Harvard - What is the average ACT score for someone who gets admitted to Harvard?

Harvard : Videos

Anything Could Happen at Harvard - YouTube

Anything Could Happen at Harvard - YouTube

William H. Gates III COL '77, LLD '07 Q&A | The ...

William H. Gates III COL '77, LLD '07 Q&A | The ...

What Does the Spleen Do? ft. Harvard Medical ...

What Does the Spleen Do? ft. Harvard Medical ...

Harvard Baseball 2012 Call Me Maybe Cover - YouTube

Harvard Baseball 2012 Call Me Maybe Cover - YouTube

How to Get into Harvard ft. Ryan Higa - YouTube

How to Get into Harvard ft. Ryan Higa - YouTube

Oprah Winfrey Harvard Commencement speech ...

Oprah Winfrey Harvard Commencement speech ...

Discover Your Harvard - YouTube

Discover Your Harvard - YouTube

Harvard Tours Yale: The Game 2013 - YouTube

Harvard Tours Yale: The Game 2013 - YouTube

The Gunner Song ft. Harvard Medical School - YouTube

The Gunner Song ft. Harvard Medical School - YouTube

Homeless To Harvard _ 2003 The Liz Murray Story ...

Homeless To Harvard _ 2003 The Liz Murray Story ...

Da'Quan: Higher Learning (Harvard University ...

Da'Quan: Higher Learning (Harvard University ...

Harvard Sailing Team - Hipster Thanksgiving - YouTube

Harvard Sailing Team - Hipster Thanksgiving - YouTube

Transparent loudspeaker | Harvard School of ...

Transparent loudspeaker | Harvard School of ...

Harvard Medical School Video - YouTube

Harvard Medical School Video - YouTube

Andy Samberg Class Day || Harvard ...

Andy Samberg Class Day || Harvard ...

The Future of Knowledge | The Harvard Campaign ...

The Future of Knowledge | The Harvard Campaign ...

Aubrey - Reaction to Harvard Acceptance - YouTube

Aubrey - Reaction to Harvard Acceptance - YouTube

"Gangnam Style" Singer PSY Visits Harvard - YouTube

"Gangnam Style" Singer PSY Visits Harvard - YouTube

28 Short Lectures: Mary Ruefle | Woodberry Poetry ...

28 Short Lectures: Mary Ruefle | Woodberry Poetry ...

Harvard Quidditch - YouTube

Harvard Quidditch - YouTube

Bill Gates Harvard Commencement Address 2007 ...

Bill Gates Harvard Commencement Address 2007 ...

J.K. Rowling Speaks at Harvard Commencement ...

J.K. Rowling Speaks at Harvard Commencement ...

Harvard University 2013 Class Day | Harvard ...

Harvard University 2013 Class Day | Harvard ...

Harvard Says "WE SUCK" - YouTube

Harvard Says "WE SUCK" - YouTube

Harvard : Photo Gallery

Help empower Detroit students with visit to Harvard University ...

Help empower Detroit students with visit to Harvard University ...

2012 Harvard Cheating Scandal: Professor Off Tenure Track | BostInno

2012 Harvard Cheating Scandal: Professor Off Tenure Track | BostInno

Top Colleges and Universities » Harvard

Top Colleges and Universities » Harvard



Harvard at a Glance | Harvard University

Harvard at a Glance | Harvard University

Real Colegio Complutense » A Harvard University and Complutense ...

Real Colegio Complutense » A Harvard University and Complutense ...

File:Harvard college - annenberg hall.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

File:Harvard college - annenberg hall.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Harvard University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Harvard University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Annenberg Hall

Annenberg Hall

Annenberg Hall

Annenberg Hall

Annenberg Hall

Annenberg Hall

Is Harvard Smart About Apple?

Is Harvard Smart About Apple?

