JonBenet Ramsey - Would you live in the JonBenet Ramsey house?

JonBenet Ramsey : Photo Gallery

jonbenet ramsey - jonbenet ramsey Photo (31618280) - Fanpop fanclubs

jonbenet ramsey - jonbenet ramsey Photo (31618280) - Fanpop fanclubs

Murder of JonBenét Ramsey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Murder of JonBenét Ramsey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

JonBenét Ramsey

JonBenét Ramsey

JonBenet Ramsey's Dad Calls Toddlers And Tiaras "

JonBenet Ramsey's Dad Calls Toddlers And Tiaras "

jonbenet ramsey - jonbenet ramsey Photo (31618254) - Fanpop fanclubs

jonbenet ramsey - jonbenet ramsey Photo (31618254) - Fanpop fanclubs

Home - JonBenet Ramsey

Home - JonBenet Ramsey

JonBenet Ramsey Case: Lawsuit Seeks Release Of Ramsey Parents ...

JonBenet Ramsey Case: Lawsuit Seeks Release Of Ramsey Parents ...

JonBenet Ramsey | Where has childhood gone?

JonBenet Ramsey | Where has childhood gone?

jonbenet-ramsey-jonbenet- ...

jonbenet-ramsey-jonbenet- ...

JonBenet Ramsey's Unsolved Murder - Oprah.

JonBenet Ramsey's Unsolved Murder - Oprah.

Jonbenet Ramsey | SERAPH Legal - Liability - Security

Jonbenet Ramsey | SERAPH Legal - Liability - Security

FORGET ME NOT: A Beauty Queen's Murder- JonBenet Ramsey

FORGET ME NOT: A Beauty Queen's Murder- JonBenet Ramsey

jonbenet-ramsey-jonbenet- ...

jonbenet-ramsey-jonbenet- ...

Colorado reporter suing to make secret indictment of JonBenet ...

Colorado reporter suing to make secret indictment of JonBenet ...

THEATER | "An Evening with JonBenét Ramsey" set to disquiet at the ...

THEATER | "An Evening with JonBenét Ramsey" set to disquiet at the ...

JonBenét Ramsey - Criminal Minds Wiki

JonBenét Ramsey - Criminal Minds Wiki

MikeCriss Blog - David Icke Rivelazioni Di Una Dea Madre Parte Seconda (Revelations Of A Mother Goddess)

MikeCriss Blog - David Icke Rivelazioni Di Una Dea Madre Parte Seconda (Revelations Of A Mother Goddess)

Skip Williamson JonBenet Ramseys grave 3

Skip Williamson JonBenet Ramseys grave 3

Murder House

Murder House

Day 43

Day 43

Jonbenet Ramsey

Jonbenet Ramsey

JonBenet Ramsey

JonBenet Ramsey







Lake Charlevoix South Arm

Lake Charlevoix South Arm

Skip Williamson JonBenet Ramseys grave 2

Skip Williamson JonBenet Ramseys grave 2

Cold cases

Cold cases

(TC&TM) The Black Dahlia

(TC&TM) The Black Dahlia

white outlines ...rain....and duchess.

white outlines ...rain....and duchess.

JonBenet Ramsey

JonBenet Ramsey

Chinese JonBenet Ramsey

Chinese JonBenet Ramsey

Court papers: Grand jury in 1999 sought to indict JonBenet Ramsey's parents

Court papers: Grand jury in 1999 sought to indict JonBenet Ramsey's parents

JonBenet Ramsey case: Court to release indictment that went nowhere

JonBenet Ramsey case: Court to release indictment that went nowhere

JonBenet Ramsey murder case indictment to be unsealed over family's objection

JonBenet Ramsey murder case indictment to be unsealed over family's objection

JonBenét Ramsey grand jury indictment puts DA decision in spotlight

JonBenét Ramsey grand jury indictment puts DA decision in spotlight

JonBenet Ramsey Case: Judge Orders DA To Show Why Secret Indictment Of ...

JonBenet Ramsey Case: Judge Orders DA To Show Why Secret Indictment Of ...

JonBenet Ramsey case: Boulder DA argues against releasing 1999 indictment ...

JonBenet Ramsey case: Boulder DA argues against releasing 1999 indictment ...

JonBenet Ramsey Case: Boulder DA Says Release Of Indictment Would Be A ...

JonBenet Ramsey Case: Boulder DA Says Release Of Indictment Would Be A ...

