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LEAD: WHILE hearing the last, fading refrain of that New Years classic, Old Long Since (as some readers might have corrected the bonny Bobby Burns), we begin the annual look back on what has been written in this space.
In the waning moments of the old year, some thoughts, some impressions, some misplaced notes surface. When Bill Veeck, one of our most charismatic sports figures, died early in the year, on Jan. 2, his friend Hank Greenberg recalled a moment in his life: It was between marriages for Bill, and he fell in love with a young woman when both were in Los Angeles. She was taking a train back to New York, and Bill arranged that at every stop of the train - and there were many over 3,000 miles - she would be presented with a bouquet of roses. Brian Bosworth may be the first all-America football player who combs his hair with Crayolas.
Auld Lang Syne.
Scotsmen Sing Auld Lang Syne.
Several hundred persons by whom Scotland is held in reverence and affection gathered in Chickering Hall last evening for a Halloween celebration under the auspices of the New-York Scottish Society. Andrew Carnegie, Honorary President of the Society, presided. Wallace Bruce, lately United States Consul at Edinburgh, delivered an address on Scotland and Scotsmen.
AULD LANG SYNE for Marketing Technologists - Gartner Blog.
Going through files today, I noticed a disproportionate number of them about marketing technologists. The Scottish song ���Auld Lang Syne��� , which can be translated to ���days gone by���, symbolizes endings and new beginnings.
How to Avoid the Same Auld Lang Syne - Portland Mercury
Theres still one final chance to redeem yourself���its not too late to turn 2014 around. Because youve still got New Years. And its right around the corner. Planning the ultimate New Years Eve should not be taken lightly.
New Years Song AULD LANG SYNE Becomes Extremely.
Chase Holfelder continues his Major to Minor video series by transforming the New Years cheer of ���Auld Lang Syne��� into something much more depressing by switching the song to a minor key. The rejiggered song can be��.
Game Day Canes at Penguins: Auld Lang Syne Edition
���Should auld acquaintance be forgot��� seems an appropriate sentiment as the Hurricanes close out 2014 against a familiar rival. ��� Tweet Share on Twitter ���Share Share on Facebook ��� Share Share with Hurricanes friends + Comments · Carolina Hurricanes .
Gathering Bedfellows, Odd and Otherwise, for Auld Lang Syne
Email; Share; Tweet; Save; More. Photo. Jack Ma of Alibaba.Credit Lucy Nicholson/Reuters. Dinner is about to begin. Please, take your seats. Welcome to our annual DealBook ���Closing Dinner,��� where we toast ��� and more important, roast ��� the corporate .
Auld Lang Syne by 3 in Australian Village
Party, party, party! New Years Eve celebrations at Camerons Corner, a remote settlement in Australias Outback, will be in triplicate, the local bar owner said today. The tiny village about 740 miles northwest of Sydney straddles three state boundaries, and three times zones.. Local bar owner in Camerons Corner, Australia, plans triple New Years Eve celebration in tiny village that stradles three time zones (S)
Maybe the most important point to keep in mind about Hong Kong today is that the heaviest concentration of Chinese troops here is not in the city center to protect the handover ceremony. Its along the border between China and Hong Kong, and those troops are there to keep out the millions of Chinese eager to flock here to become part of Hong Kong. Everything else is just commentary. That is to say, in the great struggle over who will now influence whom -- China or Hong Kong -- dont write off Hong Kong so quickly. China is big, but Hong Kong is fast, in a world where speed of adaptation, innovation and production is everything. China is heavy, but Hong Kong is light, in a world where light is everything, because the lighter your products the more knowledge they usually contain and the more they sell for. China runs on coal, but Hong Kong runs on information, in a world where information technology is the key to a modern economy. China is the past, Hong Kong is what China wants to be when it grows up.. Thomas L Friedman Op-Ed article on outlook for Hong Kong now that it has reverted to Chinese rule after 156 years of British colonial domination; drawing (M)
Watch Jose Cuervos Unique Rendition of Auld Lang Syne.
