Ariel Castro - Diaries reveal horrific details of three women held in Ariel Castros ...

Ariel Castro : Photo Gallery

The Life Of Michele Knight Under Ariel Castro Was Horrible Beyond ...

The Life Of Michele Knight Under Ariel Castro Was Horrible Beyond ...

Kidnap victims released from Cleveland hospital reunite with ...

Kidnap victims released from Cleveland hospital reunite with ...

Ariel Castro Pleads Not Guilty to Imprisoning Three Women for a ...

Ariel Castro Pleads Not Guilty to Imprisoning Three Women for a ...

Cleveland kidnapping: Suspect Ariel Castro's daughter in prison ...

Cleveland kidnapping: Suspect Ariel Castro's daughter in prison ...

Ariel Castro Facing 977 Charges: 5 Facts You Need to Know | HEAVY

Ariel Castro Facing 977 Charges: 5 Facts You Need to Know | HEAVY

Amanda Berry: Family disown dungeon monster Ariel Castro who may ...

Amanda Berry: Family disown dungeon monster Ariel Castro who may ...

Geraldo Rivera: Ariel Castro, The Yauco Monster | Fox News Latino

Geraldo Rivera: Ariel Castro, The Yauco Monster | Fox News Latino

Ariel Castro's Daughter, Angie Gregg: My Father 'Is Dead to Me ...

Ariel Castro's Daughter, Angie Gregg: My Father 'Is Dead to Me ...

Neighbor_describes_Ariel_ ...

Neighbor_describes_Ariel_ ...

Cleveland kidnappings: Was Ariel Castro record of abuse a red flag ...

Cleveland kidnappings: Was Ariel Castro record of abuse a red flag ...

Cleveland Kidnapping Suspect Ariel Castro Hid a Dark Side, His ...

Cleveland Kidnapping Suspect Ariel Castro Hid a Dark Side, His ...

Cleveland suspect Ariel Castro was investigated by police for ...

Cleveland suspect Ariel Castro was investigated by police for ...

Ariel Castro: Top 10 Facts You Need to Know | HEAVY

Ariel Castro: Top 10 Facts You Need to Know | HEAVY

Cleveland kidnapping: Ariel Castro's daughter offers tearful ...

Cleveland kidnapping: Ariel Castro's daughter offers tearful ...

Ariel Castro's Son Wrote Article About Victim Gina DeJesus Back in ...

Ariel Castro's Son Wrote Article About Victim Gina DeJesus Back in ...

Ariel Castro Declared Mentally Competent to Stand Trial | Scene ...

Ariel Castro Declared Mentally Competent to Stand Trial | Scene ...

Cleveland kidnapper gets life in prison after emotional hearing- @757Live

Cleveland kidnapper gets life in prison after emotional hearing- @757Live

Ariel Castro sentenced to life without parole for Cleveland kidnap and rape

Ariel Castro sentenced to life without parole for Cleveland kidnap and rape

Ariel Castro Gets To Enjoy 1 K Years Of Being Confined “There is no place in this city, there is no place in this country, there is no place in this world for those who enslave others,” Judge Michael Russo told kidnapper Ariel Castro.  The court in Cuyaho

Ariel Castro Gets To Enjoy 1 K Years Of Being Confined “There is no place in this city, there is no place in this country, there is no place in this world for those who enslave others,” Judge Michael Russo told kidnapper Ariel Castro. The court in Cuyaho

Ariel Castro Sentenced to Life in Prison

Ariel Castro Sentenced to Life in Prison

Ariel Castros Kidnap Victim: Your Hell Is Just Beginning

Ariel Castros Kidnap Victim: Your Hell Is Just Beginning

Cleveland kidnapper Castro gets life in prison- @757Live

Cleveland kidnapper Castro gets life in prison- @757Live

Ariel Castros Kidnap Victim: Your Hell Is Just Beginning

Ariel Castros Kidnap Victim: Your Hell Is Just Beginning

Ariel Castros Kidnap Victim: Your Hell Is Just Beginning

Ariel Castros Kidnap Victim: Your Hell Is Just Beginning

Ariel Castros Kidnap Victim: Your Hell Is Just Beginning

Ariel Castros Kidnap Victim: Your Hell Is Just Beginning

Ariel Castros Kidnap Victim: Your Hell Is Just Beginning

Ariel Castros Kidnap Victim: Your Hell Is Just Beginning

Ariel Castros Kidnap Victim: Your Hell Is Just Beginning

Ariel Castros Kidnap Victim: Your Hell Is Just Beginning

Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro in court for sentencing after guilty plea

Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro in court for sentencing after guilty plea

Ariel Castro: kidnapped womens diaries reveal extent of abuse

Ariel Castro: kidnapped womens diaries reveal extent of abuse

Amanda Berry First public apperance, People Cheer to Support Cleveland Concert

Amanda Berry First public apperance, People Cheer to Support Cleveland Concert

Ariel Castro Pleads Guilty in Kidnapping Case

Ariel Castro Pleads Guilty in Kidnapping Case

Ariel Castro: 'I'm not a monster -- I'm sick'

Ariel Castro: 'I'm not a monster -- I'm sick'

Judge sentences Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro to life, plus 1000 years

Judge sentences Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro to life, plus 1000 years

Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro apologizes to victims he held captive ...

Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro apologizes to victims he held captive ...

Ariel Castro likely to get life-plus-1000 years

Ariel Castro likely to get life-plus-1000 years

Cleveland Kidnapper Ariel Castro Told 'You Will Die a Little Every Day'

Cleveland Kidnapper Ariel Castro Told 'You Will Die a Little Every Day'

Michelle Knight confronts Ariel Castro in court as emotional case ends (+video)

Michelle Knight confronts Ariel Castro in court as emotional case ends (+video)

Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro to be sentenced on Friday

Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro to be sentenced on Friday

Captives of Ariel Castro kept diary records of abuse: prosecutors

Captives of Ariel Castro kept diary records of abuse: prosecutors

Sister: Ariel Castro will present 'other side' at sentencing hearing

Sister: Ariel Castro will present 'other side' at sentencing hearing

Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro gets life in prison; victim says he faces ...

Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro gets life in prison; victim says he faces ...

Ariel Castro: kidnapped women's diaries reveal extent of abuse

Ariel Castro: kidnapped women's diaries reveal extent of abuse

Ariel Castro Sentenced: Cleveland Kidnapper Will Serve Life In Prison

Ariel Castro Sentenced: Cleveland Kidnapper Will Serve Life In Prison

Ariel Castro's sentencing hearing underway in Cleveland

Ariel Castro's sentencing hearing underway in Cleveland

Evidence in Ariel Castro Case

Evidence in Ariel Castro Case

Ariel Castro' Full Testimony In Court

Ariel Castro' Full Testimony In Court

Ariel Castro Update: Cleveland kidnapping victims kept diaries of physical ...

Ariel Castro Update: Cleveland kidnapping victims kept diaries of physical ...

Ariel Castro : Videos

'I Am Not A Monster,' Cleveland Abductor Ariel ...

'I Am Not A Monster,' Cleveland Abductor Ariel ...

Ariel Castro Pleads Guilty in Kidnapping Case - YouTube

Ariel Castro Pleads Guilty in Kidnapping Case - YouTube

INCREDIBLE photos of the House of Terror, Ariel ...

INCREDIBLE photos of the House of Terror, Ariel ...

Ariel Castro the Cleveland Kidnapper and his ...

Ariel Castro the Cleveland Kidnapper and his ...

Ariel Castro's daughter Angie Gregg speaks to ...

Ariel Castro's daughter Angie Gregg speaks to ...

Ariel Castro Pleads Guilty in Kidnapping Case - YouTube

Ariel Castro Pleads Guilty in Kidnapping Case - YouTube

Ariel Castro AWKWARD Speech at Sentencing ...

Ariel Castro AWKWARD Speech at Sentencing ...

See new video of Ariel Castro's 'house of horro ...