Judge to release indictment in JonBenet Ramsey case

Judge to release indictment in JonBenet Ramsey case

JonBenét Ramsey grand jury indictment accused parents of child abuse ...

JonBenét Ramsey grand jury indictment accused parents of child abuse ...

Judge orders release of 1999 JonBenet Ramsey grand jury indictment; DA never ...

Judge orders release of 1999 JonBenet Ramsey grand jury indictment; DA never ...

Time to unseal jury's indictment in JonBenét Ramsey case

Time to unseal jury's indictment in JonBenét Ramsey case

Judge rules to release secret indictment in JonBenet Ramsey killing

Judge rules to release secret indictment in JonBenet Ramsey killing

Details of 1999 indictment in JonBenet Ramsey slaying to be released

Details of 1999 indictment in JonBenet Ramsey slaying to be released

Released indictment names John and Patsy Ramsey on two charges in ...

Released indictment names John and Patsy Ramsey on two charges in ...

Unsealed grand jury records: JonBenet Ramsey's parents were indicted for child ...

Unsealed grand jury records: JonBenet Ramsey's parents were indicted for child ...

Indictments against JonBenet Ramsey's parents to be unsealed

Indictments against JonBenet Ramsey's parents to be unsealed

JonBenet Ramsey : Videos

Through the Looking Glass (The Murder of JonBenet ...

Through the Looking Glass (The Murder of JonBenet ...

JonBenet Ramsey murder - YouTube

JonBenet Ramsey murder - YouTube

JonBenet Ramsey Murder Solved - YouTube

JonBenet Ramsey Murder Solved - YouTube

JonBenet Ramsey - True Crime with Aphrodite ...

JonBenet Ramsey - True Crime with Aphrodite ...

JonBenet Investigation Part 1 - YouTube

JonBenet Investigation Part 1 - YouTube

JonBenet Ramsey - Haunting Evidence - YouTube

JonBenet Ramsey - Haunting Evidence - YouTube

Judge orders release of JonBenet Ramsey Grand ...

Judge orders release of JonBenet Ramsey Grand ...

Tonight on Nancy Grace Mysteries: JonBenet ...

Tonight on Nancy Grace Mysteries: JonBenet ...

Boulder Detective on the Ramsey Case says she ...

Boulder Detective on the Ramsey Case says she ...

The Jonbenet Ramsey Story - YouTube

The Jonbenet Ramsey Story - YouTube

We Will Be Remembered (JonBenet Ramsey) - YouTube

We Will Be Remembered (JonBenet Ramsey) - YouTube

John Mark Karr Interview - JonBenet Ramsey ...

John Mark Karr Interview - JonBenet Ramsey ...

The Sky's Still Blue (JonBenet Ramsey) - YouTube

The Sky's Still Blue (JonBenet Ramsey) - YouTube



JonBenet Ramsey Pageant Footage - YouTube

JonBenet Ramsey Pageant Footage - YouTube

JonBenet Ramsey's Dad, John, Says 'Toddlers ...

JonBenet Ramsey's Dad, John, Says 'Toddlers ...

Chief Kolar on JonBenet Ramsey - YouTube

Chief Kolar on JonBenet Ramsey - YouTube

Grand Jury Wanted to Indict JonBenet Ramsey's ...

Grand Jury Wanted to Indict JonBenet Ramsey's ...

JonBenet Ramsey's Parents Address Accusations ...

JonBenet Ramsey's Parents Address Accusations ...

JonBenet Ramsey - John Mark Karr's False ...

JonBenet Ramsey - John Mark Karr's False ...

Real Crime: Who Killed the Pageant Queen? Part 1 ...

Real Crime: Who Killed the Pageant Queen? Part 1 ...

JonBenet Ramsey's Father, John, Reveals Regrets ...

JonBenet Ramsey's Father, John, Reveals Regrets ...

Pretty Wicked Things (The JonBenet Ramsey Case ...

Pretty Wicked Things (The JonBenet Ramsey Case ...

JonBenet Ramsey Murder Mystery: New ...

JonBenet Ramsey Murder Mystery: New ...

JonBenet Ramsey : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

JonBenet Ramsey Murder Case: Judge To Release Secret ...

1 day ago ... A Colorado judge has ordered the release of a 1999 grand jury indictment of John and Patsy Ramsey, parents of JonBenet Ramsey, in the ...

