Rob Ford - Rob Ford claims he has more than enough to eat at home | National ...

Rob Ford : Videos

DJ Steve Porter - Rob Ford Crack Remix - YouTube

DJ Steve Porter - Rob Ford Crack Remix - YouTube

Jon Stewart DESTROYS Obama and Mayor Rob ...

Jon Stewart DESTROYS Obama and Mayor Rob ...

NEW Video Of Crack Smoking Mayor Rob Ford - YouTube

NEW Video Of Crack Smoking Mayor Rob Ford - YouTube

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's Video Rant (AUDIO ...

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's Video Rant (AUDIO ...

Jimmy Talks to Toronto Mayor Rob Ford About ...

Jimmy Talks to Toronto Mayor Rob Ford About ...

Toronto mayor Rob Ford admits to council chamber ...

Toronto mayor Rob Ford admits to council chamber ...

Rob Ford reacts to new video - YouTube

Rob Ford reacts to new video - YouTube

INTERVIEW Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's Family ...

INTERVIEW Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's Family ...

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Walking Wasted Taste Of ...

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Walking Wasted Taste Of ...

WATCH: Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Admits: Exactly ...

WATCH: Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Admits: Exactly ...

VIDEO: Toronto Mayor Rob Ford in alcohol fuelled ...

VIDEO: Toronto Mayor Rob Ford in alcohol fuelled ...

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford caught on video in a ...

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford caught on video in a ...

Rob Ford admits smoking crack - YouTube

Rob Ford admits smoking crack - YouTube

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford drunk walking along the ...

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford drunk walking along the ...

Rob Ford crack admission raises popularity ...

Rob Ford crack admission raises popularity ...

Justin Bieber, Rob Ford, Canadian Sports Joke ...

Justin Bieber, Rob Ford, Canadian Sports Joke ...

Watch Toronto Mayor Rob Ford on drunken ...

Watch Toronto Mayor Rob Ford on drunken ...

Rex Murphy: The Rob Ford Scandal - YouTube

Rex Murphy: The Rob Ford Scandal - YouTube

The Ballad of Rob Ford - YouTube

The Ballad of Rob Ford - YouTube

David Letterman - Rob Ford Look-A-Like Top Ten ...

David Letterman - Rob Ford Look-A-Like Top Ten ...

Rob Ford Crack Cocaine Confession VERY FUNNY ...

Rob Ford Crack Cocaine Confession VERY FUNNY ...

Mayor Rob Ford's Spokesperson Makes Statement ...

Mayor Rob Ford's Spokesperson Makes Statement ...

Rob Ford Erupts, Pushes Press Off Property (Raw ...

Rob Ford Erupts, Pushes Press Off Property (Raw ...

Rob Ford's crack smoking video finally found by ...

Rob Ford's crack smoking video finally found by ...

Rob Ford : Photo Gallery

Rob Ford | CHFI

Rob Ford | CHFI



Stand Up For Toronto - A Rally on June 1st to Demand Rob Ford's ...

Stand Up For Toronto - A Rally on June 1st to Demand Rob Ford's ...

Rob Ford Wallpapers 5 | HQ Wallpapers PlusHQ Wallpapers Plus

Rob Ford Wallpapers 5 | HQ Wallpapers PlusHQ Wallpapers Plus





21 Things Worth Knowing About Rob Ford -- Daily Intelligencer

21 Things Worth Knowing About Rob Ford -- Daily Intelligencer

Rob Ford, the World's Greatest Mayor, Smokes Crack | VICE United ...

Rob Ford, the World's Greatest Mayor, Smokes Crack | VICE United ...

Rob Ford - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rob Ford - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rob Ford's Girlfriend | South Asian Generation Next

Rob Ford's Girlfriend | South Asian Generation Next



In 'Rob Ford: The Opera,' Atwood is God | Toronto Star

In 'Rob Ford: The Opera,' Atwood is God | Toronto Star

Biography - Office of the Mayor - Accessing City Hall | City of ...

