Maria de Villota - F1 praises inspirational Maria de Villota - F1 news - AUTOSPORT ...

Maria de Villota : Videos

Eyewitness: Maria de Villota almost beheaded in F1 ...

Eyewitness: Maria de Villota almost beheaded in F1 ...

Maria de Villota discusses F1 crash - YouTube

Maria de Villota discusses F1 crash - YouTube

F1 Driver Maria De Villota CRASH - R.I.P MARIA ...

F1 Driver Maria De Villota CRASH - R.I.P MARIA ...

Formel 1 2012: Maria de Villota Crash - YouTube

Formel 1 2012: Maria de Villota Crash - YouTube

Maria de Villota Dead Spanish Formula 1 test driver ...

Maria de Villota Dead Spanish Formula 1 test driver ...

F1 Marussia driver Maria de Villota in Duxford crash ...

F1 Marussia driver Maria de Villota in Duxford crash ...

BBC News Eddie Jordan pays tribute to Maria De ...

BBC News Eddie Jordan pays tribute to Maria De ...

Maria de Villota crash helmet - YouTube

Maria de Villota crash helmet - YouTube

Maria de Villota's F1 test accident w actual audio ...

Maria de Villota's F1 test accident w actual audio ...

Marussia tester De Villota injured in test crash - YouTube

Marussia tester De Villota injured in test crash - YouTube

Maria de Villota became the first female involved in ...

Maria de Villota became the first female involved in ...

María de Villota: "Mi aspecto actual dice más de ...

María de Villota: "Mi aspecto actual dice más de ...

Informe Robinson: Maria de Villota - YouTube

Informe Robinson: Maria de Villota - YouTube

Maria de Villota has lost her right eye after crash ...

Maria de Villota has lost her right eye after crash ...

F1 Test Driver Maria De Villota Loses Right Eye ...

F1 Test Driver Maria De Villota Loses Right Eye ...

De la Morena vs María de Villota - YouTube

De la Morena vs María de Villota - YouTube

Potentially fatal crash - Maria de Villota's accident ...

Potentially fatal crash - Maria de Villota's accident ...

Maria de Villota fatal crash - YouTube

Maria de Villota fatal crash - YouTube

Maria de Villota: Car 'not at fault' over Marussia ...

Maria de Villota: Car 'not at fault' over Marussia ...

YO DONA: María de Villota, protagonista - YouTube

YO DONA: María de Villota, protagonista - YouTube

Grave accidente de Maria de Villota contra camion ...

Grave accidente de Maria de Villota contra camion ...

Maria de Villota rueda de prensa madrid 11 10 2012 ...

Maria de Villota rueda de prensa madrid 11 10 2012 ...





Maria de Villota : Photo Gallery

Maria de Villota speaks about Formula One test crash and loss of ...

Maria de Villota speaks about Formula One test crash and loss of ...

BBC Sport - Maria de Villota cleared to drive again after Marussia ...

BBC Sport - Maria de Villota cleared to drive again after Marussia ...

How woman survived brutal Formula One crash - Yahoo Autos

How woman survived brutal Formula One crash - Yahoo Autos

Formula One test driver Maria de Villota opens up about crash in ...

Formula One test driver Maria de Villota opens up about crash in ...

Formula One | Maria de Villota close to 2012 Renault-Lotus deal

Formula One | Maria de Villota close to 2012 Renault-Lotus deal

Marussia test driver Maria de Villota loses right eye after ...

Marussia test driver Maria de Villota loses right eye after ...

Recovering F1 test driver de Villota has new outlook on life ...

Recovering F1 test driver de Villota has new outlook on life ...

Formula One driver Maria De Villota loses eye in an accident | The ...

Formula One driver Maria De Villota loses eye in an accident | The ...

María de Villota, evoluciona favorablemente tras sufrir un ...

María de Villota, evoluciona favorablemente tras sufrir un ...

