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The Sun serves Ed Miliband a last helping of abuse | Media.

With the Indy now backing a Conservative-led government, it is just the Guardian and Mirror backing Labour. The former reveals a list of ���highly controversial��� cuts to benefits drawn up by civil servants for next chancellor, while��.


Earning the Right To Be Called a Victim REFLECTING on the 25th anniversary of his book Orientalism, Edward W. Said, the Columbia professor and Palestinian advocate, suggests in The Guardian that people are too quick to accuse Arabs and Muslims of wallowing in victimization. Arabs and Muslims have been told that victimology and dwelling on the depredations of empire are only ways of evading responsibility in the present, he writes.. Edward W Said, Columbia professor and Palestinian advocate, suggests in The Guardian that people are too quick to accuse Arabs and Muslims of wallowing in victimization (The Reading File) (S)

World Briefing | Africa: Zimbabwe: Journalist Ordered Out

In the first test of the countrys stringent new press law, an American reporter accused of publishing false information was acquitted, but minutes later, the immigration agency ordered the journalist, Andrew Meldrum, left, to leave the country within 24 hours. Mr. Meldrum, the Zimbabwe correspondent for The Guardian, has permanent resident status. His lawyers were attempting to file an emergency appeal with the High Court. Mr. Meldrum was charged earlier this year with publishing false information after he reported that an opposition supporter had been beheaded. The account, which was also reported by other news organizations, turned out to be untrue. Henri E. Cauvin (NYT). British newspaper Guardians Zimbabwe correspondent Andrew Meldrum is acquitted on charges of publishing false information; he is ordered to leave country within 24 hours; photo (S)

Frida Kahlo: long may her fashion influence reign

A woman of distinction: portrait of Frida Kahlo by Nickolas Muray. Photograph: Miguel Tovar/LatinContent/Getty Images. Lauren Cochrane. Friday 8 May 2015 01.00 EDT Last modified on Friday 8 May 2015 07.05 EDT. Share on Facebook · Share on Twitter .

The Liberal Guardian

To the Editor: It would be churlish, not to say outrageous, of me to find any fault or flaw in Bernard Avishais generous and flattering review of my new book, The Patient Has the Floor (June 1). But there was one unfortunate characterization, no doubt caused by the need for compression. Mr. Avishai writes, correctly, that for 25 years I was the chief American correspondent of The (then Manchester) Guardian. But he calls it the left-wing Guardian. The only left-wing Guardian I ever knew was a sheet that used to circulate, and perhaps still does, out of Berkeley, Calif. The Guardian I was proud to join in 1945 was the most famous voice of European liberalism and had been from the time of Dickens and the Reform Acts; on through the papers finest years, during the liberal heyday of Lloyd George and Churchill (who, it should be remembered, followed Bismarcks example and introduced the infant welfare state into Britain); and on, with unabated stubbornness, into the later years of alternating Conservative and Socialist governments and the woeful and seemingly irrevocable decline of the Liberal Party.

Catholic Voters, Faith and Policy

To the Editor: So American voters felt incensed when appeals by leading Britons to vote George W. Bush out of office were published in The Guardian. While the world is all too familiar with the United States unsolicited advice and coercive influence on all matters of nationhoood, America is unaccustomed to being admonished.. Alison Jasonides letter on American irritation at Britons expressing anti-Bush opinions in Guardian; points out that world is all too familiar with unsolicited US advice on all matters of nationhood

26 Iraqis and 5 G.I.s Killed; Reporter Missing

At least 26 Iraqis, 5 American soldiers and a British soldier were killed in attacks late Tuesday and Wednesday, officials reported Wednesday. Rory Carroll, a reporter working for The Guardian, was believed to have been abducted in Baghdad, the newspaper said.. At least 26 Iraqis, 5 American soldiers and British soldier are killed, and reporter working for The Guardian is believed to have been abducted, in attacks in and around Baghdad that may have been timed to start of trial of Saddam Hussein; Guardian reporter Rory Carroll was reportedly interviewing Iraqis about trial at time of his kidnapping (M)

Lars von Trier - The GUARDIAN

After his Nazi jokes saw him ejected from Cannes in 2011, Lars von Trier took a vow of silence. In one of the first interviews hes given since then, Lucy Cheung met him at the Zentropa studio in Denmark to talk about sex,��.

