Asia S Next Top Model - Millenniums of Asia, Packed Into a Week

Asias Next Top Model Cycle 3 - Top 14.
Asias Next Top Model Cycle 3 - Top 14.
Asias Next Top Model- Finale Runway - YouTube
Asias Next Top Model- Finale Runway - YouTube
Asias Next Top Model Cycle 3 Full Episode 12.
Asias Next Top Model Cycle 3 Full Episode 12.
Asias Next Top Model Cycle 3 Full Episode 11.
Asias Next Top Model Cycle 3 Full Episode 11.
Asias Next Top Model Cycle 3 Full Episode 1.
Asias Next Top Model Cycle 3 Full Episode 1.
Asias Next Top Model Cycle 3 Full Episode 2.
Asias Next Top Model Cycle 3 Full Episode 2.
Asias Next Top Model Season 3 - YouTube
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Asias Next Top Model Seasons 2 - Episode 1.
Asias Next Top Model Seasons 2 - Episode 1.
Asias Next Top Model S3, 11 - YouTube
Asias Next Top Model S3, 11 - YouTube
Asias Next Top Model Cycle 3 Full Episode 3.
Asias Next Top Model Cycle 3 Full Episode 3.
Asias Next Top Model Cycle 3 - Full Episode 12.
Asias Next Top Model Cycle 3 - Full Episode 12.
Asias Next Top Model Cycle 3 Full Episode 10.
Asias Next Top Model Cycle 3 Full Episode 10.
Asias Next Top Model | Cycle 3 Episode 12.
Asias Next Top Model | Cycle 3 Episode 12.
Asias Next Top Model Cycle 3 Full Episode 4.
Asias Next Top Model Cycle 3 Full Episode 4.
Asias Next Top Model Cycle 3 - Team Philippines.
Asias Next Top Model Cycle 3 - Team Philippines.
Asias Next Top Model S3 | Meet The Girls - YouTube
Asias Next Top Model S3 | Meet The Girls - YouTube
Awkward hand shot, I def wouldnt be the queen of Asias Next Top Hand Model #bracelets #friendshipbracelet #hand #naturalnails #pridebracelet
Awkward hand shot, I def wouldnt be the queen of Asias Next Top Hand Model #bracelets #friendshipbracelet #hand #naturalnails #pridebracelet
Behind The Scene CloseUp x AsNTM
Behind The Scene CloseUp x AsNTM
Asias Next Top Model s2 ��� Asias Next Top Model s2Asias Next Top.
Asias Next Top Model s2 ��� Asias Next Top Model s2Asias Next Top.
Congrats Ayu Gani for being crowned Asias Next Top Model!!! #AsNTM3Finale #IndonesiaOnTop 😘👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍👍😘
Congrats Ayu Gani for being crowned Asias Next Top Model!!! #AsNTM3Finale #IndonesiaOnTop 😘👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍👍😘
Georgina Wilson Asias Next Top Model New Host - YouTube
Georgina Wilson Asias Next Top Model New Host - YouTube
Asias Next Top Model Cycle 3 - Top 14 Contestants - YouTube
Asias Next Top Model Cycle 3 - Top 14 Contestants - YouTube
Asias Next Top Model (Kpop dance+girl group photoshoot episode.
Asias Next Top Model (Kpop dance+girl group photoshoot episode.
Tembus 3 Besar Asias Next Top Model, Ini Dia Kate Moss-nya Indonesia
Tembus 3 Besar Asias Next Top Model, Ini Dia Kate Moss-nya Indonesia
Asias Next Top Model S2 Elimination Order (What I Think) - YouTube
Asias Next Top Model S2 Elimination Order (What I Think) - YouTube
Asias Next Top Model Season 3
Asias Next Top Model Season 3
Modelling experience no advantage on Asias Next Top Model.
Modelling experience no advantage on Asias Next Top Model.
Asias Next Top Model Episode 2 ��� Prada Shoot For Harpers Bazaar.
Asias Next Top Model Episode 2 ��� Prada Shoot For Harpers Bazaar.
Congratulations Gani as finalist Asias Next Top Model Session 3. Go Gani!! Semangaaaaaat!! @asntm_3 @ganegani #teamgani #teambahasa #teamindonesia #ganegani #asntm3 #cycle3 #whowillbeontop #gogani #indonesia #final Marker by: @snowmanid again:kissing_hea
Congratulations Gani as finalist Asias Next Top Model Session 3. Go Gani!! Semangaaaaaat!! @asntm_3 @ganegani #teamgani #teambahasa #teamindonesia #ganegani #asntm3 #cycle3 #whowillbeontop #gogani #indonesia #final Marker by: @snowmanid again:kissing_hea
THE M SQUARED : [Recap] Asias Next Top Model Season 3 (2015.
THE M SQUARED : [Recap] Asias Next Top Model Season 3 (2015.
Me and ayu gani, asias next top models from indonesia #antm #singapore #asiasnextopmodels
Me and ayu gani, asias next top models from indonesia #antm #singapore #asiasnextopmodels
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Asias Next Top Model s2 ��� Asias Next Top Model s2Asias Next Top.
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As seen on Asias Next Top Model 3 #singapore #streetphotography #everybodystreet #VSCOcam
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Georgina Wilson to host Asias Next Top Model Cycle 3.
Georgina Wilson to host Asias Next Top Model Cycle 3.
That Was the Year That Was - 1998
That Was the Year That Was - 1998
Congratulations GANI from INDONESIA. Youre The Winner of Asias Next Top Model, Cycle 3.. PROUD OF YOU GANIIII. #AsNTM3 #IndonesianModel #AsNTM #Asian
Congratulations GANI from INDONESIA. Youre The Winner of Asias Next Top Model, Cycle 3.. PROUD OF YOU GANIIII. #AsNTM3 #IndonesianModel #AsNTM #Asian
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Stephanie Retuya: Philippine bet to Asias Next Top Model Cycle 1.
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Must watch! Asias Next Top Model Finale. #GoPhilippines
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Interview with Asias Next Top Model Judge and Resident.
Interview with Asias Next Top Model Judge and Resident.