Maria de Villota conscious after bizzare F1 testing accident ...

Maria de Villota conscious after bizzare F1 testing accident ...

BBC Sport - Formula 1: Maria De Villota speaks about her testing crash

BBC Sport - Formula 1: Maria De Villota speaks about her testing crash

Photo Shoot with Maria de Villota | Demotix.

Photo Shoot with Maria de Villota | Demotix.

F1 driver Maria De Villota found dead in Spanish hotel room ...

F1 driver Maria De Villota found dead in Spanish hotel room ...

En ¡HOLA!: María de Villota, el sobrecogedor relato de la campeona ...

En ¡HOLA!: María de Villota, el sobrecogedor relato de la campeona ...

Maria de Villota loses eye after Marussia test accident | Sport ...

Maria de Villota loses eye after Marussia test accident | Sport ...

Maria de Villota: Former F1 driver found dead in Spanish hotel ...

Maria de Villota: Former F1 driver found dead in Spanish hotel ...

Former Spanish racing driver Maria de Villota found dead

Former Spanish racing driver Maria de Villota found dead

Former Spanish racing driver Maria de Villota found dead

Former Spanish racing driver Maria de Villota found dead

Former Spanish racing driver Maria de Villota found dead

Former Spanish racing driver Maria de Villota found dead

Maria de Villota

Maria de Villota

...¡Descanse en paz la Piloto de Fórmula 1 María De Villota! Triste e inexplicable el destino, cuando hoy ofrecería una Conferencia sobre lo hermoso de la vida, después de en verano de 2012 sufrir un accidente que le retiró de las Pistas y pierde sí ojo d

...¡Descanse en paz la Piloto de Fórmula 1 María De Villota! Triste e inexplicable el destino, cuando hoy ofrecería una Conferencia sobre lo hermoso de la vida, después de en verano de 2012 sufrir un accidente que le retiró de las Pistas y pierde sí ojo d

Maria De Villota.

Maria De Villota.

Maria de Villota

Maria de Villota

Maria de Villota: 1980-2013

Maria de Villota: 1980-2013

"Andres Stangalini Deportes" Expiloto de F1 María de Villota es hallada muerta en hotel de Sevilla

"Andres Stangalini Deportes" Expiloto de F1 María de Villota es hallada muerta en hotel de Sevilla

Javier Fernandez Auditor - Deportes

Javier Fernandez Auditor - Deportes

Javier Fernandez Auditor - Deportes

Javier Fernandez Auditor - Deportes

Javier Fernandez Auditor - Deportes

Javier Fernandez Auditor - Deportes

Spanish female former F1 test driver Maria de Villota found dead- @757LiveSports

Spanish female former F1 test driver Maria de Villota found dead- @757LiveSports

Javier Fernandez Auditor - Muere la expiloto María de Villota

Javier Fernandez Auditor - Muere la expiloto María de Villota

Javier Fernandez Auditor - Deportes

Javier Fernandez Auditor - Deportes

Maria de Villota

Maria de Villota

Former Formula One test driver Maria de Villota dies

Former Formula One test driver Maria de Villota dies

Maria de Villota: Former F1 driver found dead in Spanish hotel room

Maria de Villota: Former F1 driver found dead in Spanish hotel room

Formula 1 reserve racing driver Maria De Villota found dead in a hotel room in ...

Formula 1 reserve racing driver Maria De Villota found dead in a hotel room in ...

De Villota lost her eye in a life-threatening crash at Duxford last year

De Villota lost her eye in a life-threatening crash at Duxford last year

Former Marussia test driver Maria de Villota dies age 33

Former Marussia test driver Maria de Villota dies age 33

Racing driver Maria de Villota found dead in hotel room

Racing driver Maria de Villota found dead in hotel room

Ex-F1 test driver Maria de Villota, who lost an eye in crash last year, dies ...

Ex-F1 test driver Maria de Villota, who lost an eye in crash last year, dies ...

