Neil Armstrong - MOVIE REVIEW | THE HEARTBREAK KID; The Seven-Year Itch, Days After the Wedding

Neil Armstrong : Videos

Neil Armstrong One Small Step - YouTube

Neil Armstrong One Small Step - YouTube

NASA Remembers Neil Armstrong - YouTube

NASA Remembers Neil Armstrong - YouTube

Neil Armstrong - First Moon Landing 1969 - YouTube

Neil Armstrong - First Moon Landing 1969 - YouTube

"Blue & Beautiful" - Neil Armstrong Tribute - YouTube

"Blue & Beautiful" - Neil Armstrong Tribute - YouTube

Neil Armstrong, We Miss You: 'Tranquility Base' by ...

Neil Armstrong, We Miss You: 'Tranquility Base' by ...

Moon landing FAKE ...Neil Armstrong talks - YouTube

Moon landing FAKE ...Neil Armstrong talks - YouTube

JSC honors the legacy of Neil Armstrong - YouTube

JSC honors the legacy of Neil Armstrong - YouTube

Six Reasons Neil Armstrong was a BADASS - YouTube

Six Reasons Neil Armstrong was a BADASS - YouTube

NASA Remembers Neil Armstrong - YouTube

NASA Remembers Neil Armstrong - YouTube

First Moon Landing 1969 - YouTube

First Moon Landing 1969 - YouTube

Neil Armstrong: First Man on the Moon [720p HD ...

Neil Armstrong: First Man on the Moon [720p HD ...

Neil Armstrong Tribute - YouTube

Neil Armstrong Tribute - YouTube

Neil Armstrong - A Relay Race - YouTube

Neil Armstrong - A Relay Race - YouTube

Astronaut Neil Armstrong dead at 82 - YouTube

Astronaut Neil Armstrong dead at 82 - YouTube

Gemini VIII Neil Armstrong Agena Docking & Abort ...

Gemini VIII Neil Armstrong Agena Docking & Abort ...

Neil Armstrong: The Flight Research Center Years ...

Neil Armstrong: The Flight Research Center Years ...

Wikileaks - Neil Armstrong Nibiru Planet X UFO ...

Wikileaks - Neil Armstrong Nibiru Planet X UFO ...

Allo Darlin' - Neil Armstrong - YouTube

Allo Darlin' - Neil Armstrong - YouTube

Neil Armstrong: The Flight Research Center Years ...

Neil Armstrong: The Flight Research Center Years ...

Neil Armstrong, 1st Man on the Moon, Dies - YouTube

Neil Armstrong, 1st Man on the Moon, Dies - YouTube

Horrible Histories Neil Armstrong - YouTube

Horrible Histories Neil Armstrong - YouTube

Apollo 11: "Moonwalk One" 1972 NASA Neil ...

Apollo 11: "Moonwalk One" 1972 NASA Neil ...

Neil Armstrong Steps Onto the Moon - July 20, 1969 ...

Neil Armstrong Steps Onto the Moon - July 20, 1969 ...

Heineken #Dropped: DJ Neil Armstrong - YouTube

Heineken #Dropped: DJ Neil Armstrong - YouTube

Neil Armstrong : Photo Gallery

Neil Armstrong Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story - Biography.

Neil Armstrong Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story - Biography.

Neil Armstrong, 1930-2012 - In Focus - The Atlantic

Neil Armstrong, 1930-2012 - In Focus - The Atlantic

Neil Armstrong - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Neil Armstrong - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Neil Armstrong dies at age 82 | Bay News 9

Neil Armstrong dies at age 82 | Bay News 9

Space legend Neil Armstrong dies - CNN.

Space legend Neil Armstrong dies - CNN.

Neil Armstrong, First Man on the Moon, Passes Away at 82 - TechEBlog

Neil Armstrong, First Man on the Moon, Passes Away at 82 - TechEBlog

Neil Armstrong dead: The life and times of nerdy astronaut who ...