Gani, Model Indonesia yang Juarai Asia Next Top Model Cycle 3

. Gani akan mendapatkan hadiah berupa kesempatan menjadi model untuk produk TRESemme, kesempatan untuk tampil di sampul serta halaman spread Harpers Bazaar Singapore, kontrak dengan Storm Model Management - perwakilan model bertaraf .

Millenniums of Asia, Packed Into a Week

One Tuesday earlier this month, some of the Metropolitan Museums Asian art galleries had an unusual number of visitors. That day more than 300 people went to the Ancient Near Eastern galleries, and most of them did the same thing when they got there. They took out a sketchbook and pencil and silently began to make drawings of the objects around them. An art class field trip? No, this was a draw-in organized by a New York-based group called Artists Against the War. The galleries they chose were those with work from ancient Mesopotamia, the land that is now Iraq.. Holland Cotter reviews exhibits of Asian art at museums and galleries around New York during annual Asia Week; photos (M)

Second-Guessing The Economic Doctor

ALL over Southeast Asia, people are complaining that a cabal of heartless bureaucrats at an institution many have come to loathe -- the International Monetary Fund -- is worsening their economic misery. Here in Washington, the I.M.F. isnt a lot more popular, but for very different reasons. Almost every night in Thailand, a stream of television commentators chafe at the humiliation of witnessing their countrys leaders negotiate every element of national economic policy -- from interest rates to budget deficits -- with economists who work largely in secrecy out of the I.M.F.s offices off Pennsylvania Avenue here.. International Monetary Fund, typically working in concert with US and other Western nations, has prescribed tough tonic of austerity as cure for one sick economy after another; IMF is under attack on many fronts: in US Congress, by economists, and on the streets of Asia; throughout Asia, people talk about IMF as if it were branch of Clinton Administration; many Asians believe fund is imposing too many conditions, often wrong ones, and providing too little real financial support in Asias moment of need; in US Congress, the call is for far more American instrusiveness in IMF programs, and far smaller American contribution to solving Asia-style crises; many in Congress are calling for shutdown of fund altogether; chart; map; photos (L)

