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The Solstice Blues
Don’t be afraid of the dark.. Op-Ed article by author Akiko Busch submits that summer solstice and attendant abundance of daylight highlights association often drawn between light, clarity and mental health; holds that humans equally need shadows, and that true darkness is scarce in artificially lit world; says solstice also presents opportunity to recognize value of both darkness and uncertainty.
Rare indeed are those who can sing with Amiens in As You Like It that they see no enemy but winter, which begins during or just before the lunch hour today, and rough weather. The most peaceable and best-disposed householder, even in the most carefully neutral nation, must be aware that he has another opponent.. Eds: Winter
Skating on Thick Ice
Susanna Rahkamo and Petri Kokko, skating partners who became a married couple, had a vision, a crystalline fantasy interrupted only by the sound of blades skimming across a plane of ice and temperatures some 20 harrowing degrees below zero. They wanted to take skating back to its origins in the outdoors of their native Finland. The results can be seen in Winter Solstice on Ice, a two-hour skating show with music by Windham Hill recording artists, to be shown on Saturday night at 9 on A&E.. Figure skating in Kemi, Finland, just south of Arctic Circle, will be featured in Winter Solstice on Ice, a two-hour show on A&E; photo (M)
When nights are darkest and days most dark, when the sun seems farthest from the planet and cheers it with lowest heat, when the fields lie shorn between the harvest time and seed time, and.. Ed, Winter solstice
Annual Winter Solstice Celebration at St. John the Divine
Annual Winter Solstice Celebration at St. John the Divine
Review/Music; The Reassurance of a Winter Solstice Festivity
Reassurance is a big part of Christmas festivities, and probably of older solstice festivals as well: the reassurance of abundance, of community, of continuity and tradition strong enough to survive the long cold nights ahead. The Winter Consorts Winter Solstice Whole Earth Christmas Celebration provides secular reassurance, telling its audience that they share good taste, a willingness to hear from other cultures and a concern for vanishing species and habitats, thus qualifying as members of a global village. The annual event, now in its 13th year, also uses the Cathedral of St. John the Divine as a backdrop for new-age spectacle. Where else can thousands of people watch a large gong rise like the sun, while the church organ tolls out chords worthy of Quasimodo?
Winter Begins Officially at 9:54 A.M. Today; Solstice Late This Year, Weather Man Says
Encyclopedias and popular opinion to the contrary notwithstanding, today, not yesterday, is the first day of Winter. The weather man in the Whitehall Building is authority for this statement.. Begins officially at 9:54 A M, Dec 22, this yr because solstice is late
Winter Solstice
By the calendar, we call it the arrival of winter. Actually, it is the occasion of the winter solstice, and it comes at 3:40 A. M. tomorrow. To all practical purposes, as we here in the Northeast and throughout much of the rest of the nation can testify, winter has been with us since Thanksgiving, and the calendar hasnt a thing to do with it.. ed, Winter Solstice
Solstice Salute
Paul Winter, whose jazz group has had a loving relationship with the Earth, welcomed winter last weekend with music combined with the taped voices of wolves, whales and other creatures. His group gave three concerts at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, on Amsterdam Avenue at 112th Street.
Review/Music The Paul Winter Consort Hails Solstice in Cathedral
LEAD: Few musicians are more ideally suited to making creative use of the booming acoustics of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine than the soprano saxophonist Paul Winter. In his explorations of natural sound over the years Mr. Winter, a dedicated environmentalist, has woven recorded wolf and whale cries into his pieces and even played a concert in the Grand
The sun grazes the tropic of Capricorn on the 21st of December and the astronomical Winter commences. The event is known as the Winter solstice. It is the season when ice and snow reign over the northern temporate zone, and the sun looks with slanting beams upon a belt of earth when cold and desolation hold sway.
A Solstice Tribute, Shorter Than the Day Is Long
On a cold and wet winter morning, 17 people gathered in Brooklyn for a ritual to celebrate the winter solstice.
Winter, and the Solstice
Winter, and the Solstice
33 Arrested at WINTER SOLSTICE Observance
They waved sparkling wands. They chanted healing messages to the universe. They lit a small fire and burned offerings in the name of renewal. And then the police came. Thirty-three celebrants of the winter solstice were rounded up last night on a Staten Island beach and charged with trespassing because the beach was closed for the evening, the police said. The suspects, participants in a ceremony on South Beach organized by Donna Henes, an artist, author and self-described urban shaman from Brooklyn, had come from as far away as Florida and ranged in age from 21 to 74, the police said.. New York City police arrest thirty three people for trespassing on South Beach on Staten Island; group was observing Winter Solstice (S)
Solstice, we call it, the summer solstice, when the earth begins to swing back on its trunnions and the longest day of the year is at hand and daylight begins its creeping abbreviation once more. Solstice, and summer, and bee-drone in the clover field; first fledglings out of the nest, corn almost knee high, another spring complete.