See new video of Ariel Castro's 'house of horro ...

RAW: Ariel Castro appears in court for pre-trial ...

RAW: Ariel Castro appears in court for pre-trial ...

Ariel Castro Daughter Arlene GMA Good Morning ...

Ariel Castro Daughter Arlene GMA Good Morning ...

Ariel Castro's Son (Anthony) Life Sentence ...

Ariel Castro's Son (Anthony) Life Sentence ...

Ariel Castro Home Video gives New Clues to How ...

Ariel Castro Home Video gives New Clues to How ...

Judge: Ariel Castro will never leave prison - YouTube

Judge: Ariel Castro will never leave prison - YouTube

Ariel Castro faces sentencing in kidnapping case ...

Ariel Castro faces sentencing in kidnapping case ...

RAW: Ariel Castro second arraignment - YouTube

RAW: Ariel Castro second arraignment - YouTube

Cleveland Kidnapping Suspect, Ariel Castro, to Face ...

Cleveland Kidnapping Suspect, Ariel Castro, to Face ...

Ariel Castro: I knew I would get the book thrown at ...

Ariel Castro: I knew I would get the book thrown at ...

Ariel Castro, Cleveland kidnapping suspect ...

Ariel Castro, Cleveland kidnapping suspect ...

Officer recounts Ariel Castro victims' abuse - YouTube

Officer recounts Ariel Castro victims' abuse - YouTube

What Ariel Castro Did to Three 10-year-Kidnapped ...

What Ariel Castro Did to Three 10-year-Kidnapped ...

Ariel Castro: I'm not a monster - YouTube

Ariel Castro: I'm not a monster - YouTube

Cleveland Kidnap Suspect Ariel Castro Takes Plea ...

Cleveland Kidnap Suspect Ariel Castro Takes Plea ...

Ohio kidnapper Ariel Castro sentenced to life ...

Ohio kidnapper Ariel Castro sentenced to life ...

Cleveland Kidnapper Ariel Castro to Spend Life ...

Cleveland Kidnapper Ariel Castro to Spend Life ...

Ariel Castro : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

The Listings: Nov. 18 -- Nov. 24

Selective listings by critics of The New York Times of new and noteworthy cultural events in the New York metropolitan region this week. * denotes a highly recommended film, concert, show or exhibition. Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional

Poll: If Ariel Castro is sentenced to life in prison, do you think he will get killed by the inmates?

right now, Ariel Castro is the #1 target in the cleveland prison he is in. once he is charged with his crime and sentenced, he will be celled with some of the baddest guys in the state of ohio.

in my opinion, i dont think he is going to make it more than a couple of months before the inmates set up something to kill him. EVERYONE in the cleveland prison has said that they want castro.

do you think he will get killed in prison?

Answer: Depends on how corrupt the Ohiop Prison system is, and how much they think they are above the courts.

The "three C's" of prison guards is Care, Custody, and Control. If he is sentenced to Life, and gets Killed, it is because the guards allowed it.
Category: Politics

Diaries reveal horrific details of three women held in Ariel Castro's ...

Court documents filed Wednesday detail the horrifying conditions in which a.

Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro: 'I would like to apologize to the ...

8 hours ago ... Handcuffed and in an orange prison jumpsuit, a bearded Ariel Castro appeared to smile as he entered the courtroom where he could come ...

Why are the flags different in photos of the Cleveland House of Horrors?

How come in about half of the photos and videos I see of the Cleveland House of Horrors, where the 3 women were help captive for 10 years by Ariel Castro, there is a USA flag on the house, and in about half of the photos and videos the flag is a Puerto Rican flag?

look at the last 2 pix in the gallery at this link and you will see the 2 different flags.

Answer: Photoshop. Things like this can now be easily manipulated digitally by media who like to promote the idea that such horrible people couldn't possibly be "real" Americans and therefore they will change the USA flag to a Puerto Rican flag. Hey presto, they instantly become nasty "non- American Hispanics" who are easy to dislike.