JonBenet Ramsey Sealed Documents To Be Released | WebProNews

The case that still haunts us. Beautiful doe-eyed child pageant winner JonBenet Ramsey was only six-years-old when her beaten and strangled body was found on December 26, 1996 in the basement of her Boulder, ...

JonBenet Ramsey murder case indictment to be unsealed over ...

Seventeen years after the nation was riveted by the unsolved murder of 6-year-old beauty-pageant queen JonBenet Ramsey, an indictment of her parents — which was kept secret and never prosecuted — will be released ...

Why does the American public care so much about attractive white females who go missing?

Jonbenet Ramsey ElizabethSmart LaciPeterson Natalee Holloway MadeleineMcCann all have something in common.Can you guess what it is?

Answer: attractive white females who have gone missing
Category: Media & Journalism

Why do people think that JonBenet Ramsey was murdered because she was in pageants?

Im a pageant mother, and I often get, "How could you put your child in those things? After what happened to JonBenet Ramsey?" When, as far as I know, her being in beauty pageants had NOTHING to do with the fact that she was murdered. Any thoughts?

Answer: Because it puts the child out there. You're right, it's a myth that paedophiles go for the pretty kids who are trying to look older than they are.....paedophilia is a crime of opportunity. There have been beauty queens who, like strippers (and I mean nothing with the comparison other than that they perform on stage), develop a following that can be construed as less than healthy. I don't know what sort of pageants your daughter is in but if you do the National events you'll see people there without kids and, yeah, some of them are maybe a little unbalanced but that can happen anywhere in life.
Category: Media & Journalism

Grand jury prepared child abuse indictment against JonBenet ...

A Colorado court on Friday released a long-sealed grand jury indictment of JonBenet Ramsey's parents for child abuse resulting in death, but the documents contained no specifics. The four pages from the 1999 grand jury ...

Is it an illness when a mother pushes their child to do things they dont want to do?

Example: Jonbenet Ramsey, Britney spears, just pushy show mums in general. Is this an illness that they pushed their children and if not what illness would this most likely resemble?

Answer: They either want the best for their child, or they want to live vicariously through their children. Most don't even realize they harm they do.
Category: Family

why do men who are suspected of criminal activity have a tendency to go to Tailand?

i was watching the news and they showed a map of countries that are on alert for Joran VanDerSloot. and Tailand is one of them. i understand that he might cross the border into chile, argintina or colombia. and i think there was a guy who was a suspect in the killing of JonBenet Ramsey. he went to live in tailand soon after. what is it about Tailand.

Answer: Joran Van Der Sloot has traveled to Thailand before.He was caught on film there last year trying to sell prostitutes in Thailand to go the Netherlands.He never got charged in that case either.If he got out of Peru,he might have tried to escape to Thailand,that is why they put up the alert for that country too.
Category: Current Events

Who is Benet Ramsey mentioned in Lady Gagas Dance in the Dark?

Is it JonBenet Ramsey, the little girl who was murdered years ago?

Answer: I had the same question. It refers to JonBenét Ramsey. GaGa also refers to Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland, Sylvia Plath and Princess Diana in that song. All 5 girls were famous and fell to tragedy. They also had intense media coverage following their deaths. The song is great. Her new album is amazing!
Source(s): "Music Structure and Lyrics"

This asshole copy my post !! DAMN !
Category: Media & Journalism

OP-ED COLUMNIST; Will the Democrats Betray Us?

SIR, I dont know, actually: The fact that Americas surrogate commander in chief, David Petraeus, could not say whether the war in Iraq is making America safer was all you needed to take away from last weeks festivities in Washington. Everything else was a verbal quagmire, as administration spin and senatorial preening fought to a numbing - Frank Rich Op-Ed column says it is past time for Democratic presidential contenders to stop bickering about who has faster timeline for withdrawal in Iraq; holds that they need all unity and focus they can muster and says this starts with front-runners Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama; says job for Democratic leaders is to wake up America to urgent reality of Iraq; drawing (M) - By FRANK RICH

Court papers: Grand jury in 1999 sought to indict JonBenet ...

Previously sealed court documents released Friday show that a Colorado grand jury voted in 1999 to indict the parents of murdered 6-year-old JonBenet Ramsey on charges of child abuse resulting in death and being ...

