The White House staffer who was fired for posting snarky, critical tweets through an anonymous ... Duration: 74 seconds Video type: YouTube Hosted by: on Thu, 24 Oct 2013 00:37:13 -0700
Interesting question about Jofi Joseph aide caught ...
Interesting question about Jofi Joseph aide caught ...
Interesting question about Jofi Joseph aide caught badmouthing the administration on twitter. Duration: 29 seconds Video type: YouTube Hosted by: on Wed, 23 Oct 2013 19:02:11 -0700
White House Staffer Jofi Joseph Fired for Twitter ...
White House Staffer Jofi Joseph Fired for Twitter ...
White House Staffer Jofi Joseph Fired for Twitter Bashing of Administration on FAKE Twitter ... Duration: 77 seconds Video type: YouTube Hosted by: on Wed, 23 Oct 2013 07:36:31 -0700
White House Insider With Secret Inappropriate ...
White House Insider With Secret Inappropriate ...
"In his day job at the White House, Jofi Joseph was known as a generally collegial guy, a ... Duration: 322 seconds Video type: YouTube Hosted by: on Wed, 23 Oct 2013 21:30:02 -0700
White House Staffer Jofi Joseph Fired for Twitter ...
White House Staffer Jofi Joseph Fired for Twitter ...
White House Staffer Jofi Joseph Fired for Twitter Bashing of Administration on FAKE Twitter ... Duration: 77 seconds Video type: YouTube Hosted by: on Wed, 23 Oct 2013 01:33:46 -0700
White House official fired for anonymously tweeting ...
White House official fired for anonymously tweeting ...
Jofi Joseph was an official in the National Security Staff at the White House. He was fired last ... Duration: 83 seconds Video type: YouTube Hosted by: on Wed, 23 Oct 2013 06:54:43 -0700
White House fires official over tweets - YouTube
White House fires official over tweets - YouTube
The White House has fired national security official Jofi Joseph for tweets send from an alias ... Duration: 208 seconds Video type: YouTube Hosted by: on Wed, 23 Oct 2013 14:23:02 -0700
National Security Official Fired over Twitter Account ...
National Security Official Fired over Twitter Account ...
Jofi Joseph served as a Non-Proliferation Director at the National Security Council, and was ... Duration: 29 seconds Video type: YouTube Hosted by: on Wed, 23 Oct 2013 19:06:15 -0700
White House Fires Official Over Twitter Account, and ...
White House Fires Official Over Twitter Account, and ...
What's News: White House fires a senior national security official, Jofi Joseph for running a ... Duration: 99 seconds Video type: YouTube Hosted by: on Wed, 23 Oct 2013 08:30:03 -0700
White House Official Fired Over Tweets - YouTube
White House Official Fired Over Tweets - YouTube
Jofi Joseph was director of nuclear non-proliferation on the White House National Security ... Duration: 269 seconds Video type: YouTube Hosted by: on Wed, 23 Oct 2013 20:31:22 -0700
White House Official Fired Over Anonymous Tweets ...
White House Official Fired Over Anonymous Tweets ...
Jofi Joseph was director of nuclear non-proliferation on the White House National Security ... Duration: 7 seconds Video type: YouTube Hosted by: on Wed, 23 Oct 2013 01:36:49 -0700
Roundtable: Why would '@NatSecWonk' take the ...
Roundtable: Why would '@NatSecWonk' take the ...
CNN's "The Lead with Jake Tapper's" political panel discuss the recent firing of national ... Duration: 340 seconds Video type: YouTube Hosted by: on Wed, 23 Oct 2013 15:27:11 -0700
White House official fired for anonymously tweeting ...
White House official fired for anonymously tweeting ...
Jofi Joseph was an official in the National Security Staff at the White House. He was fired last ... Duration: 83 seconds Video type: YouTube Hosted by: on Wed, 23 Oct 2013 09:54:49 -0700
White House Fires Official Over Tweets - YouTube
White House Fires Official Over Tweets - YouTube
October 23, 2013 - The White House has fired national security official Jofi Joseph for tweets ... Duration: 208 seconds Video type: YouTube Hosted by: on Wed, 23 Oct 2013 20:16:02 -0700
Roundtable: Why would '@NatSecWonk' take the ...
Roundtable: Why would '@NatSecWonk' take the ...
CNN's "The Lead with Jake Tapper's" political panel discuss the recent firing of national ... Duration: 340 seconds Video type: YouTube Hosted by: on Wed, 23 Oct 2013 23:00:48 -0700
Jofi Joseph : Photo Gallery
White House National Security official fired for criticising ...