Here is one way to say goodbye to 2014: Play Auld Lang Syne by spinning 57 tequila-filled bottles in a hand-cranked carousel next to re-engineered Shop-Vac connected to a gramophone. The result is what tequila brand��.
Henry Stevens was a famous purchaser for collectors in those days, supplying Mr. James Lenox, Mr. John Carter Brown, the British Museum, and others with some of the most valuable old works; and thereby hangs a tale to be told later. He owned the verses in question. He was a friend of Mr. Pruyn, and a correspondence regarding the matter in hand began.
This Christmas weekend, co-vocabularists have generously shared the poetry and prose that moves them - from works by William Blake and Matthew Arnold to lines from Albert Einstein and Shane MacGowan.. This Christmas weekend, co-vocabularists have generously shared the poetry and prose that moves them - from works by William Blake and Matthew Arnold to lines from Albert Einstein and Shane MacGowan.
Auld Lang Syne - Robert Burns | Virtual Piano
Use your computer keyboard to play this song on Virtual Piano. Its simple, easy and fun. Bring out the pianist in you.
3 New Cigar Box Guitar Tabs Added: Auld Lang Syne, Here.
Weve just added 3 new pieces of 3-string cigar box guitar holiday tablature to the library. All three were arranged and tabbed by Glenn Watt, who during the Christmas rush of orders has taken over from Ben/C. B. Gitty as the��.
The fiscal year 1982 is passing away without anybody, not even a Government accountant, giving it a backward glance. No official Government ceremonies and no New Years resolutions are planned to set the day off from other Thursdays. Im afraid nothing unusual happens, said Marlin Fitzwater, a spokesman for the Treasury Department.
New Years Eve preparation: What are the words to Auld Lang Syne?
In fact, most peoples versions of Auld Lang Syne consist of plenty of mumbling, sandwiching some enthusiastic singing of the chorus. Others just abandon the verses all together. But for anyone who wants to get it right this year, here is what you.
Infuse With Liz: For Auld Lang Syne
The words Auld Lang Syne literally translates from old Scottish dialect meaning Old Long Ago and is about love and friendship in times past. Well take a cup of kindness yet relate to a drink shared by men and women to��.
AULD LANG SYNE: What are the words to traditional New Year song Auld Lang.
GETTING ready for New Years Eve tonight? You may be called upon to sing Auld Lang Syne! But the big question is - do you know the words? Like the National Anthem, many people seem to know the first verse of the song but are not quite so sure about the .
HWX: Auld Lang Syne with Rep. Michele Bachmann
HWX: Auld Lang Syne with Rep. Michele Bachmann. HWX returns for a final, gala broadcast of 2014. Brian Ward of Fraters Libertas and, filling in for a still vacationing John Hinderaker, Paul Happe, aka the Nihilist in Golf��.
December 23 ��� Worlds oldest recording of Auld Lang Syne.
Up and down the British Isles this December 31st, many of us will bid farewell to the passing year by singing the familiar tune of Auld Lang Syne. The song ��� a Scots poem interpreted and partially re-written by Robert Burns in��.
Podcast Episode #307: Auld Lang Syne - Today I Found Out
In this episode, youre going to learn how the tradition of singing Auld Lang Syne on New Years Eve got started and who originally composed the song in the first place. [TRANSCRIPT]. Dont miss future episodes of this podcast, subscribe��.
AULD LANG SYNE All Revved Up For the Millennium
WITH New Years Eve just a week away, revelers looking for live music should make reservations soon or expect to face a modest pre-Y2K problem. On New Years Eve New York becomes a magnet for people who want to celebrate with fellow fans of salsa or punk, jazz or hip-hop. Musicians and disc jockeys can count on bookings as clubs start laying in the party hats and plastic Champagne glasses and ordering video screens to show the ball dropping in Times Square. Millennial fever struck entrepreneurs early as visions of windfalls danced in their heads. While some of the most extravagant plans have been scaled back, not everyone is planning to hole up in bunkers waiting for blackouts and computer chaos. Major concerts (like Billy Joels performance at Madison Square Garden) have already sold out, along with some club shows.. Guide to musical offerings in nightclubs and cabarets in New York metropolitan area on New Years Eve (M)
Police choirs creative parody of AULD LANG SYNE a must-see.