Art, Cars, TVs: If Its Asian, Its Cheaper

ASIAN stocks, bonds and real estate are not all that have been marked down for immediate clearance. From Hyundais humble econoboxes to Honolulus choicest penthouses, merchandise made, owned or offered by Asians is also priced to sell. Just as big-time American corporations and financiers are swooping down on Asian owners desperate to sell their factories or companies, American consumers can practice some vulture investing of their own.. Article on worldwide decline in prices of wide variety of goods and services as result of Asian financial crisis; photos (M)

How U.S. Wooed Asia To Let Cash Flow In

They were serious men, prosperous and pinstriped, and they derided the politics of class warfare as they conducted a job interview with the young Governor from Arkansas. It was steak dinner in a private room of the 21 Club in June 1991, and the top Democratic executives on Wall Street were gathered at a round table to hold one of a series of meetings with Presidential aspirants in what an organizer called an elegant cattle show. They were questioning a man with a meager salary but a silver tongue, and this was another show in which Gov. Bill Clinton charmed his way to a blue ribbon by impressing the executives with his willingness to embrace free trade and free markets.. Second article in series, Global Contagion: A Narrative, on causes and effects of global financial crisis of past 20 months that has toppled some governments and hobbled others; drive by Pres Clinton and Treas Sec Robert Rubin for unrestricted flows of capital and goods, notably in Asia, fostered vulnerabilities that are an underlying cause of crisis that began in Thailand in 1997, rippled through Asia and Russia, and has shaken Brazil and Latin America; in haste they ignored firmly-held economic principle that emerging countries should first establish bank supervision and legal infrastructure before liberalizing capital flows; intrinsic problem is that emerging countries, which have strong vested interest in opening up to foreign capital, see little benefit in building modern banking and legal institutions since, in many cases, top officials and friends have major stake in maintaining financial systems in which what counts above all is political connections; foreign capital, which flooded markets in early and mid-1990s--including $93 billion in 1996 alone into just five countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, South Korea and Thailand--was followed by net outflow of $12 billion in 1997 that caused financial hurricane that would have been harmful to any country; photos; charts; map (L)

[Recap] Asias Next Top Model Season 3 (2015) Episode 9

Gani feels KBs elimination is unfair because Amanda has been in the bottom two for three times, while it is KBs first. Gani and Barbara feels that Amanda is still in the competition because of Alex Perrys support. Monika know��.

ECONOMIC PULSE: The Northwest; Rising Tide of the New Economy Recedes in the Pacific Northwest

When President Bill Clinton came to Seattle 10 years ago as the host of a Pacific Rim economic summit, this city was his stage and his symbol. Looking to the next century, he held Seattle up as a New Economy role model for the rest of the country. After all, coffee, music, apples, wine, software, airplanes, even potential cancer cures, were sailing out of the Puget Sound area -- the most trade-dependent part of the country, with particularly close ties to Asia. Microsoft, the hometown company, was minting fresh millionaires by the month, and the entire region was pulsing with creative energy from technology spinoffs.. Article in occasional series, Economic Pulse, examines Americas Pacific Northwest; for much of 1990s, Puget Sound area economy was growing at twice national rate, and per capita income was 20 percent above national average; now, no place in country has higher unemployment rates than this region; area has been dealt triple blow by staggering Asian economy, worldwide downturn in airline industry and dot-com bust; nobody is predicting quick recovery; details from individual states in region; photo; graphs (L)

Giving Up Those Weapons: After Libya, Who Is Next?

