Lara Logan - How much money will CBS have to pay Lara Logan for being raped in Egypt?

Lara Logan : Videos

Lara Logan breaks her silence - YouTube

Lara Logan breaks her silence - YouTube

Reporter Sexually Assaulted in Egypt - YouTube

Reporter Sexually Assaulted in Egypt - YouTube

Lara Logan discusses never-before-seen "Black ...

Lara Logan discusses never-before-seen "Black ...



Lara Logan 2012 BGA Annual Luncheon Keynote ...

Lara Logan 2012 BGA Annual Luncheon Keynote ...

GOOD Magazine: Lara Logan - YouTube

GOOD Magazine: Lara Logan - YouTube

Lara Logan Egypt sexual assault fallout - YouTube

Lara Logan Egypt sexual assault fallout - YouTube

Lara Logan - 28th Annual News & Documentary ...

Lara Logan - 28th Annual News & Documentary ...

Lara Logan Attacked, Assaulted by Mob of 200 2/16 ...

Lara Logan Attacked, Assaulted by Mob of 200 2/16 ...

Lara Logan: The Longest War - YouTube

Lara Logan: The Longest War - YouTube

CBS' Lara Logan Apologizes For Faulty 60 Minutes ...

CBS' Lara Logan Apologizes For Faulty 60 Minutes ...

logan lara - YouTube

logan lara - YouTube

Lara Logan: The Hardest Interview- Greater Talent ...

Lara Logan: The Hardest Interview- Greater Talent ...

Part 1/2 - CBS's Lara Logan: The Obama ...

Part 1/2 - CBS's Lara Logan: The Obama ...

CNN: CBS reporter, Lara Logan attacked in Cairo ...

CNN: CBS reporter, Lara Logan attacked in Cairo ...

Lara Logan Explains how Rolling Stone Hit Piece ...

Lara Logan Explains how Rolling Stone Hit Piece ...

60 Minutes - Afghanistan - Lara Logan reporting on ...

60 Minutes - Afghanistan - Lara Logan reporting on ...

Lara Logan Speaks Out The 60 Minutes Interview ...

Lara Logan Speaks Out The 60 Minutes Interview ...

Lara Logan breaks her silence - YouTube

Lara Logan breaks her silence - YouTube

Mona Eltahawy: Women and Egypt's Revolution ...

Mona Eltahawy: Women and Egypt's Revolution ...

The Kalb Report -- Lara Logan: Covering Crisis and ...

The Kalb Report -- Lara Logan: Covering Crisis and ...

Lara Logan: Why I Am a Journalist - YouTube

Lara Logan: Why I Am a Journalist - YouTube

Horrible Reactions To Lara Logan Sexual Assault ...

Horrible Reactions To Lara Logan Sexual Assault ...

Lara Logan Speech on Al Qaeda in Afghanistan ...

Lara Logan Speech on Al Qaeda in Afghanistan ...

Lara Logan : Photo Gallery

Lara Logan | ExtraTV.

Lara Logan | ExtraTV.

Lara Logan: 'I Was Dying in That Square'

Lara Logan: 'I Was Dying in That Square'



Lara Logan relives assault in Egypt on 60 Minutes – Tom Jicha's TV ...

Lara Logan relives assault in Egypt on 60 Minutes – Tom Jicha's TV ...

Lara Logan - HQ Pictures, Images, Photos

Lara Logan - HQ Pictures, Images, Photos

Lara Logan - Zimbio

Lara Logan - Zimbio

CBS' Lara Logan reveals she was stripped, nearly scalped in Egypt ...

CBS' Lara Logan reveals she was stripped, nearly scalped in Egypt ...

True American Hero – Lara Logan / Framing the Dialogue

True American Hero – Lara Logan / Framing the Dialogue

Assaulted CBS Reported Lara Logan Gives First Interview Since ...

Assaulted CBS Reported Lara Logan Gives First Interview Since ...

Lara Logan on Her Unique Career Path - TVNewser

Lara Logan on Her Unique Career Path - TVNewser

The Biz: Person of Interest Lara Logan - Today's News: Our Take ...

The Biz: Person of Interest Lara Logan - Today's News: Our Take ...