White House National Security official fired for criticising ...
White House National Security official fired for criticising
White House official fired for 'parody' tweets | News To Me with ...
White House official fired for 'parody' tweets | News To Me with ...
White House official fired for 'parody' tweets | News To Me with
Jofi Joseph: WH Official Fired For Anonymous Tweets Insulting ...
Jofi Joseph: WH Official Fired For Anonymous Tweets Insulting ...
Jofi Joseph: WH Official Fired For Anonymous Tweets Insulting
Politics News and U.S. Elections Coverage - ABC News
Politics News and U.S. Elections Coverage - ABC News
Politics News and U.S. Elections Coverage - ABC News
Jofi Joseph - India | LinkedIn
Jofi Joseph - India | LinkedIn
Jofi Joseph - India | LinkedIn
Alaska Native News-News for the People of the Last Frontier ...
Alaska Native News-News for the People of the Last Frontier ...
Alaska Native News-News for the People of the Last Frontier
Obama aide Jofi Joseph sacked over insulting tweets - Telegraph
Obama aide Jofi Joseph sacked over insulting tweets - Telegraph
Obama aide Jofi Joseph sacked over insulting tweets - Telegraph
Fired White House National Security Staffer's Harshest Tweets ...
Fired White House National Security Staffer's Harshest Tweets ...
Fired White House National Security Staffer's Harshest Tweets
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs | Truman ...
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs | Truman ...
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs | Truman
Report of Pugwash Consultations on CTBT Entry into Force - January ...
Report of Pugwash Consultations on CTBT Entry into Force - January ...
Report of Pugwash Consultations on CTBT Entry into Force - January
Jofi Joseph - Alexandria, VA | MyLife
Jofi Joseph - Alexandria, VA | MyLife
Jofi Joseph - Alexandria, VA | MyLife
Jofi Joseph, a national security official, is fired after he's ...
Jofi Joseph, a national security official, is fired after he's ...
Jofi Joseph, a national security official, is fired after he's
Poor Richard's News: White House National Security official fired ...
Poor Richard's News: White House National Security official fired ...
Poor Richard's News: White House National Security official fired
Obama aide fired for Twitter account used to bash White House ...
Obama aide fired for Twitter account used to bash White House ...
Obama aide fired for Twitter account used to bash White House
Jofi Joseph - Google+
Jofi Joseph - Google+
Jofi Joseph - Google+
Jofi Joseph
Jofi Joseph
Jofi Joseph
Craig Eisendrath, Joe Cirincione, Jofi Joseph
Craig Eisendrath, Joe Cirincione, Jofi Joseph
Craig Eisendrath, Joe Cirincione, Jofi Joseph
Jofi Joseph
Jofi Joseph
Jofi Joseph
The NatSecWonk I Know
The NatSecWonk I Know
I know Jofi Joseph, the former White House national security staffer fired last week for his snarky and sometimes bilious tweets under the handle @NatSecWonk, and in person he was nothing like his obnoxious Twitter persona. On Twitter, Joseph railed ...
Obama aide Jofi Joseph sacked over insulting tweets
Obama aide Jofi Joseph sacked over insulting tweets
Jofi Joseph, 40, was fired after being unmasked as @natsecwonk, a Twitter user who hurled online abuse at members of Washington's foreign policy establishment for more than two years. Mixing vitriol with snippets of gossip that could only come from ...
President's Advisors Used Sting to Catch Staffer Tweeting Under Pseudonym
President's Advisors Used Sting to Catch Staffer Tweeting Under Pseudonym
Last week, Jofi Joseph, the nonproliferation director of the National Security Council, was fired for exhibiting poor judgment while working in an office that handles sensitive secrets about national security. It's not clear whether the sting led ...
White House fires Twitter critic
White House fires Twitter critic
President Obama's staff has unmasked and fired a national security official who tweeted critical comments under a pseudonym. Jofi Joseph, tweeting under the handle @natsecwonk, once wrote: "I'm a fan of Obama, but his continuing reliance and ...
Bill Daley: NSC tweeter Jofi Joseph needs psychiatrist
Bill Daley: NSC tweeter Jofi Joseph needs psychiatrist
Senior NSC staffer Jofi Joseph was fired a week ago for the tweets, which he posted to the account @natsecwonk for two years and which targeted senior administration officials including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and spokesman Ben Rhodes.
Jofi Joseph, White House aide, fired over Twitter account
Jofi Joseph, White House aide, fired over Twitter account
Joseph began working at the State Department in 2009. Deputy State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said he was assigned to the National Security Council in 2011 and became an NSC employee last August. White House spokesman Jay Carney said ...
