B. R. Ambedkar: B. R. Ambedkars 124th birthday: His thoughts on. - IBNLive

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Biography - Baba Saheb Bhimrao Ambedkar History.
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Biography - Baba Saheb Bhimrao Ambedkar History.
Dr BR Ambedkar Open University Eligibility Test 2015
Dr BR Ambedkar Open University Eligibility Test 2015
Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar - Alibagh
Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar - Alibagh
India Rajiv  Gandhi Dr B R Ambedkar
India Rajiv Gandhi Dr B R Ambedkar
Remembering Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar
Remembering Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar
GANDHI WORLD FOUNDATION ART and ACTIVITIES - GANDHI - Father of Nation - MAHATMA For US - We Must Follow Our LEGEND LEADER to protect us against from Violence Ever - Thanks a lot - ANI Artist,India
GANDHI WORLD FOUNDATION ART and ACTIVITIES - GANDHI - Father of Nation - MAHATMA For US - We Must Follow Our LEGEND LEADER to protect us against from Violence Ever - Thanks a lot - ANI Artist,India
GANDHI WORLD FOUNDATION ART and ACTIVITIES - GANDHI - Father of Nation - MAHATMA For US - We Must Follow Our LEGEND LEADER to protect us against from Violence Ever - Thanks a lot - ANI Artist,India
GANDHI WORLD FOUNDATION ART and ACTIVITIES - GANDHI - Father of Nation - MAHATMA For US - We Must Follow Our LEGEND LEADER to protect us against from Violence Ever - Thanks a lot - ANI Artist,India
B.R. Ambedkar
B.R. Ambedkar
GANDHI WORLD FOUNDATION ART and ACTIVITIES - GANDHI - Father of Nation - MAHATMA For US - We Must Follow Our LEGEND LEADER to protect us against from Violence Ever - Thanks a lot - ANI Artist,India
GANDHI WORLD FOUNDATION ART and ACTIVITIES - GANDHI - Father of Nation - MAHATMA For US - We Must Follow Our LEGEND LEADER to protect us against from Violence Ever - Thanks a lot - ANI Artist,India
GANDHI WORLD FOUNDATION ART and ACTIVITIES - GANDHI - Father of Nation - MAHATMA For US - We Must Follow Our LEGEND LEADER to protect us against from Violence Ever - Thanks a lot - ANI Artist,India
GANDHI WORLD FOUNDATION ART and ACTIVITIES - GANDHI - Father of Nation - MAHATMA For US - We Must Follow Our LEGEND LEADER to protect us against from Violence Ever - Thanks a lot - ANI Artist,India
GANDHI WORLD FOUNDATION ART and ACTIVITIES - GANDHI - Father of Nation - MAHATMA For US - We Must Follow Our LEGEND LEADER to protect us against from Violence Ever - Thanks a lot - ANI Artist,India
GANDHI WORLD FOUNDATION ART and ACTIVITIES - GANDHI - Father of Nation - MAHATMA For US - We Must Follow Our LEGEND LEADER to protect us against from Violence Ever - Thanks a lot - ANI Artist,India
Dr.BR Ambedkar Sahib Ji
Dr.BR Ambedkar Sahib Ji
Lets help realise the vision of Ambedkar for Dalits - The Hindu
Lets help realise the vision of Ambedkar for Dalits - The Hindu
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Biography - B. R. Ambedkar Life and Profile
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Biography - B. R. Ambedkar Life and Profile
Breif History Of Dr.B.R Ambedkar.
Breif History Of Dr.B.R Ambedkar.
Ambedkar Jayanti 14 April 2015
Ambedkar Jayanti 14 April 2015
GANDHI WORLD FOUNDATION ART and ACTIVITIES - GANDHI - Father of Nation - MAHATMA For US - We Must Follow Our LEGEND LEADER to protect us against from Violence Ever - Thanks a lot - ANI Artist,India
GANDHI WORLD FOUNDATION ART and ACTIVITIES - GANDHI - Father of Nation - MAHATMA For US - We Must Follow Our LEGEND LEADER to protect us against from Violence Ever - Thanks a lot - ANI Artist,India