The year achieves another solstice as the great wheel of time turns with the earth and the seasons. Winter, by the calendar, begins in midmorning today, though the years shortest days have been upon us for almost a week.
John Langstaff declares that The Christmas Revels program of song, dance and music he is presenting this weekend for the fourth year at the Symphony Space, Broadway and 95th Street, will be uplifting, joyous and spiritual without being religious and celebratory. The Revels are not celebrating the holiday but the season, Mr. Langstaff said the other day. They are a paean to the winter solstice, the moment when the sun is farthest south of the equator - this year, at 5:30 A.M. on Dec. 22.
Winter Begins Tomorrow, The Shortest Day of Year
. Begins tomorrow
WINTER SOLSTICE 2014: Shortest Day Of The Year Marked By Pagan Celebrations
Officially the first day of winter, the winter solstice occurs when the North Pole is tilted 23.5 degrees away from the sun. This is the longest night of the year, meaning that despite the cold winter, the days get progressively longer after the winter.
Tomorrow is the winter solstice, the longest night of the year. But few of us will turn off the lights long enough to notice. Theres no getting away from the light. There are fluorescent lights and halogen lights, stadium lights, streetlights.
Winter Solstice 2014: Google Doodle marks shortest day of the year
The winter solstice occurs when the suns daily maximum elevation in the sky is at its lowest and the North Pole is tilted furthest away from the sun. This results in the least number of daylight hours and the longest night of the year. This.
Former Farmington mayor recognized during annual winter solstice celebration.
That vote, and the work he put into the library before and after were cited during the winter solstice celebration at the Farmington Public Library on Saturday. While the solstice officially takes place today, library officials chose to have their.
Celebrate winter solstice with outdoor activities, yoga
For those who need a break from the holiday hustle, heres a chance to focus on the wonders of the universe ��� at least for a day. The winter solstice is an ancient celebration that marks the shortest day and the longest night of the year, and the start.
Saturn and the Moon Shine at Dawn Friday as Winter Solstice Looms
This week the celestial clock marks two milestones: Saturns move into the morning sky and the winter solstice. For the last few months, the planet Saturn has been sinking slowly towards the sun in the evening sky. It reached conjunction with the sun.
Another Life: the magic of the winter solstice
The east coasts great megalithic monuments, Knowth and Dowth, open their stony hearts to the rise of the sun at dawns around the winter solstice. The west has simple rows of rocks, lining up with the sun as it sets into some chosen mountain notch in .
NYC Event Marks WINTER SOLSTICE With Music Parades
Walking? Check. In a winter wonderland? Well, it marks the beginning of the season. Bells ringing? Sure, along with trumpets and some fiddles. An outdoor musical celebration is marking the winter solstice on Sunday with just over a dozen small parades.
Winter Solstice Event Sunday at Cahokia Mounds
The place will be Woodhenge, a circle of wooden posts at Cahokia Mounds, where the Mississippian culture of 1,000 years ago observed the sunrise as far south in the sky as it would be, marking the winter solstice. Archaeologist Bill Iseminger will lead.
Darkness and Light: Take a winter solstice hike
To honor the occasion, the Hendersonville-based Environmental and Conservation Organization will host its annual Winter Solstice Night Hike in the DuPont State Forest. Described as ���ECOs annual favorite event,��� the hike meets at 7 p.m. and will.
Detroit artists set intentions for WINTER SOLSTICE, prepare for 2015
On Dec. 21, 2014, at 6:03 p.m., Michigan will officially reach the Winter Solstice, marking the new season and a shift toward the daylight getting longer again. On Dec. 6 at the Cass Corridor Commons, the Super Solstice Show celebrated the coming of.
Skywatch: The winter solstice
Sunday: Today is the winter solstice. The solstice occurs at 11:30 p.m. CST. On the solstice, the sun reaches its furthest position south in the sky. Today, the shortest day of the year, the sun will be above the horizon for only nine hours and 42.
How an Agnostic Science Writer Celebrates Winter Solstice
My wife recently decided that our family should celebrate Winter Solstice. To be honest, I wasnt eager to cram another event into our frantic holiday schedule. Also, my Catholic upbringing left me with a knee-jerk aversion toward the rituals of.
WINTER SOLSTICE 2014: How and where to celebrate the longest night of the year
The winter solstice is an astronomical phenomenon that marks the shortest day of the year and the longest night, celebrated since ancient times by cultures around the world. This years December solstice will occur on 11pm on Sunday 21 December in the .