Gawker Kerfuffle, in Plain View

Journalists tend to read Gawker, the caustic New York media gossip blog, to make sure theyre not in it. Last week, it was Gawkers own advertising department that probably wished it had not been mentioned. On Wednesday morning, Choire Sicha, the managing editor of Gawker, discovered that as part of an advertising campaign for Evian, the headlines - Gawker managing editor Choire Sicha posts item asking Should We Be On Strike? after sites advertising department changes blogs editorial content colors to pink and blue as part of Evian water marketing effort; internal struggle between ad sales and editorial department plays out in real time, resolving itself in 30 minutes; publisher Nick Denton posts apology after incident (S) - By ANDREW ADAM NEWMAN

Coordinates of the Rich and Famous

WHEN I agreed to represent Gawker, the Web site I co-edit, on an episode of Larry King Live last month, I didnt expect to be shouted at, cut off, talked down to and told that I was going to hell. But as everyone who caught the show -- or has seen it since on YouTube -- knows, thats exactly what happened, courtesy of Mr. Kings fill-in, Jimmy - Op-Ed article by Emily Gould, co-editor of Web site Gawker, defends Gawker Stalker Map, feature that displays celebrity sightings on map of New York City and submitted by anyone; contends that she was attacked about this feature when interviewed by Jimmy Kimmel on television show Larry King Live; says Kimmel argued that some sightings are false, pose threat to celebritys safety and that they are invasion of privacy; says some sightings are false but since they are not posted in real time they would be useless tool for celebrity stalkers; argues that what really bothers celebrities about sightings is that it is makes it impossible for them to control their coverage and image (M) - Emily Gould is the co-editor of the Web site Gawker. - By Emily Gould

JonBenet Ramsey Murder, an investigative analysis — Exposure ...

The murder of JonBenet Ramsey is one of the great unsolved mysteries. New information has also come to light with the arrest of suspect John Mark Karr.

JonBenet Ramsey - Top 10 Unsolved Crimes - TIME

Almost twelve years have passed since Dec. 26, 1996, when John Ramsey, a wealthy software executive, found his 6-year-old daughter JonBenet dead in the  ...

JonBenet Ramsey - The Denver Post

JonBenet Ramsey story including details on news, details, analysis, investigations, autopsy, parents, suspects by The Denver Post.

What is the story behind the JonBenet Ramsey murder case?

I am doing a speech for class about children beauty pagents and I am opposed to it. Im researching information and I come across the name and story of JonBenet Ramsey. I cried while reading it and I was wondering if it was ever discovered who was her real murder.

Answer: This case was all over the cable news stations for a very long time.

Most authorities who have looked at the case independent of the Boulder PD, long ago concluded that the case was bungled from the very start, compromising the crime scene, failing to secure evidence, waiting too long to interview neighborhood witnesses, and most of all, inappropriately confining their investigation to family members rather than looking at other possiblities.
Many renowned criminal investigators who have looked at this case suggest there is strong evidence that the crime was committed by a stranger, perhaps one of any number of known predators living in or around the Boulder area at the time.
There were rumors some time ago that the new D.A. was rekindling the investigation with a wider net, but that cooperation within the Boulder PD was less than forthcoming. Not sure if that is true and there has not been much published since. Maybe that's a good thing, though, in that whatever direction they are heading, they are keeping their cards close to the vest until they have their man.
Category: Media & Journalism

JonBenet Ramsey case: Court to release indictment that went ...

11 hours ago ... Some documents in the JonBenet Ramsey case will be unsealed on Friday despite the objections of her father.

Judge orders release of grand jury indictment in JonBenet Ramsey ...

DENVER — A Colorado judge Wednesday ordered the release of the 1999 grand jury indictment in the killing of 6-year-old JonBenet Ramsey, possibly shedding light on why prosecutors decided against charging her parents ...

Papers: Grand jury in 1999 sought to indict JonBenet Ramsey's ...

13 minutes ago ... Court papers released Friday show that in 1999, a grand jury voted to indict JonBenet Ramsey's parents.

Grand Jury in 1999 Sought to Indict JonBenet Ramsey's Parents ...

Previously sealed court documents released Friday show that a grand jury voted in 1999 to indict the parents of JonBenet Ramsey with charges of child abuse resulting in death and being accessories to a crime. The district ...

JonBenet Ramsey documents to be released against father's wishes ...

Some documents in the JonBenet Ramsey case will be unsealed on Friday despite the objections of her father. A judge in Colorado on Wednesday ordered the release of 18 pages that were sealed after a grand jury went ...

