Muhammad Alis condition vastly improved after mild case.
Muhammad Alis condition has vastly improved and doctors hope he will be discharged from hospital soon after mild case of pneumonia.
Study reveals causes of community-acquired pneumonia in children
With the chill of winter comes a spike in community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), which spreads more easily as people retreat indoors and come into close contact. The lung infection triggers persistent coughing, chest pain, fever, and difficulty breathing.
Hospital-Acquired PNEUMONIA
Hospital-acquired pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that occurs during a hospital stay. This type of pneumonia can be very severe. Sometimes it can be fatal.
Singapores Former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew Hospitalized With PNEUMONIA
SINGAPORE���Former prime minister Lee Kuan Yew has been hospitalized since early this month with severe pneumonia and remains in intensive care, though his condition has stabilized, a statement from the Prime Ministers office said Saturday. Mr. Lee .
NEW THEORY OF PNEUMONIA.; Seat of Trouble Not in Lunge, but in Nose -- Simple Remedy.
CHICAGO, April 30. -- The announcement of a new theory as to the cause of pneumonia and the discovery of a remedy for the disease was made last night at a meeting of the Chicago Medical Society.. Dr H M Fish advances theory that disease originates in bony framework of the nose, not lungs
New CDC study highlights burden of pneumonia hospitalizations on US children
Children younger than 5 years of age accounted for 70 percent of pneumonia hospitalizations among children, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported in a study published today. Pneumonia remains a leading cause of hospitalization among .
Health Alert: PNEUMONIA in children
(CBS)- New research published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that viruses, not bacterial infections, are the most common cause of pneumonia in children. Researchers at Vanderbilt University say this finding can better help doctors decide .
Seniors need 2 pneumonia vaccines, CDC advisory panel says
3, 2015 (HealthDay News) -- Adults 65 and older need two vaccines to better protect them from bacterial infection in the blood (called sepsis), meningitis and pneumonia, according to a revised vaccination schedule from the 2015 Advisory Committee on .
Another Pneumonia Vaccine for Seniors: Whats the evidence on Prevnar13?
In September 2014, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a new guideline1 recommending the administration of Prevnar13, a type of pneumonia vaccines, to adults 65 years and older. This is to be given in addition to Pneumovax23, .
George Michael Cancels Tour Dates
George Michael has canceled the remaining dates for his European tour after being hospitalized in Vienna with severe pneumonia, the BBC News Web site reported.. Singer George Michael has cancelled remaining dates for his European tour after being hospitalized in Vienna with severe pneumonia.
1914: Lillian Nordica Succumbs to Pneumonia
. The New York Herald remembers the opera singer Lillian Nordica who passed away in 1914.
Singapores Founder Hospitalized With PNEUMONIA
Lee Kuan Yew, Singapores founding father, has been hospitalized for severe pneumonia, the Prime Ministers Office said.
PNEUMONIA Bacteria Building Resistance; PNEUMONIA BACTERIA
WASHINGTON, Sept. 2 Germs that are among the leading causes of pneumonia throughout the world have developed resistance to the main drugs usually used against them, Federal health authorities reported today.. Disease Control Center says germs that are among leading causes of pneumonia throughout world have developed resistance to main drugs usually used against them; problem has arisen with some strains of bacteria called pneumococci; if drug-resistant bacteria become widespread, they could develop into major health problem; bacteria presently appears limited to South Africa; Dr David Fraser comments; Natl Allergy and Infectious Diseases Inst is sponsoring program to develop vaccine against such bacteria (M)
Firemen Save Pneumonia Victim.
. Roselle (N J) fire depts inhalator saves child of Mr and Mrs H Meyer
VACCINE CONTROLS A PNEUMONIA TYPE; Substance Appears to Give Immunity to Mycoplasma
A promising experimental vaccine has been developed for one important cause of pneumonia.. Natl Allergy Inst and US drug cos develop experimental vaccine against Mycoplasma pneumoniae, cause of primary atypical pneumonia, rept in AMA Journal
Pneumonia Death Rate Reduced
. Rept on death rate among Met Life Ins Co indus policy holders, 3 yrs
​NTU develops antibody to speed up patients recovery.
Patent-pending antibody allows easier tracking of treatment effectiveness. Nanyang Technological University (NTU) scientists have developed an antibody which has the potential to help patients suffering from pneumonia��.
Singapores Lee Kuan Yew Hospitalized for PNEUMONIA
(Bloomberg) -- Lee Kuan Yew, Singapores first elected prime minister, was hospitalized on Feb. 5 for severe pneumonia and remains on mechanical ventilation, according to a statement from the Prime Ministers Office. Lee, 91, is conscious and lightly .