Undoing a weapons program is one of the rarest of decisions for an absolute leader. After South Africas apartheid government was replaced by black majority rule, South Africa astonished the world by disclosing that it had developed six nuclear weapons and then allowing the United Nations nuclear inspections agency, the International Atomic Energy Agency, to disarm it. That decision, in effect, was the result of a naturally occurring regime change.. Military analysis compares Libyas disarmament decision to situations in Iran and North Korea; cites differences in weapons programs; says North Korea and Iran will ultimately be more important test of Bush administrations efforts to roll back such programs through mixture of force and diplomacy, rather than reliance on weak treaties and policing; says while invasion of Iraq may have contributed to Libyan Col Muammar el-Qaddafis decision to disarm, there is no indication of change of heart in North Korea; says Iran has responded to diplomatic pressure (M)

10 of the worlds best dinosaur museums

This top Chinese attraction has 18 complete skeletons among the 200 individuals pulled from the graveyard, and theyre displayed among foot prints, skin fossils and other prehistoric finds. Specimens are renowned in the dinosaur community and attract .

Asias Next Top Model: PHLs runner-up curse continues

The Philippines runner-up curse in Asias Next Top Model continues with Monika Sta. Maria being proclaimed as the seasons second best.

A Financial Capital? Yes. A Model Economy? No.

MAYBE it isnt the economy, after all. While voters economic insecurities propelled Bill Clinton to the White House, New York Citys economic prospects hardly seem a factor in the mayoral contest. Just two weeks before the election, the campaign is mired in quarrels about pressing matters ranging from Rudy Guilianis bedside manner to Ruth Messingers ambivalence toward porn parlors.. New York City has lost its competitive edge in national economy, and few experts see much chance that city can reclaim it; New York seemingly has neither financial resources nor political will to make radical changes needed to attract sorts of businesses that fled to suburbs and Sun Belt; New York continues to dominate a variety of high-paying, high-profile service industries; drawbacks and bright spots of citys economy detailed; graphs; charts; photos (L)

Monika Sta Maria makes top 3 of Asias Next Top Model

MANILA, Philippines ��� Monika Sta Maria, the last representative of the Philippines to Asias Next Top Model has made it the shows final 3 in the competitions final stages. (PH bet Monika Sta Maria on Asias Next Top Model��.

Asias Next Top Model Season 3 Finale ��� Live Blog.

. finest restaurant Ku De Ta with the judges, Georgina, Alex and Joey. The judges give them an opportunity to talk about their career aspirations in the industry and give them the motivation to be Asias Next Top Model��.

Monika Sta Maria reaches top 3 in Asias Next Top Model

Monika Sta Maria, the last representative of the Philippines to Asias Next Top Model has made it the shows final 3 in the competitions final stages. Monika was called second by model-TV host Georgina Wilson in the June 10 episode after Gani of.

Monika Sta Maria reaches top 3 in Asias Next Top Model

Monika Sta Maria, the last representative of the Philippines to Asias Next Top Model has made it the shows final 3 in the competitions final stages. Monika was called second by model-TV host Georgina Wilson in the June 10��.

Asias Next Top Model Cycle 3 | Beach House Pictures

13 x 1 HR HD Produced for Starworld. Hosted by Philippine model and TV personality Georgina Wilson, Asias Next Top Model returns to give a number of women from across the Asia-Pacific region a chance to win the title and to jumpstart��.

Filipina still in the running to be Asias Next Top Model

. Conditioner, and Serum, which binds up to 88% of split ends���helps the models in effortlessly maintaining their gorgeous locks and achieving beautiful hairstyles on and off the runway. The third season of Asias Next Top Model air 9:30 p.m. every.

Kia, Hyundai Surpass Japanese Brands in Initial Quality

In the Asia-Pacific, Kias Kwangju Plant 1 in South Korea won gold, with a 17 pp 100 score for the Soul model. After the Rosslyn, South Africa, plant, BMWs Dingolfing No.1 plant in Germany was the next-best in the Europe and Africa region, with 21.

Ayu Gani menangi Asias Next Top Model - Rappler

JAKARTA, Indonesia (UPDATED) ��� Ayu Lestari Putri Gani, atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai Ayu Gani, dari Solo menjadi pemenang Asias Next Top model masa tayang ketiga sekaligus mencatatkan sejarah sebagai model��.

