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XMAS MAIL MOVES FAST, MORGAN SAYS; Postmaster Promises to Deliver Santa Claus Packages on Time. SMALL ARMY IS AT WORK Parcel Post and Foreign Mail Has Made Task of New York Post Office Gigantic.
With a small army of extra clerks and mail sorters, and with some 250 additional vehicles, Postmaster Edward M. Morgan believes that he is equipped to handle and dispose of the enormous Christmas mail traffic successfully. This is the first severe test to which the parcel post system has been subjected here since it was inaugurated on Jan. 1, 1913.. successful handling predicted by Postmaster Morgan
WILLCOX GREETS EMPLOYES.; Less Overtime Work Necessary Despite Growth of Postal Service.
Postmaster William K. Willcox sent the following greetings to the employes of the New York Post Office yesterday:
Its Beginning to Look A Lot Like Solstice
THIS years holiday greeting cards arrive. More renditions of the manger, more pictures of triumphant angels, more images of the big fat guy in the red suit. But among the standard-issue greetings lurk notes of disaffection, even hints of rebellion. Lose your Xmas Depression! one greeting card reads. Celebrate Winter Solstice!
Merry Christmas Wishes,Messages,Greetings For 2014
Merry Christmas Wishes, Messages, Greetings: Its that time of year again when friends and family think about the Christmas Days of the past and plan for the coming Season with their well wishers in mind. We must keep in��.
Party leaders send out Christmas greetings ��� and political.
Leaders send Christmas greetings ��� and political messages ��� in festive cards. Nick Clegg goes for photobooth japes, David Cameron stresses status, and Ed Miliband does family guy but leader too. Esther Addley. Friday 5��.
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL; Holiday Memoranda: Last week
IN Grateful Acknowledgment (Including A Preliminary Bow To Frank Sullivan): God rest ye merrie, gentlemen, and if it be not treason, Wed like to say, Thanks, everybody, and greetings of the post-Yuletide season, And.. Comment on new murals
MANY NEW YEAR GREETINGS; Yet Postmaster Van Cott Receives Them from Other Countries. Winchester, England, Sends a Picture of King Alfreds Statue -- Congratulations Sent from South Africa.
It hag long been customary for Postmasters in all parts of the world to exchange greetings with each recurring New Year. All last week Postmaster Cornelius Van Cotts personal mall contained many of these missives. Some of them are unique, while the very large majority are handsome and replete with original ideas.
Getting the Army Habit of Self-Sacrifice; It Became Just as Natural as Saluting, One Soldier Wrote Home to His Father--The War as a Teacher of Physical Endurance to Our Men
HAVING given you a slight idea of where I have been and what I have been doing, I want to try and give you an equally rough sketch of what it [the war] has done to me.
SPEAKING PERSONALLY; The Guilt, Gelt and Glitter of Christmas
FOR most of my, life, the great war of Christmas guilt vs. Christmas gelt has been waged every December. In fact, to remain neutral in this conflict, it has become safer to call this time of year the holiday season rather than Christmas.
Merry Christmas Greetings In French With Quotes | Merry.
Presenting the best French Christmas Greetings for this Xmas season celebration.I had arranged some Merry Christmas Greetings In French along Quotes for all of you who have been looking for them since a very long time.
Topics of The Times
Topics of The Times
Companies Donate Yule Party Money To Help Neediest; Office Parties Canceled for Neediest
During this holiday season more and more company officials and individuals are taking time out to consider their blessings, then, after taking a look at conditions around them, sending a contribution to the Neediest in lieu of having office parties or exchanging gifts.. list of donors
SWIM RECORDS IN DANGER.; Fast Time Predicted When Western Cracks Compete Here.
I CAN hardly think of anything more appropriate than the sentiment expressed by myself each night at the Longacre Theatre in The Great Lever, which I utter in response to a question as to what I think of the American women:
PM visits Greek soldiers, calls Samaras to extend Xmas greetings
During his visit to the northwestern Turkish city of Edirne, Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto��lu held a phone conversation with Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras in an unprecedented move and conveyed his greetings for Christmas. Davuto��lu also went to .
88 Gifts Start the Neediest Cases Fund; $8,645,23 in Hand at Opening of Appeal
88 Gifts Start the Neediest Cases Fund; $8,645,23 in Hand at Opening of Appeal
Advance Merry Christmas 2014 Wishes Greetings (Xmas.
Hello Folks, Merry Christmas is celebrated all the world with full of joy. Xmas day is very near and its almost a 4 days away. People are sending wishes and greetings to each other but people are very busy on that occasion of��.
Governor, CM, others, send out X`mas wishes
IMPHAL, December 24: The Governor of Manipur, Dr. KK Paul has conveyed his heartiest greetings to the people of Manipur and particularly to the Christian brethren on the joyous and auspicious occasion of Christmas. According to a release of the .
