Amos Yee: Police report lodged over assault on Amos Yee

Welcome To Amos Yee - YouTube
Welcome To Amos Yee - YouTube
AMOS YEE - Lee Kuan Yew Is Finally Dead! - YouTube
AMOS YEE - Lee Kuan Yew Is Finally Dead! - YouTube
Singaporeans React to Amos Yee - YouTube
Singaporeans React to Amos Yee - YouTube
AMOS YEE FULL VIDEO! Lee Kuan Yew Is Finally.
AMOS YEE FULL VIDEO! Lee Kuan Yew Is Finally.
Homosexuality In Singapore - By Amos Yee - YouTube
Homosexuality In Singapore - By Amos Yee - YouTube
Thoughts On The Little India Riot - YouTube
Thoughts On The Little India Riot - YouTube
Amos Yee Is Finally Arrested! - YouTube
Amos Yee Is Finally Arrested! - YouTube
Lee Kuan Yew is Finally Dead (Response to Amos.
Lee Kuan Yew is Finally Dead (Response to Amos.
Singapore teenager charged over critical Lee Kuan Yew video.
Singapore teenager charged over critical Lee Kuan Yew video.
amos yee
amos yee
Young stars think AMOS YEE lacks gratitude - YouTube
Young stars think AMOS YEE lacks gratitude - YouTube
Propeller Club of Northern California Fall Luncheon
Propeller Club of Northern California Fall Luncheon
A 17-year-old was just arrested by Singapore police for calling.
A 17-year-old was just arrested by Singapore police for calling.
Amos yee dis-respect L.K.Y video - YouTube
Amos yee dis-respect L.K.Y video - YouTube
The Chronology of YouTuber Amos Yee | States Times Review
The Chronology of YouTuber Amos Yee | States Times Review
AMOS YEE (@amosyee) | Twitter
AMOS YEE (@amosyee) | Twitter
Use Of English to Teach Math and Science
Use Of English to Teach Math and Science
Image from page 97 of Atlanta City Directory (1904)
Image from page 97 of Atlanta City Directory (1904)
GPGT] Comparing Ouyang XiangYu and Amos Yee. - www.
GPGT] Comparing Ouyang XiangYu and Amos Yee. - www.
Yee-Haw print for Obama
Yee-Haw print for Obama
YouTuber Amos Yee charged, bail set at S$20,000 - Channel NewsAsia
YouTuber Amos Yee charged, bail set at S$20,000 - Channel NewsAsia
Things we picked up on the road : part 2
Things we picked up on the road : part 2
Mother of Amos Yee, teen arrested for insensitive remarks on.
Mother of Amos Yee, teen arrested for insensitive remarks on.
What you need to know about AMOS YEE before his trial that starts.
What you need to know about AMOS YEE before his trial that starts.
Catch me in @thejianhaotan’s new video! Singaporeans react to Amos Yee ;) (click link on his bio) by naomineo_. Visit her at, as seen on
Catch me in @thejianhaotan’s new video! Singaporeans react to Amos Yee ;) (click link on his bio) by naomineo_. Visit her at, as seen on
Proceed And Be Bold! Rural Studio, Samuel Sambo Mockbee
Proceed And Be Bold! Rural Studio, Samuel Sambo Mockbee
AMOS YEE - Lee Kuan Yew Is Finally Dead! - YouTube
AMOS YEE - Lee Kuan Yew Is Finally Dead! - YouTube
AMOS YEE FULL VIDEO! Lee Kuan Yew Is Finally Dead! Amos Yees full.
AMOS YEE FULL VIDEO! Lee Kuan Yew Is Finally Dead! Amos Yees full.
Amos Yee - YouTube
Amos Yee - YouTube
Yeee \m/  Yee party hereee. #AMOS \m/ 😁😁😁😁 #alakpamooore
Yeee \m/ Yee party hereee. #AMOS \m/ 😁😁😁😁 #alakpamooore
Yee-Haw Press Poster for Obama
Yee-Haw Press Poster for Obama
Homemade cookies.yes.i did make these!
Homemade cookies.yes.i did make these!
The Martyrdom of Young AMOS YEE - RedWire Times Singapore.
The Martyrdom of Young AMOS YEE - RedWire Times Singapore.
#Singapore #Singaporean #Singaporeans  Always thought Amos Yees name is pronounced as A-Mas (Like Xmas), but I heard a newscaster say Ah-Moss (Like how my mom pronounces it).  So which is which?!  Http://  #igsg #sgboy #sggirl #s
#Singapore #Singaporean #Singaporeans Always thought Amos Yees name is pronounced as A-Mas (Like Xmas), but I heard a newscaster say Ah-Moss (Like how my mom pronounces it). So which is which?! Http:// #igsg #sgboy #sggirl #s
Gurmit Singh and Quan Yifeng give their take on the AMOS YEE saga.
Gurmit Singh and Quan Yifeng give their take on the AMOS YEE saga.
AMOS YEE requests jail over probation, Prosecution says no.
AMOS YEE requests jail over probation, Prosecution says no.