Would you live in the JonBenet Ramsey house?

If you had the money and really liked the house would you mind living in the house where 6 year old JonBenet Ramsey was murdered?
And also: do you think the house is haunted by her? Are there any stories indicating that it is?


Answer: It is a really nice house. I would be thrilled to own it.
Category: Renting & Real Estate

Murder of JonBenét Ramsey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

JonBenét Patricia Ramsey /ˌdʒɒnbəˈneɪ pəˈtrɪʃə ˈræmzi/; (August 6, 1990 – December 25, 1996) was an American child beauty pageant queen who was ...

What pageant titles did JonBenet Ramsey win?

I am interested in finding a detailed list of the titles that JonBenet Ramsey won during her short life.

Answer: She didn't win any unless you are referring to the junior pageant. Google it.
Category: Performing Arts

Has anyone heard any updates on the JonBenet Ramsey case?

Hi. Im really interested in the JonBenet Ramsey case and I know almost every detail about it. The case was recently reopened in February but I havent heard of any updates yet. Have any of you guys? Are there any leads, any knew evidence, any new suspects, is the case solved? I havent heard anything. So any help would be greatly appreciated.

Answer: yell they think now the butler did it
Category: Media & Journalism

Does anyone really give a crap about the whole Jonbenet Ramsey?

Does anyone really give a shit about Jonbenet Ramsey? Why has the media keep covering this crap. So a little girl was killed 10 YEARS AGO! I mean its sad but who really cares. People are murdered everyday but you wont hear about it. Why doesnt the media concentrate on more serious issuse like the Iraq War, Health Care. Many kids die in this country of starvation. Why doesnt the media cover that?

Answer: its sad that the little white girl died, but please, stop flogging the corpse for news.
Category: Current Events

Who killed Jonbenet Ramsey and do you think the case will ever be solved?

I realized that a few days ago, that it was Jonbenet Ramseys 20th birthday. For some reason I began to cry. Who do you think killed her? I dont think it was the Ramseys. Do you think her case will ever be solved? I dont but I like to think that one day the little beauty will have justice. What do you all think?

Answer: Wow..I can't believe how many years have past..and still Jonbenet's murder is still unsolved. I disapprove of speculation, and I don't feel it's our place to accuse anyone. Best to leave it in God's hands. All we can really do is trust the (latest) facts as they still stand today, and pray for closure. followed:

In December 2003, forensic investigators extracted enough material from a mixed blood sample found on JonBenét's underwear to establish a DNA profile. The DNA belongs to an unknown male. The DNA was submitted to the FBI's Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), a database containing more than 1.6 million DNA profiles, mainly from convicted felons. The sample has yet to find a match in the database, although it continues to be checked for partial matches on a weekly basis, as are all unmatched samples. Later investigations also discovered that there were more than 100 burglaries in the Ramseys' neighborhood in the months before JonBenét's murder, and that 38 registered sex offenders were living within a two-mile (3 km) radius of the Ramseys' home—an area that encompasses half the population of the city of Boulder—but that none of the sex offenders had any involvement in the murder.

On August 16, 2006, 41-year-old John Mark Karr, a former schoolteacher, confessed to the murder while being held on child pornography charges from Sonoma County, California. Authorities reportedly tracked him down using the Internet after he sent e-mails regarding the Ramsey case to Michael Tracey, a journalism professor at the University of Colorado. Once apprehended, he confessed to being with JonBenét when she died, stating that her death was an accident. When asked if he was innocent, he responded, "No." However, Karr's DNA did not match that found on JonBenét Ramsey's body. On August 28, 2006, prosecutors announced that no charges would be filed against him for the murder of JonBenét Ramsey. In early December 2006, Department of Homeland Security officials reported that federal investigators were continuing to explore whether Karr had been a possible accomplice in the killing.

No evidence has ever come to light that placed the then-married Alabama resident Karr near Boulder during the Christmas 1996 crime. Evidence linking Karr to the killing is highly circumstantial in nature. For instance, handwriting samples taken from Karr were said to match the ransom note. In particular, his technique for writing the letters E, T and M were described by the media as being very rare.

Hopefully someday justice will come to light to this very strange unsolved case....May Jonbenet Ramsey RIP.
Category: Media & Journalism

How can I update the information of yahoo homepage?