Recreation center celebrates winter solstice with children
While a light snow fell outside, employees held the first Winter Solstice Festival of Light, one day before the actual solstice, in the recreation center. The buildings Social Hall was lined with tables that hosted crafts and projects that revolved.
Brighton WINTER SOLSTICE event helped by crowd-funding
Organisers of a Brighton festival marking the Winter Solstice have turned to crowd-funding to run the event. Burning the Clocks will go ahead on Sunday night after the community arts charity that runs it raised ��5,500 with a crowd-funding appeal. Same.
December 21st Is Winter (Or Summer) Solstice - DOGO News
If the sun appears to set a little earlier (or later) this Sunday, it is not your imagination. Thats because depending on where you live, December 21st will be the shortest or longest day of 2014. Also known as the winter (or��.
Comments of the Week #40: From dark matter searches to.
Image credit: Ken Tape, of the Winter Solstice at Fairbanks, Alaska. And on a more uplifting note, from Maritza Garcia on the solstice: ���I found the diagram of the different positions of the Solstice fascinating. As far as I could��.
WINTER SOLSTICE Event Sunday at Cahokia Mounds �� CBS St.
The place will be Woodhenge, a circle of wooden posts at Cahokia Mounds, where the Mississippian culture of 1,000 years ago observed the sunrise as far south in the sky as it would be, marking the winter solstice.
The WINTER SOLSTICE: Facts and Folklore - Farmers Almanac
Sunday, December 21st at 6:03 p.m. EST, marks the Winter Solstice for 2014. This is the moment when the Sun reaches the Tropic of Capricorn, and we have our shortest day and longest night of the year in the Northern��.
Everything you need to know: Winter solstice 2014.
December solstice 2014 is coming up this Sunday, December 21 at 23:03 UTC. Celebration time!
WINTER SOLSTICE On Sunday, Bay Area Events To Mark. - KPIX
SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) ��� The northern hemisphere will experience its shortest day and longest night of the year as the Winter Solstice will take place on Sunday. In the Bay Area, there are events to mark the occasion and��.
My Town: WINTER SOLSTICE Concerts at history museum | fox8.
CLEVELAND ��� The Cleveland Museum of Natural History and Almeda Trio are celebrating the winter solstice with a night of live entertainment. The 5th annual Winter Solstice Concerts will be held Sunday, December 21, at 5��.
Article: The Cosmic Story: Winter Solstice and Capricorn.
Article: The Cosmic Story: Winter Solstice and Capricorn New Moon 2014 - Weve arrived back at the Winter Solstice, the beginning of a new year for us in the northern hemisphere. As the Dark is rising, the Light gets reborn!
Cahokia Mounds plans winter solstice event |
COLLINSVILLE, Ill. (AP) ��� Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site is planning a special event to mark this years winter solstice. The Southern Illinois historic site was once home to thousands of Native Americans, who built a wide��.
Estuarium celebrates the winter solstice - The Olympian
The long days journey into night completes its voyage in the Northern Hemisphere Saturday with the arrival of the winter solstice.
Yule Log at Winter Solstice | Michael Ruhlman
December 21st, Winter Solstice, is one of the biggest celebrations of the year here and fire is at the heart of almost every gathering. It conveys a primal commonality we all share. And though we are all from somewhere else,��.
WINTER SOLSTICE on Sunday | Blogs
This pic. is from the Univ. of Alaska-Fairbanks and shows the position of the sun in Fairbanks on Dec. 2. On Dec. 21, the sun rises (first tip of the sun appears over a totally flat horizon) at 10:58 in Fairbanks, rises to only 2����.
Peregrine Farm News Vol.11 #32, 12/18/14 WINTER SOLSTICE.
Peregrine Farm News Vol.11 #32, 12/18/14 Winter Solstice Edition. 1 Comment. Whats been going on! A beautiful sunrise this morning but the saying ���Red sky in morning, sailor take warning��� appears to be accurate for��.
Winter solstice as seen from Stonehenge | Earth | EarthSky
At Stonehenge in England on the northern winter solstice, people watch the sunrise and sunset. Learn more and see photos here.
Winter Solstice: Follow the Light at Elderberry Park | Alaska.
But festivities begin this month, when The Light Brigade, a band of local artists, writers, designers and programmers launches their official Centennial event, ���Follow the Light��� on the Winter Solstice, Saturday, Dec. 20.
Celebrate Holidays In Manayunk And The WINTER SOLSTICE.
Celebrate the holiday season and the shortest day of the year -- the winter solstice -- with an evening filled with festivities in Manayunk. (Photo by R.