Police choirs creative parody of Auld Lang Syne a must-see. Posted 8:15 AM, December 31, 2014, by Dan Ponce, Updated at 08:17am, December 31, 2014. Share Update: Facebook �� Twitter �� Google �� LinkedIn �� Pinterest �� Email��.
READ IN: Auld Lang Syne Edition
Ed. note: Thanks for a great first year of Read In. We hope you have a fantastic 2015, and we want to hear from you: What can we do better? What should we do more of? Your feedback helps us deliver a better product to your inbox every morning. Email us .
Auld Lang Syne Leddy Hammock | Unity Church of Clearwater
���Light the candle, illuminate your heart. Dont be afraid of the dark.. Ring out the old, bring in the new, bless and release what you have to, and love with love with hope.. Ring out the old, bring in the new, bless and release what you��.
What on earth does AULD LANG SYNE mean?
KUSA - Its the famous song millions of people across the country sing every year on New Years Eve, but do you know the meaning behind or even the words to Auld Lang Syne? The Scottish Fiddles Club of Colorado will play Auld Lang Syne on 9NEWS and .
Auld Lang Syne
Auld Lang Syne is a requirement on that night to hear played loud and brightly. We know the melody of the Old Scottish Air, but the words seem harder to sing along to than most with its specific dialectic and archaic words and spellings, and so it is.
Auld Lang Syne: Youve hard it a thousand times, but what does it mean and.
Auld Lang Syne is a Scottish phrase that translates to times gone by or long long ago.��� Its significance today comes from a poem by Robert Burns written in 1788 that was then adapted to song. The poem, meant to convey the sense of longing for the.
. Ms of poem Auld Lang Syne to be auctioned, London
Watch Jose Cuervos Unique Rendition of AULD LANG SYNE
Here is one way to say goodbye to 2014: Play Auld Lang Syne by spinning 57 tequila-filled bottles in a hand-cranked carousel next to re-engineered Shop-Vac connected to a gramophone. The result is what tequila brand Jose Cuervo is calling a.
What are the words to Auld Lang Syne? Find out here
At midnight on New Years Eve most people in Britain will be singing the same song, Auld Lang Syne, a Scots poem written by Robert Burns in 1788. Across the English speaking world, the song is used to bid farewell to the old year upon the stroke of.
What Does AULD LANG SYNE Mean Anyways?
In just a few days, people around the world will come together to ring in the new year by singing the familiar celebratory tune, ���Auld Lang Syne.��� We all know the song, probably not the lyrics, but we can definitely sing along. What does the song mean.
The History and Words of AULD LANG SYNE -
Find out about the words and meaning to Auld Lang Syne. Robert Burns famous poem sung at New Years Eve the world over.
For auld lang syne, a last goodbye to UK buildings that are no more
Photographed in 1941, the year it was built with $150,000 from Swedish industrialist Axel Wenner-Gren, the Wenner-Gren Aeronautical Laboratory housed researchers developing World War II aircraft engines. Designed in the Streamline Moderne style by .
Take a Cup Of Tapas Yet For Auld Lang Syne
HOW do you sing Auld Lang Syne in Spanish? That may be the only detail missing from a New Years Eve gathering that takes its cue from Spain. Why a Spanish party, and not a traditional American send-off, with bowls of shrimp or caviar on blini or pigs in blankets?. Florence Fabricant describes making New Years Eve celebration featuring Spanish dishes; recipes; photos (L)
What does Auld Lang Syne mean?
