Veterans Day - Whats open, closed Monday for Veterans Day | Local News | The ...

Veterans Day : Photo Gallery



Veterans' Day - Cullman City Schools

Veterans' Day - Cullman City Schools

Veteran's Day Ceremony | The Oncenter | Nicholas J. Pirro ...

Veteran's Day Ceremony | The Oncenter | Nicholas J. Pirro ...

Veterans Day 2008: Arlington National Cemetery

Veterans Day 2008: Arlington National Cemetery

Veterans Day - Encounter Culture November 2013

Veterans Day - Encounter Culture November 2013

Veterans Day Poster Gallery - Office of Public and ...

Veterans Day Poster Gallery - Office of Public and ...

Home - Auburn Veterans' Day Band Competition

Home - Auburn Veterans' Day Band Competition

Thank you to all Veterans Veterans day – On The Right

Thank you to all Veterans Veterans day – On The Right

Veterans Day - Encounter Culture November 2013

Veterans Day - Encounter Culture November 2013

Veterans Day Specials | Pioneer Valley Indoor Karting

Veterans Day Specials | Pioneer Valley Indoor Karting

Veterans Day Comments, Images, Graphics, Pictures for Facebook

Veterans Day Comments, Images, Graphics, Pictures for Facebook

Veterans Day Wallpapers | HD Wallpapers Inn

Veterans Day Wallpapers | HD Wallpapers Inn

Veteran's Day 2012 OVF Blog Post | Overseas Vote Foundation

Veteran's Day 2012 OVF Blog Post | Overseas Vote Foundation

Nov. 11: Veterans Day Ceremony - St. Augustine 450th Commemoration

Nov. 11: Veterans Day Ceremony - St. Augustine 450th Commemoration

Veterans Day climatology

Veterans Day climatology

Free Honoring Veterans Day eCard - eMail Free Personalized ...

Free Honoring Veterans Day eCard - eMail Free Personalized ...

Happy Veterans Day #picstitch

Happy Veterans Day #picstitch

Veterans Day at the VA National Cemerety in Chattanooga

Veterans Day at the VA National Cemerety in Chattanooga

Veterans Day at the VA National Cemerety in Chattanooga

Veterans Day at the VA National Cemerety in Chattanooga



Veterans Day is an official United States holiday which honors people who have served in armed service, also known as veterans. It is a federal holiday that is observed on November 11. It coincides with other holidays such as Armistice Day and Remembrance

Veterans Day is an official United States holiday which honors people who have served in armed service, also known as veterans. It is a federal holiday that is observed on November 11. It coincides with other holidays such as Armistice Day and Remembrance

Happy Veterans Day! // This sweet girl will never know her daddy because of his ultimate sacrifice. Her momma lost her best friend and husband. // THANK YOU to all of you service members out there who give  of your time to our freedom. You are appreciate

Happy Veterans Day! // This sweet girl will never know her daddy because of his ultimate sacrifice. Her momma lost her best friend and husband. // THANK YOU to all of you service members out there who give of your time to our freedom. You are appreciate

Veterans Day at the VA National Cemerety in Chattanooga

Veterans Day at the VA National Cemerety in Chattanooga



Veterans Day at the VA National Cemerety in Chattanooga

Veterans Day at the VA National Cemerety in Chattanooga

Veterans Day at the VA National Cemerety in Chattanooga

Veterans Day at the VA National Cemerety in Chattanooga

This year we lost my grandmother who bravely served her country. Veterans Day is a reminder to our family of how incredible our grandparents were. This woman went on to became a wife and mother of 6. Her husband, my grandfather, also served, as well as m

This year we lost my grandmother who bravely served her country. Veterans Day is a reminder to our family of how incredible our grandparents were. This woman went on to became a wife and mother of 6. Her husband, my grandfather, also served, as well as m