GANDHI WORLD FOUNDATION ART and ACTIVITIES - GANDHI - Father of Nation - MAHATMA For US - We Must Follow Our LEGEND LEADER to protect us against from Violence Ever - Thanks a lot - ANI Artist,India
GANDHI WORLD FOUNDATION ART and ACTIVITIES - GANDHI - Father of Nation - MAHATMA For US - We Must Follow Our LEGEND LEADER to protect us against from Violence Ever - Thanks a lot - ANI Artist,India
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Remembrance Day - April 14 | Tut2learn
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Remembrance Day - April 14 | Tut2learn
AUCET 2015 Andhra University Common Entrance Test
AUCET 2015 Andhra University Common Entrance Test
Atheist Centre - Dr. B. R. AMBEDKAR
Atheist Centre - Dr. B. R. AMBEDKAR
Dr BR Ambedkar On Religion
Dr BR Ambedkar On Religion
Dr.BR Ambedkar
Dr.BR Ambedkar
B. R. AMBEDKAR - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
B. R. AMBEDKAR - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved.  B. R. AMBEDKAR. #international womensday #IWD #indiaphotoproject
I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved. B. R. AMBEDKAR. #international womensday #IWD #indiaphotoproject
GANDHI WORLD FOUNDATION ART and ACTIVITIES - GANDHI - Father of Nation - MAHATMA For US - We Must Follow Our LEGEND LEADER to protect us against from Violence Ever - Thanks a lot - ANI Artist,India
GANDHI WORLD FOUNDATION ART and ACTIVITIES - GANDHI - Father of Nation - MAHATMA For US - We Must Follow Our LEGEND LEADER to protect us against from Violence Ever - Thanks a lot - ANI Artist,India
Admission In Dr B R Ambedkar Medical College Bangalore In.
Admission In Dr B R Ambedkar Medical College Bangalore In.
B. R. Ambedkar_0.jpg
B. R. Ambedkar_0.jpg
B.R. Ambedkar
B.R. Ambedkar
B. R. Ambedkar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
B. R. Ambedkar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dr. B R Ambedkar [Rare orignal video] - YouTube
Dr. B R Ambedkar [Rare orignal video] - YouTube
Dr Ambedkars Speech in Parliament - YouTube
Dr Ambedkars Speech in Parliament - YouTube
Dr B.R. Ambedkar speaks on M.K. Gandhi [BBC.
Dr B.R. Ambedkar speaks on M.K. Gandhi [BBC.
Promo - Samvidhaan (Dr. B R Ambedkar) - YouTube
Promo - Samvidhaan (Dr. B R Ambedkar) - YouTube
Dr B R Ambedkar in London School of Economics.
Dr B R Ambedkar in London School of Economics.
Dr.B.R.Ambedkars speech in Parliment - YouTube
Dr.B.R.Ambedkars speech in Parliment - YouTube
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar [Hindi]- Part 1 - YouTube
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar [Hindi]- Part 1 - YouTube
B.R. Ambedkar: The Greatest Indian - YouTube
B.R. Ambedkar: The Greatest Indian - YouTube
31 Dr. Ambedkar excellent speech presenting.
31 Dr. Ambedkar excellent speech presenting.
Remembering Dr BR Ambedkar - YouTube
Remembering Dr BR Ambedkar - YouTube
The World Greatest Man: Dr. B. R. AMBEDKAR - YouTube
The World Greatest Man: Dr. B. R. AMBEDKAR - YouTube
US President Barak Obama on Dr B R Ambedkar.
US President Barak Obama on Dr B R Ambedkar.
Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar Interview-1955 - YouTube
Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar Interview-1955 - YouTube
Arundhati Roy on Dr B R Ambedkar and Mahatma.
Arundhati Roy on Dr B R Ambedkar and Mahatma.
Dr.B.R.Ambedkars speech in marathi - YouTube
Dr.B.R.Ambedkars speech in marathi - YouTube
Columbia University: Dr. B.R Ambedkar - YouTube
Columbia University: Dr. B.R Ambedkar - YouTube