Lee should demonstrate leadership in Amos Yee saga | The.

Mr Amos Yees video and his prosecution has grabbed the attention of Singaporeans, evoking strong emotions among many people. Amos remarks must have hurt PM Lee Hsien Loong deeply. After all, Lee Kuan Yew was��.

Best Mothers Day message: Amos Yees mom loves him.

For all their front-facing stoicism when confronted by the media and with headlines like ���Amos Yees mother took him to see a psychiatrist but he stopped after two visits���, youd think Yees parents are at their wits end and have��.

Amos Yee convicted on two charges, acquitted on third | The.

The prosecution also agreed to a reduced bail sum of S$10,000, down from S$30,000; that the restrictions on Amos Yee on posting anything online be removed; and that there would no longer be any daily reporting to the��.

The world according to Amos Yee and the meaning of tolerance

But all this is plainly absurd since we have it on good authority (based on an Amos Yee production) that ���it is, of course, very easy for all Christians to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ��� because they havent read it. No Christian has ever.

Yankees Fall to Fourth; In His Swinging Zone Almost a Yankee Another Chance Pitching Differently Not in the Groove

As difficult as the Yankees try to make baseball, loading it down with egos, psyches, personalities and bank accounts, its basically a simple game.

Goodbye, Neo. Hello, Captain Crowe.

November All dates subject to change. Wednesday THE MATRIX REVOLUTIONS -- As the trailer says, Everything that has a beginning has an end. And this is it for Andy and Larry Wachowskis trilogy about a world in which everything humans think they know is just a computer simulation. Keanu Reeves carries on as Neo, who may or may not be the One to save humanity. Alien ships invade Zion, the city where the last free humans live. Theres something about a train and rogue programs, and if you dont know who the Sentinels are, you could be lost. Laurence Fishburne returns as Morpheus, Hugo Weaving as Agent Smith and Carrie-Anne Moss as Trinity. Mary Alice plays the Oracle, replacing Gloria Foster, who died two years ago of complications from diabetes.. Anita Gates lists and briefly describes movies scheduled for release in November; photos (L)

The Ridiculous Terms Of My Bail | amosyee

Amos Yee Jr. says: Saddened that you would equate freedom of speech with a mental disorder. The arrogance is all of you who feel your opinions because of the collective trumps his, there is a definition for that, its called��.

Today on the Radio

Today on the Radio

Police report lodged over assault on AMOS YEE

Amos Yee was assaulted as he was going to court today. That is quite unacceptable. Amos made some statements which are offensive to Christians. He is being charged for that and for an obscenity related issue. ( I understand that the charge in respect.

Acquit Amos Yee, not over-extend scope of law: defence.

Amos Yee faces two charges ��� for posting a video with the ���deliberate intention of wounding the religious feelings of Christians in general���; and for posting an image which allegedly contravened Singapores laws on obscenity��.

Verdict in blogger Amos Yees trial due Tuesday

After the hearing on Friday, Mr Dodwell said overall, Yee had been very cooperative and that he could not ask for more. He added that he felt a certain level of responsibility and that there was still the issue of how do we manage Amos after this?.