We two have run about the slopes, and picked the daisies fine, But weve wandered many a weary foot, Auld Lang Syne, we two have paddled in the stream, from morning sun till dine, But seas between us broad have roared since Auld lang Syne and theres .
Sailors Revenge, Adirondack King dead heat in AULD LANG SYNE
Yougotthatgoinforu finished third in the Auld Lang Syne, 10 lengths behind the top pair. Classic Giacnroll was fourth, three-quarters of a length farther back. The time of the Auld Land Syne Stakes was 1:45.16, following fractions of 25.27, 49.66, 1:15.
What is AULD LANG SYNE and why will you be singing it tonight?
Or, more accurately, people will mumble the first two lines of Auld Lang Syne and hope there is someone in the room who knows the words for real. But what is it and why do we sing it on New Years Eve? In truth, its two��.
Sports of The Times; For Auld Lang Syne, And So On
MOMENTS and flip sides, in 1991, to remember: January: Uniformed men in SWAT teams on the roof of Tampa Stadium during the Super Bowl (and during the Persian Gulf War), while down below 73,813 fans watch other uniformed men swatting one another on the field. The Giants win it by 20-19 -- kinder to say than the Bills lost it -- when Scott Norwood of Buffalo, kicking from his own 47-yard line, sent a field-goal attempt six feet wide right in the final 4 seconds of the game. Soon the stadium was empty. But then a few kids were seen on the darkened field. They found their way to the Buffalo 47. One of them knelt to take an imaginary snap from center, another kicked. A third threw up his arms: Good! Good! Another triumph of sports fantasy over reality.
Auld lang syne for Union Hospital doctor
Twenty-eight years ago today, 8-year-old Marisela Marrero was preparing for her familys annual celebration of her fathers birthday and the coming of the new year. Having bought him handkerchiefs for a present, she anxiously waited for him to come.
THE MEDIA BUSINESS: Advertising; Recollections For Auld Lang Syne
LEAD: NINETEEN EIGHTY-EIGHT was a time of ironic turnabouts in the communications industry.
No Auld Lang Syne for Jailed Russian Oilman
Russias richest man, the oil billionaire Mikhail B. Khodorkovsky, will be allowed to stay up late on New Years Eve to watch television, but he will not be allowed to sing or drink champagne, according to people in a position to tell him what to do. A warden at Moscows toughest prison, where Mr. Khodorkovsky has been held for two months in a demonstration of the Kremlins power, said television viewing time would be extended for all inmates to 2 a.m. from the usual curfew of 10 or 10:30 p.m.. Prison warden says Russian oil billionaire Mikhail B Khodorkovsky will be allowed to usher in New Year by watching television, but will not be permitted to sing or drink champagne (M)
Happy New Year Auld Lang Syne ��� Times Gone By.
Syne��� is a Scottish song that was first published by the poet Robert Burns in the 1796 edition of the book, Scots Musical Museum. Burns transcribed it (and made some refinements to the lyrics) after he heard it sung by an old��.
Music Monday: Auld Lang Syne �� Colin D Smith
The last line of the first verse* and chorus is actually ���and [or ���for���] auld lang syne,��� though we often change this to ���for the sake of auld lang syne��� or something similar. This is in-keeping with the meaning of the song: for the��.
From Hoppin John to Auld Lang Syne, how the world will welcome 2015
In Scotland, the land of ���Auld Lang Syne,��� fireworks are also central to the public celebrations in Edinburgh and Glasgow, but the importance of the holiday is found in individual homes for Don Sloan, head of the Oxford School of Hospitality at Oxford.
Auld Lang Syne
This Was for Auld Lang Syne
Series for Auld Lang Syne
Series for Auld Lang Syne
Sports of The Times; For Auld Lang Syne
THEY locked the gates at the Polo Grounds last night and many a mourner shed a quiet tear at the untimely death of the New York Giants. An era had ended and there was nothing left but nostalgia and memories.