Dalit History Month ��� Remembering Purna Malavath and.

On reaching the peak, Purna and Anand unfurled not just Indias flag, but a picture of our leader Dr. B.R Ambedkar. At a time when Dalit children in India are systematically marginalized, excluded, and deprived of educational��.

Nehru Promises India Public Opinion Poll On Bill to Scrap Centuries-Old Hindu Code

NEW DELHI, India, Dec. 19 -- Indias Parliament voted today to consider a bill offered by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, representative of the Untouchables, to reform the ancient Hindu code on marriage, caste, adoption, inheritance and other human relationships that govern lives of one-sixth of the worlds population.. Parliament to study bill to revise Hindu code; Prime Min Nehru promises pub opinion poll; pub reaction

BUDDHISTS PARLEY EXTOLLED BY NEHRU; He Says International Meeting May Be the Turning Point in Struggle to Attain Peace

SANCHI, India, Nov. 29 -- Inaugurating the international Buddhist cultural conference here, Prince Minister Jawaharlal Nehru declared today that this gathering of thousands of religious leaders and high officials from several Asian nations might mark the turning point in strengthening the forces of peace in the world.. Buddhist revival movement, under Dr Ambedkar leadership, seeks to convert Untouchables to Buddhism as solution to their plight

The Greatness of Mahatma Jotiba Phule | Dr B R.

Filed under Dalit History, Dr B R Ambedkar, Mahatma Jotiba Phule, Today in Dalit History, Today in History. Tagged as Dalit History, Hunter Commission, Life of Mahatma Jotiba Phule, Mahatma Jotiba Phule, Mahatma Jotiba��.

Dalit History Month ��� Remembering Shantabai Krishnaji.

Her teaching efforts became part of her activism as she and her husband joined Dr. B.R. Ambedkars movement. Her memories of the growing Dalit resistance moved her deeply. She drew inspiration from her meeting with��.

B. R. Ambedkars 124th birthday: His thoughts on. - IBNLive

On Dr BR Ambedkars 124th birth anniversary, it is fitting if we were to examine his vision of modern India based on his writings. His vast output of scholarly works, essays and lectures are fertile ground for discovering the��.

Special programme on Dr BR Ambedkar by DD News

Special programme on Dr B R Ambedkar by DD News. Shame for India: Ambedkar belongings in poor condition. Shame on Indian Governments that all of. Movie on Ramabai Bhimrao Ambedkar - Ramai. This movie is a��.

United Kingdom - Dr BR Ambedkars Caravan

There will be screening of movie on the life of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar on 17th April, book (on Dr. Ambedkar) launch on 18th April. Historical things related to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar will also be displayed at the Wolverhampton��.

When a Fast Fails: Lessons From Gandhi

Even Mohandas K. Gandhi, the architect of the Indian obsession with the hunger strike, did not always succeed in his fasts -- although success was, admittedly, measured by Mr. Gandhis own standards.. There can be no room for selfishness, anger, lack of faith, or impatience in a pure fast, Gandhi said.

Puducherry Pradesh Congress Committee sets up panel to celebrate BR.

PUDUCHERRY: The Puducherry Pradesh Congress Committee has set up a high level committee at the party level to hold functions for a year from April 14 to celebrate the 125th birth anniversary of BR Ambedkar in the Union Territory. PCC President AV .

B. R. Ambedkars tallest statue in Lucknow

Lucknow: After a majestic Ambedkar Memorial, Lucknow will soon get the tallest statue of Dr B. R. Ambedkar. According to Amarnath Prajapati, a well-known sculptor who is making the statue, the total height of the statue (including its pedestal or base.

NEHRU PARTY WINS IN BOMBAY VOTING; Rolls Over Important Foes in Unexpected Show of Power -- Loses Ground Elsewhere

NEW DELHI, India, Jan. 12 -- While losing further ground to the Communists in the state of Travancore-Cochin, Prime Minister Jawaharal Nehrus Congress party showed unexpected strength in Bombay, according to returns, announced today in Indias prolonged first national elections.. Cong party wins in Bombay; Nehru foe Dr Ambedkar and Indian Communist party founder S A Dange defeated; Communists gain in Travancore-Cochin state, other areas

Why B R Ambedkar would have hated modern India | Latest.

BR Ambedkar would have aghast at how caste and religion, still play such an important part in modern India!

INDIA SIDETRACKS HINDU REFORM BILL; Government Pigeonholes Step to Alter Hoary Social Code and Restrictive Customs

NEW DELHI, India, Sept. 26 Apparently bowing to fierce opposition by orthodox Hindus, the Government has sidetracked the famed Hindu Code Bill, which.. Parliament sidetracks bill

Amit Shah asks BJP workers to take BR Ambedkars idea to people

NEW DELHI: With Congress going on an overdrive to celebrate B R Ambedkars birth anniversary, BJP today stepped up its campaign with its president Amit Shah asking workers to hold nationwide events tomorrow and take the Dalit icons idea to people.