How To Lie Your Way into Harvard - Chris Pirillo

How To Lie Your Way into Harvard - Chris Pirillo

Harvard Business School Admissions | MBAdventure

Harvard Business School Admissions | MBAdventure

File:Cambridge Harvard Square.JPG - Wikimedia Commons

File:Cambridge Harvard Square.JPG - Wikimedia Commons



The Harvard Classics / Dr. Eliots Five Foot Shelf

The Harvard Classics / Dr. Eliots Five Foot Shelf

The Harvard Classics / Dr. Eliots Five Foot Shelf

The Harvard Classics / Dr. Eliots Five Foot Shelf

park harvard

park harvard

Videodrome Discothèque Episode 96: "Headed For The Future"

Videodrome Discothèque Episode 96: "Headed For The Future"







Harvard Yard, Science Center, Closed This Morning

Harvard Yard, Science Center, Closed This Morning





North American Yale

North American Yale

Harvard guys filled with the spirit of the season!

Harvard guys filled with the spirit of the season!

#hfa #harvardfilmarchive #harvard #film #archive #brutalism #concrete #architecture #sarinana #leicam3 #35mmfilm #blackandwhitefilm

#hfa #harvardfilmarchive #harvard #film #archive #brutalism #concrete #architecture #sarinana #leicam3 #35mmfilm #blackandwhitefilm

North American Harvard

North American Harvard

North American Harvard

North American Harvard

North American Harvard

North American Harvard

Two buildings reopen after Harvard halls evacuated in bomb scare

Two buildings reopen after Harvard halls evacuated in bomb scare

Harvard bomb scare cancels exams, evacuates buildings

Harvard bomb scare cancels exams, evacuates buildings

Harvard orders evacuations after unconfirmed reports of explosives

Harvard orders evacuations after unconfirmed reports of explosives

Harvard investigates explosives report, evacuates 4 buildings

Harvard investigates explosives report, evacuates 4 buildings

Explosives found on Harvard University campus: report

Explosives found on Harvard University campus: report

42 Private College Presidents Make More Than $1M, And Harvard's Isn't One Of ...

42 Private College Presidents Make More Than $1M, And Harvard's Isn't One Of ...

Unconfirmed Report Of Explosives At Harvard, 4 Buildings Evacuated

Unconfirmed Report Of Explosives At Harvard, 4 Buildings Evacuated

Harvard Responds To 'Unconfirmed Reports' About Explosives

Harvard Responds To 'Unconfirmed Reports' About Explosives

Harvard senior on evacuations: Students frustrated, but remaining calm

Harvard senior on evacuations: Students frustrated, but remaining calm

Leaked! Harvard's Grading Rubric

Leaked! Harvard's Grading Rubric

Alan Dershowitz retiring from Harvard Law School

Alan Dershowitz retiring from Harvard Law School

A new community, a new era

A new community, a new era

Harvard-trained attorney sentenced to 28 years for Navy charity scam, Alabama ...

Harvard-trained attorney sentenced to 28 years for Navy charity scam, Alabama ...

Harvard study finds learning music doesn't make you smarter

Harvard study finds learning music doesn't make you smarter

Harvard evacuates on 'explosives' reports

Harvard evacuates on 'explosives' reports

Harvard runner, Napa grad Kurt Ruegg readies for new seasons

Harvard runner, Napa grad Kurt Ruegg readies for new seasons

Harvard : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

What should I know for my Harvard College interview on Saturday?

I have a Harvard College interview on Saturday. I know I should be researching on the school and practicing for it, but stuck. What exactly should I know for the interview? I am interested in the medical field so should I research the medical graduate school? Or perhaps I should know the demographics? I would really appreciate the help.

And if someone could kindly let me know if wearing a dress suit is too formal please let me know. The interview is at a company building.

Answer: Read my detailed post here for some info to help you on your Harvard interview.

Medical school is a long way off, but if that's your goal, they'll want to hear about it. The interviewer is going to ask about you, there are no set questions, but I highly doubt they'll ask about graduate school (many usually go to another grad school) or the demographics. That would be way out of the typical!

