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Ominous Clouds

The day the Weather Channel went on the air, nearly 20 years ago, it was balmy out, clouds scudding in a high sky, no possibility of rain. Today, looking out my window, I see that is still the case. The weathers still nice. At least theres a breeze. The Weather Channel anchor is right now warning me the weather may change. A front is somewhere not too far away. They say there are five stories in Hollywood. With the weather, there has always been only one. It will get cold, and then it will get warm. Warm, cold, warm, cold. The huge effort the Weather Channel makes to cover this repetitive story -- 840 employees, 15,000 affiliated cable systems, a news budget of several million -- seems justified by its success. It has become a part of the cable landscape with CNN and ESPN. That was not always the case. When the channel started in 1982, people laughed. Even its own employees thought a national 24-hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week weather network was overkill. Wasnt the very point about weather that it was local? And that we watched it only when we needed it? But to everyones surprise, T.W.C. took -- the subscription base ballooned from 2 million to 85 million homes. It turned out there were a lot of avid weather watchers out there. Weve provided heroin for the addicts, Ray Ban, the Weather Channels chief meteorologist, says.. D T Max column on surprise success of 24-hour-a-day Weather Channel; holds we watch channel for reassurance about state of planet; notes Americans increasingly consume meteorological information as they have less need to go outside; notes people are watching channel for far longer than expected, often staying beyond local forecast to learn about weather around world; photo (M)

Robert McFadden Interviewed on Channel NewsAsia.

Since 9/11 theres been a fivefold increase in deaths attributed to terrorism. The Islamic State, Boko Haram, the Taliban and al-Qaida are blamed for most of the 18 thousand killings last year. Eighty per cent of those lives lost��.

Arabic Channel by CNBC

An affiliate of CNBC said today that it would start an Arabic-language channel dedicated to Middle Eastern economic and business news in June. The channel, called CNBC Arabiya, will be based in the Persian Gulf emirate of Dubai and will have bureaus in Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Bahrain.. CNBC affiliate Middle East Business News plans Arabic-language television channel dedicated to Middle Eastern economic and business news; will invest up to $45 million in venture scheduled to begin in June (S)

Centrepoint to undergo S$50m makeover

Channel NewsAsia. Return to Mobile Site · Centrepoint to undergo S$50m makeover · News · TV · Premier · Watch Live · 0 My Playlist. Sign In. Asia Pacific · Singapore · World · Business · Sport · Entertainment · Technology · Health · Lifestyle · Videos .

Channel News Asia clarifies rumours that Lee Kuan Yew.

. not aware that there are rumours circulating online on Feb. 25, 2015, that Lee Kuan Yew has died, said they were shocked to see Channel News Asia come out to clarify that the ex-prime minister has not passed away yet.

Mailbird Among Eight Finalists on Channel News Asias.

The competition is down to just a few finalists in Channel News Asias ���Start Up��� TV show, and Andrea Loubier is one of them. Loubier is the CEO of Mailbird, a tech startup headquartered in Bali, with offices in Bandung,��.

COE premiums close higher across the board

SINGAPORE: Certificate of Entitlement premiums closed higher across the board in the latest bidding exercise on Wednesday (Mar 18). COE for Category A ��� cars which are 1600cc and below with horsepower not exceeding 130 bhp ��� was S$64,700, up from .

MOM launches island-wide inspections targeting crane, lifting operations

Channel NewsAsia. Return to Mobile Site · MOM launches island-wide inspections targeting crane, lifting operations · News · TV · Premier · Watch Live · 0 My Playlist. Sign In. Asia Pacific · Singapore · World · Business · Sport · Entertainment.

Not Coming Soon to a Channel Near You

The new channel Al Jazeera English provides the curious with a window into how the world sees us, or doesn’t.

Thailand Protests Are Captured in Social Media and Onstage

. In Bangkok in recent days, major intersections are choked with demonstrations, diverting the normal flow of business and traffic.