CBS News reporter Lara Logan endured 'brutal assault' in Egypt ...

CBS News reporter Lara Logan endured 'brutal assault' in Egypt ...

Lara Logan - AskMen

Lara Logan - AskMen

5833 Lara Logan.jpg | Robin Platzer/Twin Images

5833 Lara Logan.jpg | Robin Platzer/Twin Images

Lara Logan Has Quiet Shotgun Wedding

Lara Logan Has Quiet Shotgun Wedding

Lara Logan: Life is not about dwelling on the bad ...

Lara Logan: Life is not about dwelling on the bad ...

CBS Correspondent Apologizes for Report on Benghazi Attack CBS Correspondent Apologizes for Report on Benghazi Attack

CBS Correspondent Apologizes for Report on Benghazi Attack CBS Correspondent Apologizes for Report on Benghazi Attack







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- Anime Expo 2013 -

- Anime Expo 2013 -

- Anime Expo 2013 -

- Anime Expo 2013 -

- Anime Expo 2013 -

- Anime Expo 2013 -

- Anime Expo 2013 -

- Anime Expo 2013 -

- Anime Expo 2013 -

- Anime Expo 2013 -

- Anime Expo 2013 -

- Anime Expo 2013 -

- Anime Expo 2013 -

- Anime Expo 2013 -

- Anime Expo 2013 -

- Anime Expo 2013 -

- Anime Expo 2013 -

- Anime Expo 2013 -

- Anime Expo 2013 -

- Anime Expo 2013 -

Lara and Logan

Lara and Logan

'We were wrong': CBS's Lara Logan apologizes for Benghazi report

'We were wrong': CBS's Lara Logan apologizes for Benghazi report

Lara Logan's On-Air Apology for Flawed Benghazi Report

Lara Logan's On-Air Apology for Flawed Benghazi Report

Lara Logan apologizes for '60 Minutes' Benghazi report

Lara Logan apologizes for '60 Minutes' Benghazi report

Lara Logan on '60 Minutes' Benghazi report: 'We were wrong'

Lara Logan on '60 Minutes' Benghazi report: 'We were wrong'

Lara Logan Apologizes for '60 Minutes' Benghazi Report: 'We Were Wrong'

Lara Logan Apologizes for '60 Minutes' Benghazi Report: 'We Were Wrong'

Lara Logan: '60 Minutes' admits Benghazi source may have 'misled' her

Lara Logan: '60 Minutes' admits Benghazi source may have 'misled' her

Lara Logan Apologizes for Flawed Report on Benghazi

Lara Logan Apologizes for Flawed Report on Benghazi

Lara Logan apologizes for flawed report about Benghazi attack

Lara Logan apologizes for flawed report about Benghazi attack

CBS, Lara Logan Apologize For Fake 60 Minutes Benghazi Report, Fire Dan ...

CBS, Lara Logan Apologize For Fake 60 Minutes Benghazi Report, Fire Dan ...

Lara Logan Defends '60 Minutes' Benghazi Report; Admits CBS Tie Should ...

Lara Logan Defends '60 Minutes' Benghazi Report; Admits CBS Tie Should ...

Lara Logan on '60 Minutes' Benghazi Report: 'We Were Misled and We Were ...

Lara Logan on '60 Minutes' Benghazi Report: 'We Were Misled and We Were ...

CBS News, Lara Logan Defend Controversial 60 Minutes Benghazi Report

CBS News, Lara Logan Defend Controversial 60 Minutes Benghazi Report

60 Minutes' Lara Logan on Benghazi report: We were wrong

60 Minutes' Lara Logan on Benghazi report: We were wrong

Lara Logan admits '60 Minutes' report on Benghazi was wrong

Lara Logan admits '60 Minutes' report on Benghazi was wrong

'60 Minutes' Lara Logan Admits 'We Made a Mistake' on Benghazi Report (Video)

'60 Minutes' Lara Logan Admits 'We Made a Mistake' on Benghazi Report (Video)

'60 Minutes' retracts, apologizes for Benghazi report; CBS says it was misled ...

'60 Minutes' retracts, apologizes for Benghazi report; CBS says it was misled ...