At his alma mater, BR Ambedkars name finds no place in list of illustrious.

The ashes of Babasaheb Ambedkar, the Father of the Constitution remains locked inside cupboard 13 along with ���rare books��� from his collection on the ground floor of Siddharth College of Arts, Science and Commerce. These are some of the artefacts in the .

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Biography - B. R. Ambedkar Life and Profile

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar was a scholar, jurist and a revolutionist. He raised his voice against the social evils like untouchablity and caste-restrictions. Find more information on Babasaheb in this brief biography and profile.

Happy Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti | Dr B R Ambedkars.

I wish everyone Happy Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar was born in a caste which was considered the lowest of the low. People used to say that it was a sin to be born in this low caste. They would not offer��.

B. R. Ambedkar Remembered with special Google Doodle.

B. R. Ambedkar, otherwise known as Babasaheb was born on April 1891. Bhimrao Ranji Ambedkar was the man behind the Constitution of India. He was Indias first law minister who campaigned against social stigmas such��.

Ambedkar statue vandalised

A statue of B. R. Ambedkar was allegedly vandalised by some unidentified persons here on Sunday, triggering off protests by members of the Dalit community who blocked traffic on the Phagwara-Hoshiarpur road. The statue of the Dalit icon and father of.

Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal pays tribute to B R Ambedkar

Dr. Ambedkar gave us the best constitution of the world but was it properly implemented? he asked.AAP government is dedicated towards the welfare of the people. It is duty of the AAP government and all of its MLAs to fulfill the dream of Dr. Bhimrao .

BRITAIN CAUTIOUS ON ACCORD IN INDIA; Moslems Decision to Come Into Government Brings Relief, but Problem Is Unsolved

LONDON, Oct. 14--Members of British Government and the India Office today were feeling, as one spokesman put it, superficially very pleased over the Moslem Leagues reported decision to enter the Indian interim Government.. Brit officials reaction described; further disputes over representation of Untouchables feared

Dr Ambedkars idea of India and his legacy | Dr B R.

This is a big achievement for Indians to be able to chose who will govern them. Dr. Ambedkar. Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War in United State remarked that constitution will rule whatever is below it and destroy whatever��.

When a Fast Fails: Lessons From Gandhi

. There can be no room for selfishness, anger, lack of faith, or impatience in a pure fast, Gandhi said.

Markets closed on account of Dr B R Ambedkar Jayanti

Markets closed on account of Dr B R Ambedkar Jayanti. On Wednesday, FMCG and consumer durables shares are likely to be in action amid lower-than-expected consumer price inflation. SI Reporter | Mumbai. April 14, 2015 Last Updated at 08:00 IST.

BR Ambedkar: Google celebrates man who fought for Indias untouchables

Google has celebrated the birth of one of the leading figures in the Indian freedom movement with a special doodle to commemorate the birthday of Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar. Born in 1891, BR Ambedkar became an Indian jurist, economist and politician who .

Birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar: Embassy closed on 14 April.

Birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar: Embassy closed on 14 April / A K��vets��g z��rva tart. Dr._Bhim_Rao_Ambedkar. Dear visitors! The offices of the Embassy of India will be closed on 14th April due to the celebration of the Birthday of Dr. B.R.��.

3rd April in Dalit History ��� Dr. B. R. Ambedkar delivered a.

3rd April in Dalit History 3rd April, 1955 - Dr. B. R. Ambedkar delivered a speech on Why religion is necessary. Also Check - Few rare pictures of Bahishkrit Bharat.


WASHINGTON, Feb. 4 (AP)-- Senator H. Alexander Smith, Republican of New Jersey, expects to introduce legislation this week to authorize sending about 2,000,000 tons of grain to India. Mr. Smith said yesterday that fourteen Senators and fourteen House members had agreed to become co-sponsors of the bill.. Some Indian leaders propose conf, New Delhi, as part of anti-Communist drive

GANDHI IS EXPECTED TO WIN TRUCE TODAY; Third Day of Fast Brings Plea by Hindus to Britain to Drop Electorates Project. LEADERS VISIT PRISONER Spokesmen of Depressed Class and Castes Hopeful of Settle- ment After Meetings in Jail. MAHATMA WEAK BUT CALM Wife of Nationalist Chief Trans- ferred From Ahmedabad Prison to Be With Him at Poona.