Enhanced place and train programme for PMEs launched

Channel NewsAsia. Return to Mobile Site · Enhanced place and train programme for PMEs launched · News · TV · Premier · Watch Live · 0 My Playlist. Sign In. Asia Pacific · Singapore · World · Business · Sport · Entertainment · Technology · Health.

In Hawking Seafood, He Reeled In a Show

Ben Sargent, an avid urban fisherman who is known among friends to make a “mean chowder,” stars in a new Cooking Channel show about seafood.

Lufthansa pilots start first of two strike days

Channel NewsAsia. Return to Mobile Site · Lufthansa pilots start first of two strike days · News · TV · Premier · Watch Live · 0 My Playlist. Sign In. Asia Pacific · Singapore · World · Business · Sport · Entertainment · Technology · Health · Lifestyle.

My Favorite Show; Daniel Menaker on The Weather Channel

Ive seen the Local Forecast three times now, so Ill just mute it for a minute or two. The 24-hour programming on the Weather Channel has a wonderful narcotic effect. Not only is its focus so narrow as to exclude 98 percent of all human excitements, but weve spent an entire evolution trying to insure our safety from the elements. So what could be more soothing than the contemplation of huge climatic events reduced to a pixeled 19-inch image, rendered in cartoon symbols and schematic maps and narrated by preoccupied weather hosts, as I like to think of them? Its all out there, and Im in here, before my electronic hearth, in my hi-flr, prewar, 24 hr drmn fullsvce cave. The Weather Channel nominally covers the globe -- it drops in briefly on Europe, the Caribbean, even Asia from time to time -- but it mainly concerns the United States, naturally, and the descriptions of Current Conditions always sound to me like a poetry of American names. My top 10 at the moment: Tulare County, San Ysidro, Rapid City, Nogales, Onondaga, Lake Pontchartrain, Mechanicsville, Flint, Helena and East Orange. Theres poetry in the Weather Channels weather argot too: upper-air disturbance, lake-effect snow, monsoon, seasonably cool, warm front, ceiling, cloud cover, high-wind advisory, average lows and, particularly, tornadic cell. All these words try to tame what we cant control -- weather as the objective correlative of fate.. Daniel Menaker article on the poetry he hears while watching the Weather Channel; photo (M)

Exploring Africa to Find Riches in Ratings

“Expedition Africa: Stanley and Livingstone,” an eight-part series starting May 31 on the History Channel, is “Survivor” producer Mark Burnett’s latest foray into the wilderness.

SP Services Customer Service Centre to move next Monday

Channel NewsAsia. Return to Mobile Site · SP Services Customer Service Centre to move next Monday · News · TV · Premier · Watch Live · 0 My Playlist. Sign In. Asia Pacific · Singapore · World · Business · Sport · Entertainment · Technology · Health .

Burmanet �� Channel NewsAsia: Aid for north Myanmar.

MRCS told Channel NewsAsia that it has ���scaled up (its) relief assistance.��� But it has also moved to ensure the safety of volunteers through better security training, telecommunications and making sure volunteers are clearly��.

To fit the stray dogs theory, CHANNEL NEWS ASIA only hears.

To illustrate how story angling works, Channel News Asia (CNA) gave a masterclass with the Bukit Batok rats infestation as the topic of interest. In a news video aired on Dec. 19, 2014, CNA spun the story around the stray��.

Lee Kuan Yews condition has deteriorated further

SINGAPORE: The Republics first Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yews condition has deteriorated further and he remains critically ill in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), according to an update on Wednesday (Mar 18) from the Prime Ministers Office. Mr Lee.

On Channel News Asia: BonAppetour with Annalisa Burgos

Were chuffed to announce that we have been featured on Channel News Asia! Recently, BonAppetour enjoyed a hearty dinner with Annalisa Burgos, TV anchor and food reporter for Channel News Asias morning show FirstLook Asia.