Neil Armstrong dead: The life and times of nerdy astronaut who ...

Astronaut Neil Armstrong, True-Life Superhero and First Man On The ...

Astronaut Neil Armstrong, True-Life Superhero and First Man On The ...

Neil Armstrong - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Neil Armstrong - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Space legend Neil Armstrong dies - CNN.

Space legend Neil Armstrong dies - CNN.

NASA Remembers Cmdr. Neil Armstrong - One Year After His Death ...

NASA Remembers Cmdr. Neil Armstrong - One Year After His Death ...

Astronauts among dignitaries for Neil Armstrong funeral - Telegraph

Astronauts among dignitaries for Neil Armstrong funeral - Telegraph

Neil Armstrong Dies : People.

Neil Armstrong Dies : People.

Neil Armstrong obituary | Science | The Observer

Neil Armstrong obituary | Science | The Observer

TV REVIEW: Neil Armstrong - First Man On The Moon

TV REVIEW: Neil Armstrong - First Man On The Moon

Neil Armstrong, First Man on Moon, Remembered as Hero, but Called ...

Neil Armstrong, First Man on Moon, Remembered as Hero, but Called ...







Armstrong Crater and a Mans First Step on the Moon (High Resolution)

Armstrong Crater and a Mans First Step on the Moon (High Resolution)





2013-08-25 A wink at the Moon

2013-08-25 A wink at the Moon

Watch NASA’s tribute to Neil Armstrong’s first death anniversary- @757Live

Watch NASA’s tribute to Neil Armstrong’s first death anniversary- @757Live

Watch NASA’s tribute to Neil Armstrong’s first death anniversary- @757LiveTech

Watch NASA’s tribute to Neil Armstrong’s first death anniversary- @757LiveTech

2012 Neil Armstrong dies

2012 Neil Armstrong dies

First Flight Lunar Module - The Message

First Flight Lunar Module - The Message

First Flight Lunar Module - Gemini 8 - Titan II Rocket

First Flight Lunar Module - Gemini 8 - Titan II Rocket

First Flight Lunar Module - The Module

First Flight Lunar Module - The Module

First Flight Lunar Module - The Site

First Flight Lunar Module - The Site

First Flight Lunar Module

First Flight Lunar Module

Neil Armstrong RIP? – quiz on who's alive and who's dead

Neil Armstrong RIP? – quiz on who's alive and who's dead

Deja Vu All Over Again: Twitter Mourns Neil Armstrong's Passing

Deja Vu All Over Again: Twitter Mourns Neil Armstrong's Passing

Jimmy Buffett croons about 'the rocket' Neil Armstrong rode

Jimmy Buffett croons about 'the rocket' Neil Armstrong rode

“Tranquility Base:” Original Song Honors Neil Armstrong on the Anniversary of ...

“Tranquility Base:” Original Song Honors Neil Armstrong on the Anniversary of ...

NASA Remembers Neil Armstrong with 'Tranquility Base' Music Video

NASA Remembers Neil Armstrong with 'Tranquility Base' Music Video

Neil Armstrong 'RIP' Trends on Twitter, But He Died a Year Ago

Neil Armstrong 'RIP' Trends on Twitter, But He Died a Year Ago

Dear Twitter, Neil Armstrong is still dead

Dear Twitter, Neil Armstrong is still dead

The Anniversary of Neil Armstrong's Death: An Illusion Tribute

The Anniversary of Neil Armstrong's Death: An Illusion Tribute

The Truth About Neil Armstrong (Op-Ed)

The Truth About Neil Armstrong (Op-Ed)

Neil Armstrong Middle School in Forest Grove preparing to launch ambitious ...

Neil Armstrong Middle School in Forest Grove preparing to launch ambitious ...