Biography - Office of the Mayor - Accessing City Hall | City of ...

Rob Ford, how a Toronto mayor has aged from first election to ...

Rob Ford, how a Toronto mayor has aged from first election to ...

A Top 10 in honour of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's big day | canada.

A Top 10 in honour of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's big day | canada.

Rob Ford, Sarah Thomson 'inviting each other to sue' | National Post

Rob Ford, Sarah Thomson 'inviting each other to sue' | National Post

BREAKING: #Toronto City Council strips Mayor Rob Ford of power to appoint/dismiss staff. #politics #Canada #news

BREAKING: #Toronto City Council strips Mayor Rob Ford of power to appoint/dismiss staff. #politics #Canada #news

Sign of the times

Sign of the times

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford

Rob Ford’s downfall leaves sobering questions about Toronto police probe – National Post

Rob Ford’s downfall leaves sobering questions about Toronto police probe – National Post

I made this so long ago but it still holds true. Please stop Mayor Ford.

I made this so long ago but it still holds true. Please stop Mayor Ford.



Flanked by his security guard, Rob Ford strolls back into Toronto Council Chambers during "THE BIG SORRY"

Flanked by his security guard, Rob Ford strolls back into Toronto Council Chambers during "THE BIG SORRY"

#كندا / عمدة مدينة تورونتو مرتديا تي-شيرت لفريق جيرسي لكرة القدم خلال حضوره أمس جلسة استماع له بسبب مشاكله الشخصية. مجلس المدينة طلب منه اخذ اجازة لحين حل مشاكله.   #Toronto Mayor Rob Ford wears a football jersey during council at City Hall in Toronto, No

#كندا / عمدة مدينة تورونتو مرتديا تي-شيرت لفريق جيرسي لكرة القدم خلال حضوره أمس جلسة استماع له بسبب مشاكله الشخصية. مجلس المدينة طلب منه اخذ اجازة لحين حل مشاكله. #Toronto Mayor Rob Ford wears a football jersey during council at City Hall in Toronto, No

Mayor Rob Ford Says He Gets Enough Pussy To Eat At Home

Mayor Rob Ford Says He Gets Enough Pussy To Eat At Home

We are so embarrassed

We are so embarrassed

Heres my dilemma regarding Rob Ford, I still cant decide if I want to party with that guy or not.

Heres my dilemma regarding Rob Ford, I still cant decide if I want to party with that guy or not.

Mayor Rob Ford at Toronto City Council

Mayor Rob Ford at Toronto City Council

Mayor Rob Ford at Toronto City Council

Mayor Rob Ford at Toronto City Council

Toronto City Council

Toronto City Council



VIDEO: Crack Mayor Rob Ford Declares Wife Kitty Only One He Eats & Then Apologized Troubled Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has apologised for obscene comments he made on live TV while denying he made vulgar overtures to a female staff member.  The Canadian politi

VIDEO: Crack Mayor Rob Ford Declares Wife Kitty Only One He Eats & Then Apologized Troubled Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has apologised for obscene comments he made on live TV while denying he made vulgar overtures to a female staff member. The Canadian politi

With his agonized-looking wife at his side, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford apologizes ...

With his agonized-looking wife at his side, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford apologizes ...

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's ex-staffers detail erratic behavior in documents

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's ex-staffers detail erratic behavior in documents

Toronto council maneuvers to reduce Mayor Rob Ford's powers

Toronto council maneuvers to reduce Mayor Rob Ford's powers

The Rob Ford Scandal Keeps Getting Weirder

The Rob Ford Scandal Keeps Getting Weirder

Rob Ford court documents reveal staffers thought prostitute was in his office ...

Rob Ford court documents reveal staffers thought prostitute was in his office ...