Israels Herzog concedes defeat, congratulates Netanyahu

Channel NewsAsia. Return to Mobile Site · Israels Herzog concedes defeat, congratulates Netanyahu · News · TV · Premier · Watch Live · 0 My Playlist. Sign In. Asia Pacific · Singapore · World · Business · Sport · Entertainment · Technology · Health.

Channel NewsAsia announces strategic partnership with.

Regional broadcaster Channel NewsAsia has partnered KapanLagi Network, Indonesias largest online lifestyle news and entertainment media, in a strategic deal that will see business and media collaborations in many��.

Channel News Asias new series Future Forward: Changing.

Oct. 7th, 2014 ��� Naina Subberwal Batra, CEO of AVPN, featured in Channel News Asias new series Future Forward: Changing PhilanthropyWhen it comes to philanthropy, how can donors make sure they get ���more bang for their buck���?

Suspect arrested in Bukit Batok housebreaking case

Channel NewsAsia. Return to Mobile Site · Suspect arrested in Bukit Batok housebreaking case · News · TV · Premier · Watch Live · 0 My Playlist. Sign In. Asia Pacific · Singapore · World · Business · Sport · Entertainment · Technology · Health.

Channel NewsAsia exports Start-UP to Jakarta as.

Start-UP, a reality TV format created by Singaporean pan-regional news station Channel NewsAsia, is to be exported to neighbouring Indonesia as part of a new partnership between CNA owner MediaCorp and KapanLagi��.

A Bridge to a Love for Democracy

A journey to China 40 years ago was the founding event that helped shape a reporter’s appreciation for the values of America and the West.

The Sun Always Rises on HDTV

A peaceful, plotless program to go with your coffee.

Pakistans minorities ponder future in suicide bombing aftermath

Channel NewsAsia. Return to Mobile Site · Pakistans minorities ponder future in suicide bombing aftermath · News · TV · Premier · Watch Live · 0 My Playlist. Sign In. Asia Pacific · Singapore · World · Business · Sport · Entertainment · Technology.

Channel News Asia draws massive flak for QZ8501.

Channel News Asia posted this on their Facebook page at about 9am on Dec. 29, 2014, one day after AirAsia flight QZ8501 disappeared: QZ8501-CNA-FB. However, it apparently caused confusion ��� due to its snappiness��.

Sir David Attenborough to narrate two-part documentary on.

Sir David Attenborough, the man who anthropomorphises animals, has lent his trademark voice to a two-episode documentary produced by Channel News Asia, the broadcaster revealed on March 2, 2015, after keeping��.

Oh, Grow Up, Mr. Ross

“High School Musical” was just one of his Disney hits. How does Rich Ross do it? With the mind of an 11-year-old.

Channel NewsAsia launches its first feature film ��� Little. - AIB

Regional broadcaster Channel NewsAsia launches its first feature film, Little People Big Dreams. Shot in High Definition, the documentary is the first original production under the banner of Channel NewsAsia Feature Films.

History Channel Cancels Plan For Series on U.S. Companies

Abashed by criticism of their plan to produce a series of television profiles of American corporations with those companies, executives of the History Channel decided yesterday to scuttle the project. The History Channel, one of the fastest-growing new cable channels, had envisioned that the series, The Spirit of Enterprise, would take an inside look at major American companies by using corporate archives and cooperation. The companies would have underwritten production costs and bought advertising time, and each company would have been given editorial control over the content of its profile.

Channel NewsAsia | Nikita Malik

Malik joined Singapore-based international TV news network Channel NewsAsia to discuss the motives that drive the indiscriminate savagery of the ISIS.