NASA commemorates Neil Armstrong's death with touching music video

NASA commemorates Neil Armstrong's death with touching music video

Neil Armstrong's most courageous moments

Neil Armstrong's most courageous moments

Neil Armstrong Tribute Video Released By NASA To Mark Anniversary Of Moon ...

Neil Armstrong Tribute Video Released By NASA To Mark Anniversary Of Moon ...

NASA Remembers Neil Armstrong One Year After Death

NASA Remembers Neil Armstrong One Year After Death

Video: Astronaut Neil Armstrong Dies At 82 Anniversary

Video: Astronaut Neil Armstrong Dies At 82 Anniversary

Daily Links: Dog Fighting, Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom, RIP Neil ...

Daily Links: Dog Fighting, Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom, RIP Neil ...

Neil Armstrong : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

Neil Armstrong Death Hoax — ABC News Tweets About Dead ...

On Aug. 27, Neil Armstrong was trending on Twitter because a tweet went out saying that Neil Armstrong had passed away.

According to Neil Armstrong Mecca is on the center of the earth?

I read in a article from NASA that neil armstrong has proven Mecca to be the center of the earth to be exact, the Kaaba is exactly the center of the earth (Kaaba is a holy place for Muslim people) and from Satellite images he discovered this was the point in which the earth emits the most amount of energy. I wouldnt have bothered posting this if i heard this from anyone but hey neil armstrong aint anyone, would be dam shocked if this is true anyone have any views on this??? Thank you!

Answer: This appears to be a story that was made up by some self-appointed "Islamic scholar".

Neil Armstrong was a pilot, not a scientist. Satellite images are just that - pictures taken from a satellite. We all have access to them via the internet. They do not show energy, other than the energy the Earth reflects from sunlight.
I think the person who made up this story chose Neil Armstrong as the "source" because he is an intensely private man who avoids publicity, so he is not going to come forward and say "I never said any such thing".

Basically it is a cynical lie to impress the gullible.

And... it doesn't even make sense. The Earth is a sphere; there is no centre on its surface.
Category: Earth Sciences & Geology

Why does Obama think Neil Armstrong got to the Moon with the help of Government?

Obama continues to sully the reputations of American success stories.

Now he claims that Neil Armstrong "didnt do that on his own" in reference to the Moon landing, and that Government helped them.

Why does the radical Communist known as Barack Hussein Obama hate private enterprise and entrepreneurship so much?

Answer: This question is so stupid that I find it interesting.
Category: Politics

MOVIE REVIEW | IN THE SHADOW OF THE MOON; When the Moon Was a Matter of Pride

When the Apollo 11 astronauts toured the world after their July 1969 moon landing, recalls Mike Collins, the pilot of the missions command module, he heard the phrase We did it everywhere they went. The we, he remembers in David Singtons documentary In the Shadow of the Moon, didnt refer to Americans, or to any nationality, but to - Stephen Holden reviews David Sington documentary In the Shadow of the Moon; photo (M) - By STEPHEN HOLDEN

ABC News Kills Neil Armstrong (On Twitter) -

An out of context ABC News headline led much of Twitter to think Neil Armstrong died last night. He actually passed away one year ago.

Stars Join Forces to Salute (and Support) a Rock Legend

One Saturday night in May, Fats Domino took the stage before a full house at Tipitinas, the club that has become, like him, a New Orleans institution. His half-hour set made headlines for a few reasons. It was Mr. Dominos first show since Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005. It was a benefit for the Tipitinas Foundation, a nonprofit organization - Article on efforts by celebrities to salute and support rock n roll legend Fats Domino, 79, whose house in Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans was severely damaged by flooding after Hurricane Katrina; Vanguard Records will release Goin Home: A Tribute to Fats Domino; part of albums proceeds will help renovate Dominos publishing office; photos (M) - By NATE CHINEN

THEATER REVIEW | AMERICA LOVESEXDEATH; Silently Surveying the Triangle of Human Experience

There is a point (although most of us have never seen it) at which a mimes gestures amount to more than a stunt and truly become art. Billy the Mime, in America LoveSexDeath, comes so amazingly close that you can only wish his material lived up to his daring, ambition and technique. As the acutely honest title suggests, the pieces collected - Caryn James reviews play America LoveSexDeath, starring Billy the Mime; photo (M) - By CARYN JAMES

Was Neil Armstrong really the first man to set foot on the moon?