World Briefing | Africa: Zimbabwe: American Reporter Goes On Trial

On the opening day of his trial, an American reporter who is the first journalist to be tried under the countrys new press law pleaded not guilty to publishing false information. Andrew Meldrum, the Zimbabwe correspondent for The Guardian, reported that an opposition sympathizer had been beheaded by supporters of President Robert Mugabe. The story, first reported in a local newspaper and then picked up by a number of news organizations, turned out to be false and was retracted by the paper, The Daily News. A reporter for The Daily News is to go on trial later this month in connection with the report. Mr. Meldrum maintains that he did not intend to publish false information and that the police were unable confirm or deny the account of the womans death. Henri E. Cauvin (NYT). Andrew Meldrum, American correspondent for Guardian, is first journalist to go on trial under Zimbabwes new press law; pleads not guilty to publishing false data; photo (S)

Warning: todays front pages could seriously damage your.

The Mirrors front page is just a photo of David Cameron looking like he breathed in a fart, the Mails front page is just a naked plea for everyone to keep Labour out and even the Guardians front page has done its best to make��.

World Briefing | Africa: Zimbabwe: Reprieve For American Reporter

A judge ruled that Andrew Meldrum, the American journalist who was ordered out of the country this week, may remain while he appeals to the Supreme Court. Mr. Meldrum, a permanent resident of Zimbabwe who writes for the British newspaper The Guardian and was accused by prosecutors of publishing falsehoods, was acquitted of the charge on Monday. Moments later, officials told him he had 24 hours to leave the country. Henri E. Cauvin (NYT). Judge rules Guardian reporter Andrew Meldrum, American ordered to leave Zimbabwe after his acquittal on charges he published falsehoods, may stay pending appeal to Supreme Court (S)


It was with a special sense of fulfillment that British writers including JOHN LE CARRE, MARGARET DRABBLE, SALMAN RUSHDIE, Lady ANTONIA FRASER and HAROLD PINTER heard of the collapse of the coup in the Soviet Union yesterday. The day before, they and scores of others had taken to the pages of The Guardian to promote such ideals as freedom and self-determination. In a letter published on Tuesday and initiated by ANTHONY BARNETT, a former editor of the weekly journal New Statesman, the signers voiced our support for free elections, free speech and the right to self-determination of all the peoples of the republics of the Soviet Union and urged those currently occupying the Kremlin to desist from the use of force.

SNP avalanche sweeps aside Douglas Alexander and Jim Murphy

Nicola Sturgeon has won an extraordinary landslide victory in the general election in Scotland after the Scottish National party crushed Labour, inflicting a series of humiliating defeats on the partys leadership. In a series of dramatic victories for.

Husseins Day, Not Forgetting Cookie Snacks

Saddam Hussein is passing his time in solitary confinement by reading the Koran, writing poetry, gardening and snacking on American-style cookies and muffins, The Guardian reported Monday. The Iraqi human rights minister, Bakhtiar Amin, was quoted as saying in an interview that Mr. Husseins health was generally good but that he was being treated for high blood pressure and had a chronic prostate infection.. Iraqi Human Rights Minister Bakhtiar Amin speaks to newspaper The Guardian about his visit with Saddam Hussein at undisclosed prison location; says Husseins health is generally good and that he passes his time in solitary confinement by reading Koran, writing poetry and gardening (S)

What Frida wore: the artists wardrobe locked up 50 years.

. to the Australia edition �� switch to the International beta �� The Guardian Winner of the Pulitzer prize 2014.. Sign in or create your Guardian account to join the discussion. This discussion is closed for comments. Were doing��.

World Briefing | Africa: Zimbabwe: Three Journalists Arrested

Two Zimbabweans and an American have been arrested and accused of publishing false news after reporting accusations made by the opposition party that a supporter was beheaded by government-backed militants. Opposition officials, who say they were misled, say they believe that the incident was set up to sully the partys reputation. Editors at The Daily News, the countrys only private daily newspaper, which had two reporters arrested, have acknowledged that the story was false. The third reporter, Andrew Meldrum, an American citizen who writes for the British newspaper The Guardian, has been called a terrorist by officials for writing articles critical of the government. The arrests came as the government celebrated Zimbabwes election to a seat on the United Nations Human Rights Commission. Rachel L. Swarns (NYT). Two Zimbabweans and an American are arrested in Zimbabwe and accused of publishing false news; they had reported accusations made by opposition party that supporter was beheaded by government-backed militants; Andrew Meldrum, American who was arrested, writes for British newspaper The Guardian; he has been called terrorist by officials for writing articles critical of government (S)

Best League of Legends skin ever Star Guardian Lux officially receives.