Southeast Asian Markets Calmer, but Peril Remains

Stock markets are up, currencies are stable, and bankers no longer live in dread of panicky runs on their branches. Even CNBC Asia, the cable news channel that offers minute-by-minute coverage of the regions malaise, has stopped using its pulse-quickening logo, Asia in Crisis. The Asian crisis has not passed. But 16 months after the devaluation of the Thai baht sent currencies tumbling, capital fleeing, and governments toppling throughout the region, a semblance of calm has returned. From Thailand to Korea, the crisis feels more like a chronic condition. As representatives of the United States and 20 other countries gather here this week for the annual meeting of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, economists and analysts warn, though, that Asias surface stability presents its own set of problems. The United States is pressing Asian countries to undertake wholesale and painful economic reforms. But without the threat of a collapsing currency or dwindling foreign reserves, their governments may lose their resolve. Already, experts say, efforts to overhaul banks and corporations are flagging in Korea, Malaysia, and Indonesia. It would be very dangerous to assume that the crisis is over, said Brian Lippey, the managing director of Tokai Asia Ltd., an investment firm in Hong Kong. There is a big risk of complacency and a return to protectionism. We have seen how quickly things can unravel in Asia. Indeed, over the weekend, Indonesia was struck by a fresh spasm of violence between protesting students and soldiers. And in the streets of this normally staid city, protestors howled against the ouster and imprisonment of Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysias former Deputy Prime Minister. Moreover, the rebound in Asian sentiment masks a continuing deterioration in the underlying economies. Analysts estimate that Indonesias economy will contract by more than 15 percent this year and another 5 percent next year. Malaysias is expected to shrink about 5 percent, both this year and next. And Singapore, one of Asias most resilient performers, announced last week that its economy had slipped into negative territory for the first time since 1986. Its vastly premature to expect a turnaround in the real economies, said C. Fred Bergsten, the director of the Institute for International Economics, a research organization in Washington. The countries in Southeast Asia are in what I would call a depression. It looks to me like theyre continuing to go downhill. Then why have stock markets in Jakarta, Hong Kong, and Tokyo risen anywhere from 10 percent to 60 percent since early October? Two outside factors are responsible: the Federal Reserve Banks decision to lower interest rates and the strengthening of the Japanese yen relative to the dollar. The Feds rate cuts have emboldened Asian banks to cut their rates as well, which has rekindled confidence in places where commercial activity had virtually ground to a halt. The stronger yen has taken the pressure off other Asian currencies, notably Chinas yuan. We returned to a point where, instead of raw panic, people are doing calculations again, said William H. Overholt, director of Asia strategy at the Japanese financial services firm Nomura International in Hong Kong. Theres a return to normalcy, except in Indonesia and Malaysia, where there are some special circumstances. But while lower interest rates and stable currencies can make for a more tranquil atmosphere, cuts in interest rates dont make a difference in an economy where the banks are insolvent, said Simon L. Ogus, head of Asian economics at the investment bank Warburg Dillon Read in Hong Kong. There are big variations between countries, of course. Experts said Thailand and South Korea were on the road to recovery, having already borne much of the pain of the currency collapse. But healthier economies like Hong Kong and Singapore, which did not suffer steep currency devaluations, could take longer to adjust. Indonesia remains in a treacherous downward spiral. Although its currency, the rupiah, has risen from 12,000 rupiah to the dollar to just under 8,000 since last summer, inflation is running at an annual rate of 80 percent and one-fifth of its 92 million workers are unemployed. Analysts said Indonesias economic reforms remained hostage to its political convulsions. Were in a very dire situation on the political front, said Mari Pangetsu, the executive director of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a research group in Jakarta. For almost every single economic reform weve tried to do, the process gets politicized. Even in the more stable countries, the restructuring of banks and debt-burdened companies has been stop and go. In Thailand, for example, the Government has moved aggressively to auction off bad loans. But experts there said the Government has been slow to introduce a promised new bankruptcy code. There are intense vested interests fighting against it, said James Stent, a senior executive vice president of Bank of Asia, Thailands 11th-largest bank. Similarly, in South Korea, the Government has been unable to prod its vast conglomerates to close their unprofitable businesses. Malaysia has devised its own solution to the crisis by imposing strict controls on its currency and stock markets. Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad says he is shielding his economy from the vagaries of international capital flows. But critics say Malaysia is following a potentially ruinous policy that could cut it off from the global economy and snuff out its much-needed economic reforms. An even bigger concern among the leaders who will gather at the regional summit meeting is that other countries may follow the example. Although officials in Thailand and Indonesia have said they would not impose capital controls, experts said the specter of several more years of recession could test their resolve. That is why most experts here were relieved that the Federal Reserve cut interest rates, even if they doubt the long-term effect. The Feds action, they said, signaled that the United States finally recognized the depth of Asias problems. Still, it is not clear they can offer much of a remedy. The Treasury Department is drafting a proposal to be presented at the meeting to restructure the huge debts hobbling Asian corporations. But the United States wants Japan, whose banks are the biggest lenders in Asia, to bear much of the cost. Mr. Bergsten, an economist who heads an informal group of advisers to APEC, the regional economic group, said Asian countries should adopt a policy of aggressive fiscal stimulation. If the governments acted in concert, he said, they could revive domestic demand, which would reduce their export dependence on the United States and Europe. Other observers said, though, that itis futile to divorce the future of Asia from the economic vitality of the West. Many analysts say the recovery of Asia hinges on whether foreign investors pour money back into the region. If conditions in the United States and Europe remain normal, Asia will probably be O.K., said Marc Faber, an investment adviser in Hong Kong. But if the U.S. economy weakens, all bets are off. To some extent, then, Asias recovery depends as much on averting a new crisis abroad as confronting the one at home.. Representatives of US and 20 others countries gather in Kuala Lumpur for annual meeting of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum; economists and analysts say Asian crisis has not passed; say Asias surface stability presents its own set of problems; US is pressing Asian countries to undertake painful economic reforms, but without threat of collapsing currency or dwindling foreign reserves, governments may lose their resolve (M)