White House Twitter Mole Fired
White House Twitter Mole Fired
Jofi Joseph, a director in the non-proliferation section of the National Security Staff at the White House, has been surreptitiously tweeting under the moniker @natsecwonk, a Twitter feed famous inside Washington policy circles since it began in ...
White House National Security official fired for criticising colleagues with ...
White House National Security official fired for criticising colleagues with ...
Additionally, Jofi Joseph, a director in the non-proliferation section of the National Security Staff at the White House, used the account - with the moniker @natsecwonk - to reveal internal information about the Obama White House for more than two years.
National Security Council Twitter Troll Jofi Joseph Unmasked, Fired
National Security Council Twitter Troll Jofi Joseph Unmasked, Fired
In a rare political/Twitter scandal that does not involve Anthony Weiner's penis, the White House has fired National Security Council staffer Jofi Joseph after he was identified as the author responsible for the infamous—well, infamous-for-D.C ...
Secret White House Tweeter Loses Anonymity, and Job
Secret White House Tweeter Loses Anonymity, and Job
Jofi Joseph, formerly the director of nuclear nonproliferation issues on the National Security Council staff at the White House, was @NatSecWonk, who took anonymous and often caustic digs at people like former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; ...
White House Official Jofi Joseph Fired For Bashing Administration Under Fake ...
White House Official Jofi Joseph Fired For Bashing Administration Under Fake ...
Joseph, who worked in the non-proliferation section of the White House National Security Council, has been sending the tweets since February 2011. Some of targets of his snide comments include former National Security Advisor Tom Donilon, Deputy ...
Jofi Joseph fired over Twitter account
Jofi Joseph fired over Twitter account
Jofi Joseph served as non-proliferation director at the National Security Council and was involved in nuclear negotiations with Iran. In a statement to Politico, Joseph says he takes "complete responsibility" for the @natsecwonk Twitter account, which ...
White House aide fired over Twitter account
White House aide fired over Twitter account
WASHINGTON (CBS News) -- A White House official is the person behind hundreds of anonymous tweets attacking the Obama administration. Jofi Joseph was fired last week, and now, he's apologizing. For two years, Joseph, a national security staffer, lived ...
What might have been for Twitter's unmasked @NatSecWonk, Jofi Joseph
What might have been for Twitter's unmasked @NatSecWonk, Jofi Joseph
Well, it turns out, after all, that there was at least one nugget left for the journal Foreign Policy to unearth: It seems Joseph, so self-evidently a paragon of discretion and judgment, was “on the verge of being named to a leading Pentagon position ...
What Did Jofi Joseph Tweet To Get Fired? [Mildly Offensive]
What Did Jofi Joseph Tweet To Get Fired? [Mildly Offensive]
The firing of Jofi Joseph, a national security official, for some “secret” and off-color tweets has been a scintillating Washington scandal — and after the news broke, everyone wanted to know exactly what it was that got Joseph axed from the White ...
White House Declines Comment on Fired Twitter Troll Jofi Joseph
White House Declines Comment on Fired Twitter Troll Jofi Joseph
According to a report by the Daily Beast, Jofi Joseph, a national security staffer, was recently fired following an internal investigation into the source behind the Twitter handle "@NatSecWonk." "Two administration officials confirmed that the mystery ...
Jofi Joseph : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
White House Official Fired Over Anonymous Tweets - Huffington Post
Jofi Joseph was director of nuclear non-proliferation on the White House National Security Council staff, but for more than two years sent hundreds of anonymous and abrasive tweets using the handle @NatSecWonk. He was ...
Jofi Joseph | natsecwonk | Fired - Legal Insurrection
Jofi Joseph, senior National Security Council staffer with the White House, was fired after a probe into tweets he sent from alias Twitter account @natsecwonk.
Who Is Jofi Joseph? All About @NatSecWonk And The Tweets That ...
1 day ago ... Jofi Joseph started @NatSecWonk in February 2011. Seven months later, he was hired as part of President Barack Obama's national security ...
Obama aide Jofi Joseph sacked over insulting tweets - Telegraph
1 day ago ... A White House aide involved in nuclear negotiations with Iran has been sacked after it emerged he was behind an anonymous Twitter account ...
How come Obama relies on an Iranian for advice on how to run the country?
President Obamas staff has unmasked and fired a national security official who tweeted critical comments under a pseudonym.
Jofi Joseph, tweeting under the handle @natsecwonk, once wrote: "Im a fan of Obama, but his continuing reliance and dependence upon a vacuous cipher like Valerie Jarrett concerns me."