Don't believe everything you see these days.
Category: Current Events

Outrage: Ariel Castro Claims Sex Was Consensual, As Victim ...

As Ariel Castro was sentenced to 1000 years plus life behind bars without the possibility of parole on Thursday, his victim Michelle Knight bravely addressed the court and told the man who tortured her that he is going to “face ...

Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro to be sentenced on Friday - U.S. ...

Ariel Castro could come face to face again with the three women he has admitted imprisoning for a decade in his Cleveland home, as prosecutors stood ready to use a model of the man's house of horrors and diary entries ...

Ariel Castro: 'I'm not a monster -- I'm sick' -

4 hours ago ... Ariel Castro, the Cleveland, Ohio, man accused of imprisoning three women in his home for a decade, is scheduled to be sentenced Thursday.

Why was the Cleveland kidnapper okay with one victim having his child but not the other?

According to the authorities, Ariel Castro has a 6 year old daughter by one of his kidnap victims, Amanda Berry. However, they also say that he brutally induced miscarriages onto another of his victims, Michelle Knight. Why would he let Amanda have his child but not Michelle?
@Jim...I hadnt read any of that. So two of the girls could be "challenged" in some way ( that might explain why they never tried to escape) and the "normal" one might not be who she says she is? Wow. This case is getting even sicker. Thanks for the info. I also hope Ariel gets a death sentence but, sadly, he is more likely to get life in a hospital type prison because they will decide that he is mentally deranged. Since they say you cant cure that sort of thing, why not just a bullet to the back of the head?

Answer: Don't know if its tied to reports Michelle is 'developmentally disabled'. Berry was taken after her. All I know is Sylvia Browne must doubt Miss Berry's true identity. Edit: also Gina has been reported as a 'special ed' student. Coincidence? Hope Ariel gets the needle.
Edit hope this link works. The info on dejesus can be found at
Category: Current Events

'I'm not a monster,' Ariel Castro says, but victim tells him 'your hell is ...

5 hours ago ... Michelle Knight appeared in a Cleveland court Thursday to face the man who held her and two other women captive in dungeon-like conditions ...

Convicted Kidnapper Ariel Castro Sentenced to Life Without Parole ...

CLEVELAND -- "A person can only die in prison once," Judge Michael Russo told Ariel Castro Thursday in handing down a sentence of life in prison plus 1000 years.

MUSIC REVIEW | LA PASIóN SEGúN SAN MARCOS; A Work Unbounded By Musical Categories

Lincoln Center seems to be taking a proactive approach to adding new works to the repertory, using Osvaldo Golijovs Pasión Según San Marcos (2000) as its test case. This polystylistic Passion setting was the centerpiece of a Golijov festival here only last year. Now Mr. Golijov is back as the first (living) composer in residence at the - Allan Kozinn reviews performance of Osvaldo Golijovs Pasion Segun San Marcos, conducted by Robert Spano, part of Mostly Mozart Festival; photo (M) - By ALLAN KOZINN

How do criminals hide kidnapped victims for decades without neighbors Knowing?

Jaycee Dugard for 18 years
Ariel Castros three victims for 10 years
kidnappers have to sleep, why no effort to escape?

Answer: Because there are no indications that they are hiding anyone locked up in a room. And the victims are young when taken, so it's easy to use threats (even if false threats) on them to make them comply.

And the fact that the police even went there a couple times means nothing. There was no indication that the girls were there, so there was no probably cause to search the home.
Category: Law & Ethics

DANCE REVIEW; A Little Beckett, A Little Beatles, A Lot of Energy From Argentina

For a few moments at least, the American Dance Festival was almost as dramatic offstage as on. Midway through the opening night performance on Monday of Mendiolaza, a new work by the Argentine company Grupo Krapp, the houselights went up, and a stagehand came out to announce that the theater had to be evacuated because of a possible fire. No - Jennifer Dunning reviews performance by Grupo Krapp at American Dance Festival in Durham, NC; photo (M) - By JENNIFER DUNNING

Michelle Knight to Ariel Castro: "You will face hell for eternity" - CBS ...