Thailand on alert after blast outside Bangkok courthouse.

Details: Created on Monday, 09 March 2015 05:55: Published Date: Written by Channel News Asia: Category: News �� Print �� Email. 0 Comments. Bangkok Blast The Thai capital Bangkok is on alert for possible bomb attacks against some 100��.

In Asia, a Generation Gap With the Rest of the World

Private bankers say their Asian clients are younger and more risk-tolerant than clients in Europe or the United States — and that leads to different conversations.

CHANNEL NEWS ASIA secretly deletes article after Senior.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is Channel News Asias turn to be caught with their pants down after The Straits Times was discovered to have censored Minister Chan Chun Sings quotes on Feb. 26, 2015. This time, CNA took the��.

‘Avatar’ Bolsters News Corp.’s Earnings

Buoyed by “Avatar,” the highest-grossing movie to date, News Corporation’s adjusted second-quarter earnings were 25 cents a share, a nickel above the average expectations of analysts.

Afghanistan: Ah, Freedom

Dozens of members of Parliament walked out to protest against a popular television channel that has been running what the politicians regard as unflattering images of them. Tolo TV has shown lawmakers yawning, napping and picking their noses during debates. I am leaving the session unless Tolo is sent out of Parliament, one lawmaker, Safia Sediqi, above, told Parliament. A short while later she and dozens of colleagues walked out. Saad Mohseni, the manager of Tolo, among a handful of private television channels that have sprung up since the overthrow of the Taliban, said, These are public figures at a public place and we have to show what they do..

ASICS to run Singapores first ever relay-only night marathon

Channel NewsAsia. Return to Mobile Site · ASICS to run Singapores first ever relay-only night marathon · News · TV · Premier · Watch Live · 0 My Playlist. Sign In. Asia Pacific · Singapore · World · Business · Sport · Entertainment · Technology.