Ex-F1 test driver Maria de Villota dies at 33

Ex-F1 test driver Maria de Villota dies at 33

Maria de Villota found dead

Maria de Villota found dead

Former F1 Tester Maria de Villota Found Dead In Hotel

Former F1 Tester Maria de Villota Found Dead In Hotel

Ex-Formula 1 test driver Maria de Villota found dead in hotel

Ex-Formula 1 test driver Maria de Villota found dead in hotel

Former F1 test driver Maria de Villota found dead in hotel room

Former F1 test driver Maria de Villota found dead in hotel room

Maria de Villota found dead: Who was former Formula 1 test driver?

Maria de Villota found dead: Who was former Formula 1 test driver?

Ex-F1 driver Maria de Villota dies at 33

Ex-F1 driver Maria de Villota dies at 33

Maria De Villota Dead: Female F1 Driver Who Lost Eye Dies In Seville Hotel

Maria De Villota Dead: Female F1 Driver Who Lost Eye Dies In Seville Hotel

World Cup qualifiers, Japanese GP, Maria De Villota tributesLive

World Cup qualifiers, Japanese GP, Maria De Villota tributesLive

Maria de Villota : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

Maria de Villota obituary: 1980-2013 - F1 news -

Madrid-born Maria de Villota, who was found dead on Thursday, was the daughter of two-time grand prix starter Emilio. Having come from a racing family, it was no surprise she pursued a career in racing. After initially ...

Will Maria de Villotas accident make it harder for women like me to have a chance of making it in Formula One?

Maria de Villotas accident was tragic and you can argue that it could have happened to anybody, but will the fact that she is a woman make it harder for females like myself to have a chance of making it in Formula One? Ive aspired to compete in motorsport and hopefully, one day, F1 for a long time, well before I commenced by transition. Now as a woman, this is a bitter pill for the future chances of females in F1.

Answer: No, this accident (if proved to be technical rather than driver related) could have happened to a man as well. Freak accidents happen.

However, letting people with poor racing records into F1 as marketing tools does far more damage to their social, sexual or ethnic groups than accidents like this ever could. Until Kobayashi, Japanese drivers were always considered to be a bit of a joke, mainly because so many of them were promoted above their talent level for marketing reasons. Indian drivers are going to take a while to recover their collective reputation after Karthikeyan. Drivers, whatever their nationality or physiology, should be in F1 on the merit of being one of the best drivers on the planet. De Villota shouldn't have been anywhere near an F1 car on the basis of her "talent", she was bumped up the order by people who wanted a woman in F1 to promote their team. Harsh? Not really. If she was any use at all then Marussia would have had her in the race car instead of Pic - but that was taking things a step too far for even them.
Category: Formula One

Maria De Villota Dead: Female F1 Driver Who Lost Eye Dies In ...

13 minutes ago ... Maria de Villota, the female F1 driver who lost her eye when she crashed, has been found dead in a hotel room in Seville.

Maria de Villota dies: Former Formula One test driver found dead in ...

7 hours ago ... Former Formula One test driver Maria de Villota has been found dead in her hotel room. The Spanish racer suffered serious facial and head ...

F1 praises 'inspirational' Maria de Villota - F1 news - AUTOSPORT ...

Sauber team boss Monisha Kaltenborn believes Maria de Villota will leave an inspirational legacy in Formula 1.

After Maria De Villotas horrific crash should women be banned from F1?

Women are clearly not good at racing cars, women are pathetic at it and have never done well. But after the de Villota accident which took place in a parking lot where she wedged her car under the back of a parked truck we should really question whether women are fit to get behind the wheel of an F1 car. Its a matter of their own safety to protect women who think they are just like men from themselves. It was a horrific accident and she is very lucky to be alive. But lessons need to be learned before this happens again or worse. Women need to stop trying to prove to everyone that they are equal, they just arent.
@ Horse Lover - Please read this was not in a race but in the bloody parking lot! Please accidents in racing will always happen this is totally different.
@ Matt - Are you being deliberately dim witted to follow the politically correct mantra? Grow up and grow a pair dude! The woman crashed in the PARKING LOT! and almost killed herself. Senna etc. died while racing, while pushing to the absolute limit and with Senna it was due to mechanical failure, a broken steering column.