You could wear a dress suit, I don't think the interviewers will think that anything negative about it. Remember, the interviewer wants you to do well, they want their interviewees to be selected for admission. So try to relax, be yourself, be enthusiastic, conversational and tell them where you're headed.

Good luck!
Category: Higher Education (University +)

BREAKING: Unconfirmed Reports of Explosives on Harvard Campus

Unconfirmed reports of explosions on Harvard campus have caused the evacuations of four student buildings Monday morning.

Muting the Mozart effect | Harvard Gazette

Contrary to popular opinion, research finds no cognitive benefits to musical training | Though it has been embraced by everyone from advocates for arts education to parents hoping to encourage their kids to stick with piano ...

Harvard University (Harvard) on Twitter

The latest from Harvard University (@Harvard). Harvard University is devoted to
excellence in teaching, learning, and research, and to developing leaders in ...

Harvard University

Harvard University, which celebrated its 375th anniversary in 2011, is the oldest
institution of higher learning in the United States. Harvard University is devoted ...

The Official Website of Harvard University Athletics - Harvard

Official site includes news of men's and women's varsity teams, live events on
video, ticket sales, and recruiting information.

The Writing Center - Harvard

The Writing Center, part of the Harvard College Writing Program, is a place for Harvard undergraduates to get help with any aspect of their writing, from specific assignments to general writing skills. The Writing Center is staffed by trained ...

CONNECTIONS; How Bhutto Won Washington

BENAZIR BHUTTO always understood Washington more than Washington understood her. Ms. Bhutto, the Pakistani opposition leader and two-time prime minister, who was assassinated in Rawalpindi on Thursday as she campaigned for the office a third time, had a more extensive network of powerful friends in the capitals political and media elite than - Benazir Bhutto, Pakistani opposition leader who was assassinated Dec 27, had extensive network of powerful American friends; she cultivated those friendships for years and was rewarded when her connections helped propel her into power in Pakistan; in end, her network only underscored how little US understands feudal politics of region and its own ability to control events in Pakistan; photos (M) - By ELISABETH BUMILLER; Kitty Bennett contributed reporting.

How does the whole Harvard undergraduate program work?

Im a student from India, currently in the 12th grade.
I wanna do a Bachelors course in Harvard or some other American university.

My interests lie in music, sound engineering, literature, arts and pure sciences.
Is it compulsory to learn a lot of unrelated subjects in the Sophomore year?

Sorry if I sound dumb, but the system is extremely different from the one followed in India...
The educational system here is crap!

So please explain, and gimme links to stuff related to this, and how to get into such colleges.
I practically know nothing about this!
Any help would be nice, so thanks in advance!

Answer: Usually, your selected Major is what you ultimately want to do as a career - like Accounting, Economics, Engineering, Science,Social Sciences, etc. If you want to be in the Medical field, it is good to take Sciences, but not entirely necessary, as long as you take any prerequisite courses for the grade school of Med school, etc..

During your first year (Freshman), you will take general education courses like Maths and English, along with introductory courses for your Major. Starting the following year, it will b all geared toward your Major and Minor (if you've selected one).

Harvard is the most difficult Univ to gain acceptance to in the U.S. They only accept 6% of applicants, and over 36,000 students apply who almost all have perfect to near perfect grades and school records and have gotten at least a 2250-2300 on their SAT exam. Successful applicants also have academic awards from competitions, leadership experience, impressive extra-curricular activities like national or state level Model UN participation, competitive Debate Team, and many have attended summer programs at Universities (geared toward exceptional high school sudents). Basicly, you need to be the Best of the Best!