Warmer, Wetter, Sicker: Linking Climate to Health

Scientists have long theorized that climatic changes related to global warming could unleash outbreaks of diseases like malaria, dengue fever, cholera and heat stroke. But with the modest amount of warming experienced so far, they have been unable to produce much hard evidence. Now the experts have a research gift from an unlikely benefactor: El Nino. Combined with an underlying global warming trend, say scientists who track such things, El Nino will probably make 1998 the warmest year in several centuries. And the heavy rains, droughts and other extreme weather fostered by El Nino over the last year are precisely what many scientists expect will also result from a predicted warming of the globe in the decades ahead.. El Nino weather phenomenon, which may make 1998 warmest year in several centuries, is giving scientists opportunity to test longstanding theories that climate changes related to global warming could unleash new outbreaks of disease; scientists are pulling together data about outbreaks of weather-related illnesses and deaths in recent months in Africa, Far East, Latin America and US in belief that 1997 and 1998 may provide taste of things to come; are also focusing more closely on health impact of extreme weather events quite apart from El Nino, especially in US, where they have found statistically significant association between warm, wet winter and outbreaks of waterborne diseases; map (M)

In Golf, South Koreans Find a New Model for Success

Led by Inbee Park, the L.P.G.A. Player of the Year, South Koreans have 108 L.P.G.A. tour victories.. Inbee Park, LPGA player of the year, and her fellow South Koreans have 108 LPGA tour victories; she is also the next model of success for South Korean golfers, a player with not only a great career but also a life.

When the Outside Vaults Over Prison Walls

WHO wants to come with me around the world today? Michael Harrold asked. Hands shot up. The students in the classroom at the Riverhead Correctional Facility, a maximum security prison, are usually not so eager to be picked out. And they knew they really wouldnt be going anywhere.. Long Island Journal column: photojournalist Michael Harrold, through Freedom to Dream program, shares mementos of his international travels as guest lecturer at Riverhead Correctional Facility with 16-to-21-year-old inmates; more than 300 men and handful of women gather at cigar dinner at catering hall in Plainview; photo (M)

Monika Sta Maria makes top 3 of Asias Next Top Model

TOP 3. Monika Sta Maria of the Philippines makes it to the top 3 of Asias Next Top Model. Photo by Rob Reyes/ Rappler. MANILA, Philippines ��� Monika Sta Maria, the last representative of the Philippines to Asias Next Top Model has made it the shows.

Monika could be -

To borrow the spiel of host-judge Georgina Wilson, Monika Sta. Maria is still in the running to be the first Filipina to win the Asias Next Top Model (AsNTM) title, following the remarkable Top 3 placements of Jodilly Pendre,��.

​You go girl! Ayu Gani from Solo makes the top three of Asias Next Top Model

Solo beauty Ayu Gani became the first Indonesian contestant to make it to the final round of the reality TV show Asias Next Top Model, which is now in its third season. The 23-year-old student at Sanata Dharma University in Yogyakarta will face two.

Asias Next Top Model Cycle 3 Episode 12 ��� Harpers.

For tonights episode, the final four girls will try to charm their clients as they go into casting and will prove their worth as cover girls as they pose for their possible Harpers Bazaars cover which will be part of the winners��.

Super-Jumbo Or Super-Dumbo?; 2 Big Aircraft Makers Are at Odds Over Need for a 600-Passenger Jet

The question inevitably arises whenever airline executives gather these days: Does the world need a brand-new passenger jet larger than the 747? Boeing, which makes that venerable 420-seat jumbo jet -- still, after nearly 30 years, the largest commercial plane in the air -- says no. Airbus Industrie, Boeings aggressive European challenger, says yes. It has proposed a new 600-passenger double-decker super-jumbo -- dubbed the A3XX -- that it promises will be faster, quieter, more cost-efficient and able to fly farther than the 747.. Airbus Industrie plans new 600-passenger double-decker superjumbo airliner, dubbed A3XX, which promises to be faster, quieter, more cost-efficient and able to fly farther than Boeing Cos venerable 420-seat, 747 passenger jet; while both plane makers agree that passenger traffic will nearly triple in 20 years, Boeing believes small, longer-range planes will meet needs of most travelers; Airbus counters that few new airports will be built over next two decades and that environmental restrictions will become more stringent, making it necessary for glut of new travelers to fly in larger planes; some skeptics say prolonged Asian economic slump could hamper plans for new airplane; stakes for Boeing are enormous because 747 has no competition and is source of outsized share of Boeings airplane profits; photo of Boeing 747 and A3XX (L)