Answer: Well, women in racing would be comical if they didn't endanger more than their own lives. I watched Danica Patrick run into her own crewmans leg and break it against the safety wall. I seen her hit the other team's crew man. I have seen her take out 3 top drivers before the race just warming up the tires. Things no man has accomplished in almost a century of racing.

Now I have seen a women almost kill herself in the parking lot. I absolutely love the way they report the accident as well "her car suddenly accelerated into the back of a support truck". Yea, and hammers jump off the table and beat people in the head. Guns point themselves and randomly fire at people. Cars don't accelerate themselves. And, even if the accelerate got stuck (which I have never seen or even heard about in these multimillion dollar cars) there is still a clutch and a brake to stop the car...not to mention she would have to have flood the car for it to get stuck wide open.

Women wanted to be treated as adults, so I don't think we should ban them as a matter of their own safety. But if women in racing keep making infamous history the way they have been, it might come to the point we have to ban them for the protection of the men. Maybe do like the Olympics does and segregate racing by gender. Then women could only harm themselves...and one of them would actually win a race lol.
Category: Gender & Women's Studies

Drivers and teams pay tribute to Maria de Villota - F1 Fanatic

Formula One drivers and teams have paid tribute to Maria de Villota, who passed away today in Spain.

María de Villota - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

María de Villota Comba (13 January 1980 – 11 October 2013) was a Spanish racing driver. She was the daughter of former Formula One driver Emilio de Villota, ...

What about Maria De Villota conditions after the crash?

I was searching some news about Maria De Villotas conditions after her crash yesterday testing for Marussia.
Last night I read that she had a skull injury and she was taken to operating room.

Do you know something else?
What about her at now?

Answer: She lost a eye, so presumably she won't be racing anymore.
Category: Formula One

Possibility of a woman in Formula One. Your thoughts?

Maria de Villota, daughter of Emilio de Villota, says she is "closer" to achieving her dream of racing in Formula 1 next year. What are your thoughts?

Answer: That's according to her... In reality though she has no chance in hell unless of course she has a sponsor that is willing to give a billion dollars to an F1 team to let her drive a couple of races...

Women are just not that good in racing cars, the only success I could think of for women racing open wheelers was Danica Patrick in Japan (I Think) while driving in the IRL (Her teammate was ordered to let her pass so she could win for PR purposes) and in Formula one some girl scored a point and that's that...
Category: Formula One

Why cant women be in Formula 1?

I was just curious; i have never heard of a female formula 1 driver. Why hasnt there been one? Has a woman ever tried to do formula 1? just asking. Thanks! :)

Answer: They can, there just ain't been one good enough yet.........

Last one (Giovanna Amati, c. 1992) rarely qualified, and spent most of her time parked backwards in a gravel trap (and eventually got replaced by Damon Hill)

One was working as a test driver, but ended up losing an eye crashing into one of the team trucks at the end of a test session earlier this year
Category: Formula One

Sir Sterling Moss says women is not for women?