You would need to take a TOEFL English exam and SAT exam in order to apply to any U.S. University. Once accepted, you would need to then apply for a Student Visa from your nearest U.S. Consulate. You would also need to pay International Student tuition, which can run anywhere from 36,000 to $60,000 per year, and living expenses would cost you about another $10,000 to $13,000 per year. In order to get your Student Visa, you are required to show proof that you have enough money to pay for the first two years in the U.S. (about $100,000 in the bank, or in conjunction with a student loan from your own country, or a scholarship).
Category: Other - Education

IDEAS & TRENDS; Never Having to Say, Too Expensive

HARVARD Universitys announcement earlier this month that it will offer significant financial assistance to students from families with household incomes between $120,000 and $180,000 presented an unlikely image: the upper-middle-class scholarship student. Harvard hopes its plan to charge those students 10 percent of their household income will - Harvard Universitys announcement that it will offer significant financial assistance to students from families with incomes between $120,000 and $180,000 presents unlikely image: upper-middle-class scholarship student; class division has been problematic throughout history of Americas elite colleges; new policy at Harvard is latest in long effort to level playing field by providing financial assistance to students; photo (M) - By ERIC KONIGSBERG

Harvard buildings evacuated after report of explosives - U.S. News

Harvard University ordered students out of four buildings on campus Monday, just as students were showing up for final exams, after unconfirmed reports of explosives. The school gave the all-clear for two of the buildings, ...


Scratch-off tickets are to the lottery what crack is to cocaine. Eliot Shapleigh, a state senator in El Paso, Tex. Scratch-off tickets account for more than 75 percent of lottery sales in Texas, the first state to introduce a $50 scratch-off game. We really work hard on that guilt. Joanne King, spokeswoman for the Queens Library, which has

Greg Mankiw's Blog: A Harvard Victory

A Harvard Victory. Congratulations to the Harvard Fed Challenge Team, which recently won the national title. Here is a picture of the team, together with a soon-to-be-unemployed Harvard alum. permanent link · << Home ...

What are the best schools to get a bachelors from in order to attend Harvard Medical school?

I want to apply to Harvard Med School but obviously need to get my bachelors first. I also know that certain schools pull more rank than others. What schools would be best to consider for my undergraduate in order to have the best chance at Harvard Med.

Answer: Honestly, your best chances of going to Harvard Medical School is acing all of your classes, acing the MCAT, doing tons of research (Harvard likes research), and do lots of extracurricular activities. Oh, and some luck and good fortune. Your undergraduate school won't mean squat if you don't do well. But as someone else mentioned, Harvard isn't even the best medical school. Johns Hopkins and Mayo on the other hand....

Good luck!
Category: Higher Education (University +)

THE BOSS; A Car Dealers Daughter

IM the older of two girls. When I was really young, maybe about 5, my sister, who was about 2, had a series of medical emergencies. She was sick a lot. My mother would say to me, Susie is sick today, so you need to be a big girl. After a time, my parents finally got a diagnosis for my sisters epileptic seizures. She has a gene mutation that - National Automobile Dealers Association chairman-elect Annette Sykora The Boss column on her career as car dealer that began with job in her fathers business; photo (M) - As told to Amy Zipkin. - By ANNETTE SYKORA; as told to AMY ZIPKIN

What are some things i need to start doing to get into Harvard med school?

Ok so I am only a freshman in highschool but it is my dream to go to Harvard med school and i know that obviously u have to have really good grades and i do... I am in all honors class getting noting lower than a 92 average in class and since they are honors classes they have a +3 weight but I wanted to know what else i need to do...
I also do a fall sport (volleyball) and a winter sport (basketball) which I intend to play all 4 years...
What else?????
Btw I would love to hear some success stories of you guys getting into the college of your dreams!
Feel free to share and express yourselves!
Thanks in advance!