In a bit of exciting League of Legends news, Star Guardian Lux officially got her splash art today. Yes, I am referring to what is arguably the best skin Riot will be releasing in some time, one that should justify every player who doesnt own Lux.

Can you solve the maths question for Singapore schoolkids.

. to the Australia edition �� switch to the International beta �� The Guardian Winner of the Pulitzer prize 2014.. privacy policy �� cookie policy �� securedrop. �� 2015 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies.

World Briefing | Africa: Swaziland: Newspaper Penalized

The government has suspended publication of the independent newspaper the Guardian, arrested its editor and impounded all copies of the weekly. The newspaper incurred the anger of the authorities when it reported on rumors that King Mswati III was ill and had been poisoned by one of his seven wives. The crackdown was criticized by South Africas President, Thabo Mbeki, by local media groups, and by the Committee to Protect Journalists, a New York-based advocacy group. Rachel L. Swarns (NYT). Swaziland government suspends publication of independent newspaper the Guardian, arrests its editor and impounds all copies of weekly; newspaper incurs anger of authorities when it reports on rumors that King Mswati III is ill and had been poisoned by one of his seven wives (S)

BLIND GUARDIAN And GRAVE DIGGER To Join Forces For North American Tour

BLIND GUARDIANs tenth studio album, Beyond The Red Mirror, was released in North America on February 3 via Nuclear Blast. Four and a half years in the making, the follow-up to 2010s At The Edge Of Time was recorded at Twilight Hall Studio in .

Paper Runs Afoul of Irelands Abortion Law

The national abortion dispute flared again today when 2,000 copies of The Guardian, a British newspaper, were suppressed by the papers Irish distributor because they contained an advertisement on where to get an abortion in Britain. Distribution of such information is illegal in Ireland, but the Government of Prime Minister Albert Reynolds has indicated it wants to ease that ban.

Confession as Strength At a British Newspaper

Its not news that newspapers make mistakes, garbling names, misquoting sources, reporting that a figure was $812 when it was actually, er, $812 million. But in Britain, the land that introduced the notion of the fact too good to check, most newspapers are notoriously reluctant to print corrections, except when the error is particularly glaring or the threat of legal action particularly pressing. It is unclear whether the no-correction policy is based on arrogance or a feeling that mistakes are yesterdays news and thus not worth revisiting.. The Guardian abandons traditional reluctance of British newspapers to print corrections, except for the most glaring of errors, by starting a prominent daily column of corrections and clarifications; drawing (M)

Barack and Michelle Obama romance movie announces cast

Young love ��� Parker Sawyers and Tika Sumpter will play Barack and Michelle Obama in a new film. Photograph: Getty. Ben Child · @BenChildGeek. Friday 8 May 2015 06.35 EDT Last modified on Friday 8 May 2015 06.36 EDT. Share on Facebook · Share .

The Guardian view on the Labour defeat: a failure of political direction ��� and.

The Guardian view on the Labour defeat: a failure of political direction ��� and of strategy. Editorial. Labour must find how to turn its principles into the sort of policies that might just catch the ear of a radio listener or TV viewer. Britains.

Cameron prepares to form Conservative government after election victory

David Cameron is preparing to form his first government comprised solely of Conservative cabinet members afterbeing delivered an overall Commons majority by a tumultuous election. The result claimed the scalps of an unprecedented three party leaders in .

Mark Twain stories, 150 years old, uncovered by Berkeley.

Hirst told the Guardian the digitisation of newspaper archives had been like ���opening up a big box of candy���, allowing as it did Twains articles to be tracked down in a way that was not possible when archives were all on��.

Guardian appoints Katharine Viner as editor-in-chief | Media.

Guardian US chief will take over from Alan Rusbridger in the summer.

British Two Cents Draws, in Sum, a Two-Word Reply: Butt Out

The idea, as the left-leaning newspaper The Guardian here conceived it, was to allow non-Americans feeling alarmed or incensed by the state of affairs in the United States to do something about it. Last week the newspaper began matching Guardian readers with independent voters in Clark County, Ohio, a key spot in a key swing state, urging them to write a personal letter, citizen to citizen, explaining why this election matters to you. As an incentive, the paper printed sample letters from three prominent Britons -- Lady Antonia Fraser, John le Carré and Richard Dawkins -- arguing for the defeat of President Bush on Nov. 2.. Left-leaning Manchester Guardian in Britain begins matching Guardian readers with independent voters in Clark County, Ohio, a key swing state, urging them to write a personal letter, citizen to citizen, explaining why this election matters to you; as incentive, paper prints sample letters from three prominent Britons -- Lady Antonia Fraser, John le Carre and Richard Dawkins -- arguing for defeat of Pres Bush on Nov 2; Clark County voters express indignation at being told what to do by foreigners (M)

Russian politician denounces Apples U2 album gift as gay.