Lara Logan : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

Why are Muslim laws so screwed up?

I heard if Lara logan wanted justice that she would be stoned to death for adultery like wth?

Category: Religion & Spirituality

'60 Minutes' Benghazi Report: Lara Logan Says 'We Were Wrong'

Lara Logan apologized for an erroneous 60 Minutes report about the events at the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012. “We made a mistake,” she said on CBS This Morning Friday.

Was CBS irresponsible for allowing Lara Logan to be sexually assaulted for political reasons?

Like sure they would have got her to sign a waiver to say they were not liable if she was injured or raped when covering news stories but to allow a pretty white blond girl to cover a story in a very bad political situation?? Was this a really smart thing to do?

Or was there a more sinister plot by political circles using the media to allow a pretty girl to be raped to enrage peoples opinions about Muslims?

Answer: Personaly, I don't think a woman should be going to any muslim country. I also do not think it should be turned around and say it was intentional so people would be mad at muslims. The men have made a choice of what they will do to women and children (let us be honest it isn't just Lara they are doing this to). Can't blame CBS or the American government for that.
Category: Politics

Why wasnt Lara Logan wearing a scarf and long dress in Egypt where she was raped?

Women should always at least wear a scarf and long dress in the mideast. And from my experiences in the middle east, it is almost suicidal for a young beautiful blonde woman to not dress accordingly. Was she asking for it?

Answer: (1) Lara Logan was not raped
(2) Lara Logan didn't have to wear a scarf and a long dress because many Egyptian women do not and there is no particular dress code for women in Egypt
(3) It is recommended that women wear decently in Egypt. This is not because of fear that they be raped but out of respect of Egyptian culture
(4) Lara Logan has covered the revolution in Egypt which lasted 18 days in Egypt and nothing happened to her (she was arrested but that was for being a reporter and not for being a woman)
(5) No, she was not asking for it and she is in no way responsible of what happened to her
(6) Lara Logan was just in the wrong place at the wrong time: She was in Tahrir square which was packed with people celebrating after Mubarak resigned (hundreds of thousands and probably over a million) and she had the misfortune of coming in the way of some low life criminals who sexually harassed her but no one raped her
Category: Politics

Did the Steubenville rapists sexually ABUSE the girl?

Abuse as in being violent.
To be honest, I dont think teenagers should go to jail, I think they should have gotten a penalty. I didnt find this rape serious because it wasnt like it was a violent rape(Ex: Lara Logans rape in Egypt). I feel sorry for the girl. I dont blame her at all, because it wasnt her fault. What do you think?

Answer: Rape is rape and has horrendous affects on the victim no matter how violent or not it was. They should go to jail. I suffered sexual abuse as a child and I wasn't 'raped' it has effected my entire life and changed who I am.

Should the person who did it to me get a minimum sentence because there was no violence? because there was no penetration? even though I suffered for over 20 yrs with this and still have issues?

You are telling the victim that they should be fine and get over it because it wasn't serious enough for you. That the perpetrator should be given mercy because What they did doesn't fit a narrow definition of what constitutes a "serious" sexual crime.

If someone takes advantage of someone sexually in any way they are scum and deserve what they get.
Category: Law & Ethics

BOOKS OF THE TIMES; 9/11 Is Seen As Leading To an Attack On Women

THE TERROR DREAM Fear and Fantasy in Post-9/11 America By Susan Faludi 351 pages. Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt & Company. $26. This, sadly, is the sort of tendentious, self-important, sloppily reasoned book that gives feminism a bad name. With The Terror Dream, Susan Faludi has taken the momentous subject of 9/11 and come to the conclusion - Michiko Kakutani reviews book The Terror Dream: Fear and Fantasy in Post-9/11 America by Susan Faludi; photos (M) - By MICHIKO KAKUTANI


MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL American League BOSTON RED SOX--Recalled LHP Kason Gabbard and RHP Craig Hansen from Pawtucket of the IL. Designated RHP Jermaine Van Buren for assignment. Acquired C George Kottaras from the San Diego Padres to complete an earlier trade and assigned him to Portland of the EL. CHICAGO WHITE SOX--Activated RHP Dustin Hermanson

How much money will CBS have to pay Lara Logan for being raped in Egypt?