2 hours ago ... Michelle Knight faces off in court with Cleveland kidnapper, who tells judge "I'm not a monster" during sentencing hearing.

Members of Cuban Troupe Say They Will Seek Asylum

In what appears to be the largest mass defection of Cuban performers to date, 44 dancers, singers and musicians, here to stage a revue, plan to seek political asylum in the United States, troupe members said on Sunday. Most of the artists intend to deliver their applications for asylum personally on Monday morning at the Federal Building here, the - Group of 44 dancers, singers and musicians, in Las Vegas to stage revue, plan to seek political asylum in United States, in what appears to be largest mass defection of Cuban performers to date; troupe members say they defied Cuban orders not to seek United States entry visas, but that when visas were granted they were allowed to leave Cuba because Castro governmet did not want to be seen as impeding flow of culture; say they decided to stay in US after Cuban authorities told them they could be jailed or at least not allowed to continue as professionalartists in Cuba if they persisted in their plans to work in Las Vegas; photo (M) - By NICK MADIGAN

Why do some TV news reporters speak names with an accent?

Ive noticed during coverage of the Ohio kidnapping case, that some news reporters and anchors are pronouncing the name of the suspect (Ariel Castro) with an accent--sort of rolling the Rs, would be the best way I can think to describe it. It sounds like theyre trying to highlight the fact that its a Hispanic name and trying to pronounce it in Spanish or something. The prosecutor did the same thing when announcing the charges against the man.

My question would be, why are they doing this? Does it reflect the fact that the speaker is Hispanic also? But if so, why would they feel the need to highlight the fact that theyre Hispanic? And you never hear German, Polish, French, etc. names pronounced with an accent that way.

I have a few theories on possible reasons why they do this with the Hispanic names, but Im not sure any of them is right:

1. Theyre trying to be politically correct and show that they respect the Hispanic community.
2. Theyre trying to make themselves sound cool because they know how a Hispanic name should be pronounced.
3. Theyre trying to highlight the fact that the suspect is Hispanic, to engender emotions AGAINST him by racists who might end up on the jury.
4. They are stupid and think that if a name is Hispanic you cant pronounce it in English (TV news reporters arent known for being your brightest lights).

Anyway, it bothers me. Its kind of like the way they always find a middle name to give a serial killer, so that the reports will feature three names for the killer, like theyre trying to make this depraved individual sound more interesting or something. I would prefer his name to be spoken in the plainest, fastest way possible, so that it doesnt seem like hes becoming a "star" of news reports, or like the prosecutor in the case is making sure to "respect" him while announcing the charges against him.

On the other hand.............I could totally be missing something on this. Are there any Hispanic people out there who might have an insight into this to help me?


Answer: Yes, very good point made. They are simply trying to pronounce the name the way it's originally to be pronounced. Therefore #1 would sound like the most correct answer, simple as that.
Category: Media & Journalism

Photos Show Inside Of Ariel Castro's Home - Business Insider

A first look at the conditions the women were kept in.


Mexican Tribunal Rejects Demand for a Recount A Mexican electoral tribunal has unanimously rejected a demand by Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the leftist candidate for president, for a complete recount of votes cast in last months presidential election, setting the stage for more protests by thousands of people who have camped out in the capital,

How to make the best of this situation?

I worked alone on 3rd shift. I am a woman and I often have to deal with these creepy men who stay at my job. (I work for a hotel.) They have this fixation with touching and they find stupid reasons or no reason at all to try and touch my hands. Same with the other females who run into them. I thought If i ignored it or got over it i would be able to not care but this one guy is really getting on my nerves. All of these men are hispanic. They barely speak english and they act really creepy towards women. I swear they would gangrape someone if they could.. they circle women like pray. I sat in the car with my husband last night before i went into my job and the one guy who follows me and trys to touch my hand started peering through my window of my car at us at an uncomfortably close distance... I really want to fix this but i know if i speak to my boss they will tell me to get over it. i told this guy im married and hes seen my husband who stays at the hotel for hours during my shift. he stays here because hes scared for me. He wants to make sure im not alone with these guys because they make him feel uncomfortable too.. The guy is like 50 years old. Talk about ariel castro #2. they stay here weekly though because they do construction work. I wish i had some good advice for this.