Blogger, 16, Exposes Limits on Free Speech in Singapore

A government crackdown on a teen video blogger and independent news and opinion website has focused attention on free speech limits, and perhaps the next election, in this cosmopolitan but famously strict city-state.

The PAP has Abused the Law to Persecute Amos Yee but.

Over the last one and a half months, 16-year-old Amos Yee was arrested and charged, and has now been held in remand for 17 days in total now. All because he said something about Lee Kuan Yew. You can read more��.

Popular bookstore gets flak for Amos Yee tweet

The bookstore apologised for a post on Twitter where it made a comment on the infamous local blogger Amos Yee getting slapped. The store sent out a tweet last week with a picture of Famous Amos cookies saying: ���Sorry you got slapped. Here, have some .

Amos Yee trial: Court decision expected next Tuesday

AFTER a two-hour hearing yesterday before a courtroom filled with onlookers, teenage blogger Amos Yee was told that he would find out his fate next Tuesday. The 16-year-old had pleaded not guilty to uploading an obscene image and intending to hurt the .

CANs statement on the assault on AMOS YEE

Yee was assaulted, in broad daylight, outside the State Court yesterday. It appears no one attempted to stop or pursue the assailant. Photographs of Yee shortly after the attack show that he suffered some bruising to his eye. It is unclear if he was.

Youth counsellor bails out Amos Yee

Three lawyers, Alfred Dodwell, Chong Jia Hao from Dodwell and Co LLC, and Ervin Tan from Michael Hwang Chambers LLC told the court they would be acting for Yee pro bono. Mr Dodwell said a bailor was on the way, but offered no further details.

Amos Yees gag order overboard and unnecessary (Part 2)

A less restrictive bail condition would have sufficed to prevent Amos from posting on certain topics. The gag order is too broad and it is unnecessary. This is part 2 of 3 of a legal commentary on the bail conditions imposed on Amos Yee. In part 1 I.

Both AMOS YEE and man who slapped him entitled to defence in court.

Speaking at the sidelines of a community event on Saturday (May 2), Mr Shanmugam said questions have also been raised as to why someone as young as Amos Yee was charged. But he said Yees age is a factor for the Court to consider. Whether one is .

Police report filed against grassroots leader who threatened Amos Yee online

Mr Lee added, ���I am seriously distressed by Jason Tans statement which bears the intention to harm Amos Yee physical and sexually. I have checked the penal code of Singapore and it seems that Jason Tan have breached the laws and should be liable to .

Much ado over one little AMOS YEE | The Online Citizen

Its been 40 days since Amos Yee was arrested and he has spent some 15 days in remand since then. Following the 2-day trial which ended yesterday, this 16-year-old boy is currently languishing in a Changi Prison cell��.

Latest War Casualties in the Army and Navy

WASHINGTON, May 13--The War and Navy Departments announced today 3,330 and 677 casualties respectively. Also made public were the names of 336 Army personnel liberated from German prison camps. Among the three lists, all based upon prior notification to next of kin, were the following (the name following the casualty is that of the next of kin):.. army and navy lists

AMOS YEEs assailant pleads guilty, asks for leniency | The.

Neo Gim Huah, the man who slapped teenage blogger Amos Yee outside the state courts on 30 April, has pleaded guilty today morning and asked the courts for leniency for sentencing. 49 year-old Neo had walked up to Yee,��.



ONLY MAN IS GAY IN BLEAK GREENLAND; Colorful Life Found in Holstenborg, a Toy Town of the Far North

APPROPRIATELY, our first contact with Greenland was through the medium of an Eskimo with a kayak and no English. That was down the coast some thirty miles south of Holstenborg, as the schooner Morrissey, with our American Museum Expedition, worked north in a bit of a blow on a July morning.. Feature article by Putnam on the expeditions visit to Holstenborg, illus

Vincent Law: No regrets as bailor for AMOS YEE | The Online.

Amos Yee, a 16 year old teenager who is currently the talk of the country after being charged with harassment, and with deliberately wounding religious feelings for uploading a YouTube video about Singapores first prime��.