Since they sent her into a dangerous situation. Can she sue them for not providing a safe workplace?

Answer: CBS would have no liability here. CBS would, I'm sure, do the decent thing and make sure she got the best medical attention and counselling to help her recover but they would not be legally required to do so. However she probably has all this stuff well covered in her contract. What happened to her is just a risk you take in that kind of work. It's just like a truck driver could get injured in a highway crash through no fault of his employer or himself.
Category: Media & Journalism

Was the attack on Lara Logan a Muslim hate crime?

Lara Logan, chief foreign affairs correspondent for CBS News, suffered a prolonged sexual attack by up to 200 Egyptian men in Tahrir Square, Cairo, during the celebrations after the resignation of Hosni Mubarak. After stripping her naked and then molesting and beating her, the men kept shouting, "Jew, Jew!" Logan is not Jewish. Was this a hate crime?

Answer: I don't know anything about "hate crimes" as such with regard to social or legal constructs. I just know that any crime against another is ultimately a crime against God. An act of hatred? For sure. A violation of natural law? Indeed. A violation of civil law and common decency? Yes, yes, of course. But this sort of violence and the ideology that drives it is not merely barbaric, it's flat-out evil. Social or legal constructs explain nothing here.

Ya know, I've been to the Middle East, visited Egypt as well. This vile hatred is far more pervasive in the Islamic world than the PC talk of Western politicians would suggest. Islam is a demonic religion at war with God. Those who cry “Peace, Peace!” are deluding themselves. There is no peace with Islam. Hatred. Subjugation. Domination. Barbarity. Islam. These terms are interchangeable.
Category: Religion & Spirituality

THE TV WATCH; Still in Third Place, but Working Hard to Move Up

Diane Sawyer, a host of ABCs Good Morning America, looked an awful lot like a globe-trotting, war-seasoned evening news anchor as she donned a head scarf to confront the president of Iran on Mondays evening news. On the CBS Evening News that same night, Katie Couric seemed to be reliving her heyday at NBCs Today with a feature on the - Alessandra Stanley TV Watch column on Katie Couric and CBS Evening Newss efforts to launch program out of third place spot; notes that Couric leans toward soft news and human interest stories; photo (M) - By ALESSANDRA STANLEY

What is not being reported about Lara Logan?

Why is the media rarely mentioning that the mob that attacked her was screaming "Jew! Jew! Jew!". What is the liberal or mainstream media afraid of having to deal with in this story?

Answer: CBS fears backlashes---but they're fretting over the WRONG ones, being the racial issues between Muslims and Jews. THAT explains the shameless low tone CBS is treating the Lara Logan matter.

And it's understandably pissing off FEMALE news staff at CBS---and the growing anger is fast sweeping across other major U.S. based news media networks!! CBS top news anchor Katie Couric is HIGHLY UPSET at CBS' quiet handling of the Logan matter. It's felt that CBS AND the White House should aggressively go after Egypt to arrest and convict the men who savagely sexually assaulted Lara Logan--and nearly raped her.

Indeed, it's a given that U.S. news journalists assigned overseas face dire risks in their profession: Many have been severely hurt---even shot dead, while pursuing a story to keep the global public TRULY informed on world issues.

And it's also understood that in the Mid-East, women are treated like mindless cattle; they're NOT given the same rights / freedoms women in the U.S. today have. Lifestyles of today's U.S. women is a matter that OFFENDS men in the Mid-East---and a reason why they take up terrorist causes against the United States AND it's allies, like it's any of their business.

But NO American woman should EVER be harmed in the way Lara Logan found herself to face on foreign soil; Egypt is supposed to be a U.S. ally.....and Logan's employer, CBS should publicly show FAR MORE support for her AND take a very LOUD stand in calling for the justice due her.