Category: Other - Social Science

Ariel Castro sentenced to life without parole, plus 1,000 years | WGN ...

CLEVELAND (CNN) -- "There is no place in this city, there is no place in this country, there is no place in this world for those who enslave others," Judge Michael Russo told kidnapper Ariel Castro. The court in Cuyahoga ...

JOHN PAUL II: GLOBAL REACTION; In Many Lands and Tongues, Remembering Pope as Minister of Peace

Bells tolled solemnly across the continents, prayers and hymns filled great cathedrals and modest churches, and around the world mourning multitudes remembered Pope John Paul II yesterday as the torchbearer of peace and human dignity, a tireless traveler whose journey had finally ended. In Roman Catholic strongholds of Europe, Africa and South - Around the world mourning multitudes, both Catholic and not, remember Pope John Paul II as torchbearer of peace and human dignity, tireless traveler whose journey has finally ended; photo (M) - By ROBERT D. McFADDEN

How do you serve a life plus 1,000 years sentence? As a ghost?

Ariel Castro agreed to serve life + 1,000 years in order to avoid death sentence. How in the eff is he going to serve this draconian sentence, as a Hindu??

Answer: People against the death penalty point out that we're killing people to show that killing people is wrong;
and yet here we're locking someone up against their will to show that locking people up against their will is wrong.
Category: Polls & Surveys

Are Democrats glad to have the IRS scandal distract from their other scandals?

I think the story of Democrat, Ariel Castro, keeping women as slaves was really bad. Also, Benghazi was a big failure. Do democrats welcome the new scandal to distract from their other scandals?

Answer: You need to understand, there only scandals if republicans are doing wrong. Otherwise it's a political witch hunt.
Category: Politics

Should the police be allowed to have periodic random private home searches?

Sometimes there are strange things going on in our own neighborhoods. Maybe if the police can conduct random surprise searches, then we wouldnt have this problem. I have nothing to hide, they can search my place.

Could random searches help free some kidnap victims?

Answer: Correction: You THINK you have nothing to hide.
A determined police officer WILL find something or destroy your home trying to find something illegal.

For example, that family heirloom coin that has been passed down through generations might be illegal because the coin is a token from a racist hate group.

Or the world war one trench knife that originally belonged to a great, great uncle is illegal because it has brass knuckles built into the handle.

Laws change. Just because something was legal to own in the 1890's may make you a criminal for owning it now.
Category: Politics

Ariel Castro pleads guilty over Ohio abductions to avoid death ...

Ohio man – charged with 997 counts including kidnap and rape – agrees deal with prosecuctors that will spare him death penalty.

Cleveland Kidnapper Ariel Castro: 'I Am Not A Monster' - ABC News

4 hours ago ... Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro appeared in court today for his sentencing with his hands and feet shackled, as detectives told how Castro ...

Diaries reveal horrific details of three women held in Ariel Castro's ...

20 hours ago ... Court documents filed Wednesday detail the horrifying conditions in which a.

What good is religion if the religious didnt know slavery and kidnapping three women is wrong?


"His Facebook page reveals a passion for motorcycles and bass guitars and an upbeat attitude, with his last post on May 2 reading: “Miracles really do happen, God is good.”"

Religious people owning slaves, saying God condoned slavery (see the creation of Southern Baptist Chuch), flying airplanes into buildings, killing people in the name of God. Religion doesnt seem to do anything for morals. People do what they want to do and then rationalize their behavior.

Answer: People believe whatever they want. Look at all the gays that think God approves of their lifestyle.
Category: Politics

How did Castros victims remain unheard for so long?

I am very confused. Ariel Castro kidnapped three different girls and according to what I have read, kept them locked up in UPSTAIRS rooms. Not even in the basement.

They were found because a neighbor heard screaming coming from the house.