Community-Acquired Pneumonia ��� NEJM
Correspondence from The New England Journal of Medicine ��� Community-Acquired Pneumonia.
JPE taken to Makati Med for pneumonia
MANILA, Philippines - Detained Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile was rushed to the Makati Medical Center (MMC) before dawn yesterday due to high fever and pneumonia, a police doctor said. But Chief Inspector Raymond Santos, chief of the emergency division of .
Rangers’ Hamilton Has Pneumonia
Josh Hamilton, the American League most valuable player, has been hospitalized with pneumonia.
PNEUMONIA May Raise Heart Disease Risk as Much as Smoking
Pneumonia may be as big a risk factor for heart disease as smoking or diabetes, especially in adults older than 65 who are hospitalized, a new study says. Researchers at the University of Ottawa began tracking the link among nearly 1,300 people who .
PNEUMONIA SERUM MARKS AN ADVANCE; Two Strains of the Bacillus Isolated and a Serum Made to Deal with Each.
Remarkable results of experiments carried on at the Rockefeller Institute for the perfecting of a serum for the cure of pneumonia were disclosed yesterday when it was learned that two strains or brother germs of the pneumonia bacillus had been isolated and a separate serum evolved for the treatment of each, with results said to have been strikingly successful in a large percentage of cases.. Experiments with serum at Rockefeller Institute described
Investigators advance a new therapy to use against.
Scientists say theyve completed a successful mouse study of a new antibody designed to spur the recovery of patients suffering from pneumonia and influenza. And theyre now preparing for human studies.
PNEUMONIA May Raise Heart Disease Risk as Much as.
Pneumonia may be as big a risk factor for heart disease as smoking or diabetes, especially in adults older than 65 who are hospitalized, a new study says. Researchers at the University of Ottawa began tracking the link��.
Popular pub operator Chris Taylor dies of pneumonia in.
Popular pub operator Chris Taylor dies of pneumonia in Toronto. Ottawa Citizen More from Ottawa Citizen. Published on: February 18, 2015 Last Updated: February 18, 2015 10:41 PM EST. Chris Taylor, a native of Brockville, was a partner in��.
PNEUMONIA STUDY POINTS TO VACCINE; U.S. Scientists Isolate Agent That Causes a Prevalent Form of the Disease Report on New Research
WASHINGTON, Jan. 22 (AP) --The National Institutes of Health announced today the capture of a mysterious agent that causes a prevalent form of pneumonia.. Natl Health Institutes isolates mysterious Eaton agent as cause of prevalent form of pneumonia, sees eventual vaccine
PNEUMONIA - Adults (Community Acquired)
Pneumonia is a breathing (respiratory) condition in which there is an infection of the lung. This article covers community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). This type of pneumonia is found in persons who have not recently been in the hospital or another health care facility such as a nursing home or rehab facility. Pneumonia that affects persons in health care facilities is called hospital-acquired pneumonia.
Singapores first prime minister hospitalized with pneumonia.
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Singapores first prime minister and the man widely credited with the city states economic success, Lee Kuan Yew, is in hospital with severe pneumonia. His condition has stabilized and he remains��.
Pneumocystis Jiroveci PNEUMONIA
Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia is a fungal infection of the lungs. The disease used to be called Pneumocystis carinii.
DR. AVERY WINS AWARD; Passano $5,000 Is Reward for PNEUMONIA Germ Isolation
. Dr O T Avery gets Passano Foundation award for isolating germ
Study: Viruses cause most cases of childhood pneumonia
Respiratory viruses are much more likely to cause pneumonia in kids than bacterial infections, according to new research published in the Feb. 26 New England Journal of Medicine. The study, Etiology of Pneumonia in the Community (EPIC), was conducted .
Viruses Increasingly Behind Child Pneumonia Cases
The researchers found that 66 percent of pneumonia cases in the more than 2,000 children in the study were caused by viruses alone. Just 8 percent had solely bacterial causes, and 7 percent were known to be caused by both bacteria and viruses. And .
Viruses Increasingly Behind Child Pneumonia Cases.
WEDNESDAY, Feb. 25, 2015 (HealthDay News) -- Young children are at increased risk of becoming seriously ill with pneumonia -- but unlike in years past, the cause is usually a respiratory virus, a large U.S. study finds. The researchers found��.
This 4-Year-Old Girl Died of PNEUMONIA, but Her Familys.
A 4-year-old girl gravely injured in a Palestinian rock attack two years ago died Tuesday of complications from pneumonia. Adele Biton had been struggling with a traumatic brain injury following a 2013 stone-throwing attack��.
Muhammad Ali Hospitalized With PNEUMONIA - CBS New York
(CBSNewYork/AP) ��� Boxing great Muhammad Ali was hospitalized with a mild case of pneumonia that was caught early and should result in a short hospital stay, an Ali spokesman said Saturday night. The three-time world��.