Rob Ford claims he has 'more than enough to eat at home'

Rob Ford claims he has 'more than enough to eat at home'

WATCH: Kimmel, Leno, O'Brien mock Toronto Mayor Rob Ford – again

WATCH: Kimmel, Leno, O'Brien mock Toronto Mayor Rob Ford – again

Rob Ford apologizes for remarks, says he's getting health 'support'

Rob Ford apologizes for remarks, says he's getting health 'support'

Rob Ford: Councillors strip mayor of certain powers

Rob Ford: Councillors strip mayor of certain powers

Rob Ford forced to speak to councillors' backs as lawmakers stage City Hall ...

Rob Ford forced to speak to councillors' backs as lawmakers stage City Hall ...

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford admits buying drugs

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford admits buying drugs

Rob Ford is wearing football jerseys to work

Rob Ford is wearing football jerseys to work

Rob Ford crisis: Wynne lays out conditions for intervening

Rob Ford crisis: Wynne lays out conditions for intervening

Rob Ford vows to sue, stuns city with oral sex comment

Rob Ford vows to sue, stuns city with oral sex comment

Rob Ford Suing Former Staffers Over Accusations, Makes Explicit Denials ...

Rob Ford Suing Former Staffers Over Accusations, Makes Explicit Denials ...

Rob Ford unlikely to succeed in suing ex-staffers

Rob Ford unlikely to succeed in suing ex-staffers

Rob Ford : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

How long before Toronto gets turned into Detroit?

Rob Ford is going to cut the TTC, the Toronto police, crime will go up, there will be dead bodies everywhere.

How long do you predict it will take under Mr. Ford? I think 2 years is enough

Answer: Mayoral leadership really had little to do with the downfall of Detroit. Toronto isn't even anything like Detroit was before it changed. Toronto is so unique to any other city out there, and with the crime being so low and most living conditions being great, I don't predict the fall if Toronto in the future, or even at all.

Get your facts straight.
Category: Toronto

DVDS; Swords, Songs and Women on the Run

THE PRINCESS BRIDE the great Fairbanks and Flynn movies, Philippe de Brocas Cartouche and On Guard, the 1998 Mask of Zorro with Antonio Banderas -- have an element of built-in self-parody. The heroes treat their derring-do as the good-natured expression of their own sublime high spirits. Which is why Rob Reiners film of William - Article discusses Rob Reiner film The Princess Bride, which is being released on DVD; photo (M) - By CHARLES TAYLOR and STEPHANIE ZACHAREK


MOVIES Ratings and running times are in parentheses; foreign films have English subtitles. Full reviews of all current releases, movie trailers, showtimes and tickets: ALIENS VS. PREDATOR: REQUIEM (R, 1:26) A not-bad next step in this hybrid of two sci-fi film series, Requiem begins with the crash landing of a space ship

BBC News - Toronto Mayor Rob Ford apologises for oral-sex remarks

25 minutes ago ... Troubled Toronto Mayor Rob Ford apologises for obscene remarks he made on
live TV while denying he offered oral sex to a female staff ...

Mayor Rob Ford apologizes for lewd language, says he's getting ...

23 hours ago ... Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has apologized for using lewd language on live
television and says he is receiving support "from a team of health care ...


DECEMBER Dec. 5 BILLY THE KIDIn Jennifer Vendittis documentary Billy really is a kid: a troubled 15-year-old, growing up in a small town in Maine, who allowed the filmmaker to observe him as he pursued, with potentially inappropriate intensity, a 16-year-old waitress from his hometown. JUNOWhen she finds herself pregnant by her high school - Dave Kehr annotated listing of films scheduled to open in December 2007; photos (M) - By DAVE KEHR

Is Rob Ford the Rudy Giuliani of Toronto?

Under Mayor Giuliani, NYC got rid of 80% of the gangs in the city, lowered the crime rate from close to 800 to only about 200 per year, refurbished and cleaned up some of the broken government housing units in the lower east side and harlem, all while showing courage on 9/11.

Do you think Rob Ford is going to do to Toronto what Giuliani did to New York City, and make it a great city again?

Answer: Toronto already has one of the lowest crime rates among large cities. Toronto doesn't have the ghetto problem NYC has. You are comparing apples to oranges.