Mother of Amos Yee: ���I did not file a police report to have my son arrested���

Many in Singapore would been well aware of who Amos Yee is and the charges which he faces for the video that he posted on 27 March after the passing of late Mr Lee Kuan Yew. Some may also be informed earlier by a Straits Times report on 31 March that .

Rap or Rock? For Dorm Mates That Is No Easy Negotiation

IF you loathe the other persons music, its the biggest problem you can have in sharing a room, said Daniel Smith, 19, a junior at Brandeis University in Waltham, Mass., whose first-year roommates were a death-metal fanatic and a student from New Delhi who liked the Cranberries, the Irish pop band. And then there was his Indian music. That caused problems because hed sing it all day, Mr. Smith said. We never talked about it, because its a little politically incorrect to make fun of Hindi music. So we made fun of the Cranberries instead.. Problem of matching up new college roommates discussed by college officials and students; questionnaires used by many schools probe tastes in neatness, noise and, especially, music; photos (M)

Obituary 1 -- No Title

. Death

AMOS YEE from a first person perspective

I wasnt planning on writing about Amos Yee, but Im quite upset by the way the media is painting him���with insinuations that he might fall within the autism spectrum, that he is so psychologically disturbed that he needs psychiatric evaluation, that.

Amos Yee: The boy who criticised Lee Kuan Yew

Dressed in a black T-shirt and khaki shorts, Amos Yee cut an unassuming figure when he showed up at the Singapore State Courts on 17 April. The 16-year-old was facing serious criminal charges - some of which he would be convicted of on 12 May.

Torrezs 5th in Row Tops White Sox, 6- Torrez Posts 5th in Row for Yankees, 6-2

The New York Yankees treated 33,902 of their customers to some more revival baseball last night in Yankee Stadium when Mike Torrez pitched them to a 6-2 victory over the slipping chicago white Sox.

AMOS YEE convicted, offered $10000 bail

Amos third charge under the Protection from Harassment Act, accusing him of posting an insulting video clip online containing remarks about former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, has been withdrawn. He was given a discharge amounting to an acquittal for .


A dispatch from London announces that upon the arrival of the steamship Scolta at Queenstown, Friday evening, GEORGE FRANCIS TRAIN and two of his fellow passengers were taken into custody by the Police. A charge of being active members of the Feniau organization in the United States is said to have brought about their arrest. Another telegram gives intelligence of an exchange of courtesies between Count SARTIGES, the French Ambassador at

Singapore Arrests Teenager Over Video Critical of Lee Kuan Yew

The arrest came on Sunday as a state funeral for Mr. Lee, the founding father who died last week, was attended by world leaders and dignitaries.

Singapore Video Blogger Amos Yee Found Guilty of Two Offenses

SINGAPORE���Sixteen-year-old blogger Amos Yee was found guilty by a Singapore court on Tuesday of disparaging Christians in a YouTube video and of disseminating an obscene image. Mr. Yees case has been unusually high-profile in tightly-controlled .


The inquest relative to the killing of Mansfield, Tracy Walworth by his son Frank Hardin Walworth, was begun yesterday morning before Coroner Young at the Twenty-ninth Precinct Police Station, on West Thirtieth street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues.. Walworth, Frank H.; Mansfield Tracy Walworth; Including Coroners Inquest and Trial

ENGLAND SENDS US HER OLD FURNITURE; Jacobean and Georgian Pieces Join the American Store of Antiques ENGLAND SENDS US FURNITURE

THE demand for furniture of another day is bringing into this country an increasing number of English antiques. Making up for the chairs and tables, bookcases and desks that did not come over two or three hundred years ago, the pieces of furniture left behind in the days of the Mayflower and her immediate successors are now being piled into the holds of steamers sailing from the United Kingdom.. Article by W R Storey on English antiques, illus

Donate to help Amos Yee | amosyee

Well, as many of you know, I (Amos Yee), after uploading my video Lee Kuan Yew Is Finally Dead! on Youtube: have been charged for intending to promote ill-will amongst��.

Judge hands out deterrent sentence to AMOS YEEs assailant

Neo Gim Huah, the man who slapped teenage blogger Amos Yee outside the state courts on 30 April, has been found guilty by the court of one count of voluntarily causing hurt and sentenced to three weeks imprisonment.