SUFFRAGISTS MARCH 22 MILES IN SNOW; Army Selects Worst Day of the Trip to Push That Message the Longest Distance.
HUDSON, N.Y., Dec. 24. -- The march to-day of General Jones and the suffragette pilgrims, who are taking a message to Garcia -- beg pardon, Sulzer, rivaled in fact the fanciful tales of adventure in the arctic of Dr. Cook. The army tramped through a snow storm, twenty-two miles over the State road, and arrived here wet, tired, and footsore at 6:30 oclock to-night.. march progress
Teachers Likely to Find Rich Apples Under Tree
ALTHOUGH school chidrren discovered long ago that a teachers disposition and digestion could be improved with a single judicious gift, few of the citys teachers expect to be comforted with apples this Christmas.
XMAS GREETINGS | Handpiece Harry
Our super gift Voucher is in the Post with our Xmas Cards. It is our way of saying Thank You. It is also an opportunity for new customers to experience our great service and value for money. You can use it to buy new or repair��.
Advertising News and Notes
In preparing budgets for 1943, national advertisers are generally operating on a short-term basis, with some refusing to make plans beyond the first quarter and others beyond the first half. There is generally more optimism over the possibility of the war ending sooner than was prevalent a few weeks ago, but the availability of goods is the determining factor now rather than the length of the war.. Ad plans
URGES THE BUYING OF XMAS STAMPS; A Physicians Plea for the Work of the Red Cross in the Anti-Tuberculosis War. MEANS SAVING ALL AROUND Besides the Sanitary and Moral Aspects of the Crusade, There Is a Great Financial Gain in View.
Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf, Professor of Phthisiotherapy at the New York Post-Graduate School and Hospital, who is well-known as an authority on tuberculosis, pleads with the public to help in the anti-tuberculosis war through the aid of the Red Cross Christmas stamp. After reviewing the history of the Red Cross in the Medical Record he adds:. Prof S A Knopf urges pub buy Red Cross Christmas stamps
FAR-FLUNG HOOK-UP SET FOR PRESIDENT; Talk Today Will Go to Fighters and Others All Over World -- Short Wave in 30 Tongues
WASHINGTON, Dec. 23 -- President Roosevelts radio address from Hyde Park at 3 oclock tomorrow afternoon will be carried over the most extensive network of international facilities ever organized from America, according to a White House statement today.. radio s plans
Arviat Film Society XMas Greetings 2014 | IsumaTV
Merry XMas greetings from Arviat, NU 2014.. Arviat Film Society XMas Greetings 2014. About this video. Merry XMas greetings from Arviat, NU 2014. 623 views. Comments. avatar for ARVIATTV. UPLOADED BY. ARVIATTV.
Merry Christmas Whatsapp DP 2014 Santa Status Wishes.
Merry Christmas Whatsapp DP 2014 Santa Status Wishes profile pic image pictures wallpapers fb sms wishes for friends 25 december xmas greetings quotes messages.
Merry Christmas Greetings In Spanish With Quotes | Merry.
These are the best Spanish Christmas Greetings that you will find online.Use these Merry Christmas Greetings In Spanish and quotes instantly for sending the all new and latest collection of Xmas wishes to your dear ones on��.
Umno minister takes Isma to task over Xmas greeting
PETALING JAYA: Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan (pic) has slammed Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) activist Abu Ameen for reportedly saying that Malays should not wish Christians Merry Christmas .
Dream Sports Horses | XMAS GREETINGS
Xmas Greetings. December 20, 2014 /in News /by Editor. And a bit of Xmas fun (we do like surfing and penguins as well). Xmas GreetingsDecember 20, 2014 - 9:34 am; Screen Shot 2014-12-17 at 8.07.12 PM LarCas Soraya finds her new��.
Flipbykes XMAS GREETINGS | Flat Matters Online
Flipbykes Xmas Greetings. Posted on December 14, 2014 in: Edits|Jump To Comments. Renz Viaje just dropped this quick Xmas greeting edit from the Flipbykes crew, enjoy!
Gilded Age Greetings sells Christmas cards decorated with RUBIES
The luxury company are producing bespoke Christmas cards which take over a month to create, are decorated with rubies and cost up to $10,000 (��6,395). Card company Gilded Age Greetings, based in Florida and New Jersey, USA pride themselves on .
TIME TO PUT EXTREMISTS IN THEIR PLACE! Isma blasted over Xmas greetings
PETALING JAYA - Housing, Local Government and Urban Well-Being Minister Abdul Rahman Dahlan slammed Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) for telling Muslims not to wish Merry Christmas to Christians in the upcoming festive season. In a series of .
Christmas Messages 2014: New Merry Christmas SMS, WhatsApp and Facebook.
With the festival of Christmas finally here, it gives you a perfect time to share and express your wishes to family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, and loved ones. And to make things easier for you we have gleaned some of the best, warm and.