2nd Thoughts For News Corp. And WebMD

When it comes to the old medias infatuation with new media, what a difference a year makes. Only a year ago, the News Corporation, like many media companies, was eager to invest in the Internet. So on Dec. 7, 1999, it struck a deal to swap $1 billion of its assets for a 10.8 percent stake in WebMD, a company that was bringing online services to the health care industry.. News Corps $1 billion deal for 10.8 percent stake in WebMD made on Dec 7, 1999 is worth about $133.6 million; WebMD is pressing News Corp to buy out WebMDs half-interest in money-losing Health Channel; though both companies decline to comment, drop in WebMDs stock would appear to be disappointment for both News Corp and for James Murdoch, younger son of its chairman, Rupert Murdoch; James Murdoch is now chief executive of Star TV, News Corps satellite business in Asia; but at time of WebMD deal, he was executive vice president for Internet and new-media activities and credited with bringing Web company to attention of his father and other important company executives; photo (M)

World Business Briefing | Asia: A BBC Channel For Asia

A unit of the British Broadcasting Corporation, BBC Worldwide, said it would begin offering its ad-free BBC Prime entertainment channel of dramas, game shows, documentaries and talk shows to cable and satellite television services in Southeast Asia on Dec. 1. The channel is already available in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, with subscribers typically paying extra to receive it. Wayne Dunsford, the director of channels for BBC Worldwide in Europe, the Middle East, India and Africa, said that a separate BBC Japan would also start service on Dec. 1, and that a channel in India was being explored. The BBC is also looking at opportunities in China, he said. The BBC announced the new offering at a trade show in Hong Kong. Keith Bradsher (NYT). BBC Worldwide, unit of British Broadcasting Corp, will begin offering ad-free BBC Prime entertainment channel to cable and satellite television services in Southeast Asia on Dec 1; separate BBC Japan will also start service on Dec 1; channel in India is being explored (S)/

PAS hudud bill an act of provocation: DAP

Channel NewsAsia. Return to Mobile Site · PAS hudud bill an act of provocation: DAP · News · TV · Premier · Watch Live · 0 My Playlist. Sign In. Asia Pacific · Singapore · World · Business · Sport · Entertainment · Technology · Health · Lifestyle.

Thai lawyers call for investigation of bomb suspects complaints

Holding a witness to alleged military crimes incommunicado for six days is a profoundly disturbing abuse of authority that has become commonplace under martial law, said Brad Adams, the groups Asia director. The ruling junta, known as the National .

Palestinian students design vest to help the blind navigate

Palestinian students from the Polytechnic University in Hebron have created a vest that uses vibration and voice commands to allow the blind and seriously visually impaired to walk unaided. Their Smart Assist System for Blind People (SASB) is designed.

Brenda Song Turns Warrior in Disneys Wendy Wu

Brenda Song celebrates her Asian heritage and employs some martial arts moves in her latest Disney role for Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior.

DreamWorks to Launch Family TV Channel in Asia

DreamWorks Animation SKG said it plans to launch a 24-hour family-oriented television channel in 19 Asian countries during the second half of 2015 as part of its effort to expand television production and distribution.


. Admiral Woods Pashas Truth About Asia Minor

China new home prices continue to fall

Channel NewsAsia. Return to Mobile Site · China new home prices continue to fall · News · TV · Premier · Watch Live · 0 My Playlist. Sign In. Asia Pacific · Singapore · World · Business · Sport · Entertainment · Technology · Health · Lifestyle · Videos.

Channel NewsAsia Interviews Digimind on the.

In the wake of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, General Manager of Digimind Singapore, Stephen Dale, was invited to speak with Channel NewsAsia about viral campaign strategies of charitable organizations and businesses. This was his third��.

Economists cut Singapores growth forecast in MAS survey

Channel NewsAsia. Return to Mobile Site · Economists cut Singapores growth forecast in MAS survey · News · TV · Premier · Watch Live · 0 My Playlist. Sign In. Asia Pacific · Singapore · World · Business · Sport · Entertainment · Technology · Health.

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