My yahoo homepage had not updated since the day of the news "Arrest in JonBenet Ramsey murder case" ? And so do All of the other infortmation, including news,and advertisement. Could anyone tell me whats wrong and how could I update my yahoo homepage?(It should automatically update everyday, right?)

Answer: Mine updates everyday, all I have to do it load the website. Does your connection go through to any other sites?
Category: Other - Internet

Compassion Fatigue on Darfur?

To the Editor: Re Save the Darfur Puppy (column, May 10): Nicholas D. Kristof says the reason people will try to help a single person (or animal) rather than an entire population is that we lack a troubled conscience. I disagree. People are more willing to help an individual person (or animal) because theyll be able to see the outcome. - Five letters comment on Nicholas D Kristofs May 6 column about lack of public outcry over genocide in Darfur region of Sudan; Michelle OHagan says Americans might be more willing to help people around world if media would help show what is really going on; Beth Bistrow says Pres Bush and members of UN, not individuals, have power to influence global events; John Washburn says International Criminal Court has been effective in Sudan in part from public pressure; Rafael Medoff agrees that public would be more responsive to suffering puppy than to genocide in Sudan; Yvette Perry says there are small-scale, personal ways Americans can help; drawing

Am I the only one here who is sick of hearing about JonBenet Ramsey?

Dont get me wrong. I think that her death is tragic and Im glad that the murderer may have finally been caught. However, thousands of children are murdered or go missing every year, but their cases arent well-publicized. Whats so special about JonBenet Ramsey (or Natalie Holloway, for that matter)? Are murders and disappearances important only if the victims are rich, white, blonde girls?
I have plenty of compassion for people who have lost their children, but I wouldnt be asking this question if the murders and disappearances of poor and/or minority children were more publicized. Also, I agree that the press owes the Ramsey family a huge apology. Not only did they have to deal with the pain of losing their child, but they were accused of murdering her, which is the worst thing that a person could ever be accused of. I also think its a pity that JonBenets mother isnt alive to see whats going on.

Answer: I agree with you - rich, white blonde girls who go missing or end up murdered are usually highly publicized - the families can afford to make it so - and it is so sad because those families whose children were murdered and were poor are simply put on the back burner. Yes, this is definitely tragic and a very good question! You make an excellent point.
Category: Current Events

The Devils Right-Hand Man

At this late hour of his life, Charlie Hess said the question Why? didnt matter anymore. After all the years he spent in the F.B.I. tilting at the criminal mind, all his years in private practice running lie-detector tests, his time extracting secrets as a C.I.A. agent in Vietnam, he was no longer interested in Why? What counted were - Charlie Hess, former law enforcement officer and agent for CIA and FBI, spends his retirement years volunteering with El Paso County Sheriffs Office in Colorado Springs sifting through cold-case files; Hess, along with retirees Scott Fischer and Lou Smit, comprise unit that works on unsolved cases, especially in light of advances in fingerprint and DNA analysis; Hess has talent for drawing truth from criminals, as illustrated by correspondence with Robert Browne, who was serving life sentence for 1991 murder of Heather Dawn Church; Browne was tantalized by Hesss respectful treatment and began to describe his life and feelings to him and insinuated that he was involved in other murders; photo (L) - Chip Brown is a contributing writer for the magazine. His last article was about the new-media company Flavorpill. - By Chip Brown

Save the Darfur Puppy

Finally, were beginning to understand what it would take to galvanize President Bush, other leaders and the American public to respond to the genocide in Sudan: a suffering puppy with big eyes and floppy ears. Thats the implication of a series of studies by psychologists trying to understand why people -- good, conscientious people -- arent - Nicholas D Kristof Op-Ed column uses psychological study results to illustrate why people are not moved by famines or genocides, like one in Darfur; holds that evidence is overwhelming that humans respond to suffering of individuals rather than groups and cites study showing that people will donate more money to single child or puppy in distress than to thousands of unseen victims; says Pres Bush and global public alike are unmoved by genocide and maybe troubled consciences are more important than better laws (M) - By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF

Thais Arrest Canadian Suspected Of Pedophilia

At first, on the Internet, he was just a swirly face, something akin to a large multicolored lollipop that a man might give to a little boy. On Friday, the Thai police said he was under arrest and charged as a pedophile after computer experts had unswirled the digitally altered face in a virtuoso act of electronic decoding. The suspect, Christopher - Thai police arrest suspected pedophile Christopher Paul Neil after Interpol issued international appeal based on 200 Internet pictures showing faceless man sexually abusing boys in Vietnam and Cambodia; say Neil will be prosecuted in Bangkok and then sent back to his home nation, Canada (M) - By SETH MYDANS; Ian Austen contributed reporting from Ottawa.