Sterling Moss legendary grand prix driver says women just dont have what it takes to be successful in F1. Personally I agree with him women have poor driving skills when compared with men and have never done well in motor racing. Given his personal experience as a driver and being around the sport for the last 50 years I think his opinion is based on fact. I know everyone will jump on him and call his statement sexist but if it is simply a fact then when why is it wrong to say it? If something offends someone it does not mean that what is said is wrong. The proof that he is right is that no woman has ever been successful in F1. Bernie Eccelstone F1 CEO is also famous for his comment some years ago that what F1 needed was a woman driver who was black and also a Jew, and that would be his ideal driver because that person would be the most politically correct choice and therefore nobody would dare complain or question or comment negatively and everyone would cheer for her. It was a good joke because he was constantly asked when F1 would have a woman driver. Not whether the drivers in F1 where the very best or not. If this is the path we are headed on then soon we may see paraplegic drivers and drivers with Downs Syndrome etc all in the name of political correctness and talent and merit would mean absolutely nothing anymore.
Lets not forget the fiasco that happened last year when a woman was given a chance and almost killed herself after testing in the parking lot. When her car and her head got stuck under the back of a parked truck causing her to lose her eye. Maria De Villota is lucky to be alive after such a horrific incident.

Answer: What is all this complaining you been doing? If some broad wants to go out there make an attempt at proving herself and get burnt in the process what the hell is that to you? Maria De Villota tried she failed now don't you think it's time you moved on? Day in and day out you post this crap. You really want to do something about it take it up with the racing officials.
Category: Gender & Women's Studies

Ex-Formula 1 test driver Maria de Villota found dead in hotel - F1 ...

Maria de Villota has been found dead in a hotel room in Seville.

Does Danica Patrick race against males, or females?

aka, is there a female racing league, or are all the racing sports unisex?

Answer: All racing sports are unisex. Most racing doesn't have a woman racer though when there is a woman racer, there is usually only one. The majority of a racing field is full of men but woman can race. Danica races in IndyCar and there have been woman race in F1. Infact, there are rumours that Maria de Villota could race in F1 next year.
Category: Other - Auto Racing

motor racing with one eye?

I noticed today that Maria de Villota is making her first public appearance today, since her terrible accident in which she lost her right eye. She looks amazing in the picture of her on the cover of Hola! magazine this week and I am very glad that she seems to be recovering well. She says she is considering a return to racing and I was wondering what the rules are relating to this. I know there are a couple of drivers in the USA who compete with only one eye but, for some reason I thought that the FIA did not allow this. Does anyone know what the rules are and if anyone else drives competitively in Europe with only one eye?

Answer: I believe it would be highly unlikely that she will be able to race competitively again, if she can it will not be in F1.
Category: Formula One

Sir Sterling Moss says F1 is not for women drivers?

Sterling Moss legendary grand prix driver says women just dont have what it takes to be successful in F1. Personally I agree with him women have poor driving skills when compared with men and have never done well in motor racing. Given his personal experience as a driver and being around the sport for the last 50 years I think his opinion is based on fact. I know everyone will jump on him and call his statement sexist but if it is simply a fact then when why is it wrong to say it? If something offends someone it does not mean that what is said is wrong. The proof that he is right is that no woman has ever been successful in F1. Bernie Eccelstone F1 CEO is also famous for his comment some years ago that what F1 needed was a woman driver who was black and also a Jew, and that would be his ideal driver because that person would be the most politically correct choice and therefore nobody would dare complain or question or comment negatively and everyone would cheer for her. It was a good joke because he was constantly asked when F1 would have a woman driver. Not whether the drivers in F1 where the very best or not. If this is the path we are headed on then soon we may see paraplegic drivers and drivers with Downs Syndrome etc all in the name of political correctness and talent and merit would mean absolutely nothing anymore.

Lets not forget the fiasco that happened last year when a woman was given a chance and almost killed herself after testing in the parking lot. When her car and her head got stuck under the back of a parked truck causing her to lose her eye. Maria De Villota is lucky to be alive after such a horrific incident.

