winehouse Christine & Matthew - Samba to Baila Baila Conmigo by Ruben Gomez Jodie & Ian - American Smooth to Witchcraft by Steve Tyrell John & Kristina - Samba to Papa Loves Mambo by Perry Como Tom & Camilla - American Smooth to Chicago by Frank Sinatra Week 5 Austin & Erin - Quickstep to S'Wonderful by Shirley Bassey Heather & Brian - Cha Cha Cha to American Boy by Estelle Jodie & Ian - Waltz to Sandy's Song by Dolly Parton Andrew & Ola - Samba to Ain't It Funny by Jennifer Lopez Lisa & Brendan - Tango to La Cumparsita Cherie & James - Salsa to Oye Mi Canto by Gloria Estefan John & Kristina - Foxtrot to I Want To Be Loved By You by Sinead O'Connor Tom & Camilla - Paso Doble to Died in your Arms by Cutting Crew Christine & Matthew - American Smooth to Singing in the Rain Rachel and Vincent - Jive to Sweet Soul Music by Arthur Conley Week 8 Tom & Camilla - Quickstep to A Town Called Malice by The Jam Jodie & Ian - Samba to Help Yourself by Tom Jones Heather & Brian - Tango to Rebel Rebel by David Bowie Austin & Erin - Rumba to When You Yell Me You Love Me by Diana Ross Cherie & James - Waltz to I Wonder Why by Curtis Stigers Christine & Matthew - Jive to Jailhouse Rock by Elvis Presley Rachel & Vincent - American Smooth to I Got a Woman by Ray Charles John & Kristina - Cha Cha to twist and Shout by The Beatles Lisa & Brendan - Viennese Waltz to Bed of Roses by Bon Jovi Week 9 Jodie and Ian - Quickstep to Mr Pinstripe Suit by Big Bad Voodoo Daddy Lisa and Brendan - Samba to Rock the Boat by The Hues Corporation Christine and Matthew - Waltz to See the Day by Girls Aloud Cherie and James - Cha Cha to Play that Funky Music by Wild Cherry Austin and Erin - Tango to Libertango Rachel and Vincent - Rumba to You Do Something To Me by Paul Weller John and Kristina - American Smooth to True Love Ways by Buddy Holly Tom and Camilla - Salsa to Pa Goza Con Fruko Week 10 Lisa and Brendan - Quickstep to Yes by Merry Clayton Christine & Matt - Cha Cha to I Like It Like That by Pete Rodriguez Jodie & Ian - Jive to Great Balls of Fire by Jerry Lee Lewis Tom & Camilla - Tango to Please Mr Brown Rachel & Vincent - Foxtrot to Close To You by Matt Monro Austin & Erin - Cha Cha to Its Raining Men by The Weather Girls John & Kristina dance a farewell Waltz to Come Away With Me by Norah Jones Category: Drama

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