My friend saw a documentary about Neil Armstrong and it was said in the documentary that Neil Armstrong wasnt the first man to set foot on the moon. Is this true?

Answer: Neil Armstrong is the first Man known to have set foot on the Moon. If somebody else went before him, then we never found out.

Given the situation at the time, it would be very unlikely that somebody else managed to go there without everybody else (especially the USA and the USSR) finding out about it.

If a person tried to convince us that somebody else was first, we would require very solid proof (not just hearsay evidence).
Category: Astronomy & Space

who took the first picture of neil armstrong landing on the moon?

One NASA picture
from Apollo 11 is looking
up at Neil Armstrong
about to take his giant
step for mankind. The
photographer must
have been lying on the
planet surface. If
Armstrong was the first
man on the Moon, then
who took the shot?

Answer: It was taken by one of the cameras on the outside of the Eagle lunar module.

As anybody who does a little research knows.
Category: Astronomy & Space

NASA - Biography of Neil Armstrong

Aug 25, 2012 ... This Ohio astronaut, who began his career at NASA's Glenn Research Center, later became the first man to walk on the moon.

Neil Armstrong Middle School in Forest Grove preparing to launch ...

Staff have been preparing all summer to launch the two year pilot program, which gives every student and teacher an iPad to use.

Why was Neil Armstrong the first man on the moon?

How was it decided that Neil Armstrong would be the first to step on to the moon?
Im doing a 5 page history essay and this is on of the things i have to write about but i cant find anywhere why they chose him to be first?
Also what is the background about the whole moon landing and neil amrstrong?
And one more thing...Are there any remarkable or unique facts about this historical event?

Answer: Neil Armstrong was the senior astronaut and the commander of the mission.
Also, the design of the hatch in the lunar module made it virtually impossible
for the lunar module pilot to exit first.
Category: Astronomy & Space

Neil Armstrong, First Man on Moon, Dies at 82 -

Aug 25, 2012 ... Mr. Armstrong became a global hero when, as a steely-nerved pilot, he made “ one giant leap for mankind” with a small step on the moon.

MOVIE REVIEW | THE HEARTBREAK KID; The Seven-Year Itch, Days After the Wedding

If you havent seen The Heartbreak Kid,Elaine Mays 1972 adaptation of a short story by Bruce Jay Friedman (with a screenplay by Neil Simon), youre missing a minor, if somewhat dated, classic, a study in Jewish male sexual anxiety that fits comfortably (which is to say nervously and neurotically) alongside Portnoys Complaint and the early - A O Scott reviews film The Heartbreak Kid, directed by Peter and Bobby Farrelly; Ben Stiller, Michelle Monaghan and Malin Akerman star; photo (M) - By A. O. SCOTT

[UPDATED] Dear ABC News (and others): Neil Armstrong died *last ...

Editor's Note: This article was written and published on Aug. 25, 2012, the day Neil Armstrong died, and was updated this week with a new video to commemorate the anniversary of Armstrong's death. This update changed ...

What time did Neil Armstrong land on the moon?

I need to to know the time that Neil Armstrong landed on the moon. Whatever time that would be in US Ohio, time please!

Answer: musta bin 'round midnight
Category: Astronomy & Space

NASA Remembers Neil Armstrong - SpaceRef

One year after his death, NASA is remembering Apollo 11 commander Neil Armstrong, the first man to set foot on another world. As part of the tribute, Grammy-nominated artist Eric Brace, with some video assistance from ...