Answer: Have to agree with Sir Stirling Moss women have not really set the world alight have they. However they do seem to do well on outside the car look at Monisha Kaltenborn team principal of Sauber and then quite recently Claire Williams being promoted to deputy team principal of Williams( could succeed her dad soon and be team principal one day. Then look across to WEC ( World Endurance Championship) and Lena Gade race engineer to the Number 1 Audi trio of Andre Lotterer and Marcel Fassler and Benoit Trelyuer she has engineered them to back to back victory's at the Le Mans 24 hours of 2011 and 2012 additionally a WEC Championships of 2012. Danica Patrick recently in the spotlight for wining the pole at the 2013 Daytona 500 and finishing a respectably 8th and leading a few laps as well. Since then we have not really seen much of her. Her best NASCAR result since is a 12th place finish at Martinville. Her last and only victory was in Indy car in 2008 in Japan. Alice Powell might do well already champion in Formula Renault in 2010 she has done well with wins and podium places since then taken the step to GP3 average season with her only point coming in the last round in Monza. However could not continue GP3 due to lack of money. One woman who has been in spotlight off the track and not on it is Susie Wolff test driver for Williams and previous DTM racer did not set the world light with just 2 points finishes in 60 races. She is 30 and quite old for trying out as Gran Prix driver and trying to get into F1 the same route as Paul Di Resta who, we know is quick and winning the 2010 DTM championship confirms this as well as some great results in F1 best finish being 4th in Singapore. Another woman who is up and coming is Beitske Visser a Dutch racing driver who competed in last years 2012_ADAC_Formla_Masters who had a pretty good year winning two races and many points finishes and finishing 8th in the championship despite not doing all the races. Is now backed by Red Bull so has finical stability as long as she does well. Sebastian Vettel was and still is backed by Red Bull and look where that has got him 3 F1 drivers championships.
So I do not think Susie will get into F1 test driver at best. One of the reasons she is where she is with Williams might the fact that her Husband Toto Wolff was a Major Shareholder in the company.Danica Patrick who knows might do well might even win she is with a great team Stewart Hass racing so teammates with the 2011 NASCAR champion Tony Stewart lots of experience in racing and winning. Beitske Visser and Alice Powell have the most realistic chance of making it into F1 Beitske more so because she has the backing of Red Bull and she has won race and for Alice she is very quick just needs money.
Category: Formula One

BBC Sport - Maria De Villota: F1 reserve driver died of 'natural ...

1 minute ago ... Formula 1 reserve driver Maria De Villota is found dead in a hotel room in the Spanish city of Seville.

Marussia F1 reserve driver Maria De Villota dead at 33 - Autoblog

Maria De Villota, the Marussia F1's reserve driver, was found dead in her hotel room, in Seville Spain this morning. She was 33.

Formel 1 2012: Maria de Villota Crash - YouTube

Jul 7, 2012 ... (Speed-Magazin) Beim ihrem ersten Einsatz für das Marussia F1 Team verletzte sich die Testpilotin Maria de Villota nach einer Kollision mit ...

Is this the kind of "opportunity" that feminists were looking for?

"F1 driver de Villota loses eye after test crash

Maria de Villota has lost her right eye after a crash at a test event, her Formula One team, Marussia, announced Wednesday.

The Spaniard, one of only two female drivers contracted to an F1 team, underwent surgery after running into a stationary truck at a British airfield on Tuesday.

A statement from the Russian-owned team said that the 32-year-old had sustained "serious head and facial injuries" and that she had been in theater overnight at Addenbrookes Hospital in the English county of Cambridgeshire."

Why do feminists put so many womens lives at risk for their failed ideology? Dont they care about the harm they do to so many women?

[Not just racing, but police, firemen, soldiers, and any other place that women dont actually belong due to inherent, biological shortcomings.]
You dont huh? I guess that is an indictment of your mental abilities. What group has been pushing, "Wymynz can do anything a man can do, but better!," "Wymynz must be in the police, military, and any place that men dominate as long as it isnt a dirty, unglamorous job." What groups screams and moans about "discrimination" when men are naturally more suited? What group has pushed women into places they generally wouldnt want to be without indoctrination and brainwashing, where they are biologically at a disadvantage? What group attempts to destroy anything that is predominantly male?