Ford has already proven he's the same sack of hot air most politicians are. He doesn't give a hoot about anyone outside his little enclave. He's as effective as an ingrown toe nail. And about as popular as one too. Even the councilors who road to power on the utterly ridiculous "gravy train" are beginning to distance themselves from the Ford brothers because they are so out of touch with the real problems of Toronto.
Category: Toronto

Rob Ford Denies "Eating Pussy" During Live, Televised Press ...

It seems amazing Toronto Mayor Rob Ford could continue to shock Canadian journos given that he was caught smoking crack on camera, but he did it again this morning as the red-faced and rotund city chief denied "eating ...

How come Brian Mulroney was so unpopular?

Mulroney had a 13% approval rating but he didnt do cocaine and Rob Ford does crack and alcohol and still has an approval over 35%.


Category: Other - Canada

Rob Ford Admits Buying Illegal Drugs | Video Cafe - Crooks and Liars

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford admitted today he has purchased illegal drugs in the past two years, just one of many stunning moments at a city council meeting in which Ford faced a motion that calls on him to take a leave of ...

Is Toronto Mayor Rob Ford friends with anyone who doesnt have a criminal past?

The media has revealed a steady stream of people who have past or present links with drugs or have criminal records who are currently working for him or are his friends.. He even tried to make an unannounced jail visit to a friend .He claimed he wanted a tour of the jail but later admitted he wanted to visit a friend , who was in jail on drug charges .You would think he would be distancing himself from these people if he wants to be taken seriously.Your thoughts. ? If you lived in Toronto would you vote for Rob Ford in the next election?

Answer: American here, our president openly gives guns to Mexican drug cartels and Syrian terrorists, Rob Ford isn't really that bad if you put him in perspective.
Category: Other - News & Events

Why is everyone hating on Toronto mayor Rob Ford?

Why is everyone hating on Rob Ford? At least he is one of the only politicians who is helping disadvantaged youth who cant afford to play sports. Id rather have them on the field with a ball rather then in a gang with a gun. Ya he made mistakes and hes owned up to them. He just went about collecting donations the wrong way. Dont you think?

Answer: I must wonder whether you follow the articles, discussions and reports on political matters in Toronto. Have you been following the activities of Mr. Ford both before and since he took office?

It is NOT as simple as you think. He did go about collecting the wrong way and was informed of that fact. He was ordered to return the money and he refused. City Council discussed the matter and decided to vote on whether he should be forced to return the money or not. He was told by city officials that he could not participate in the vote as he had a conflict of interest. He insisted on voting and that was the reason for the lawsuit against him. He knew he was doing wrong and in doing so he was breaking the law. He did it anyway. Should such behaviour be condoned or should he be called out and made to face the consequences?

Regarding gangs - we admit that there have been several violent incidents in Toronto that are attributable to youthful gang members, but the media have given the impression that violence is out of control there. This is not so. We do commend Mr. Ford's efforts in providing positive support for some of Toronto's youth, but he must bear in mind that his main purpose is to serve the citizens of Toronto as their mayor, not as a football coach.

Since the decision in the conflict of interest case last week, there are still two outstanding matters against him. He has been sued for slander by a private citizen and there is the matter regarding his refusal to comply with the electoral office's demand that he submit audited financial statements regarding his last political campaign. Please also note that the judge who ruled on the conflict of interest matter mentioned his air of entitlement which has guided him in handling the responsibilities of his office. Mr. Ford is a servant of the public and an air of entitlement is not a good character trait for a public servant to have.

It is now quite apparent to the majority of people in Toronto that:

-He lacks the knowledge, expertise and character traits required for the mayoralty position in one of Canada's largest cities

-He has refused to co-operate with those sections of the media that have been most critical of his performance.

-He has been caught reading while driving, using his cellphone while driving and not stopping behind a streetcar that was taking on or depositing passengers. All of these are illegal activities.

-He has usurped the authority of City Council by taking unilateral actions, e.g. MetroLink.