Is there any information on how no one heard them scream for a decade? It doesnt make any sense. Surely they would have attempted yelling for help often. Any ideas on why this is?

Answer: They may have been too scared to yell
Category: Current Events

Ariel Castro sentenced to life without parole - USA Today

4 hours ago ... Ariel Castro, who pleaded guilty to the kidnapping and abuse of three young women that went on for more than a decade, was sentenced ...

How is the kidnapper of the three Cleveland women being charged with 177 counts of kidnapping?

The news media is reporting that Ariel Castro, the kidnapper of the three women in Cleveland, is being charged with 177 counts of kidnapping and 139 counts of rape. I understand how one person can be charged with multiple counts of rape against the same victim, but, how do you kidnap 3 women 177 times?
@OneDrop.. It looks like the reference you gave would pretty much sets the limit on the charges to about 3 counts per victim per year (and that said it pertained mostly to sexual offenses). That is still a long way from 177. I just dont get it. It seems like a great chance for the defense to muddy the waters for their client.

Answer: I don't know the answer but the court of public opinion has already decided and the victims are already being compensated.

A letter, released by their attorneys, said Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight are happy and safe. A charity fund to help the women has raised more than $650,000 from more than 6,800 donors

Read more:

The family of Gina DeJesus has new hopes of moving forward after receiving a particular donation, a 6-foot-tall privacy fence on their property.

The fence being donated has an estimated at around $4,000.

Read more:

State Rep. John Barnes Jr. introduced the Survivors of Abduction Act this week, and if passed, would give $25,000 in reparations for each year that Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight were held captive. The bill would also give the women free rides to any state university and a lifetime of government medical assistance.

The same benefits would be given to anyone else restrained or held in “involuntary servitude” for at least eight years.

Read more:
Category: Media & Journalism

Ariel Castro Sentencing Memorandum - Business Insider

The confessed kidnapper is reportedly remorseless.

The Listings: Nov. 11 -- Nov. 17

Selective listings by critics of The New York Times of new and noteworthy cultural events in the New York metropolitan region this week. * denotes a highly recommended film, concert, show or exhibition. Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional


INTERNATIONAL A3-11 Re-Education CampsPose Problem for China A vast penal system in China that is separate from the judicial system and is a relic of the Mao era is presenting a dilemma for a modern-day Communist Party that remains obsessed with security and political control. A1 Sunni Refuses Cabinet Post One of four Sunni Arabs picked over the

Why is Ariel Castro going to get death penalty?

Ariel Castro currently is charged with four counts of kidnapping and three counts of rape for what he did to Amanda Berry, Gina DeJESUS, and Michelle Knight. I dont understand why he is eligible to get death penalty.

If it was because of miscarriages that he caused, it should not be death penalty because it is legal to have abortions in the United States. In other words, abortion is murder in my opinion, but the United States government doesnt view fetus as murder.

Now, the punishment ranges from 10 years to life according to sources. I personally think he should get life with no possibility of parole because he cost Amanda Berry, Gina DeJESUS, and Michelle Knight ten years of their lives.

Second question to this, I still dont understand how he was charged four counts of kidnapping if he only kidnapped Amanda Berry, Gina DeJESUS, and Michelle Knight. If it was about Amandas daughter, she wasnt kidnapped, but was born due to rape. Can anyone explain on how her daughter can be "counted" as kidnapping.

Thanks for taking your time to read this. I just want to be clear on this, so I can explain that to my friends.

Answer: I think it's a mistake for the prosecutor to try for a death-penalty sentence. Can't get the death penalty without proving murder, and with no human remains found (at least, that is what's been reported), it will be damn difficult to stick a murder charge.

The prosecutor may have let his emotions get the better of him when he spoke of pursuing the death penalty, and 'promising' to bring hundreds, maybe thousands, more charges. More charges means more work for the prosecutors, more evidence needing to be presented, more re-traumatizing of the victims, and more likelihood that an error could be made, resulting in the whole case being tossed out. He may also have been responding to a bloodthirsty public outcry for this lowlife to be put to death.