. to the Australia edition �� switch to the International beta �� The Guardian Winner of the Pulitzer prize 2014.. privacy policy �� cookie policy �� securedrop. �� 2015 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies.

Editors Note

An article on March 25 from the Bosnian town of Visegrad, about a Bosnian Serb militia leader accused of atrocities, said of the accused man that beyond Visegrad, his name and story are largely unknown. The article should have noted that the first extensive report of the accusations was published by a London newspaper, The Guardian.

Bollywood star Salman Khans jail term suspended

Bollywood actor Salman Khan, pictured leaving court in Mumbai on Wednesday, was sentenced to five years for killing a homeless man. Photograph: Punit Paranjpe/AFP/Getty Images. Jason Burke in Delhi and agencies. Friday 8 May 2015 05.23 EDT Last .

Pakistan helicopter crash kills foreign ambassadors

Pakistani soldiers gather beside an army helicopter at a military hospital where victims of a helicopter crash were brought for treatment. Photograph: Farman Karim/AFP/Getty Images. Jon Boone in Islamabad. Friday 8 May 2015 10.28 EDT Last modified on .

Aaron Lennon could prove too expensive for Everton to sign.

The Guardian Winner of the Pulitzer prize 2014 �� home; ��� soccer �� live scores �� tables �� competitions �� results.. privacy policy �� cookie policy �� securedrop. �� 2015 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies.

Football: 10 things to look out for this weekend

Ten things Can Spurs escapte the Europa League, will Steven Gerrard wonder what might have been, and can Burnley and Manchester United get a win? Photograph: Action/EPA/Action/Reuters. Barry Glendenning and John Ashdown. Friday 8 May 2015 .

London Mayors Latest Statements on Israel Raise New Complaints

Ken Livingstone, Londons outspoken mayor, drew fresh complaints from Jewish organizations on Friday over an opinion piece published in the newspaper The Guardian in which he accused Israel of ethnic cleansing and described Prime Minister Ariel Sharon as a war criminal. The accusations played into a widening debate over anti-Semitism in Europe.. London Mayor Ken Livingstone draws fresh complaints from Jewish organizations over opinion piece published in Guardian newspaper in which he accused Israel of ethnic cleansing and described Prime Min Ariel Sharon as war criminal (M)

10 of the best festivals in Europe. that youve probably.

. to the Australia edition �� switch to the International beta �� The Guardian Winner of the Pulitzer prize 2014... privacy policy �� cookie policy �� securedrop. �� 2015 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies.

Rosetta spacecraft begins to listen out for Philae contact

���Its almost certainly still too cold for Philae to recharge its batteries, but it may be able to make contact during the short time it is illuminated twice a day,��� Stephan Ulamec, the Philae lander manager, told the Guardian. The rotation of the comet.

Unmanned Russian cargo spacecraft is falling to Earth - The.

So theres a distinct possibility the Progress 59 spacecraft could be orbiting Earth for more than a week. Im starting to wonder if Im on course to set a new live-blogging record. Send coffee and a sleeping bag to Guardian HQ.

Election 2015 live - The GUARDIAN

Alan Travis, the Guardian home affairs editor, has written a guide to what happens if no single party wins a majority and there is a hung parliament again. He writes: Britain has no written constitution but the nearest things we��.

Move to bring Guardian Angels to Riverhead brings backlash from police union.

Riverhead Town Board members and the town police rank and file are voicing objections to the prospect of Guardian Angels patrolling local streets. The president of the Riverhead Police Benevolent Association makes no bones about it. ���I dont think we.