The silence from CBS and the White House, to CBS female staff---is a clear sign of weakness that CONDONES what those men in Egypt did to Lara Logan; that silence is about to shatter from the protests of U.S. female news journalists---and again: It's about to soon come to a head.
Category: Media & Journalism

SUMMER MOVIES; Mutants and Devils (And a Hero or Two)

All dates are subject to change. May Already Opened An American Haunting -- Tennessee in the 1880s, and a forward-looking demon is already haunting an attractive young teenager (Rachel Hurd Wood) and her family (Donald Sutherland, Sissy Spacek). Courtney Solomon directs. Art School Confidential -- From the Ghost World team -- the director - Annotated list of movies scheduled to open May to September 2006; photos (L) - By DAVE KEHR; Compiled with the assistance of Suzanne OConnor.

Couric Will Make First Trip To Iraq

The CBS News anchor Katie Couric is to travel to Iraq and Syria to report on the war, the executive producer of the broadcast, Rick Kaplan, said yesterday. It will be Ms. Courics first trip to the war zone. Mr. Kaplan said Ms. Couric had decided the trip was important as a way to lay out the issues before the report that the American commander in - Executive producer Rick Kaplan says CBS News anchor Katie Couric will make her first trip to Iraq to report on war; says Couric will compile 8 to 10 reports, backed by reports from lead CBS correspondent in Iraq, Lara Logan, and will anchor evening newscasts from Baghdad and Damascus, Syria; photo (S) - By BILL CARTER

THE TV WATCH; Going Like 60 (Tick Tick Tick)

George J. Tenet accuses the White House of bungling the Iraq war and setting him up (slam dunk) to take the fall. John McCain says he shopped peacefully in a Baghdad market, then cameras pull back to show him in body armor surrounded by armed guards. John and Elizabeth Edwards explain why her cancer wont stop his run for the presidency. In a - Sixty Minutes has been on air nearly 40 years and is still going strong; recent reporting and personnel changes discussed; photo (M) - By ALESSANDRA STANLEY

OP-ED COLUMNIST; Suicide Is Not Painless

IT was one of those stories lost in the newspapers inside pages. Last week a man youve never heard of -- Charles D. Riechers, 47, the second-highest-ranking procurement officer in the United States Air Force -- killed himself by running his cars engine in his suburban Virginia garage. Mr. Riecherss suicide occurred just two weeks after his - Frank Rich Op-Ed column on corruption, waste and fraud of Iraq war; says war profiteering happens even in good wars but says corruption in Iraq has been at center of entire mission; says tragic story of Charles D Riechers is window into culture of whole Iraq debacle; notes that Riechers committed suicide after it was revealed that Air Force had asked defense contractor to give him job with no known duties while he waited for official clearance for his new Pentagon assignment; drawing (M) - By FRANK RICH

'60 Minutes' anchor Lara Logan apologizes for Benghazi reporting ...

1 day ago ... CBS News officials who had staunchly defended a controversial Oct. 27 "60
Minutes" report about Benghazi attacks anchored by Lara Logan, ...

Subjects and Colleagues Recall Ed Bradley

Jimmy Buffett, accompanied by Allen Toussaint on piano, had just finished singing Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans? at the memorial service for his friend Ed Bradley yesterday when a tall, white-haired figure ascended the pulpit for a eulogy unbilled in the program. It was Bill Clinton. I knew I had arrived in national politics - More than 2,000 people attend memorial service for Ed Bradley at Riverside Church in Manhattan; Bradley dies on Nov 9 at age 65; among notables in attendance is former Pres Bill Clinton, Clinton comments; photos (M) - By JACQUES STEINBERG

why does Lara Logan always bring up her sexual adventures from egypt a big deal?
yes she was there and had a unwanted sexual adventure with a large group of men, how she got the 200 men number i dont know.

why does she keep bringing it up over and over... shes african and should know better about men and sexual assault.

Answer: That is because it keeps her name out there and gets her the attention she craves.
Category: Media & Journalism

The TV Watch; For the New Face of CBS News, a Subdued Beginning

Katie Couric didnt really need Walter Cronkite to introduce her yesterday at the opening of the newscast, saying with his familiar gravelly voice, This is the CBS Evening News With Katie Couric. The networks new face handled her first day at the anchor desk -- a shinier, lighter desk -- calmly and competently. The woman who stood out most - By ALESSANDRA STANLEY

Is this any way to treat a lady trying to help your cause?