All 3 women were abducted and held against their will. The child was born into a situation of captivity. All of that fits the legal definition of KIDNAPPING, and those charges WILL stick. All 3 women were forced, against their will, to have sex with this creep. That's easily RAPE. Those charges will also stick.

That's 7 first-degree felony charges. If convicted, way more than enough to send him away forever. Lots of other charges could be brought, but those are unnecessary. Better to prosecute the charges that will gain the desired result ... that Castro will never EVER hurt another woman ... than to muck the whole thing up with additional charges simply for the sake of making a point.
Category: Current Events

Do you agree with the prosecuters seeking the death penalty for Ariel Castro ?
ET --- It is also news & events that are current.
ET --- It is also news & events that are current.

Answer: Absolutely.
He has destroyed many lives, not just the babies he killed.
Those poor girls missed out on all the early years of adulthood, which should be some of the best times of their lives. The families have lived in torture for 10 years, not knowing what happened to them.
Child molesters are the scum of the world. I wish they could get the death penalty for that alone.
Category: Current Events


Yasir Arafat was buried here on Friday in an extraordinary scene of grief and chaos, with thousands of Palestinians climbing the walls of his compound, surging around his coffin and trying to bear it aloft. Despite firing volleys of gunfire into the sky, Palestinian security guards were unable to hold back a frenzied flow of mourners who poured - Yasir Arafat is buried in Ramallah, West Bank, in extraordinary scene of grief and chaos; thousands of Palestinians climb walls of his compound and surge around his coffin, trying to bear it aloft; Palestinian security guards are unable to hold back frenzied flow of some 20,000 mourners; passionate scene is in contrast to Arafats Cairo funeral service earlier in day, which was restricted to officials and Arafats wife Suha and daughter Zahwa, 9; photos (M) - By STEVEN ERLANGER; Neil MacFarquhar contributed reporting from Cairo for this article and Greg Myre from Gaza City.

Why were Ariel Castros other two brothers ever arrested?

If there was NO evidence connecting them to the crimes?

Also... WHY does Ariel Castro have a bond even available to him? Isnt this a public safety concern? I thought only people who did small crimes can get a bond. I realize his bond is 8 million, but the idea of even offering him is crazy!

Answer: Apparently it had something to do with an "open container" ?? I'm not sure what that means exactly, but both his brothers were in court for that, whilst Ariel was in court for the kidnapping of the 3 girls. The other 2 brothers were released as there was no evidence linking them to the crime, but it's possible it could materialise eventually. A neighbour did say she saw 3 young girls naked in Ariel's backyard, crawling around with dog leashes and being controlled by THREE men, so it must surely have been them? We'll have to wait and see as this all unfolds
Category: Current Events

Asylum Papers In, Its Back to Work for Cuban Dancers

Barely an hour after tendering their applications for political asylum in the United States, two dozen Cuban dancers were back on stage here on Monday in sweatpants and leotards, stretching and warming their muscles, rehearsing for their big opening night. Its best to go right back to work, Nicole Durr, the artistic director of the Havana - Cuban dancers are back on stage at Las Vegas hotel after filing applications for political asylum; in all, 43 members of troupe defect, victims, they say, of harsh policy in Cuba that had declared illegal their decision to perform in US; several members of ensemble will return to Cuba after engagement, while six others had applied for asylum earlier; members of troupe comment; photos (M) - By NICK MADIGAN

What is wrong in the conservative utopia of Cleveland?

First we learned that Ariel Castro kidnapped three women and held them hostage for years.

Now were learning that another Cleveland resident murdered at least three black women and kept their decomposing bodies in his house.

Why is the conservative utopia of Cleveland such a sick and violent place?

BQ: How many conservatives will blame all the bad stuff on minorities?

Answer: Because it's conservative.
Category: Politics

Kidnappings of Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus, and Michelle Knight ...

Ariel Castro was arrested on the day the women were freed and was charged two .... DeJesus and her friend, Ariel Castro's daughter Arlene, had called Castro's ...

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