Muhammad Ali Hospitalized With Mild Case of Pneumonia.
Boxing legend Muhammad Ali was admitted to an unnamed hospital Saturday morning with a mild case of pneumonia, his spokesman said in a statement..
Antibiotic treatment for the prevention of Pneumocystis.
Pneumocystis jiroveci is a fungus causing pneumonia mainly among patients with an impaired immune system, such as those infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), cancer patients, following organ��.
Pneumonia - Weakened Immune System
Pneumonia is a lung infection. It can be caused by many different germs, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This article discusses pneumonia that occurs in a person who has a hard time fighting off infection because of problems with the immune system. This type of disease is called pneumonia in an immunocompromised host. Related conditions include: Hospital-acquired pneumonia Pneumocystis jirovecii (previously called Pneumocystis carinii) pneumonia Pneumonia - cytomegalovirus Pneumonia Viral pneumonia Walking pneumonia
Distorted Treatment Effects for Steroids for PNEUMONIA
This is the second ���steroids for pneumonia��� trial published in the last few weeks. The last trial, enrolling 785 patients with community-acquired pneumonia, showed a small ��� but potentially relevant ��� reduction in inpatient��.
MYSTERY AILMENT FOUND WIDESPREAD; Mild Form of PNEUMONIA Held Highly Communicable but Almost Never Fatal
ATLANTIC CITY, May 2.--A mysterious form of pneumonia resembling psittacosis has broken out on both coasts of the United States in the last two years, it was reported here today to the Association of American Physicians at its fifty-fourth annual convention in the Hotel Chalfonte-Haddon Hall.. S on mysterious pneumonia form, Amer Physicians Assn
PNEUMONIA DEATHS RISE; Increase of Forty in Week Termed Normal for Season.
Despite an increase of forty in pneumonia deaths, the general death rate for the week ending last Saturday declined to 10.4 per 1,000 population, as compared with 11.2 for the previous week, Dr. John L. Rice. Health Commissioner, announced yesterday. The total number of deaths was 1,463, as against 1,586.. deaths increase for week, N Y C
Some Good News on Pneumonia
. New vaccine recommendations should bolster protection against pneumonia, which sickens three million to four million American adults a year. Hospitals also appear to be doing a better job in treating patients.
Study points respiratory viruses as the most common cause of childhood.
Respiratory viruses, not bacterial infections, are the most commonly detected causes of community-acquired pneumonia in children, according to new research released Feb. 26 in the New England Journal of Medicine. The multicenter Etiology of Pneumonia .
Doctors accused of malpractice in pneumonia death
BECKLEY ��� The estate administrator of a Raleigh County woman is suing two doctors and a hospital alleging they are responsible for the death of a patient by discharging her with a life-threatening case of pneumonia. Raleigh General Hospital. Andrea.
Any Benefit to Adjunct Prednisone Therapy in Community.
Background: Respiratory tract infections and pneumonia are the 3rd leading cause of death worldwide. Although morbidity and mortality has improved slightly with the advent of antibiotics, there is still a significant long-term��.
Seniors Need 2 Pneumonia Vaccines, CDC Advisory Panel.
TUESDAY, Feb. 3, 2015 (HealthDay News) -- Adults 65 and older need two vaccines to better protect them from bacterial infection in the blood (called sepsis), meningitis and pneumonia, according to a revised vaccination schedule from the��.
Man charged in Conway officers death died of pneumonia
CONWAY, Ark. (AP) - Authorities say pneumonia resulting from mixed drug intoxication killed a man charged in the 2013 traffic death of a Conway police officer. The Log Cabin Democrat ( ) reports that Barry Stricklands death.
Mandela Released From Hospital
Nelson Mandela, the 94-year-old former president of South Africa, was released from a hospital in Johannesburg after treatment for pneumonia.. Former South African Pres Nelson Mandela is discharged from hospital after nine-day stay to receive treatment for pneumonia.
Corticosteroids Reduce Treatment Failure in Severe Pneumonia
Corticosteroids were associated with reduced treatment failure among people with severe community-acquired pneumonia and excessive inflammatory response, a study published in the February 17 issue of JAMA reveals. Antoni Torres, MD, PhD, director, .
In Young Kids, Viral PNEUMONIA Most Common
Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in children was far more likely to be viral than bacterial (73% versus 15%) and to infect children under the age of 5 compared with older children, according to Seema Jain, MD, of the Centers for Disease Control and .
Catching pneumonia before it kills | ISRAEL21c
Two Israeli medical device concepts for easier diagnosis of pneumonia win Grand Challenges grants.