Answer: First on my list is to beg you to stop using texting shorthand code lingo compared to English grammar, composition and spelling. The pronoun, I, needs to be capitalized 100%. When composing a sentence, forget the stuttering type extra words such as: OK and all variants, so, etc. High school. Two words, not one. Ditto with the "u" for you, Sentences. One thought, one sentence. Each sentence starts with a capitalized word, or letter, and ends with a proper punctuation mark. Multi dots.... are not a proper punctuation mark. Just like bad driving generates bad habits that become normal for people, bad writing does the same. If you are in Honor's classes and have a high GPA even as a high school freshman you should be able to write correctly. The seduction and convenience of texting is powerful because you are using it daily. You need to stop. While Harvard Medical school is eight years away your concern for as to admission means you must have discipline. Can you memorize the name of bones in your hand in one hour? That requires focus and discipline and good memory. Google the hand's bones and memorize them. If you can do that then you should be able to write correctly, always. 100%. Writing well is simple. I just did. Try it. People who have an all around education and do well in most subjects, who do sports and know how to socialize and have community involvement and even a passion for learning that creates the desire to sacrifice whatever for their goal, do well in life. Bone anatomy. One hour. Go!
Category: Higher Education (University +)

Is getting an electrical engineering degree at Harvard a waste of money when you can go to other places?

Does an EE degree from Harvard carry more prestige than EE degrees from other places because its an ivy league school? Are people who major in EE at Harvard supposed to be more knowledgable than people who learned EE at non ivy league schools?

Answer: There are two questions here. The first is "Is a Harvard degree worth it?" The answer is unequivocally YES.

The second question is "Are there better places to go for Electrical Engineering." The answer here is also Yes.

For the most part, the Ivy League schools aren't known for their Engineering programs. In fact, Engineering is the one field where the best public schools are better than the Ivy League schools.

I've included a link to the US News rankings of Engineering Schools. Out of the top ten, there is only one Ivy League school -- Cornell. Harvard comes in at #22.

MIT and Stanford are at the top. But Berkeley, Georgia Tech and most of the schools in the Big Ten are also near the top.

Bottom line -- if you want engineering, you are better off going to a top engineering school -- but that doesn't mean Ivy.
Category: Higher Education (University +)

Harvard University - YouTube

Harvard University's YouTube channel shares video content about life and
learning that takes place here on campus and around the world. Harvard is
devoted ...

Harvard orders evacuations after unconfirmed reports of explosives ...

Four buildings at Harvard University were evacuated Monday morning after the school received an unconfirmed report that bombs may have been placed there, the Boston-area school said on Twitter and its website. Monday ...


Matt Bai, a contributing writer for the magazine, is the author of The Argument: Billionaires, Bloggers and the Battle to Remake Democratic Politics. Daniel Bergner, a contributing writer to the magazine, is the author of The Devotee: A Quartet of Desire, which will be published next year. Gail Collins is a columnist for The New York Times.

OFF THE SHELF; Orders From on High? Thats So Yesterday

GARY HAMELS latest book, The Future of Management (Harvard Business School, $26.95), comes at a time when American companies face a new avalanche of competition from China and India, as well as entrenched competition from Japan and Western Europe. Mr. Hamel, a co-founder of the Management Innovation Lab, offers a way for business leaders to - William J Holstein reviews book The Future of Management by Gary Hamel with Bill Breen; photo (M) - By WILLIAM J. HOLSTEIN

How big of an advantage is being a child of alumni when applying to Harvard?

My father is a well liked professor at Harvard and also graduated from Harvard. He and my mom are divorced now and I live with my mom but visit my him a lot. I want to go to Harvard, but although I have a good GPA (3.8), its not perfect, and I don’t do lots of extracurriculars, I just do what I’m passionate about. Anyway, does anyone know how much of an advantage this would make or not make for me?

Answer: If your dad is a professor at Harvard and he graduated from the school, your odds of getting in are substantially higher, but bare in mind that if Harvard feels that the non-legacies are better applicants than you, and would probably fit better at Harvard, you will not get in over them. That goes for any school. No matter what your connections are, if the school doesn't think you fit, they probably won't take you. You don't need a lot of extracurriculars, but you do need to have a lot of accomplishments. A 3.8 may not cut it for Harvard either. You definitely have a good shot, but don't get your hopes too high.
Category: Higher Education (University +)

Home | HMS - Harvard University

Official site providing an overview of academic and research programs, resources, news and events, and links to other web sites located throughout the Harvard medical community.