With Fear and Wonder in Its Wake, Sputnik Lifted Us Into the Future

Fifty years ago, before most people living today were born, the beep-beep-beep of Sputnik was heard round the world. It was the sound of wonder and foreboding. Nothing would ever be quite the same again -- in geopolitics, in science and technology, in everyday life and the capacity of the human species. The Soviet Union had launched the first - Sputnik, tiny satellite that was launched by Russians on Oct 4, 1957, generated widespread concern that Russia had technical superiority over United States; achievement fueled perceived threat to security and is described as primary motivation for Apollo program and space race (M) - By JOHN NOBLE WILFORD

Yes, Neil Armstrong is Dead, but He's Been Dead for a Year ...

Astronaut Neil Armstrong died last year, but Twitter is mourning him now.

Neil Armstrong walked on Mars and then the Moon, what other planets have humans walked on?

Neil Armstrong completed some amazing things, what other planets can men get to? I heard Saturn is possible cos it is mostly water based planet.

Answer: No one from planet Earth has walked on Mars-----Unless you mean he trod on a Mars bar ???
Category: Astronomy & Space

Neil Armstrong - IMDb

Trivia: Since 1994, he has stopped signing autographs after finding that many of his signatures were selling for significant amounts of money, and that there ...

BRIDGE; When a Bad Break Is Good, and Other Lessons

The Internet has shrunk the world. At we can watch live play in important bridge tournaments around the globe. Last weekend, while the European team champions were competing in Poland, the first semifinal of the English open trial took place at the West Midlands Bridge Club in Solihull. Nine teams had entered, playing a round - Phillip Alder Bridge column on deal from semifinal of European team champion competition; diagram (M) - By PHILLIP ALDER

News and Talk Today

SATURDAY EARLY SHOW 7 A.M. (2) High-tech fixes for flawed snapshots; raising generous children; Patricia Williams prepares a meal from Thanksgiving leftovers; Neil Sedaka performs. (N) (CC) TODAY 7 A.M. (4) Frankie Valli; holiday tools; holiday shopping anxiety. (N) (CC) WASHINGTON JOURNAL 7 A.M. (C-SPAN) GOOD MORNING AMERICA 8 A.M. (7) (N) (CC)

Film Takes Us Back 38 Years, to That First Walk

They are old men now. That much is obvious from the tight camera shots. Nonetheless, it is hard to fathom: has it been 38 years since the first of them set foot on lunar soil? In the Shadow of the Moon, a documentary that premieres this week in New York and Los Angeles, tells the story of the Apollo program and the race to reach the moon, as - British director David Sington tells story of space race to achieve first lunar landing in documentary In the Shadow of the Moon; Apollo crew members are interviewed in film; photos (M) - By JOHN SCHWARTZ

Mathemagician conjures up birthday tributes to Neil Armstrong ...

Where other people see just plain numbers, Aziz S. Inan sees beautiful connections — and in honor of the late moonwalker Neil Armstrong's...

Remembering Neil Armstrong, 1930-2012 - ABC News

Aug 25, 2012 ... Neil Armstrong, the first human being to walk on the moon as commander of the Apollo 11 space flight on July 20, 1969, has died. He spoke the ...

How many hours did Neil Armstrong stay on the moon for?

How many hours did Neil Armstrong stay on the moon for? I dont want to know how long it took them to get there just how long they actually stayed ON the moon?

Answer: Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin were on the surface of the Moon for 21 hours, 31 minutes, and 20 seconds. But this is the ENTIRE time they were on the surface, including the time they were in the lunar module. They were only out on the surface in their spacesuits walking around (EVA) for 2 hours, 36 minutes, and 40 seconds. The shortest of all 6 lunar landing missions.
Category: Astronomy & Space

How can I persuade Neil Armstrong to talk at my school?