Women are lesser in ability in spatial tasks, proved by numerous studies-- this includes driving, on and off the track, flying aircraft-- and have many more accidents due to poor judgment, i.e. lesser ability based upon their brain wiring.

Why hasnt a woman ever won an F1 race? Why hasnt Danica Patrick ever won a race? Why do female road drivers have
@"I like dinosaurs": I wouldnt mind being smarter, that would be quite excellent. What is your doctorate in? Mine is in chemistry. I teach people I consider idiots that far outstrip your lacking mental capacity, you poor, little brainwashed imbecile. Statistically speaking I can say with almost certainty that I am considerably more intelligent than you are, as there arent that many people who are smarter than I am, but I greatly respect those that are.

You see, you are an indoctrinated, sissy fool, in that you are repeating the lies you have been told, and that you are way too stupid to even realize that one should question what they are spoonfed, especially when what you are told has absolutely no support.

You are mindlessly repeating the lesbo-fascist manta, "Menz and wymyz are equalz!!!!!!!" So what if all research points to the fact that there are some very real, very large biological, mental/psychological, and physical differences between the sexes
@Peter: Because I dont think women really understand the risks associated with racing, along with all of the other places feminists have pushed them into. Also men are intrinsically better at auto racing.

Answer: I don't really see the direct connection between this accident and feminine ideology. I mean this could have happened to a man, right?
Category: Gender & Women's Studies

Susie Wolff participating in Young Driver Test :-) girl power, so excited! How do you think she will go?

Susie Wolff has been confirmed to take part in the upcoming Young Driver Test at Silverstone for Williams, you go girl, do us proud! Susie almost certainly wont get a race drive, she is 32, but she is flying the female flag which is so rare in F1. How do you think she will fare against the men on the timesheets? I would hope that her performance paves the way for possible free practice outings at Grands Prix in the future, is this wishful thinking? Anything that paves the way for us girls is a good thing!

Answer: I have more time for her than I do for some drivers who have found their way into F1 due to their sponsors or their nationality, but the fact remains that a driver with her record wouldn't have got anywhere near an F1 test if it had been a man. (Martin Tomczyk, Timo Scheider, the much-younger Robert Wickens...they have all got to be looking at their career results and comparing them to hers and wondering what she has that they don't ...or what they have that she doesn't, physiologically speaking...)

Her single-seater career was little more than average (and even then I might be being a little generous there), and her DTM results have been ok considering that she is running in the "second" class for cars which are a year or more old, but not good enough to get her a drive in the top machinery. She's certainly a step up from Maria De Villota, but that probably isn't a great recommendation.

She's 30, not 32, btw.
Category: Formula One

Live: Maria de Villota found dead in Spanish hotel room year after ...

5 minutes ago ... Latest news and updates after the body of the 33-year-old former test driver was discovered in a hotel room in Seville just hours before she was ...

Ex-F1 Test Driver Maria De Villota Dies at 33 - ABC News

3 hours ago ... Maria de Villota, a pioneering Formula One test driver who lost an eye and nearly died in a crash last year, was found dead Friday in a hotel ...

Former Formula One test driver Maria de Villota dies - USA Today

1 minute ago ... Spanish police says racing driver has been found dead in a hotel room in Seville.

Maria de Villota found dead in hotel in Spain - F1 Fanatic

Maria de Villota, the former Marussia test drive who lost an eye in a crash last year, has died.

Motorsport world rocked by tragic death of Maria de VillotaJames ...

Motorsport world rocked by tragic death of Maria de Villota. Posted on October 11, 2013. The Formula 1 world is in mourning for Maria de Villota, who was found dead in a hotel room in Seville. She was 33. De Villota rose to ...

Maria de Villota dies aged 33 -

Spanish test driver Maria de Villota died in Seville a year and a half after surving a near fatal crash in which she lost an eye.

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