Harvard Business School

Includes information about MBA, PhD, and continuing education programs.

Can I transfer to Harvard medical school after my four years of college?

I am planning on attending NYU or U of I. Can I transfer to Harvard Medical school, after I finish my four years of college. If so what records do the Harvard administrators check, do they only check your college records or do they check for more?
Any advice is great.

Answer: A person cannot transfer from an undergraduate school to a graduate school. The same way that you applied to the undergraduate four year college is pretty much the same way you apple to a med school.

To apply go on the harvard med school web site and follow the directions on how to apply.

But only a very small percentage of people who apply to med school, all med schools not just Harvard, actually get in.
Category: Higher Education (University +)

The Times Adds an Op-Ed Columnist

William Kristol, one of the nations leading conservative writers and a vigorous supporter of the Iraq war, will become an Op-Ed page columnist for The New York Times, the newspaper announced Saturday. Mr. Kristol will write a weekly column for The Times beginning Jan. 7, the newspaper said. He is editor and co-founder of The Weekly Standard, an - New York Times announces that leading conservative writer and vigorous supporter of Iraq war William Kristol will become Op-Ed page columnist with weekly column beginning Jan 7; Kristol is editor and co-founder of conservative magazine The Weekly Standard (S) - By THE NEW YORK TIMES

Harvard Business Review Magazine, Articles, Blogs, Case Studies ...

Brings its readers original research and firsthand perspectives from leading
business thinkers around the world.

How do I get into Harvard university in America, based on rugby and half-decent grades?

I am an English student and Ive heard that Harvard tend to like foreign students and rugby players, my grades are half-decent with some As in certain subjects and I play rugby to a high standard level.

Answer: "Some" A's will NOT get you in. Being foreign and a rugby player might be one of the deciding factors that they look at, if they have two students that has similar stats. That being said, Harvard rejects many kids with 4'0s, high SAT scores, and valedictorians every year. You can't have "half-decent" grades and think Harvard will accept you. Your grades needs to be over the top, above average. Unless you've won a noble prize, or have done something out of the ordinary, then I hate to be this honest, but I doubt you even have a chance.
Category: Standards & Testing

Harvard Book Store

A privately-owned, independent bookstore serving the university and
neighborhood community since 1932. Offers online ordering and worldwide

How to Harvard reference a word document that is downloaded from a website?

How to Harvard reference a word document that is downloaded from a website?

How do I harvard reference a word processor document that was downlaoded from a website, would really appreciate if someone could help please!

Answer: lol you shouldn't be Harvard referencing a downloaded document...that's called plagiarism
Category: Higher Education (University +)

Is getting a degree at Harvard Medical school a waste of money, does it matter where you go to medical school?

Im planning to apply to 13 different medical schools, among them are Harvard and Columbia, but does it really matter where a doctor goes to medical school? Would I really be heads above other people when applying for positions with a degree from an Ivy League school?

Answer: All medical schools are created equal and that equality is assured by the National Board of Medical Examiners and the accrediting authority, the Liaison Committee on Medical Education. People who allege one medical school is better than another, based on the education provided, are wrong. If any medical school was inferior to another it would lose its accreditation or, stated another way, no medical school is permitted to graduate a majority of "C" students while other schools graduate a majority of "A" students. All medical schools are required to administer the NBME's Shelf Exams at the end of each class. These exams are scored by the NBME, not the schools. If Harvard produced superior results to the Medical College of Georgia, do you think that MCG wouldn't adopt Harvard's curriculum or that MCG would be continued to be allowed to produce inferior doctors?

Would you accept that a Volkswagen was the best car based on 5 people saying that it was the best car? Would your opinion change if all 5 worked for Volkswagen? Many people respond to questions about "the best medical schools" and cite the US News and World Report's annual article about medical school rankings. They don't have a clue how the magazine made those determinations. In the most recent published rankings list there were as little as five respondents and those were all medical school college Deans. Hardly a statistically valid sampling, wouldn't you agree? Why were there so few respondents? Because the Association of American Medical Colleges objects to the criteria used and the method of sampling, so the majority of medical schools refuse to participate.