Does anyone know how I can get astronaut Neil Armstrong to come to my high school and talk about his experiences of the the moon landing missions? I want to invite him as a special speaker for my graduation next year.
How can I get in contact with with him and how much might it cost?

Answer: From what I know, he has always been a very private guy. I don't think he would make an appearance. And don't forget, he's 77 years old. Now Buzz Aldrin might do it if you get lucky and he happens to be on his way through town. Perhaps it would be better if you got someone more recent. Believe me, none of those Apollo guys are going to want somebody challenging whether they really went to the moon.

Edit: Well as soon as I posted this, I saw the answer before mine. See what I mean? Serious, dedicated, talented professionals really don't like getting besieged by rude people like this.
Category: Astronomy & Space

The Walker and the Walk

OCCASIONALLY I think of leaving the city once and for all. Enough of the busyness and ambition, the hothouse summers. But almost as soon as I begin to imagine my pastoral life, I hit a wall. Where would I walk? The woods? Some wind-blasted shore? The sky, the light, yes -- but so much of it? I like to walk to be alone with the world, not to be - Novelist Nicole Krauss essay, influenced by Alfred Kazins 1951 book A Walker in the City, on her love of walking around New York City; photo (M) - Nicole Krausss latest novel is The History of Love. This essay is adapted from her columns for the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. - By NICOLE KRAUSS

When astronauts Neil Armstrong and others flew to the moon how did they survive during the flight?

When astronaunts Neil Armstrong and the others flew to the moon how did they survive during the flight? Was food or drink required? Was all they were able to do was sit down? Was sleep required?
I would appreciate real answers, thanks.
I would appreciate real answers, thanks.

Answer: Of course they needed food and water, just as any humans do. The longer missions lasted about two weeks, and all the food required for all three crewmen was carried on board, largely as dehydrated food which was rehydrated before being consumed. Water was produced as a byproduct of the fuel cell power system, and both chilled (for beverages) and heated (for food preparation) were available. Of course food and water were carried aboard the Lunar Module for the periods when the two LM crewmen were away from the Command Module.

Sleep was of course required. There were three crew seats in the command module used during launch and entry, but during the rest of the flight the center seat was removed and stowed, giving more room for the crew. There was enough room for them to move around the cabin, look at some of the videos they sent back of their activities inside the spacecraft.

Note to tropo_flight: You are totally wrong about the Apollo Guidance Computer, the clock rate was NOT 2 KHz! Here are the specs for it in brief:

Processor Discrete IC RTL based
Frequency 2.048 MHz
Memory 16-bit word length,
2048 words RAM (magnetic core memory),
36,864 words ROM (core rope memory)

Admittedly primitive by today's standards, but it was enough to get the job done.
Category: Astronomy & Space

NASA Remembers the Anniversary of Neil Armstrong's Death with ...

One year after the death of Neil Armstrong, NASA has remembered the astronaut with a music video for the song Tranquility Base.

Why do Liberals believe Neil Armstrong landed on the Moon with the help of Government?

Theyre sounding a lot like their messiah, Barack Hussein Obama - claiming that Government infrastructure and subsidies help businesses thrive and assist in projects succeeding.

The Free Market and private enterprise got Neil Armstrong to the Moon.

Answer: RIP Neil Armstrong. The man responsible for the United States' most unique achievement: planting the Stars and Stripes somewhere without having to kill anyone.

if anybody is upset by my remark i APOLLOgise
Category: Current Events

How many astronauts set their foot on the moon after Neil Armstrong?

Imagine that Neil Armstrong never got to the moon according to some disputes. Why we never seen ON VIDEO other astronauts setting their foor on moon.

Answer: In fact no human till now has ever set his foot on moon.
Please inform me if u r going to do that.
with best wishes
Category: Astronomy & Space

How much would a Neil Armstrong autograph be worth?

I have a signed photograph from Neil Armstrong (first man on the moon). Its my understanding that it could be in the thousands. Any idea? Mint condition.
Also, for my sale gurus out there :) any idea on when the best time to sell would be?