Asias Next Top Model Cast Update: Georgina Wilsons Emotional Journey as.

Now that ���Asias Next Top Model��� (AsNTM) Season/Cycle 3 is almost over, Georgina Wilson started to recall how tough and amazing it is to be the shows host. Read on for details. Wilson told GMA News that she is thankful to be part of ���AsNTM.��� She is .

Monika Sta. Maria Makes It to Asias Next Top Model.

EPISODE 12 ��� The Cover Girl (Recap). The New Model House: The top 4 are taken to a brand new model house, surrounded by Harpers Bazaar magazine covers, and are surprised with fabulous gifts from Triumph on each��.

C.I.A. DISCOUNTS CHINAS OIL ROLE; Study Asserts Peking Wont Become a Major Force in World Petroleum DOMESTIC NEEDS CITED Nations Exports in 85 Put at Only a Tenth of Current Marketing by OPEC C.I.A. DISCOUNTS CHINAS OIL ROLE

A United States Government study, triggered by Chinas sudden emergence as a major oil producer predicts that Peking is unlikely to become a significant force in world petroleum markets despite rapid current increases in output.. CIA repts China is unlikely to become significant oil exporter, despite 20% growth rate that brought production to 1.6-million bbls in 75; holds domestic Chinese oil consumption will grow rapidly because of slow growth in coal production, agr-mechanization program and inefficient indus planning; says that even under most favorable assumptions, China will be in position to export in 85 only 1/10 of oil now being exported by OPEC; Chinese seek to export as much as 1-million bbls a day by 80, 5 times 75 level, but CIA says goal is not compatible with econ modernization plans (M)

Asias Next Top Model : Cycle 3 ��� Episode 8 Recap | iamrian7

Asias Next Top Model : Cycle 3 ��� Episode 8 Recap. 8 Comments. HeYo!! Sorry this recap was a bit late. You know why. So anyway, lets get to the recap. Here we go!!Everyone werent ready to see Melissa went home.

Economic Revolution: The 10-Day Tour

Secretary of the Treasury Lloyd Bentsen boarded a plane nearly two weeks ago for an inspection of two huge transformations -- the move from Communism to a free market in Russia and the surge from poverty to modernity in the space of a generation by 2 billion people in Asia. His journey, intended to promote American business and economic interests, brought home to the Secretary and his entourage the striking contrast between the tentativeness of the transition in Russia and the ferocity of it in Asia. What follows is a diary of this journey by Thomas L. Friedman, chief economics correspondent of The New York Times, who accompanied the Treasury Secretary.

Morning Agenda: Some Choice Words for Buffett

. Some Choice Words for Buffett | Yellen Sees Stock Prices as ‘Quite High’ | Alexion to Buy Synageva for $8.4 Billion

BHP and Fox International Channels present Asias Next.

March 25, 2015 marks the return of one of the most successful reality shows to hit StarWorld as Asias Next Top Model premieres its third season. Having garnered a solid fan base in its first two seasons, Asias Next Top Model is returning for��.