BOMBAY, Sept. 22. -- Some progress was made today in negotiations with Mahatma Gandhi on the third day of his hunger strike. Leaders of the caste Hindus and depressed classes will return tomorrow for what they hope will be a final settlement of the electorate dispute.. Hindu leaders urge Brit to withdraw or suspend separate electorate prevision; Gandhi confers with delegations of both factions; Hindus in Panama go on hunger strike

UNTOUCHABLES SAY INDIA ERRS ON REDS; Deplore Wooing of Chinese Communists--See in It Lag of U.S. Assistance

NEW DELHI, India, Oct. 8--A political party of Indias numerous depressed untouchables has come out with an election platform that sharply criticizes this countrys diplomatic flirtation with Communist China and implies that a closer understanding of the United States.. scored by Scheduled Caste Fed of Indian untouchables

Dalit History Month ��� Remembering Mahatma Jotiba Phule.

Dr.Ambedkar proudly declared that Phule was one his three spiritual mentors. His birthday continues to be a celebration all. Quotations of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. Click on the image to get Quotations of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar��.

Role Of Dr. BR Ambedkar In The Constituent Assembly

To write about Dr. Ambedkars role in the Constituent Assembly is to write about the history of the evolution of free Indias Constitution. Speaking in the Assembly in the closing stages of its deliberations extending three years, Dr. B. Pattabhi.

Dr. Ambedkar Jayanti 2015 Quotes Messages Whatsapp Status Images Wishes.

Dr. B.R.Ambedkar was an Indian Jurist, economist, politician and social reformer. It is a tradition to pay loyalty to Ambedkar Statue at the parliament, New Delhi by President and prime minister, Leaders of outstanding Parties on this day. The Ambedkar.

Ambedkar Jayanti celebrated with fervour in Kolar

Processions and functions marked the 124th birth anniversary of B.R. Ambedkar in Kolar district on Tuesday. Ambedkar statues were garlanded by dignitaries and functionaries of various organisations throughout the district. At the district headquarter.

Indias Untouchables

In a recent speech at Patna, India, Jagadguru Shankaracharya (the spiritual Hindu leader) questioned Indias right to legislate on untouchability. He defended the caste system and demanded that the practice of untouchability be adhered to. Jagadgurus views cannot be taken lightly or ignored; he enjoys high status in the Hindu religion.. lr charges Jagadguru, other Hindu leaders with bigotry for supporting caste system and untouchability; urges Govt prosecute Jagadguru

GANDHI GROWS WEAK; TRUCE THOUGHT NEAR; Hindus Speed Negotiations in Hope of Saving Mahatma From Death by Fasting. HE SEES NO NEED OF HASTE Bids Government Take Time to Reach Sound Accord, Saying He Can Stand Long Strain. GANDHI IS WEAKER; TRUCE SEEN AS NEAR

BOMBAY, Sept. 21 -- Strong hopes prevailed here tonight that the caste Hindus and untouchables would settle their political differences, thus enabling Mahatma Gandhi to abandon his fast unto the death.. Ambedkars demands presented to Gandhi; accord believed near

ANTI-CASTE FIGHT GROWING IN INDIA; Conversion of Untouchables to Buddhism Raises Issue, of New Social Status As Old as Hinduism Political Move Seen

NEW DELHI, India, Oct. 20 --The mass conversion of 200,000 low-caste Hindus to Buddhism in Nagpur last week has raised the question of the social status of the new converts and the Governments attitude to such conversions.. comment on conversion, caste system, Ambedkar role

Congress to celebrate B.R.Ambedkars 125th birth. - India

New Delhi, April 13 The Congress will start year-long celebration of B.R. Ambedkars 125th birth anniversary from his birth place Mhow in what is now Madhya Pradesh on Tuesday. The decision was taken by a ���celebration��.