McMaster archives: Yuletide greetings from the First World War
These days if you want to send a Christmas greeting, you can dash off an e-card, tap out a Facebook message or simply phone loved ones using one of those cheap long distance plans. Of course, a lot of us still send traditional cards through regular mail.
Christmas Messages For Family: 45 Sweet Sayings for the Holidays
3- A Blessed Christmas to you and to your family. May the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ bring you and your family endless prosperity, blessings and peace of mind that you truly deserve. Merry Christmas! 4- Jingle Bells are ringing the wishes of.
Dont say Merry Christmas, it might offend someone, says Whitehall guidance
The message, destined to bring accusations of cancelling Christmas raining down on the department, read: As an organisation of multiple faiths and agnostics serving a community of the same and in the interest of inclusion, Id avoid images with skin..
XMAS GREETINGS and Have a Great 2015 | Camino de Santiago.
I hope you all have an enjoyable and reflective Xmas, and a happy, healthy 2015. May your travels be safe, and may you meet new friends met along the.
22 Clever Christmas Cards That Are Actually Funny
Your Christmas card game just got a whole lot stronger. Lets be real. Christmas cards suck. Youre either getting some lame variation of a red-and-green-themed Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays/Seasons Greetings OR some��.
Xmas greetings post Sydney siege | susanlhamo
Sending everyone a greeting card to celebrate the season. Here in Australia we have been somewhat disturbed by the recent siege in Sydney.sadly 2 precious lives were lost, and others greatly traumatised. This is a country��.
NEW EAST SIDE ASYLUM.; Orthodox Austrian Jews to Build One for the Orphans.
. Mrs Leishman in NYC to do Christmas shopping
22 Clever Christmas Cards That Are Actually Funny
Christmas cards suck. Youre either getting some lame variation of a red-and-green-themed Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays/Seasons Greetings OR some braggadocious novel of holiday newsletter that is solely aimed at making you feel even worse about .
Astronauts wish the world Merry Christmas from space
Aboard the International Space Station, Expedition 42 Commander Barry Wilmore and Flight Engineer Terry Virts of NASA offered their thoughts and best wishes to the world for the Christmas holiday during downlink messages from the orbital complex on Dec .
Cute Funny Merry Christmas Text Messages Wishes.
Cute Funny Merry Christmas Text Messages Wishes Greeting Cards can be found here and can be forwarded through various social networking apps. There are many ways in which you can use the text messages and wishes��.
Leaders send Christmas greetings ��� and political messages ��� in festive cards
The Cleggs lighthearted Christmas card was released on the same day as those of the other two major party leaders, and for those who consider that no political greeting, festive or otherwise, is composed without some measure of calculation, there was .
For My Friends, a Jolly, Funky Holiday Mix
So what if Andy Williams thinks Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year? It takes a special talent to make you realize its also the season when the freaks come out at night.. Bill Adler, the former music industry executive and author, will share his Christmas Jollies music mix on Chuck Ds radio show, On the Real.
Memo for Christmas 83: One-size-fits-all Doesnt fit me.GEORGETTE M. GILMORE THE curtain had fallen on another Christmas play at another private school for girls and now the parents were waiting at the stage door with flowers for the stars. There were dozens and dozen of stars, roughly 10 to 13 years old, and, after exchanging Victorian finery for blue jeans, they drifted out, smiling mysteriously in their stage makeup. There was a quick, short burst of applause, and then, because the hour was late and little brothers were cranky, the parents shepherded them swiftly down the stone steps to where the coats hung.
A New Animated Video Offers Christmas Greetings from The Babadook!
If its in a word or its in a look, you cant get rid of The Babadook. Thats true even during the holiday season it seems as the title character from writer/director Jennifer Kents genuinely terrifying new film is here with a quick animated short.
Albom: Holiday spirit of greetings is now text-friendly
Yes, there are still people who put great effort into Christmas greetings. But theres a growing trend toward, like everything else, making the whole thing easier, faster and more efficient, presumably to give us more time to do really important stuff.
The point of Christmas greetings
By now I suppose we should all have nearly finished the Christmas cards, with or without that round-robin letter whose purpose I have never quite fathomed. It certainly brings the clan up to date with whichever child has passed its exams and what a.
Christmas Quotes For Cards: 75 Messages To Write In Holiday Greetings
The holidays are officially upon us and chances are you have a few Christmas cards to write up. Its not uncommon to have a classic case of writers block while composing the perfect message for the recipient of your holiday message. If thats the case.
Christmas Messages 2014: New Merry Christmas SMS.
With the festival of Christmas finally here, it gives you a perfect time to share and express your wishes to family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, and loved ones. And to make things easier for you we have gleaned some of��.
The point of Christmas greetings | Katharine Whitehorn | Life.
The point of Christmas greetings. From a heartfelt card to an impersonal round robin, whats the best way to get your festive message across? Christmas Cards. Put it in writing: what will you be saying in your Christmas cards��.