Obama - Obama Appears a Bit Embarrassed When Princeton.

Affordable High-Speed Broadband for All Americans.
Affordable High-Speed Broadband for All Americans.
President Obama Announces Free Community.
President Obama Announces Free Community.
President OBAMA asks America to learn computer.
President OBAMA asks America to learn computer.
Barack Obama Singing Uptown Funk hD - YouTube
Barack Obama Singing Uptown Funk hD - YouTube
President OBAMAs Statement on Keeping the.
President OBAMAs Statement on Keeping the.
President Barack OBAMA on Tweeting and.
President Barack OBAMA on Tweeting and.
President Barack OBAMA on Ferguson and Race.
President Barack OBAMA on Ferguson and Race.
OBAMA: Were building Iron Man - YouTube
OBAMA: Were building Iron Man - YouTube
Announcing The YouTube Interview with President.
Announcing The YouTube Interview with President.
The YouTube Interview with President Obama - YouTube
The YouTube Interview with President Obama - YouTube
President Obama Addresses the Nation on the ISIL.
President Obama Addresses the Nation on the ISIL.
President Barack OBAMA Hasnt Called Kanye.
President Barack OBAMA Hasnt Called Kanye.
President OBAMAs Message at the 2015 GRAMMY.
President OBAMAs Message at the 2015 GRAMMY.
Mean Tweets - President Obama Edition - YouTube
Mean Tweets - President Obama Edition - YouTube
President OBAMAs 2015 State of the Union.
President OBAMAs 2015 State of the Union.
Welcome to Washington, D.C. USA United States of America sign
Welcome to Washington, D.C. USA United States of America sign
OBAMAs Plan: One Nation, Under Government
OBAMAs Plan: One Nation, Under Government
Ryan Janek Wolowski visiting The White House in Washington, D.C. USA United States of America
Ryan Janek Wolowski visiting The White House in Washington, D.C. USA United States of America
Ryan Janek Wolowski visiting The White House in Washington, D.C. USA United States of America
Ryan Janek Wolowski visiting The White House in Washington, D.C. USA United States of America
Ryan Janek Wolowski visiting The White House in Washington, D.C. USA United States of America
Ryan Janek Wolowski visiting The White House in Washington, D.C. USA United States of America
Scary Times Call For a Great President: Paul Krugmans Defense of.
Scary Times Call For a Great President: Paul Krugmans Defense of.
Sony Hacking: President OBAMA Says Company Made Mistake in.
Sony Hacking: President OBAMA Says Company Made Mistake in.
OBAMA, Merkel Discuss New Sanctions Against Russia After Jet Crash.
OBAMA, Merkel Discuss New Sanctions Against Russia After Jet Crash.
OBAMA: Sony Made a Mistake By Pulling The Interview Movie.
OBAMA: Sony Made a Mistake By Pulling The Interview Movie.
MSM: Obama Exec Amnesty Would Be Flipping the Country The Bird.
MSM: Obama Exec Amnesty Would Be Flipping the Country The Bird.
The Age of OBAMA: Timelapse of President Barack OBAMA over four.
The Age of OBAMA: Timelapse of President Barack OBAMA over four.
The Age of Obama: Timelapse of President Barack Obama over four.
The Age of Obama: Timelapse of President Barack Obama over four.
OBAMA Offers Foreign Policy Vision at West Point - NBC News.
OBAMA Offers Foreign Policy Vision at West Point - NBC News.
White House Science Fair (201503230022HQ)
White House Science Fair (201503230022HQ)
Barack OBAMA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Barack OBAMA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
President Barack OBAMA | whitehouse.gov
President Barack OBAMA | whitehouse.gov
Imperial Liquor in NW Washington, D.C. store hours
Imperial Liquor in NW Washington, D.C. store hours
White House Science Fair (201503230023HQ)
White House Science Fair (201503230023HQ)
Obama perde para presidentes da ficção, diz pesquisa.   http://glo.bo/1EKt02u 
Obama perde para presidentes da ficção, diz pesquisa. http://glo.bo/1EKt02u 
Anti-war activists protest in Washington, D.C. USA in front of The White House against US involvement in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Palestine
Anti-war activists protest in Washington, D.C. USA in front of The White House against US involvement in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Palestine
The White House in Washington, D.C. USA United States of America
The White House in Washington, D.C. USA United States of America
The Yeshiva World Astonishing Comments About Israel Made By Obama.
The Yeshiva World Astonishing Comments About Israel Made By Obama.
Obama is deprived of the acquisition of smart phone
Obama is deprived of the acquisition of smart phone
White House Science Fair (201503230024HQ)
White House Science Fair (201503230024HQ)
President OBAMA Addresses the 2015 SelectUSA Investment Summit
President OBAMA Addresses the 2015 SelectUSA Investment Summit
Welcome to Washington, D.C. USA United States of America sign
Welcome to Washington, D.C. USA United States of America sign
Obama: Ineffectually Challenged
Obama: Ineffectually Challenged

