Rohingya: Desperate scenes in Rohingya, Bangladeshi migrant boat.

Mufti gesa tokoh Buddha Malaysia bantah keganasan ke atas ROHINGYA - Read more
Mufti gesa tokoh Buddha Malaysia bantah keganasan ke atas ROHINGYA - Read more
ROHINGYA people crammed in filthy cages in Thailand - Channel 4 News
ROHINGYA people crammed in filthy cages in Thailand - Channel 4 News
Rohinga, di mana nilai kemanusiaan kita umat Islam - Read more
Rohinga, di mana nilai kemanusiaan kita umat Islam - Read more
Obama Acknowledges Plight Of ROHINGYA, Lifts Sanctions, Moves On
Obama Acknowledges Plight Of ROHINGYA, Lifts Sanctions, Moves On
Myanmar bans Muslims from registering as Rohingya in census.
Myanmar bans Muslims from registering as Rohingya in census.
MYANMAR Myanmar tells Rohingya, be Bengali or stay in refugee.
MYANMAR Myanmar tells Rohingya, be Bengali or stay in refugee.
Kapal Pelarian Rohingya Diarah Belayar Ke Destinasi Lain - Read more
Kapal Pelarian Rohingya Diarah Belayar Ke Destinasi Lain - Read more
Bangladesh proposes interning, repatriating up to 270K ROHINGYA to.
Bangladesh proposes interning, repatriating up to 270K ROHINGYA to.
UmmahNews �� Kesatuan Ummah untuk Kemanusiaan dan Kedamaian.
UmmahNews �� Kesatuan Ummah untuk Kemanusiaan dan Kedamaian.
Thai navy sues journalists after reports on Rohingya trafficking.
Thai navy sues journalists after reports on Rohingya trafficking.
Segera beri bantuan kemanusiaan pelarian Rohingya, kata Wan Azizah - Read more
Segera beri bantuan kemanusiaan pelarian Rohingya, kata Wan Azizah - Read more
Alienating Democracy. How Exclusion and Violence Against the.
Alienating Democracy. How Exclusion and Violence Against the.
AM - Carr apprehensive about ROHINGYAs future in Myanmar 12/07/2013
AM - Carr apprehensive about ROHINGYAs future in Myanmar 12/07/2013
Rohingya: Ada sesiapa nampak mana Najib
Rohingya: Ada sesiapa nampak mana Najib
Recent protests highlight urgency of Burmas Rohingya crisis.
Recent protests highlight urgency of Burmas Rohingya crisis.
Malaysia sedang bantu pelarian ROHINGYA, kata Najib - Read more
Malaysia sedang bantu pelarian ROHINGYA, kata Najib - Read more
ROHINGYA: Sharing Responsibility
ROHINGYA: Sharing Responsibility
Ethnic Cleansing of the ROHINGYA People Genocide in Myanmar.
Ethnic Cleansing of the ROHINGYA People Genocide in Myanmar.
Are Rohingya Bengalis in Burma originally from Bangladesh?
Are Rohingya Bengalis in Burma originally from Bangladesh?
Warga ROHINGYA sendiri jadi ejen sindiket, kata sumber - Read more
Warga ROHINGYA sendiri jadi ejen sindiket, kata sumber - Read more
Rohingya could face detention under Myanmar draft plan
Rohingya could face detention under Myanmar draft plan
14 | December | 2013 | Myanmar Ethnic Rohingyas Human Rights.
14 | December | 2013 | Myanmar Ethnic Rohingyas Human Rights.
Gần 800 người di cư được Indonesia cứu
Gần 800 người di cư được Indonesia cứu

US Calls for Regional Solution for ROHINGYA Migrants

The U.S. is urging Southeast Asian countries to work together to save the lives of Rohingya and Bangladeshi migrants who are stranded at sea.

UN: Myanmar Stability at Risk if Rohingya Issue Not Solved

Stability in Myanmars most sensitive region cant be achieved unless it addresses the issue of citizenship for minority Rohingya Muslims, the United Nations secretary-general warned its authorities Friday.

ROHINGYA Muslim Minority Migrants targeted by Buddhists.

���The last sailing season [period of calm water for boat departures] was just before the census, and many of them felt confident because the government had promised they could self-identify as Rohingya,��� she said. ���Then the��.