-He has excused himself from official duties in order to pursue his private activities - e.g representing the city at official meetings.

-He has misused the city's resources to further his private goals - using city staff and vehicles for his football team.

-He has shunned the GLBT community by refusing to welcome them to the city and by refusing to participate in their parades. This behaviour is unlike that of all the other mayors who have served the city of Toronto.

This, my friend, is a brief synopsis of the reasons why the majority of people in Toronto are pleased that he has been removed from office. Most people wish him well, but see quite clearly that he is not suited for the position he held.

Even though I do not live in Toronto at present, it was my home for 41 years and I follow everything that goes on there with great interest.
Category: Law & Ethics

Rob Ford - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Robert Bruce "Rob" Ford (born May 28, 1969) is a Canadian politician and
businessman. He is the 64th and current Mayor of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Question for conservative politicals saying that they feel empathy for Rob Ford and that he needs help?

Does that mean their new position on drugs is to be empathetic towards users, provide more services to addicts, not to criminalize their behaviour, or judge them, or lock them up?

For those who dont know, Rob Ford is the right-leaning mayor of Toronto who was filmed smoking crack, lied for months about it, and refused to step down when the video finally became public.

Answer: I am far from conservative but I feel for a man who, damaged as he is, tried to play a part in his community and was eventually brought down by his demons. Even drunks and junkies can be good citizens.

Yes, Ford is a very objectionable man. Yes, his values are not mine. It is nonetheless tragic to see his better part rejected because of his other flaws.
Category: Politics

Rob Ford documents: 11 shocking allegations - Toronto - CBC News

1 day ago ... Newly released police documents reveal more allegations about Mayor Rob
Ford's erratic behaviour, ranging from having prostitutes in his office to driving
drunk ...

Film Listings

MOVIES Ratings and running times are in parentheses; foreign films have English subtitles. Full reviews of all current releases, movie trailers, showtimes and tickets: JOAN BLONDELL: THE BOMBSHELL FROM 91ST STREET She was never the biggest star or the most celebrated, but Joan Blondell, who started as a contract player for - By THE NEW YORK TIMES

Toronto's Rob Ford Problem : The New Yorker

As everyone who watches “The Daily Show” or “David Letterman” sort of knows, Toronto elected Rob Ford to be its sixty-fourth mayor, in 2010. What nobody knows is what to do with the crack-smoking politician now.

Why do Americans care about crack mayor Rob Ford?

Ive noticed that the Canadian scandal involving Toronto mayor Rob Ford has been at the forefront of some American news outlets. Ill often see headlines like, "Breaking news: Mayor Rob Ford Admits Crack Use". Do most Americans really care about the mayor of a city in another country?

Category: Politics

Movie Listings

MOVIES Ratings and running times are in parentheses; foreign films have English subtitles. Full reviews of all current releases, movie trailers, showtimes and tickets: ACROSS THE UNIVERSE (PG-13, 2:11) Julie Taymors gorgeous musical fantasia uses 33 Beatles songs, along with a fantastic array of masks, puppets and special - By THE NEW YORK TIMES

What are your reasons why a dog would be a better mayor than Rob Ford?

For those not in Ontario, the Toronto Mayor has been caught on film allegedly smoking crack and uttering homophobic slurs.

While I`m not in Toronto, apparently the WORLD has taken notice ...

My reasons a dog would be a better mayor than Rob Ford

1. Dogs sniff everybody`s butt so they are not gender biased or homophobic. They just like it.
2. Dogs don`t need to smoke drugs to get high, they eat pooh and live off the fumes.
3. Dogs don`t have a problem texting and driving because most dogs would rather walk.
4. Dogs think football is for wussies ...
5. Dogs don`t know who Marion Barry is and don`t care...they see the world through a giant butt-hole. :-)

Answer: Allegedly being the operative word.
I live in Vancouver, I couldn't careless and I don't judge people on alleged events... anyone who does form opinions that in my humble opinion have no merit thus are the last people I should be listening to or caring about.