The Real Asian Miracle; The Worlds Biggest Going-Out-of-Business Sale

It has been less than 10 years since a Japanese company nobody had ever heard of bought Rockefeller Center, but it might as well be 10 centuries. The fear and loathing of the Asian corporate enterprise seems a thing of the distant past. The financial crash that began in Thailand last July 2 and that is still playing itself out across Asia was the final great clarifying event: in a stroke it explained away a great deal of mystery. American businessmen who had wondered how, say, Thailand kept growing by 8 percent a year, or how South Korea supported five large automobile companies, found themselves gazing into the guts of the busted machine..Oh,so thats how it worked! The second of July was the day that the central bank of Thailand gave up trying to support its currency, and the baht collapsed. While currency traders in midtown Manhattan danced little jigs of joy, the Thai central bank disclosed what it had lost in its futile attempt to bolster the baht. In just a few months it had spent $60 billion, $23 billion of it borrowed, which in Thailand is a lot of money. Only in retrospect could anyone understand why they had done such a thing: they were propping up not just a currency but an economy.. Michael Lewis article follows Paul Matthews and Mark Headley as they seek out investments in Asia for Matthews International Capital Management, their mutual fund company; funds investments soured with the regions financial collapse, but the decline in Asian currencies and stock markets and influx of dollars into their funds have put them in position to pick up major investments at bargain prices; also, Headley and Matthews can now use Western business principles in assessing each countrys investment climate and each businesss prospects, something that was not even considered necessary before the crash; photos (L)

Clash of Malaysias Political Titans Threatens a Partys Power

PUTRAJAYA, Malaysia ��� Malaysias governing party is at war with itself, embroiled in a power struggle that is destabilizing the country and threatening the partys nearly six-decade stretch of uninterrupted governance. The battle has revealed itself.

Filipino is first runner-up in Asias Next Top Model

A Filipino contender came that close to winning the top spot in ���Asias Next Top Model��� (AsNTM). Athlete-turned-model Monika Sta. Maria, 23, was named first runner-up in the latest installment of the reality TV shows regional franchise, whose season.

Georgina Wilson denies feud with Joey Mead | The.

Hindi porket Filipina raw si Georgina Wilson, na host ng Asias Next Top Model, ay mas espesyal ang trato niya sa mga Filipina contenders. Aniya, I made sure that I wasnt there as a Filipina host but I was there as a��.

Kesulitan Ayu Gani di Asias Next Top Model

Kesulitan Ayu Gani di Asias Next Top Model. Ayu Gani, finalis Asias Next Top Model Season 3 dari Indonesia berpose saat menghadiri konfrensi press di Jakarta, 11 Juni 2015. Ayu Gani masuk dalam posisi 3 besar dalam ajang pencarian model se-Asia .

Ayu Gani Melenggang ke Tiga Besar Asias Next Top Model

Dan kini ia telah berhasil melenggang ke babak tiga besar bersama 2 model lainnya. Dan momen-momen yang tak akan ia lupakan saat mengikuti ajang modelling ini ialah masuk karantina bersama model-model dari negara Asia lainnya. ���Mereka .

Filipina in Asias Next Top Model top 4

. of Asias Next Top Model on Wednesday. She is the second Filipina to be booted out of the competition, leaving behind Monika Sta. Maria as the lone representative of the Philippines in the top four. Franchesca Denise Lagua left the show last.

PH bet Monika Sta Maria on Asias Next Top Model.

MANILA, Philippines ��� Monika Sta Maria, the countrys remaining representative in Asias Next Top Model, spoke up about the confrontation she had on the show with another candidate, Gani from Indonesia. (READ: Meet the��.

Inside the Worlds Most Profitable Bank

IF money talks, then the local currency here says it all. Four out of every five bills in Hong Kong bear the image of the erector set-style headquarters of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, the most powerful financial presence in this British colony and by far, the most visible and influential bank in Asia.

Tokyo Aide Startles Business By Enforcing Antitrust Laws; Time Has Come

The conservative world of Japanese business may be the last place on earth to look for a revolution. But an insurrection has started here, and it is being led by a very pillar of the governing establishment.. recent antitrust and price-fixing suit brought against Japanese oil indus viewed as major step by Fair Trade Comm and its chmn Toshihide Takahashi in effort to reform Japanese business (S)

Asias Next Top Model : Cycle 3 ��� Episode 6 Recap | iamrian7

Hello!! I know its really late! But, anyway, heres the recap for episode 6. Here we go!! Monika was really sad that Franchesca left. She read the letter that Chesca left for her. Georgina Mail!! It said something about styling.