How Do You Solve a Crisis Like Darfur?

For anyone who thinks that genocide is absolutely the rock-bottom possibility, keep an eye on Darfur. The area of crisis has already spread from an area the size of France to one the size of Western Europe, encompassing Chad and Central African Republic while threatening to reignite the separate war between north and south Sudan. And aid - Nicholas D Kristof Op-Ed column on results of his appeal to readers to suggest what to do about crisis in Darfur; says common thread was call for far more muscular approach; tells why he thinks aggressive military measures would be counterproductive; offers his own suggestions: more television coverage of Darfur, Pres Bush should ratchet up pressure by giving prime-time speech on Darfur, he and Prime Min Tony Blair should lead summit on Darfur in Europe, and peacekeepers should be sent to region; says Western countries should pledge to help finance reconstruction (M) - By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF

What are your thoughts on the murder of JonBenet Ramsey?

What are your thoughts on the murder of JonBenet Ramsey?
I am in tears over this crime. I have been aware of it for a long time but have been seraching youtube. I watched many documenteries,news casts,the movie,videos to remember her,etc. I know she was into pagents and was adorable. It is terrible that the killer remains unfound. What are your thoughts and how could somebody to this to such a cute innocent little girl?

*Cries* :(

R.I.P JonBenet :(

Answer: I'm surprised some evidence or new lead hasn't leaked out over all the years.

Sadly, this would have been a great story for all the conspiracy theory people. Could it have been the mother? i think the house was too intricate for a stranger to sneak in and do it. Was it a past family friend?

This weirdo that claimed to have done it is now on yahoo's page for trying to start a new cult. Just an attention-wanting idiot.
The media was too stupid to put him on tv before, they could have researched him and found out he wasn't in the vacinity during the time.
Category: Polls & Surveys

Ramsey grand jury indictment accused parents of child abuse ...

1 hour ago ... JonBenét Ramsey's mother, Patsy, died of cancer in 2006. Earlier this week, John Ramsey asked officials to release the entire grand jury ...

TELEVISION REVIEW | SHAQS BIG CHALLENGE; Lighten Up, Overeaters. This 7-Foot Giant Is in Touch With His Inner Child.

Like the JonBenet Ramsey murder case or Sudoku, the American obesity epidemic presents an absorbing challenge for active minds. Come on, lets just figure it out: Why are we all so fat? We could posit that were lazy pigs, which seems safe but dull, and then venture to propose that its hormones in the beef, only to explore the overproduction of - Virginia Heffernan reviews reality television series Shaqs Big Challenge, starring Shaquille ONeal; photo (M) - By VIRGINIA HEFFERNAN

Why do black people murder their kids complain about how their dead kid did not get enough press?

This black guy killed his kid them he complained about how his dead kid did not get enough press. Then he complained that she deserved as much press as Jonbenet ramsey. Then all the black people got all offended.

Answer: So one black guy kills his kid and suddenly all black people murder their kids complain about how their dead kid did not get enough press? You sound ignorant and crazy.
Category: Other - Cultures & Groups

Has The Killer Ever Been Found For Jonbenet Ramsey?

I was just watching a show about the investigation for this poor little girl. Did they ever find the killer? I thought I remembered the news talking about something dealing with Jonbenet Ramsey last year, but forget if they said they found the killer.

Answer: they have never found the killer but they did find evidence (DNA) of another person on her body, they just don't know who he is
Category: Media & Journalism


THE GENTLE AXE By R. N. Morris. 305 pp. The Penguin Press. $24.95. Back before there was television -- or radio, cellphones and the Internet -- people must have devoted an enormous amount of concentration to studying one anothers appearance, deducing from physiognomy the sort of meaning a seer reads into a tarot-card spread. Oracles debated the - Liesl Schillinger reviews book The Gentle Axe by R N Morris; photo (M) - Liesl Schillinger is a regular contributor to the Book Review. - By LIESL SCHILLINGER

Judge Orders Release Of JonBenet Ramsey Grand Jury Documents ...

A Colorado judge Wednesday ordered the release of the 1999 grand jury indictment in the killing of 6-year-old JonBenet Ramsey, possibly shedding light on why prosecutors decided against charging her parents in her death.

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