The Guardian view on the ROHINGYA refugee crisis: cruel and stupid

Rohingya migrants sit on a boat drifting in Thai waters off the island of Koh Lipe in the Andaman sea. The Burmese governments draconian formula for dealing with this problem from history is both ludicrous and vicious. It is a recipe for the kind of.

UNHCR calls for joint response in wake of ROHINGYA mass.

In the last year UNHCR has learnt from hundreds of Rohingya survivors about horrific abuse and deprivation by smugglers on boats in the Bay of Bengal and in camps along the Thai-Malaysian border. Some said they saw��.

1,600 ROHINGYA, Others Land in Indonesia and Malaysia

Malaysian police say 1,018 Rohingyas and Bangladeshis have landed illegally on a beach in a northern resort island and all have been detained for processing.

State Department Says Kerry Discusses ROHINGYA With Thailand

Secretary of State John Kerry called Thailands foreign minister to discuss temporary shelter for Rohingya Muslims adrift at sea, the State Department said on Friday, as the United States seeks to support efforts to end a crisis involving thousands of stranded migrants.

AP News Guide: Plight of Myanmars Rohingya

Thousands of Myanmars Rohingya Muslims have been fleeing persecution at home, and now their refugee boats are being turned away by neighboring countries, leaving them stranded at sea. Others had been locked up in jungle camps in Thailand. An untold number have died of starvation, sickness and abuse.

Desperate scenes in ROHINGYA, Bangladeshi migrant boat.

Many of the Rohingya jumped into the sea, including women and children. Some of us were also thrown overboard. I was floating in the water for 6 hours.

Rohingya UK Group ��� Urges ASEAN to Rescue and Tackle Causes of Refugee.

The Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK released a media statement on Wednesday 13 May, requestin,g ���ASEAN member states to launch an urgent rescue operation for thousands of Rohingya refugees and Bangladeshis stranded in boats off the coasts of .

Photos: Rohingya refugees stranded at sea

Rohingya migrants Thailand. Rohingya migrant women cry as they sit on a boat drifting in Thai waters, May 14, 2015. The boat was crammed with scores of Rohingya migrants, including many young children. Christophe Archambault / AFP / Getty Images.

Boats With 600 ROHINGYA and Bangladeshis Land in Indonesia

Boats carrying nearly 600 Bangladeshis and long-persecuted Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar washed to shore in western Indonesia, some after captains and smugglers abandoned the ships, leaving passengers to fend for themselves, survivors and migrant experts said. Thousands more are believed to be stranded at sea.

Another boat found at sea as Rohingya refugee crisis deepens

Another boat, this one crammed with 500 Rohingya Muslims and Bangladeshis, was found off Malaysias coast Wednesday, an activist and an official said, as the international community called on Southeast Asian governments to open their borders and step .

Myanmar’s Buddhist Bigots

Attacks led by monks on the Rohingya should force a reappraisal of Western views of Buddhism.

Thailand human trafficking death toll far greater than feared.

Mass grave in Songkhla province may foreshadow more discoveries as survivors tell of hundreds of deaths among Rohingya people trafficked from Burma.

Malaysia Detains 1,018 Bangladeshi and Rohingya Refugees

Malaysia detained 1,018 Bangladeshi and Rohingya refugees after they arrived in three boats on Monday, police said, a day after Indonesian authorities rescued 600 stranded off the coast of Aceh.

Myanmar Shows Signs of Democratic Reversal, U.N. Official Says

A United Nations investigator drew attention to harsh treatment and arrests of people who criticize the government or the country’s armed forces.. United Nations investigator warns that Myanmar is reversing democratic reforms, citing arrests and harsh treatment of people critical of countrys government and military.

Rohingya UK Group ��� Urges ASEAN to Rescue and Tackle.

The Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK released a media statement on Wednesday 13 May, requestin,g ���ASEAN member states to launch an urgent rescue operation for thousands of Rohingya refugees and Bangladeshis��.

Thousands of Rohingya Muslims and Bangladeshis fleeing.

THOUSANDS of Rohingya Muslims fleeing persecution in Myanmar have been abandoned at sea by smugglers, raising fears many could be trapped in sinking boats without food or water.

500 ROHINGYA Muslims From Myanmar Wash To Shore In.

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) ��� Boats carrying nearly 600 Bangladeshis and long-persecuted Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar landed in western Indonesia on Sunday, with some migrants needing medical care, officials and a��.