If you're going to become a physician you need to know the source of any data you're going to rely on or prove it yourself--and in this case, the information is readily available on the Internet--all you have to do is Google it.

To correct some other misinformation--all medical schools have to have research opportunities available for medical students (it's an accreditation requirement). At primary care oriented schools the research is an option. At research oriented medical schools it is mandatory and the focus for the students is not the research itself but the proper scientific method for conducting and reporting how research is done. The research is done by both instructors (that's one of the carrots used to attract top research scientists to teach at medical schools) and paid researchers.

In addition, most medical researchers have advanced science degrees, not just the MD.

So why do the Harvards and Johns Hopkins of the world have reputations as being "the best"? It's a three part answer. First, the "best" known names have earned their reputations on the quality of the residency programs provided (and residency programs have nothing to do with a medical school), the quality, number and types of research conducted (again, nothing to do with the medical school itself) and the medical centers associated with each program. Secondly, the history of the Ivy League schools arises from over a century ago when only the wealthy could afford to go to college. As the economy changed and more of the 'common' people could afford college, the "Ivy League" schools raised their tuition to keep out the riff-raff, thus maintaining their standard of catering to society's elite class. But many of the programs at Ivy League schools do produce superior graduates. The MBA programs at Harvard and Wharton are the 'Gold" standard in business. The law programs at Princeton and Yale are also "Gold' standards. the same for engineering, physics, etc,, but not medicine. Medicine is the only specialty that has a quality assurance governing authority. Third, reputations are really marketing's sleight of hand. For example, the National Insitute of Health is the other often-cited ranking system for medical schools. However, this 'ranking' is based on the amount of research dollars given to each school, which, again, has nothing to do with the quality of the education provided at a school. But that doesn't stop some schools from claiming "We're # X according to the NIH".

So, to answer your question in a different way, would you be heads above other people with a degree from an Ivy League school? Maybe to the naive. But the medical community only cares where you did your residency, as that denotes the quality of your education. You can spend $50,000/semester at an Ivy League school or less than $20,000/semester at your own state's university medical school and both will get you to your MD. The name of the school on your diploma doesn't get you into the better residency programs. What does get you in are the scores you obtain on the USMLE exams and the quality of the reviews you received during your clinical rotations.

One last little poke in the ribs--UCLA came to the University of Maryland to copy UM's Emergency Medicine residency program and that's why the University
Category: Higher Education (University +)

What does it take to be a Harvard student?

Well, Im planning to go to Harvard in University, so I was just wondering what type of students they accept and what I should do to get a better chance of getting in and getting a scholarship! Also, does having an IB program in highschool help?

Answer: Money. If you are truly a talented student you will do fine. A lot of students go to places like Harvard and they do not know anything, but because their parents have money they pay for their grades, listen to what I say. If you go to Harvard and you are smart, you will see what I say. A bunch of people who do not do any work, go to these schools and graduate because of the money in their pockets!!!!! Do not get discouraged because of this and rule yourself out because I know that you will do fine and succeed. Yes, any honors program in high school will help your chances of success. Always remember to work and study hard, it pays off and in whatever you do Keep God First and let Him lead.
Category: Higher Education (University +)

Does Harvard University have scholarships for international, undergraduate students who wish to take medical?

I am a student from Indonesia and I am wondering whether Harvard University can give a scholarship if I am an undergraduate and planning to take medical studies. Please help me! If there is a scholarship, can you tell me where I can find more information about it? Please include the requirements also, if you can. Thanks for your help!