Filthy, revolting creatures! How dare they do this to her!!

Thank God that some very brave women and some soldiers came to her aid!

Answer: Traditional 'Islamic' attitude where 'they' originate.
Category: Current Events

Lara Logan apologizes for '60 Minutes' Benghazi report -

1 day ago ... CBS said the network was "wrong" in a "60 Minutes" report that raised questions
about the Obama administration's response to the attack in ...

Lara Logan Apologizes for '60 Minutes' Benghazi Report: 'We Were ...

2 days ago ... "60 Minutes" correspondent Lara Logan apologized Friday for what CBS News is
now acknowledging was a flawed report last month about the ...

Lara Logan's Official Page | Facebook

Lara Logan's Official Page, Washington, DC. 28018 likes · 116 talking about this.
Lara Logan's bold, award-winning reporting from war zones has earned her a ...

Lara Logan Apologizes For Botched '60 Minutes' Benghazi Report ...

1 day ago ... In a humiliating retreat from a piece she had staunchly defended, "60 Minutes"
correspondent Lara Logan admitted on Friday morning that she ...

Live From Baghdad: More Dying

James Brolan, the CBS soundman who was blown up in Baghdad on Memorial Day, was cute and funny and cheated at Scrabble. The 42-year-old former British soldier left a wife, an 18-year-old son and a 12-year-old daughter. Paul Douglas, the cameraman, was a slab of a man with a great smile and gentle charm, a whiz of a cook who lived in London, where - By MAUREEN DOWD

Should Western female journalist wear burqas when reporting in the Middle East?

Or suffer the consequences like Lara Logan and Natasha Smith.In my opinion this will remind western audiences of the realities of that part of the world and not some fantasy and may also protect the naïve reporters themselves.

Answer: when in Rome!
Category: Media & Journalism

CBS, Lara Logan Apologize For Fake 60 Minutes Benghazi Report ...

60 Minutes apologizes for faulty Benghazi report, explains it was all actually Bob Newhart's dream.

Lara Logan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lara Logan (born 29 March 1971) is a South African television and radio
journalist, and war correspondent. She is the chief foreign affairs correspondent
for ...

Lara Logan's On-Air Apology for Flawed Benghazi Report ...

Video of the CBS News correspondent Lara Logan apologizing for her flawed “60 Minutes” report on the deadly assault on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, last year.

If the Media Is so Biased toward Obama Why DId CBS Air a Show on Benghazi So Damaging to Him?

CBS apologizes for Benghazi report; questions key source

If they had so much bias, why didnt they vet this source better.

Answer: Well, they DID vet the source but as the story goes on to explain his story started to fall apart later on.

and in the world of instant news, when everyone wants to know what is going on and they want to know it NOW, before the incident has even concluded, it's a wonder they were even able to vet him as much as they did. I blame societies insatiable desire for instant news more then the agency providing it.
Category: Politics

Oops! Lara Logan Apologizes For 60 Minutes Benghazi Report ...

(CNN) -- CBS correspondent Lara Logan apologized Friday and said the network was "wrong" for a "60 Minutes" report that raised questions about the Obama administration's response to last year's attack on the U.S. ...

Why arent Lara Logans bosses help responsible for her sexual assault?

Earlier this year the beautiful journalist Lara Logan was beaten and sexually assaulted while covering a story in Egypt! Why werent her bosses held responsible?? Why on earth did they send a beautiful blond woman to a Muslim country to be surrounded by men? Her bosses wanted to tantalize and tease those men! They used Lara Logan as an experiment! Why are not they held responsible and why isnt Lara Logan suing them and making them accountable? They know what they were doing!!

Answer: I agree with you that it was somebody's bad judgment that placed Lara Logan in the amidst of a civil revolution, but we do not know all the circumstances leading up to her covering/reporting on the chaotic street rioting and civil revolt in Cairo.

It is a news reporter's job (sometimes dangerous) to report directly from the scenes/settings of news stories. Logan could have asked for this assignment or her boss could have assigned her to this location. With feminists demanding that women be given the same kinds of jobs as men and women like Logan under pressure to take jobs/assignments traditionally done by men only (e.g., reporting from war scenes), we end up with the "situation" that Logan got into because of our gender-neutral policies in the workplace.
Category: Media & Journalism

Why would a news agency send another woman into a riot zone where one was previously s3xually assaulted?