"What are your reasons why a dog would be a better mayor than Rob Ford?"

It wouldn't, dogs can't sign legislation.

Rob Ford is hardly a Marion Barry.
Category: Other - Politics & Government

Why is nobody asking Toronto Mayor Rob Ford to take a drug test?

With this alleged video of Rob Ford smoking crack, and nobody purchasing it, and him not denying it, why isnt anyone demanding a drug test?
@Mutt...maybe all politicians should be tested regularly. I dont know what the punishment would be if it was positive, but at least he could either clear his name and move on, or be embarrassed and perhaps resign.

Answer: What would happen if he failed the drug test? He was elected to office by the residents of Toronto, and it is up to them to decide his fate at the next election. If they want to base their decision on who they vote for on the results of a drug test, they can demand one from all candidates.

*EDIT* - It is not a crime to have drugs in your system, only to possess them. So a positive drug test is not enough to charge him with a crime. I don't know the laws in Toronto, but there is also a possibility of a recall election if allowed. So bottom line, it's up to the voters to decide what gets done with him and if a drug test is an important enough issue to force them to have one.
Category: Law & Ethics

Rob Ford's crack dance - Boing Boing

DJ Steve Porter's "Rob Crack Remix" gives us some rare, autotuned insight into old Laughable Bumblefuck's state of mind and the philosophy that has dictated his mayoral term in Toronto. DJ Steve Porter - Rob Ford Crack ...

CONSUMED; False Endorsement

Last Exit to Nowhere There is no shortage of logos in the world, no dearth of brands striving for consumer allegiance and no chance that the creation of new brands and logos will cease. In fact theres an interesting subset of brands and logos that dont bother with what seems like a crucial component: an actual product, service or company. - Rob Walker column on imaginary brand names, like Duff beer from The Simpsons television series and Tyrell, maker of genetic replicants in film Blade Runner, and why their logos sometimes wind up on T-shirts, exhibiting more status than real brands; drawing (M) - By ROB WALKER

Is the NDP party in Canada extremely fiscally irresponsible?

Think about it, has the NDP ever been fiscally successful? Adam Giambrone (TTC chair), Bob Raes government in Ontario?

I checked out their website, their policies are extremely expensive (such as participating in international LGBT rights activities), yet they are so anti-business. Pumping up the public sector, more corporate taxes. Even Rob Ford said that they are just a bunch of spenders.

So are they terrible for the economy?

Answer: In the 90's they controlled parliament in BC. Because of that BC's economy was ruined and they suffered from huge debt and unemployment.
Category: Politics

Say What?! 10 Unbelievable And Outrageous Quotes - Radar Online

The mayor of Canada's largest city has found himself in a crack-smoking scandal that has garnered International attention, so is taking a look into some of the most unbelievable and outrageous things ...

Can someone explain to me rob ford and vehicle tax in toronto?

hey :) can someone please explain what is happening? i dont quite get it ? rob ford wants to get rid of it but it costs a lot of money but why does he want to get rid of it in the first place? and whats your opinion about it? do you agree or not? why is this issue important?

Answer: The vehicle tax, along with the city land transfer tax, are two taxes that Ford would like to cut. He would also like to cut residential property taxes, and build subways instead of the Transit City light rail network (for which we've already spent $130 million, not to mention the cancellation penalties for various contracts). The math just doesn't add up. Ford campaigned on a platform of "respect for taxpayers" but I don't see much respect here.
Category: Toronto

I heard Rob Ford was even more extreme than Harper is. Is this true?

I have a friend who is a follower of federal politics and he says that Rob Ford is even more Conservative than Harper and more outspoken. Is this true? How does such a Conservative become so popular in Toronto while Harper is not?

Answer: He's loud and obnoxious and reactionary - everything David Miller is not. His popularity is mostly reactionary. Toronto has, since the Lastman days, been delaying the inevitable. Miller made an attempt to fix the problems but these fixes were necessarily unpopular - primarily by increasing tax revenue because Toronto is still behind from when previous mayors froze property taxes and ran the city off reserves for many years. Now that those are depleted we have to pay the fair cost.