A New Car for Malaysia, New Influence for Japan

In the early 1980s, the Prime Minister of Malaysia set a goal that most developing nations would never attempt: to build a national car that would put Malaysians on the move and spur the industrialization of a country known mostly for its rubber plantations and tin mines. No one in Malaysia had ever built a car before, and the project nearly died. Then, three years ago, the Malaysian managers were dismissed and the country called in a team of Japanese led by a no-nonsense production engineer from Mitsubishi.

Monika Sta. Maria of the Philippines Loses the Title Asias.

���What we need with Asias Next Top Model is: Who are you? What about you makes us want to know you?��� ��� Joey Mead King on what it takes to be Asias Next Top Model. ���Out of the three, she looks most like a fashion model.

Georgina, aminadong walang K sa Asias Next Top Model!

���M y God! Hindi ako papasa,��� ang tumatawang sey ni Georgina Wilson nang matanong kung sakaling isa siya sa mga contestants ng third season ng Asias Next Top Model, kung saan siya nga ang host. ���I mean its just so difficult. And you know like .

Power of the Yen Winning Asia New Co-Prosperity Is Displacing U.S.

The day that most Americans remember as a day of infamy resonates very differently in Asia. Here, Pearl Harbor is regarded as a sideshow to Japans real ambitions in World War II -- the creation of a Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere, an economic and military empire that stretched from the coal mines of Manchuria to the oilfields of Indonesia. Fifty years later, in radically different form and with very different purposes, the co-prosperity sphere lives on. Over the last decade, while Americas attention was elsewhere, Japan has poured billions of dollars and enormous energy into the region, building car factories and electronics plants here on the edge of the Malaysian jungle, employing thousands in the Thai countryside and erecting giant shopping centers and office towers in Hong Kong and Singapore.

Who Went Under in the Worlds Sea of Cash

Mary Jo Paoni stood contentedly in her front yard, as firmly planted in Middle America as any of the cornstalks out back. I wouldnt invest in Asia, she said, shaking her head decisively. A 59-year-old secretary with big, sparkling eyes, a plaid shirt and no pretensions, she added, Investing in Asia frightens me.. First article in series, Global Contagion: A Narrative, on causes and effects of global financial crisis; crisis has occurred in changing economic landscape, in which pool of international investments has grown to dwarf sums that governments can muster or handle, with money zipping around globe faster than ever before making it more prosperous, but also more wobbly; while it fits neatly into long history of financial manias and panics, there are new elements that make current global economy very different from one of century ago, or even decade ago; in typical day, total amount of money changing hands in worlds foreign exchange markets alone is $1.5 trillion--eight-fold increase since 1986 and almost incomprehensible sum equivalent to total world trade for four months; amount of investment capital has exploded, with institutional investors controlling $20 trillion by 1995; far more wealth than ever before is stateless, circulating wherever owner can find highest return; new technologies have vastly reduced importance of physical distance; investments are increasingly leveraged and public funds are increasingly used to bail out losers; despite their dazzling size and complexity, suspicion has grown that financial system as it has operated since 1990s is basically unstable; many experts say it may not be operating with intelligence that matches its scale, leaving investors worldwide prey to emotions and panics; there no longer is sense that real economy drives financial markets, but that financial markets drive real economy; photos; charts; graph (L)

Monika could be it

Maria is still in the running to be the first Filipina to win the Asias Next Top Model (AsNTM) title, following the remarkable Top 3 placements of Jodilly Pendre, Katarina Rodriguez and Stephanie Retuya in the past two seasons. Whether youre watching.

Vidals car crash gives Sampaoli a dilemma

SANTIAGO: Arturo Vidals drink-driving charge puts Chile coach Jorge Sampaoli in a tricky position at the Copa America. Should he make an example of Vidal and suspend him or should he let justice run its course and leave the Juventus midfielder on the .

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