Almost 500 ROHINGYA Muslims rescued off Indonesia coast.

Boats carrying hundreds of Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar have washed ashore in Indonesia. Since 2012, the Rohingya have been fleeing Myanmar, where they are persecuted on account of their faith.

106 suspected Rohingya found on Koh Ree, northwest of Phuket

���Yesterday evening I received a report from an officer at the Mu Koh Surin National Marine Park that there was a group of people suspected to be Rohingya on Koh Ree,��� said Vice Admiral Sayan Prasongsamrej, Commander of the Royal Thai Navy Third Area .

Help ROHINGYA and Bangladeshi migrants and asylum.

As many as 8,000 Rohingyas and Bangladeshis are believed to be stranded in boats in the Andaman Ocean and Malacca Straits without adequate food, water, or sanitation, the International Organization for Migration (IOM)��.

Southeast Asian Leaders Urged to Act on Rohingya Crisis

Southeast Asian lawmakers on Wednesday urged their leaders to discuss Myanmars Rohingya crisis at their upcoming summit in Malaysia, saying it has led to the highest outflow of asylum seekers by sea in the region since the Vietnam War.

Who are the ROHINGYA of Myanmar?

The Rohingya are an ethnic minority that has lived in Myanmar for generations ��� and according to Human Rights Watch, theyre victims of an ongoing ethnic cleansing. Myanmar recently emerged from half a century of military dictatorship, but democracy .

Malaysia Official Says Boat With More Than 500 ROHINGYA Muslims.

Malaysia Official Says Boat With More Than 500 Rohingya Muslims, Bangladeshis Was Turned Away. LANGKAWI, Malaysia ��� May 13, 2015, 8:35 PM ET. Share. 0. Associated Press. Malaysia official says boat with more than 500 Rohingya Muslims, .

Mass Graves of Rohingya in Thailand ��� Appeal to ASEAN

Myanmar Ethnic Rohingya Human Rights Organization Malaysia (MERHROM) was deeply sad to hear about the finding of more than 30 graves of Rohingya in Sadao, Thailand. This news is not new to us. Ethnic Rohingya��.

Thai Shelters Struggle as Rohingya Crisis Deepens in Southeast Asia

Thai shelters for Rohingya women and children desperately need more assistance to care for victims of a deepening trafficking crisis across Southeast Asia, activists said on Friday.

Thai Police Arrest Rohingya Man Suspected of Running Deadly Jungle Camp

Thai police have arrested a man they believe is the key figure behind a brutal human trafficking network that ran a jungle camp where dozens of bodies have been found.

Boats With 600 Rohingya and Bangladeshis Land in Indonesia

A migration official says two boats carrying around 500 members of Myanmars long-persecuted Rohingya Muslim community have washed to shore in western Indonesia.

Thousands Of Bangladeshi And ROHINGYA Migrants Are.

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) -- Hundreds of migrants abandoned at sea by smugglers in Southeast Asia have reached land and relative safety in the past two days. But an estimated 6,000 Bangladeshis and Rohingya Muslims��.

Up to 6,000 ROHINGYA, Bangladeshi Migrants Stranded at Sea

Hundreds of migrants abandoned at sea by smugglers in Southeast Asia have reached land and relative safety in the past two days. But an estimated 6,000 Bangladeshis and Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar remain trapped in crowded, wooden boats, migrant officials and activists said Monday. With food and clean water running low, some could be in grave danger.

Situation for ROHINGYA abandoned at sea extremely critical

As many as eight thousand long-persecuted Rohingyas from Myanmar and Bangladeshis are stranded on boats in the waters of the Andaman Sea and the Strait of Malacca. Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand are all pushing the boats back to sea after more .

AP News Guide: Plight of Myanmars Rohingya

Thousands of Myanmars Rohingya Muslims have been fleeing persecution at home, and now their refugee boats are being turned away by neighboring countries, leaving them stranded at sea. Others had been locked up in jungle camps in Thailand. An untold number have died of starvation, sickness and abuse.

Hundreds Of ROHINGYA Refugees Rescued At Sea After.

Boats carrying hundreds of refugees, mainly from Myanmars persecuted Rohingya minority, have been rescued off Indonesias Aceh province. Many require medical help, The Associated Press reports. ���We received a report��.