Answer: Contact Harvard via their website. There are some schlarships for international students, I'm sure but they are probably extremely coveted. You will need to far exceed the requirements they list.
Category: Financial Aid


ONE DAY IN EARLY JANUARY 1963, David Halberstam, portable typewriter in hand, appeared at the ground-floor apartment I was renting on a side street in Saigon. The front room served as an office. I slept in the second room at the back. I was the correspondent for United Press International, and David was in Vietnam for The New York Times. It was - Neil Sheehan article recalls covering Vietnam War with David Halberstam, who was killed in car crash in California in April; photo (M) - By NEIL SHEEHAN

Harvard University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Harvard was founded in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court of the
Massachusetts Bay Colony. Initially called "New College" or "the college at New ...

What is the average ACT score for someone who gets admitted to Harvard?

I plan on applying to Harvard and I am having a hard time finding their statistics on admitted applicants test scores. If any one could help me with that and maybe even send me a link for additional admission statistics, I would appreciate it. Thanks!

Answer: The middle 50% of their ACT scores is 31-34. This site seems to compile data from colleges and has been pretty accurate as far as I can confirm across multiple sites: https://www.collegedata.com/cs/data/college/college_pg02_tmpl.jhtml?schoolId=444 College Prowler and College Confidential are main college sites for parents and students where you might find more information:


Category: Standards & Testing

Manisha Shetty, Sameer Gulati

Manisha Shyla Shetty and Sameer Gulati are to be married Sunday at Rudraksha, a cultural center in Bangalore, India. Lata Sharma, a Hindu priestess, is to perform the ceremony. The bride and bridegroom are project managers in the New York office of McKinsey & Company, the management consulting firm. She specializes in health care and he in the

How long should my Harvard additional essay be?

What does Harvard look for in that essay? Do I have to write it?

Answer: If you really need somebody to answer this question for you, you probably shouldn't even be applying to Harvard.

Yes, you do have to write it.
Category: Higher Education (University +)


Madeleine Stern was a renowned antiquarian book dealer, but her most important discovery was not a book at all. It was a series of lurid stories, all published in gaudy popular journals, all written under a pseudonym, all by New Englands fresh and hearty Louisa May Alcott. During her lifetime, the last vestiges of Victorianism gave way to - Cathleen Schine article pays tribute to Madeleine Stern, antiquarian book dealer, who died in 2007; photo with Leona Rostenberg, her partner in business, writing and life (M) - By CATHLEEN SHINE

What are the major differences between Harvard and Columbia University?

Everyone knows that Harvard is the best. But I received an acceptance to Columbia University, which is Ivy League, and I was just wondering:

1). Even though Columbia is clearly not as good or tied with Harvard. How much lesser is it really than Harvard? Wouldnt it be considered close?
2) And curious how to Harvard graduates feel toward Columbia graduates?

Answer: Saying Harvard is "the best" is purely opinion. Yes it generally ranks as the number one school in the country by most publications but honestly if you get into any ivy league school then you've been doing well. Most any employer or grad school would take a hard-working student from Columbia over a bottom of the class kid from Harvard.
Category: Higher Education (University +)

Whats the difference between Harvard and a local university?

Why is Harvard 60, 000 a year and is so expensive compared to a local university? Does it make a huge difference in your resume or career if you attend an ivy league school? For example, if you attend Harvard for medical school rather than Baylor University (in Texas) would that make you a better doctor?

Answer: For undergraduate school, Harvard will provide a sufficient financial aid package so that finances will not prevent any US resident admitted student from attending.

Many local universities are subsidized by state taxpayers. Many students at local universities live at home. Harvard may provide a superior undergraduate education in a few fields, but the top campuses of the state universities usually provide virtually as good an education.

Attending Harvard Medical School rather than Baylor Medical School will not make the student a better doctor and in terms of a physician's educational costs and earnings, the cost difference, if any, is insignificant.
Category: Higher Education (University +)

Reports Of Explosives At Harvard - Business Insider

A potentially scary situation at Harvard in Cambridge, Mass., as buildings are evacuated over a bomb threat. "Unconfirmed reports of explosives at four sites on campus: Science Center, Thayer, Sever, and Emerson. Please ...

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