In His Own Words

Thursday night at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, as transcribed by CQ Transcriptions. A full transcript: nytimes.com/politics. We meet at one of those defining moments, a moment when our nation is at war, our economy is in turmoil, and the American promise has been threatened once more.. Excerpt from Sen Barack Obamas speech accepting Democratic Partys presidential nomination (S)

Obama Chief Of Staff: Israels 50-Year Occupation Must End

An occupation that has lasted for almost 50 years must end, and the Palestinian people must have the right to live in and govern themselves in their own sovereign state, Denis McDonough, President Obamas chief of staff, said Monday at the annual .

Poll: Most Americans Are Over OBAMAs Policies, Want Change

Most Americans want the next president to change President Obamas policies, according to a new poll. Fifty-seven percent of those polled said their ideal candidate ���would change most of the policies of the Obama administration,��� while 41 percent said.

Obama, Wowed by Young Scientists, Announces New STEM Pledges

The small Lego machine inside the White House whirred, and in a moment it was turning the pages of a story book. One page flipped, then another, ever faster as President Barack Obama marveled at its efficiency. The contraptions eventual aim would be.

OBAMA: By Hook or Crook, Ill Expand Government | The.

President Barack Obama says hes going to push the limits on presidential power as far as he can go during the last two years of his tenure. ���Where [elected Republicans in Congress] are not willing to work with us, we will do��.

U.S. Allies, Lured by Chinas Bank

In significant ways, the flocking of Western nations to a potential World Bank rival is a problem of Americas own making.. Editorial criticizes Obama administration for its role in pushing China to create Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, potential rival to World Bank, by denying China significant role in World Bank; contends administrations actions have led to embarrassing and dangerous situation in which allies have flocked to invest in Chinese bank, making future regulation difficult.

In Their Own Words

Tuesday night in St. Paul, as transcribed by The New York Times. A full transcript: nytimes.com/politics.

Obama Orders Cuts in Federal Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The executive order represents the latest use of presidential power to address climate change as Congress resists passing legislation.. Pres Obama signs executive order committing federal agencies to reduce their emissions by average of 40 percent over decade and increase use of electricity from renewable sources by 30 percent; move is effort to set example for private companies and to hold to climate agreement with China, as well as part of Obamas expanding use of presidential authority to bypass Republican-controlled Congress.

Obama Appears a Bit Embarrassed When Princeton.

President Barack Obama hit the bleachers Saturday for an NCAA womens basketball tournament game in College Park, Maryland, to cheer on his niece Leslie Robinson, who plays for Princeton. But reportedly after offering a��.

OBAMA Ignores Himself On Global Warming | The Daily Caller

President Obama may have just purchased a beachfront home in Hawaii. But isnt he worried about sea level rise from global warming?

President Obama Speaks with VICE News | VICE News

VICE founder Shane Smith interviews President Barack Obama, discussing a host of issues important to Americans, from foreign policy and marijuana legalization to global warming and political gridlock.

Captain Obama and the Great White Whale - The American.

President Obama perseveres, convinced that everyone will thank him when the Great White Whale of Middle East policy���a lasting nuclear deal with Iran���is finally harpooned. But as the endgame draws nigh, a unified��.

EXCLUSIVE: Woman held in psych ward over Obama Twitter claim

A Long Island womans insistence that President Obama follows her on Twitter made doctors at the Harlem Hospital psych ward think she was delusional and suffering from bipolar disorder ��� but she was actually telling the truth, a lawsuit charges.

Betting on His Troops

Barack Obama begins most every campaign stop in Iowa by introducing his local organizers who have the task of building a network of supporters across the state.

Inaugural Address by President Barack Obama | The White.

Each time we gather to inaugurate a President we bear witness to the enduring strength of our Constitution. We affirm the promise of our democracy. We recall that what binds this nation together is not the colors of our skin or��.

Obama, Barack

News about Barack Obama, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times.

Frank Marshall Davis: Obamas Communist mentor?

Megyn Kelly: A lot of liberals dont believe in American exceptionalism, but that doesnt mean they dont love America. Rudolph Giuliani: Well, that I dont feel it. I dont feel it. I dont feel this love of America. I think this man (Obama) was.

Could Ted Cruz pull a Barack OBAMA?