It costs money to run a big city. That's the thing, though. Ford doesn't get that. The outer suburbanites don't get that either. They think Toronto should be more like a 905 city (like Mississauga with its 22 year waiting list for social housing) with their lack of old infrastructure and budgets balanced by barrels of development cash.

I'm one of those "elite downtown lefties" - I'm young, educated, moderately well off (but not wealthy), and live downtown. I don't necessarily find Smitherman et al to be particularly great candidates, but I fear for the quality of life in this city if Ford wins the upcoming election.

- He has no platform beyond "ending the gravy train". His current plans - halving council, reducing expense accounts, no retirement parties for 30 year veterans - save chump change, 3 million dollars of a 2 billion dollar budget.

- He will remove the land transfer tax, vehicle tax, etc. This will reduce city revenues by hundreds of millions of dollars a year, making the deficit worse.

- He wants to hire more police for "community safety". (Toronto's already the safest big city in North America).

So, essentially, the city is broke, he wants to increase spending, decrease revenue, and somehow pay for this by reducing the size of council (an initiative that will itself never pass council as what councillor will vote himself out of a job?). But it's OK, you won't have to pay $5 a month to own a car in a city with the biggest transit system in the country.

I fear he's going to try union-busting. If so, long lasting strikes and walkouts will bring the city to its knees.

The only hopes to be had is that Smitherman will gain from the "anybody but Ford" camp - decided and undecided voters that will vote against Ford. Most importantly, the Ford camp is already decided and quite vocal, and probably not going to gain much from the currently undecided voters in polls. I'm in this camp myself, I'm voting for the leading non-Ford candidate on Election day. I'm not the only one.

Furthermore, if he does win, he needs council's support to vote his initiatives through. Rob Ford's voting history includes a number of something like 43-2 losses, so that won't happen.

It's also nice that he's not particularly trustworthy (re lying about DUI and drug charges in Florida, that scuffle with some hockey fans), so we know his promises aren't worth all that much. (most recently, he had campaign managers distributing bumper stickers at a park dedication in south Etobicoke, even though he had voted against - 44-1 - buying the land for that park)
Category: Toronto

Rob Ford: $170K/year, 11-3 working day - Boing Boing

According to the Ontario government's "sunshine list", Rob Ford earns about $170,000 to serve as mayor of Toronto. According to his staffers, he often shows up for work at 11 and leaves at 3. That's the man who came into ...

Is Rob Ford the ugliest politician in Canada?

They say politics is show business for ugly people. With that in mind, is Toronto Mayor Rob Ford a superstar of the highest order?

Answer: Not being familiar with the faces of ALL the politicians in Canada, I cannot say for certain. But he IS on the "short list."

One difference between conservatives and liberals: Conservatives are guided by TRUTH. Liberals try to GUIDE the Truth.

Republican since before she was born… and PROUD of it.
Category: Politics


MOVIES Ratings and running times are in parentheses; foreign films have English subtitles. Full reviews of all current releases, movie trailers, showtimes and tickets: ACROSS THE UNIVERSE (PG-13, 2:11) Julie Taymors gorgeous musical fantasia uses 33 Beatles songs, along with a fantastic array of masks, puppets and special - By THE NEW YORK TIMES

Who is the Conservative Party leader Rob Ford or Stephen Harper?

I thought that Harper was Conservative party leader but now ppl are say that Rob Ford is the conservative candidate I am lost?

What party is Rob Ford? If he is Conservative and not the leader then how can he become mayor from winning?

Answer: Stephen Harper is the head of the Federal Conservative Party and Prime Minister of Canada
Rob Ford is running for city mayor and does not need to belong to any political party to do so. I suppose he's a conservative, but party allegiances are unimportant in mayoral elections, just as they play no real role in electing city councilors. You vote for the individual, not a political party at the city level.
Category: Other - Canada

Rob Ford claims he has 'more than enough to eat at home' | National ...