Why No One Wants The ROHINGYAs

The spectacle of thousands of desperate Rohingya Muslim boat people being denied landfall in Southeast Asia has laid bare the regions religious and ethnic prejudices as well as its fears of being swamped by an influx of migrants. An estimated 6,000.

Why wont Buddhists speak up for the ROHINGYA? | Malaysia.

The Mufti of Perlis notes that no religious figure has condemned the persecution in Myanmar. (Free Malaysia Today) ��� With the nation in conflict over the Rohingya boat people crisis, Perlis Mufti Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin has��.

ROHINGYA Muslims brave death at sea to escape open-air prison in Burma

Members of the Rohingya ethnic minority have taken to the sea to flee persecution in Burma, but their options are narrowing as Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia refuse new migrants. Residents of the cramped Aung Ming Lar ghetto reveal a bitterly hard.

Stop oppressing Rohingya, Malaysia tells Myanmar.

Stop oppressing Rohingya, Malaysia tells Myanmar. Two vessels carrying a combined migrants turned back from Penang Langkawi islands.

The Persecution of the Rohingya

Myanmars government is waging a brutal campaign to expel the Muslim minority.

Desperate Rohingya boat migrants swim for food

There were chaotic scenes when migrants stranded on a boat off the Thai coast for more than a week leapt into the water as supplies were dropped to them. The fishing boat, carrying hundreds of people of the Muslim Rohingya minority, has been refused .

Malaysia to Push Back Rohingya Unless Boats Are Sinking

Malaysias navy says it will turn away any more boats carrying Rohingya and Bangladeshi migrants to its shores unless they are sinking.

How Myanmar and Its Neighbors Are Responding to the Rohingya Crisis

Since 2012, Myanmar has placed more than 100,000 members of the Rohingya minority in camps like this one in Rakhine State. Myanmar considers them illegal immigrants, though in many cases their families have lived in the country for generations.

AP News Guide: Plight of Myanmars ROHINGYA

Ethnic Rohingya men queue up for breakfast at a temporary shelter in Lapang, Aceh province, Indonesia, Thursday, May 14, 2015. More than 1,600 migrants and refugees from Myanmar and Bangladesh have landed on the shores of Malaysia and Indonesia .

Malaysia fails as Asean chair if Rohingya crisis not resolved, says DAP

Malaysias chairmanship of Asean can be considered a failure if Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak does not reprimand Myanmar for causing the exodus of Rohingya refugees, scores of whom are dying on boats at sea after being turned away by countries .

Indonesia Turns Away a Migrant Ship as the Region Grapples With an Influx

Governments are straining to respond to would-be arrivals from Myanmar and Bangladesh, some fleeing persecution and others looking for better job prospects.. Indonesian Navy turns back migrant ship carrying thousands of passengers; experts caution that thousands of arriving refugees from Myanmar and Bangladesh could be stranded at sea.

PM seeks 3-nation talk on ROHINGYA - The Nation

. migrants who died during their journey. The site in Tambon Padang Bezar was used as a waiting area for the migrants, mostly Rohingya, a Muslim ethnic group in Myanmar, before the traffickers sneaked them into Malaysia.

ROHINGYA, Bangladeshi refugees rescued off Indonesian coast

Hundreds of Rohingya and Bangladeshi refugees are rescued by fishermen off the coast of Indonesia. Julie Noce reports.

Indonesia to follow international regulation on handling Rohingya migrants

JAKARTA: Indonesia will continue providing food and settlement for the Rohingya migrants who have arrived on its shores, said Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Dr Indroyono Soesilo on Friday (May 15). He added that Indonesia will follow .

Thousands Of ROHINGYA Migrants Stranded At Sea After Fleeing Myanmar

Audio for this story from All Things Considered will be available at approximately 7:00 p.m. ET. NPRs Audie Cornish speaks to Thomas Fuller of The New York Times about the several thousand Rohingya migrants who fled Myanmar. No country will take them .

Hundreds of Stateless ROHINGYA Migrants Are Rescued.

More than 700 men, women and children, many Rohingya migrants from Bangladesh and Myanmar, who had been stranded on a boat in the Andaman Sea, have been rescued in the Aceh province of Indonesia. A local��.

Rohingya Migrants Will Steal Jobs, Says Thai PM

Thailands prime minister warned on Friday that if more Rohingya migrants head to the countrys shores they might steal jobs from Thais.

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