The similarities may well stop there for Obama and Cruz, who at 44 is just one year younger than Obama when he launched his improbable presidential bid eight years ago. But the success of Obama -- at the ballot box, at least, in 2008 and 2012 -- is.

More U.S. Troops Seen Staying in Afghanistan

Signs that the Taliban is divided over whether to engage in talks and a resilient Qaeda presence have upended plans to drop the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan.. Obama administration is close to deciding to keep more troops in Afghanistan in 2016 than it had originally planned; drawdown plans are upset by continued strong Qaeda presence and indications that Taliban is divided on talks with United States; just under 10,000 troops remain in country.

367 Traitors: Majority of US House signs letter to Obama warning of opposition.

For liberals, opposition to Republicans is as much about defending President Barack Obamas honor as it is in opposing the GOPs policies. The lefts antipathy toward the GOP is shared by many in the political press, which spent the better part of the.

NCAA Cat Barber: What the Fucks Wrong with Barack.

When President Obama filled out his NCAA March Madness bracket, he picked the Villanova Wildcats to beat the NC State Wolfpack. But NC State won big Saturday night, and in the heat of the moment, one player trashed the��.

In His Own Words

Monday in Independence, Mo.:. Excerpts from Barack Obamas speech in Independence, Mo (M)

OBAMA Reviews Science Education Program

President Obama visited the White House science fair and announced $240 million in contributions to encourage more students to pursue education in science, technology, engineering and math.

Barack Obama Is A Very Successful President | RedState

As you may recall, back in 2008 the best answer Obamas team could come up with for how he was qualified to run the free world was that hed learned a lot about the job he was running for by running for the job. To call it��.

The Significance of President Obamas New Watch

Over the weekend, as he took in the Princeton-Green Bay womens N.C.A.A. basketball game (his niece plays for Princeton), President Obama was sporting a new fashion accessory: a smartwatch ��� reportedly a Fitbit Surge. He had also worn it on St.

Obama On Loretta Lynch: You Dont Hold Attorney General.

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama chastised Senate Republicans on Friday for refusing to confirm his attorney general nominee, saying its inexcusable to hold Loretta Lynch hostage as a bargaining chip for��.

Tune In: The President Addresses the Nation on Immigration.

President Obama will address the nation to lay out the executive actions hes taking to fix our immigration system.

Barack OBAMAs top aide says Israeli occupation must end

McDonough said the Obama administration is well aware of the regional security problems Netanyahu referenced in explaining why he didnt see a two-state solution as an imminent possibility. But he said Obama does not believe that is or could be reason.

New Chief Information Officer

President Obama on Thursday named Vivek Kundra, a youthful, Indian-born computer expert, as the first federal chief information officer. The White House said Mr. Kundra, 34, who for the past year and a half was the chief technology officer for the District of Columbia, would have wide powers to oversee federal technology spending, improve information sharing between agencies, and expand public access to government information.

OBAMA Says Americas Open for Business at Summit

President Obama was self-assured during a quick sales pitch to foreign business leaders Monday, saying he was confident that he could work with Congress to iron out trade deals and a budget plan. ���The things that help businesses grow are not partisan,��� .

Fictional TV presidents more popular than OBAMA: Reuters-Ipsos poll

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Whether its the earnest Josiah Bartlet from The West Wing or the manipulative Frank Underwood in House of Cards, Americans prefer television presidents to their real-life POTUS, President Barack No Drama Obama.

Michelle OBAMA Going to Asia to Push Education

The first lady will leave Wednesday for a five-day trip to Japan and Cambodia to promote Let Girls Learn, an effort to expand access to education for millions of girls in developing countries.. Michelle Obama will travel to Japan and Cambodia to promote Let Girls Learn, international effort to improve girls access to education in third world countries.

Obama Reveals What Helps Him Manage The Stress Of His Job

Its over, Obama said. You know, we had the Gulf oil spill, worst environmental disaster in history. Everybody said, Ah, hes handling this terribly. A year later, nobody was talking about it, and in retrospect, it turns out that we handled that.

OBAMA, Michelle

News about Michelle Obama, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times.

Its just not true: Fox guest calls out Liz Cheneys claim that.

Conservative pundit Liz Cheney asserted over the weekend that President Barack Obama was ���aligning American policy more with Iran that with Israel.��� Speaking to Fox News on Sunday about the presidents relationship with��.

Obama, Republicans mark 5th year of health care law

Five years later, the debate over President Obamas health care law ��� aka Obamacare ��� remains as contentious as ever. Obama and Republican critics are marking Mondays fifth anniversary of the laws passage with very contrasting views of its impact.

The President Proposes to Make Community College Free for

. roughly 9 million students each year. Under President Obamas new proposal, students would be able to earn the first half of a bachelors degree, or earn the technical skills needed in the workforce -- all at no cost to them.