Amos Yee from a first person perspective | The Online Citizen

I wasnt planning on writing about Amos Yee, but Im quite upset by the way the media is painting him���with insinuations that he might fall within the autism spectrum, that he is so psychologically disturbed that he needs��.

Yankees Defeat Angels, 7-5, for 7th Straight; Once Sought Spot With Angels Yanks Defeat Angels For Seventh in Row Inflated Statistics Martin Returns Indians 5, Royals 4

The run-scoring bug that has infested the California pitching staff was contagious for Ed Figueroa last night, but Rudy May found the perfect antidote-- a strikeout pitch that withered a blossoming Angel attack.

Art: Remember the 50s on 10th St.?

WITH a revival of the 1950s now in progress, it was probably inevitable that 10th Street one of the more fondly remembered scenes of the art world of the period would sooner or later be given its due. And so it now has in a mammoth show called Tenth Street Days: The Co-ops of the 1950s spread out in five galleries in or adjacent to SoHo.. Stamos, Theodoros: Paintings at Meisel Gallery revd by H Kramer

Amos Yee trial date set for May 7

SINGAPORE: Amos Yee will go on trial on May 7 and 8. He faces charges in connection with a YouTube video he made, which contains disparaging remarks against Christians. This was decided after a pre-trial conference at the State Courts on Monday (May .

An Exhibition Emphasizing the Feminist Role in Politics

WERE there an award for worst title of the year, Division of Labor: Womens Work in Contemporary Art would surely win it hands down. Still, this should not discourage potential visitors to the show, which is at the Bronx Museum of the Arts here, nor should the shows purpose.

NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES; New York Defeats Brooklyn in a Hard Fought Game by Good Team Work and Heavy Batting. RUSIE PITCHED FOR NEW YORK Baltimore, Cleveland, Pittsburg, St. Louis, and Washington Winners in the Games in Other Cities -- Baltimore Takes Her Third Successive Game from Philadelphia.

New York won yesterday afternoon at the Polo Grounds the third and last game of the opening intercity series against Brooklyn. The game was marked by the fastest kind of team work and splendid fielding. The New York team seemed imbued with new life and put up a magnificent game. Their work was marked by none of the errors and misplays that characterized it in Fridays contest.


THE spring catalogues of many prominent publishers appear thinner this season. Economic pressures have forced some publishers to trim their lists, but many are still promising large printings of promising books and high advertising budgets for them. Some things never change, but publishers seem to be taking fewer risks with unknown writers and unpopular subjects. Among the books scheduled for publication are a large number by established, brand-name authors who, in some cases, seem to be retreating into the safety of familiar themes.

Yankees 4 in 8th Beat Royals, 8-4; Splittorff Relieved in 7th Yankees Score 4 Runs in 8th and Beat Royals, 8-4 Royals Combine Speed, Power Hurdle Eludes Tag

The oft-used Kansas City relief corps that failed the Royals in the eighth and ninth innings of the last game of last years American League pennant playoffs failed them again last night.

Important update to AMOS YEEs Crowdfunding | amosyee

Well the crowdfund for my courtcase is ongoing, and being dirt poor for several months, its exhilarating to see copious amounts of money coming in, even trolls and haters managed to put aside their differences, and donate 1��.

My Message of Support at the Vigil for Amos Yee | The Heart.

Thank you everyone for coming to todays vigil. As we gather here today, Amos sits in his cell in remand, within four walls and bright lights. But Amos has not done anything wrong. He does not deserve this treatment. He does��.

My Abusive Father | amosyee

Donate to help Amos YeeWith 697 comments. Lee Kuan Yew. Next time, toss your words carefully before you ejaculate, lest you will be guilty of similar sins of Amos: Shooting obscenities in public with malice aforethought.

Singapore Law Watch - Amos Yee pleads not guilty to both.

He saw a huge outpouring of grief online after Mr Lee Kuan Yew died on March 23, with many praising the former Prime Ministers contributions to modern Singapore. This piqued teenage blogger Amos Yee Pang Sangs��.

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