Answer: If its real then its worth about $1000 when signed on the photo of him in his white space suit. See link.

To the idiot that thinks man has not been to the moon: Sir, you are a fool.
Category: Orlando

Neil Armstrong RIP? – quiz on who's alive and who's dead ...

6 hours ago ... News of Neil Armstrong's demise has strangely resurfaced on social media. But can you say for certain which of these notable figures are alive ...

If Neil Armstrong was the first person to land on the moon. Then who set up the camera?

Who set up the camera to show Neil Armstrong stepping down from the shuttle? Was it attached to the shuttle itself, if so how did it function after the travel like that? I love watching t.

Answer: The "lunar lander"....not the shuttle...was equipped with a camera on one of the legs...and it was running remotely to view Neil Armstrong take the first step. No one was physically in control of that camera.
Category: Astronomy & Space

Why RIP Neil Armstrong Is Trending One Year Later - The Inquisitr

8 hours ago ... Famed astronaut Neil Armstrong died... but back in 2012, so while it's sad, it's also not exactly news. And in whichever high esteem we hold ...

CHEERING SECTION; Years of Thunder for Woman Called Lightning

Juanita Epton saw red at her first auto race on a dirt track in Charlotte, N.C., in 1945. My husband parked me up on a hill on the fourth turn, close to the action, Epton said. When the race was over, my entire body had been covered by that red-clay dust, which was everywhere. I was so angry, I said I would never go near another race. But I - Vincent M Mallozzi Cheering Section column discusses Daytona International Speedway ticket office worker Juanita Epton, who has worked there since 1958; photo (M) - E-mail: - By VINCENT M. MALLOZZI

How do I get permission or a license to use Neil Armstrongs moon landing audio in a song for commercial use?

I am recording a pop song and want to use an audio clip from neil armstrong during the moon landing, "Its one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" during the intro. How do obtain the proper permission to use this sample in a song? I plan on the possibility of releasing this commercially.


Answer: Seems to be government property - as in public domain. I'd suspect you'd be free to use. Taxes funded the moon landing- paid for by my parents and probably yours - or maybe your grandparents depending on how old you are.

excerpt from web site:
This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work of the United States Federal Government under the terms of Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105 of the US Code.

Generally speaking, works created by U.S. Government employees are not eligible for copyright protection in the United States. See Circular 1 "COPYRIGHT BASICS" from the U.S. Copyright Office.

NASA still images; audio files; video; and computer files used in the rendition of 3-dimensional models, such as texture maps and polygon data in any format, generally are not copyrighted.

If the NASA material is to be used for commercial purposes, especially including advertisements, it must not explicitly or implicitly convey NASA's endorsement of commercial goods or services. If a NASA image includes an identifiable person, using the image for commercial purposes may infringe that person's right of privacy or publicity.
Category: Other - Music

Neil Armstrong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Neil Alden Armstrong (August 5, 1930 – August 25, 2012) was an American astronaut and the first person to walk on the Moon. He was also an aerospace ...

Is Neil Armstrongs passing a bigger loss for the scientific or historical community?

Neil Armstrong obviously left huge footprints (ha!) on both the worlds of science and history, but does his legacy more belong to the scientific community where he made major strides in the advancement of exploring the unknown or to the historical community where he soared the United States to the top of the Space Race and did wonders for the legacy of NASA, an administration still making history today?

Neil Armstrong was an incredible man and a great loss for the United States and the world. May he rest in peace.

Answer: Tough call, but I'd say historical. While his achievement was not possible without science, he personally was not much more than a glorified pilot. So he belongs more to the historians than scientists, though many scientists would probably disagree.
Category: Current Events

Neil Armstrong Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story -

Learn more about famous astronaut Neil Armstrong military pilot, Korean War veteran, and first man on the moon on

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