Jarrett was born in Shiraz, Iran, to African-American parents James E. Bowman and Barbara Taylor Bowman.
Does Jarrett even have US citizenship?
Category: Politics
WH Nat'l Security Aide Jofi Joseph Fired After Bashing Obama ...
A White House national security aide has been fired after officials discovered he was anonymously bashing Obama administration officials on Twitter. Tweeting from the handle @natsecwonk, Jofi Joseph had been slamming ...
Anonymous Twitterer @natsecwonk outed as now fired Jofi Joseph ...
This is most interesting. How this guy got away with this for as long as he did; speaks volumes to the incompetence of our Government. I thought the NSA could.
Jofi Joseph: White House official fired for anonymous Twitter ...
1 day ago ... Jofi Joseph, a director in the non-proliferation section of the National Security Staff at the White House, used the account - with the moniker ...
Axed White House Staffer Jofi Joseph Issues Apology for ...
22 hours ago ... The White House staffer who was fired for posting snarky, critical tweets through an anonymous account has apologized for what he calls ...
Jofi Joseph: The NatSecWonk I Know |
21 hours ago ... He really was a wonk. I know Jofi Joseph, the former White House national security staffer fired last week for his snarky and sometimes bilious ...
Sex, Lies, and Twitter Accounts - Washington Free Beacon
Josh Rogin of the Daily Beast revealed on Tuesday that well-known National Security Council staffer Jofi Joseph, 40, was the man behind @NatSecWonk, a prominent Twitter account that has spent the past two years ...
How come the Obama Cabal fired one of their own for exposing Valerie Jarrett?
President Obamas staff has unmasked and fired a national security official who tweeted critical comments under a pseudonym.
Jofi Joseph, tweeting under the handle @natsecwonk, once wrote: "Im a fan of Obama, but his continuing reliance and dependence upon a vacuous cipher like Valerie Jarrett concerns me."
How the White House caught notorious tweeter Jofi Joseph - Video ...
19 hours ago ... Video on Using the Twitter profile @natsecwonk, national security official Jofi Joseph made caustic, snarky tweets using inside ...
White House staffer fired for notorious anti-administration Twitter ...
Jofi Joseph, a director in the nuclear non-proliferation team inside the NSC, was let go a week ago after administration officials spent months investigating who was tweeting from @natsecwonk. The account opened in ...
How come Valarie Jarrett runs the White House not Obama?
President Obamas staff has unmasked and fired a national security official who tweeted critical comments under a pseudonym.
Jofi Joseph, tweeting under the handle @natsecwonk, once wrote: "Im a fan of Obama, but his continuing reliance and dependence upon a vacuous cipher like Valerie Jarrett concerns me."
How Bad Were the Tweets That Got This White House Official Fired ...
A crass and insulting Twitter account has been shut down after its author was revealed to be Jofi Joseph, a national security official for the White House, Daily Beast's Josh Rogin reported on Tuesday.
NSC aide admits Twitter attack on White House -
1 day ago ... Jofi Joseph, 40, was fired from his job on the NSC nuclear nonproliferation team a week ago after a months-long probe into a barrage of tweets ...
How come Jofi Joseph was not protected by the First Amendment from being fired?
Answer: There may be a First Amendment issue here.
You could try and apply the Pickering Connick Test which comes from the cases Connick v. Myers, 461 U.S. 138 (1983) and Pickering v. Bd. of Educ., 391 U.S. 563 (1968)
1. Is the speech a matter of public concern. 2, If it is how does the employee's interest in the expression weigh against the government employer's interest in regulating the speech of its employees so that it can carry on an efficient and effective workplace. 3. Employee must show the speech was a substantial factor driving the challenged governmental action. 4. If so, can the employer show that it would have taken the same employment action against the employee even in the absence of the protected speech?
That said Garcetti v. Ceballos, 547 U.S. 410 (2006) further clarified that if the speech related to the employees work duties than it's not protected because then they are a state actor.
I'm personally not convinced that if Jofi Joseph filed suit that the outcome would be predictable one way or another.
I would watch the free speech law blogs to see what professional analysts have to say Category: Law & Ethics
White House National Security Official Gets Fired For Trolling His ...
White House national security official Jofi Joseph has been fired after being outed as the man behind a Twitter account sending out controversial and sometimes insulting comments on the Obama administration's foreign ...
What Did Jofi Joseph Tweet To Get Fired? [Mildly Offensive]
1 day ago ... The firing of Jofi Joseph, a national security official, for some "secret" and off-color tweets has been a scintillating Washington scandal -- and ...
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