London Journal; All Is Not Lost: Art of Insult Survives New Britain

Just when people nostalgic for a pricklier Britain were lamenting that the country was losing its touch for the wounding insult, two of the countrys best-known writers have come to the rescue with a cascade of abusive comments about one another. In a week of correspondence of growing vituperativeness, Salman Rushdie has called John le Carre an illiterate pompous ass, and Mr. le Carre has replied that Mr. Rushdie is self-canonizing and arrogant, blinded by the pursuit of increased royalties for himself from the physical danger that sales of his book posed to others.. Salman Rushdie and John le Carre, two of Britains best-known writers, are engaged in war of words--hurling cascade of abusive comments at one another at time when many Britons are lamenting countrys loss of its special touch for literary invective; exchanges have taken place on pages of The Guardian, time-honored arena for mudslinging, and follows le Carres complaint that he has become victim of witchhunt by zealots of political correctness in US aimed at portraying him as anti-Semitic for portrayals in his 1996 novel, The Tailor of Panama; Rushdie, who has called le Carre an illiterate pompous ass, says le Carre should have had same concern for him when he became target of fatwa declared by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini of Iran following publication of his book, The Satanic Verses, that was perceived as slight to Islam; le Carre says Rushdie is self-canonizing and arrogant, and has been blinded by pursuit of increased royalties for himself from physical danger that sales of his book poses to others; photos (M)

Britons Ask Whither The Throne?

No man is a hero to his valet, remarked Mme. Cornuel, the 17th-century Parisian hostess. The scalding truth of that statement was brought home with a literal vengeance this week for the British royal family. Stealing the march on its rivals, a weekend tabloid, News of the World, plied the Prince of Waless valet of 15 years with a large sum, reportedly in six figures, to spill intimate details of his masters bedchamber.

Defeat of Ed Balls gives Tories their Portillo moment

Ed Balls reacts after loosing his Morley and Outwood seat to Conservative candidate Andrea Jenkyns. Photograph: Craig Brough/Reuters. Larry Elliott Economics editor. Friday 8 May 2015 04.50 EDT Last modified on Friday 8 May 2015 08.03 EDT. Share on .

Guardian Storage wants to build facility in Dormont

A proposed indoor storage facility was granted a special exception by the Dormont Zoning Hearing Board, but the panel later denied several variances that were sought by the developers. Guardian Storage Dormont LP of Pittsburgh presented the board with .

What does Camerons election win mean for the environment?

David Cameron agrees action is needed on climate change but his party is pro-fracking and has scrapped onshore wind farm subsidies. Photograph: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images. Contact author. @dpcarrington. Friday 8 May 2015 08.25 EDT Last .

Twitter kills MS-Dos games embedded in tweets - The.

Photograph: Samuel Gibbs for the Guardian. And so Twitter has now disabled the feature, likely after seeing the various news reports and a stream of Street Fighter II, Wolfenstein 3D and Zool littering peoples timelines.

No need for men to get flush-faced about faeces in beards.

22 23. respectable publication?? Its the guardian. More biased and one sided reporting as any of the redtops. Not to mention crap stories like this. If you excuse the pun. Reply | Pick. Report. Housemuzikman RoadToad.

Lenins lover? Picture of woman described as his true love.

The Guardian Winner of the Pulitzer prize 2014 �� home; ��� world �� UK �� europe �� americas �� asia �� middle east.. privacy policy �� cookie policy �� securedrop. �� 2015 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies.

Never mind the election ��� vote now for the UKs national bird.

. to the Australia edition �� switch to the International beta �� The Guardian Winner of the Pulitzer prize 2014.. Sign in or create your Guardian account to join the discussion. This discussion is closed for comments. Were doing��.

WATCH: The Guardians U.K. Election Primer For Non-Brits

The parliamentary system can seem complicated on this side of the pond. Luckily The Guardian gets that and explains a hung parliament and what the queen has to do with all this. They produced this charming primer of the U.K. elections for non-Brits: .

World News Briefs;Nigerian Publisher Wounded by Gunmen

The publisher of Nigerias leading independent newspaper, The Guardian, has been shot and seriously wounded, the newspaper said today.

Faint Soviet Signals

The mysterious document brought from Moscow by the correspondent of The Guardian of London may be a fake, but it is an interesting comment on the Soviet atmosphere behind the scenes nonetheless. It is purportedly a manifesto written by some senior officials calling for dramatic reform, with full freedom of press and speech and contending political groups. The police apparently knew about it, because they confiscated a second copy, which NBCs correspondent also received and tried to take out of the country. The Guardians correspondent himself warned in his article that the manifesto might have been a provocation from anti-Gorbachev factions trying to block essentially modest economic reforms by showing where they could lead. But he tended to believe it authentic. After publication, experts in London said they thought it was a falsification by emigre Russians, given to Western reporters in Moscow so as to make it credible.

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