TWO INDIANS NAMED TO THE WAR CABINET; Reorganization Also Gives Natives Big Majority on Viceroys Council ONE IS DEFENSE MINISTER But He Is Under Authority of Wavell -- Outcaste Leader Gets Labor Portfolio

LONDON, July 3 -- A reorganization of the Government of India, giving the Indians a large majority on the Viceroys council with an Indian as Minister of Defense on the council, and appointing two Indians to positions in the War Cabinet equal in all respects to the representation of the dominions was announced tonight.. Govt reorganized to give Indians majority on viceroys council; Sir F K Noon apptd Defence Min; por; Sir R Mudaliar and Maharajah of Nawanagar apptd to War Cabinet; Dr B R Ambedkar, untouchable, gets labor portfolio; Sir E Benthall apptd to war transport post; Gen Sir A P Wavell retains sup mil command

Storm of Protest Forces Nehru to Refer Press Curb Amendment to Committee

NEW DELHI, India, May 15 (UP)--Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru gave in today to a mounting storm of criticism against his proposal to curb the power of the press and referred the measure to a special committee of Parliament.. country-wide opposition forces Nehru to refer proposed Const amendment to curb press and speech freedoms to Parliament com

Party Group Planned

. Bombay Govt outlaws Communist Red Guards and Untouchables Samata Sainik Dal

Declare bday of Ambedkar public holiday

NEW DELHI: The Aam Aadmi Party MLAs from the 12 reserved assembly (Scheduled Caste) constituencies of Delhi have put forth a demand before chief minister Arvind Kejriwal that the birth anniversary of Dr B R Ambedkar on April 14 be declared a .

RSS, Congress fight to topple BR Ambedkars reformist agenda yet again

Whats happening to the legacy of Dr B R Ambedkar at the hands of the RSS/BJP and the Congress on the occasion of his 125th birth anniversary is perhaps the biggest travesty of social and political history of India. The man, an intellectual giant and.

WAVELL TO SOUND ALL INDIAS VIEWS; Viceroy to Meet Dissenting Factions in Series of Talks From April 1 to 12

NEW DELHI, India, March 18-- Initial discussions between the Viceroy, Viscount Wavell, and Indian political leaders from the provinces and the Princes states, to deal with issues relating to an interim popular government and Indias ultimate political status will begin April 1 and last until April 12.. Ambedkar statement on Attlee s says untouchables will not tolerate partiality to majority in form of Cong party which is inimical to Untouchables interests, and will look for protection in qrs other than Brit

Google Honored Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar with Google.

Since long, Dalits from all over the world have been demanding this and this year Google has listened and came up with the following Google Doodle on Dr. Ambedkar. To view. Quotations of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. Click on the��.

In new light: Now, RSS says BR Ambedkar supported Ghar Wapsi

NEW DELHI: The world may know BR Ambedkar as a Dalit leader and a visionary who headed the committee that wrote the Indian Constitution but the RSS has decided to bring out what it calls lesser known facets about him. On Ambedkars 125th birth .

Everyone wants a piece of Ambedkar Jayanti: BJP to hold big bash, Cong wants.

The Bharatiya Janata Party has decided to celebrate the 125th birth anniversary of BR Ambedkar on 14 April in a big way. The decision becomes significant as UP goes to the polls in two years and it would be BJPs way to challenge the BSP, which.

Demand for an Indian Cabinet Is Serious Problem for Viceroy; Wavell Is Believed Anxious to Present the Program to Moslem League Before Its Meeting in Bombay Today

NEW DELHI, India, July 26-- Completion of the elections to Indias Constitution-making body has revived the question of an interim popular Government as a pressing issue confronting the Viceroy, Field Marshal Viscount Wavell.. importance of Interim Govt formation problem discussed; Wavell seen trying to evolve formula before Moslem League council meeting; Dr Ambedkar cited as holding vital vote in Constituent Assembly Bengal-Assem prov grouping

Its Caste That Counts; INDIAS EX-UNTOUCHABLES. By Harold R. Isaacs. 188 pp. New York: The John Day Company. $4.50.

THE vast majority of Indias 65,-million pariahs remain as Untouchable as they ever were, though Untouchability was legally abolished by the Indian Constitution 14 years ago.. H R Isaacs book on ex-Untouchables revd

Now, Congress plans Ambedkar birthday bash to woo Dalits

Desperate to regain its traditional Scheduled Caste vote bank across the country, the Congress has decided to hold year-long celebrations to mark the 125th birth anniversary of Dalit icon Dr. B.R. Ambedkar starting April 14. Sources said Congress chief.



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