9 hours ago ... Toronto Mayor Rob Ford says he is receiving help from health care professionals
and apologized for profane comments made earlier Thursday, ...

Rob Ford vows to sue, stuns city with oral sex comment | Toronto Star

14 hours ago ... Mayor Rob Ford uses coarse language in scrum with reporters.

Now Charlie Sheen's Involved in the Rob Ford Mess for Some ...

Is Rob Ford #winning? No. But that may change soon after a little help from tiger blood aficionado and fellow lover of exciting lifestyles Charlie Sheen. After a fake news story about Sheen telling Ford to step down caught ...

Rob Ford Denies "Eating Pussy" During Live, Televised Press ...

1 day ago ... It seems amazing Toronto Mayor Rob Ford could continue to shock Canadian
journos given that he was caught smoking crack on camera, but ...

With his agonized-looking wife at his side, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford ...

23 hours ago ... Toronto's crackhead mayor apologized, again, Thursday after making crude
comments about oral sex, but he rejected calls to step down. In fact ...

Movie Guide and Film Series

MOVIES Ratings and running times are in parentheses; foreign films have English subtitles. Full reviews of all current releases, movie trailers, showtimes and tickets: CITY LIGHTS Talking pictures were old news by 1931, when Charlie Chaplin released City Lights, a comedy-romance in pantomime that he had begun filming - By THE NEW YORK TIMES

How long before Rob Ford completely destroys Toronto?

Ive picked up a copy of Now Magazine and it seems as if Rob Ford is already destroying Toronto? How long before the city completely folds?

Answer: To paraphrase Jian Ghomeshi on election day: Toronto is too diverse and multidimensional a city for one person to make or break it. I have faith that Toronto will survive this as it has survived many other things.

(that being said, I didn't vote for the man either)
Category: Toronto


Congressional negotiators reached a deal late Friday on energy legislation that would force American automakers to improve the fuel efficiency of their cars and light trucks by 40 percent by 2020. The proposal, which would require automakers to achieve 35 miles per gallon on average, is similar to a measure that was passed in the summer by the - Congressional negotiators reach deal on energy legislation that would force US automakers to improve fuel efficiency of their cars and light trucks by 40 percent by 2020; proposal, which would require automakers to achieve 35 miles per gallon on average, is similar to measure that was passed by Senate but was opposed by auto companies; chief executives of General Motors, Ford Motor Co and Chrysler visited Capitol Hill in effort to fend off stronger measure; final deal was hammered out by two main antagonists, Nancy Pelosi, speaker of House, and Rep John Dingell (M) - John M. Broder reported from Washington and Micheline Maynard from New York. - By JOHN M. BRODER and MICHELINE MAYNARD

Movie Listings

MOVIES Ratings and running times are in parentheses; foreign films have English subtitles. Full reviews of all current releases, movie trailers, showtimes and tickets: ACROSS THE UNIVERSE (PG-13, 2:11) Julie Taymors gorgeous musical fantasia uses 33 Beatles songs, along with a fantastic array of masks, puppets and special

While the US has the first black president, Canadians keep electing racist white conservative politicians?

Is it the end of Canada? The Americans are electing Democrats who are greatly improving their economy, while Canada is quickly entering the dark ages again (like in the 80s and 90s) by electing Steven Harper and ppl like Rob Ford.

Are Canadians racist? How long before Canada ends up like Mexico?

Answer: Barack Obama is bi racial. Also he has a muslim name. He shouldn't be categorized as African American. he is not even american born citizen. What amazes me is how flexible American constitution is so they could accomodate a foreign born citizen to be a president. he took the election slogan "Change we need" to his heart and changed his religion so to align himself to his policy. Or he could be lying about being christian. that's not important now he is a president. we need to keep quite about this. lol.
Category: Other - Canada

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Bizarre Meltdown In One Photo Caption ...

This picture, taken by Mark Blinch of Reuters, of Rob Ford speaking at City Hall in Toronto sums up the Toronto mayor's current situation.

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