Race, History, a President, a Bridge

The mind imagines the horror at the Edmund Pettus Bridge, but the presidents speech was not only about the past.. Charles M Blow Op-Ed column reflects on Pres Obamas commemoration of 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday in Selma, Ala; argues that Obama struck elegant balance between honoring sacrifices of civil rights era and motivating new generation to take up challenge of racial equality; notes speech comes in wake of significant setbacks, including shootings of unarmed black men and Supreme Courts gutting of Voting Rights Act.

Obama Insulted With an Expletive on Live TV After.

After North Carolina States upset victory Saturday over top-seeded Villanova, Anthony Cat Barber didnt forget that President Obama had picked Villanova to beat N.C. State in his much-ballyhooed bracket predictions.

President Obama Could Unmask Big Political Donors

. Mr. Obama has talked a lot about “dark money” in politics. Now it’s time for him to do something about it.

Obama Chides G.O.P. Over Proposed Program Cuts

In a speech in Cleveland, the president said the Republican budget plan would set back the economic recovery and hurt workers who have not yet been able to profit from it.. Pres Obama, in Cleveland speech, criticizes Republicans recent budget plan, scoring their proposals to cut domestic programs; says GOP plan would hurt nations economic recovery and punish working Americans.

Mandatory Voting? President OBAMA Says It Could Be a.

President Barack Obama on Wednesday suggested that if American voters want to counteract the role of money in politics, it may be worth making vo.

Congresss Duty on Authorizing Force

Senate Republicans have shown little interest in drafting a reasonable authorization for war against ISIS, but the job is squarely within their constitutional mandate.. Editorial faults Senate Republicans for failing to draft authorization for war against ISIS that is both acceptable to Pres Obama and Democrats and that protects American forces from prolonged ground conflict; contends that by focusing their energies on thwarting Obama at every turn, Republicans are ignoring matter of dire importance and jeopardizing security of United States.

OBAMA is enraged - by Netanyahu quoting Kerry

Instead of rejoicing at his secretary of states powers of clairvoyance and prophecy, President Obama became enraged: We take him [Netanyahu] at his word that it wouldnt happen during his prime ministership, and so thats why weve got to evaluate.

OBAMA at Selma

Harold Skulsky, a reader, writes that the president never spoke more beautifully or profoundly.

Obama to slow US drawdown in Afghanistan, keep open bases amid security.

President Obama plans to keep most of the 10,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan in the country through 2015 -- and keep open two key airfields -- as part of an effort to slow the U.S. withdrawal and help prop up Afghan forces, sources told Fox News. Eager.

OBAMA May Find It Impossible to Mend Frayed Ties to Netanyahu

Benjamin Netanyahus victory appears to have dashed any hopes President Obama might have had for a way out of his tumultuous and often bitter relationship with the leader.. Contentious relationship between Pres Obama and re-elected Israeli Prime Min Benjamin Netanyahu is not likely to improve, as latest moves by Obama seem to indicate; Obamas criticism of Netanyahus campaign statements has been sharp, asserting that Israeli leaders exclusion of Arab-Israeli citizens defies democratic principles United States shares with Israel.

OBAMA May Find It Impossible to Mend Frayed Ties to Netanyahu

Benjamin Netanyahus victory appears to have dashed any hopes President Obama might have had for a way out of his tumultuous and often bitter relationship with the leader.. Contentious relationship between Pres Obama and re-elected Israeli Prime Min Benjamin Netanyahu is not likely to improve, as latest moves by Obama seem to indicate; Obamas criticism of Netanyahus campaign statements has been sharp, asserting that Israeli leaders exclusion of Arab-Israeli citizens defies democratic principles United States shares with Israel.

Obama Says He Told Netanyahu That Talk Before Election Hurt the Peace Process

President Obama said he told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel that his remarks that there would be no Palestinian state on his watch had stalled efforts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Obama: Ill Advance My Agenda by Hook or by Crook.

During these last two years of his second term in office, President Barack Obama said hes determined to advance his agenda ��� regardless of Republican cooperation ��� by hook or by crook. Obama made the statement as��.

Mean Tweets - President OBAMA Edition - YouTube

From time to time, we give celebrities a chance to read some of the mean things people tweet about them. We extended that same offer to our Commander in Chief, who happily agreed. This is an all President Obama edition��.

Israel: Beware of OBAMA

Against the backdrop of the tsunami of trouble he has unleashed, Obamas pledge to ���reassess��� Americas relationship with Israel cannot be taken lightly. Already paving the way for an Iranian nuke, he is hinting hell also let the other anti-Semites at.

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