Back in Feb 2011, Lara Logan, a CBS news correspondent was violently assaulted while covering the Egyptian revolution which ousted their president. Now, CBS has sent another woman, Clarissa Ward, into nearly the same environment. Even if they have extra security people, it is still thousands of protesters/rioters who have already clashed with the military. Why send another woman to almost the exact SAME environment? As a side note, both of the women are blonde Caucasians which sort of makes them even more obvious looking than the other native women around.

Answer: Because it's the media. They want more drama to write about. They know it's unsafe for women to go there, especially western women, and they still send them there, knowing what could happen to them.

Were I in charge of the department that sends these reporters out in the field over there, knowing what happened to the other woman, I would overlook this woman's pleas for me to let her go there by sending a guy instead. Just for safety's sake.
Category: Gender & Women's Studies

Lara Logan Admits Her Benghazi Report Was a Mistake | Mother ...

Lara Logan appeared on This Morning a few hours ago to admit that she had been misled by Dylan Davies, a security manager who told her a dramatic story two weeks ago about his actions on the night of the Benghazi ...

Why did the media place that female reporter in danger where she was beaten and raped by the peaceful Muslims.?

CBS reporter Lara Logan was beaten and raped in the streets during the celebration in Egypt. Why do newspapers and TV networks keep doing this. Hasnt there been enough reporters killed already?
At least Obama calls them peaceful.
I have had Muslim friends also. I only called them peaceful because that is what Obama called the celebration.

Answer: My question to would be:
After being harassed on several occasions while she was trying to film the protests with her crew--then allegedly arrested and held in detention and was ordered to leave Egypt, which they did.
Why did she and her crew return knowing they were targeted ? Knowing the dangers which were involved if they returned?
Category: Polls & Surveys

Are the perpetrators of Lara Logans rape Dar al harb or Dar al Islam?

If theyre Dar al harb, why werent they immediately stoned by faithful Islamists in the protest mob under the requirements of Shariah law.

If theyre Dar al Islam, then the rape of Lara logan is an example of how the faithful of Islam are expected to comport themselves in everyday life.

Were the perpetrators merely carrying out the requirements of their religion as set forth in the Koran?

Answer: It sounds like you have something you want to say, Pilgrim. Why don't you go ahead and say it?

The answer to your first question is "yes." The answer to your second question is "no."
Category: Law & Ethics

CBS News, Lara Logan Defend Controversial 60 Minutes Benghazi ...

CBS News has come under fire for a 60 Minutes report on the 2012 attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, the main criticism centering around the changing testimony of Dylan Davies, a security contractor who was at the ...

Lara Logan breaks her silence on '60 Minutes': 'They raped me with ...

May 2, 2011 ... Breaking a months-long silence, CBS war correspondent Lara Logan talked to "
60 Minutes" on Sunday night about what really happened to her ...

Oops! Lara Logan Apologizes For 60 Minutes Benghazi Report ...

1 day ago ... (CNN) -- CBS correspondent Lara Logan apologized Friday and said the network
was "wrong" for a "60 Minutes" report that raised questions ...

CBS 60 Minutes' Lara Logan Apologizes for Erroneous Benghazi ...

CBS 60 Minutes reporter Lara Logan admitted on Friday that a person who claimed to have been witness to the deadly September 11, 2012 attack on an American consulate in Benghazi and who served as the centerpiece of ...

Lara Logan Apologizes for '60 Minutes' Benghazi Report: 'We Were ...

"60 Minutes" correspondent Lara Logan apologized Friday for what CBS News is now acknowledging was a flawed report last month about the Benghazi attacks. "The most important thing to every person at '60 Minutes' is the ...

Do you think Lara Logan is a victim of political correctness gone mad?

To say that western women arent safe in a place like Egypt is politically incorrect yet painfully obvious to anyone with common sense.

Answer: Lara Logan is a victim of Western ethnocentrism: Westerners are blind to reality and they won't understand how different other cultures are.
Category: Current Events

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