Veterans Day at the VA National Cemerety in Chattanooga

Veterans Day at the VA National Cemerety in Chattanooga

Veterans Day at the VA National Cemerety in Chattanooga

Veterans Day at the VA National Cemerety in Chattanooga

Veterans Day: I love the Smell of Bureaucratic Failure in the Morning

Veterans Day: I love the Smell of Bureaucratic Failure in the Morning

Thanks to all who have served their country

Thanks to all who have served their country



Veterans Day 2013

Veterans Day 2013

Discounts and Deals on Veterans Day 2013

Discounts and Deals on Veterans Day 2013

Veterans Day events

Veterans Day events

Minnesota Veterans Day events

Minnesota Veterans Day events

Vets can rake in freebies all day and all night

Vets can rake in freebies all day and all night

Top 10 Reasons to Hire a Military Veteran

Top 10 Reasons to Hire a Military Veteran

Veterans Day calendar, including the 11:01 a.m. downtown parade

Veterans Day calendar, including the 11:01 a.m. downtown parade

Veterans Day events in the east metro

Veterans Day events in the east metro

Double Take 'Toons: Veterans Day 2013

Double Take 'Toons: Veterans Day 2013

Bob McManus

Bob McManus

Veterans Day closures, events in the Colorado Springs area

Veterans Day closures, events in the Colorado Springs area

SF Veterans Day Parade salutes Korean War heroes

SF Veterans Day Parade salutes Korean War heroes

Veterans Day 2013: What's Open, What's Closed and What's Going On

Veterans Day 2013: What's Open, What's Closed and What's Going On

Obama's day: Honoring veterans

Obama's day: Honoring veterans

Observing Veterans Day on November 11

Observing Veterans Day on November 11

17th annual Phoenix Veterans Day Parade steps off at 11 am

17th annual Phoenix Veterans Day Parade steps off at 11 am

Veterans Day : Videos

Veterans Day - YouTube

Veterans Day - YouTube

History of the Holidays: History of Veterans Day ...

History of the Holidays: History of Veterans Day ...

Veterans Day 2011 - YouTube

Veterans Day 2011 - YouTube

Veterans Day Tribute - YouTube

Veterans Day Tribute - YouTube

Veterans Day 2012 - YouTube

Veterans Day 2012 - YouTube

Thank You Soldiers - Veteran's Day/Memorial Day ...

Thank You Soldiers - Veteran's Day/Memorial Day ...

Veterans Day Tribute 2011 - YouTube

Veterans Day Tribute 2011 - YouTube

Veterans Day Tribute - YouTube

Veterans Day Tribute - YouTube

Hey Arnold Full Episodes Veterans Day - YouTube

Hey Arnold Full Episodes Veterans Day - YouTube

Veterans Day | National Park Service - YouTube

Veterans Day | National Park Service - YouTube

Oliver North, US Troops Veterans Day Video - YouTube

Oliver North, US Troops Veterans Day Video - YouTube

Warrior Song Veterans Day Tribute - YouTube

Warrior Song Veterans Day Tribute - YouTube

2013 Veterans Day Poster - YouTube

2013 Veterans Day Poster - YouTube

Veterans Day 2013 - Freedom Isn't Free! - YouTube

Veterans Day 2013 - Freedom Isn't Free! - YouTube

Veterans Day fun? - YouTube

Veterans Day fun? - YouTube

Veterans Day Tribute 2012 - YouTube

Veterans Day Tribute 2012 - YouTube

USAA's 2012 Veterans Day Ceremony - YouTube

USAA's 2012 Veterans Day Ceremony - YouTube

Veterans Day Tribute - YouTube

Veterans Day Tribute - YouTube

Rick Ross- Veteran's Day OFFICIAL VIDEO Feat ...

Rick Ross- Veteran's Day OFFICIAL VIDEO Feat ...

Veterans Day Boeing Commercial - YouTube

Veterans Day Boeing Commercial - YouTube

Veterans Day / Memorial Day Tribute - YouTube

Veterans Day / Memorial Day Tribute - YouTube

Celebrating Service: Watch USAA's 2013 Veterans ...

Celebrating Service: Watch USAA's 2013 Veterans ...

Monday Night Football: Veterans Day - YouTube

Monday Night Football: Veterans Day - YouTube

Veterans Day 2012: Adagio for Brass - YouTube

Veterans Day 2012: Adagio for Brass - YouTube

Veterans Day : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

Happy Veterans Day to all who have given their lives and time in the service.Why is fragment?

Happy Veterans Day to all who have given their lives and time in the service. What make my sentence fragment? I did not see anything wrong or missing with my sentence structure. Can anyone help me out with my sentence.

Answer: Just add "I wish a" to the beginning of the sentence and it will be fine. I know that you already intend to imply that, but rules are rules when you are in school. A sentence requires a subject and a predicate. Who does what? You need "I" to provide the subject. Everything else is the predicate.
Category: Words & Wordplay

Why do people travel and pack in to restaurants on Memorial day but not Veterans Day?

I work at a restaurant and we are always SLAMMED on Memorial Day, I mean, its not even funny how busy we are, but Veterans day is usually normal, why?

Answer: Not everyone gets Veterans day off. Generally, only government and banks use this as a paid holiday. Plus, lets just admit it, we have lost focus towards those that have really sacrificed for our country and we owe so much too. It is a sad state of affairs.

I gladly shake the hand of a veteran and thank them every chance I get.
Category: Politics

Can i write a letter to a veteran for veterans day?

im a youth group president, this year for veterans day, i want to go beyond posting thank you for your facebook status, or tweeting on veterans day. I want to sit down and write a hand written letter to a veteran. the only problem, i dont know any veterans, so can people post names, and addresses of veterans who need some appreciation, and some background info. i promise were not creeps.

Answer: Every town has a VFW which will have numerous names of Veterans. Search online in your city or surrounding community for an address or contact info. Bless your heart and keep up the good work.
Category: Etiquette

Tapes by C.I.A. Lived and Died To Save Image

If Abu Zubaydah, a senior operative of Al Qaeda, died in American hands, Central Intelligence Agency officers pursuing the terrorist group knew that much of the world would believe they had killed him. So in the spring of 2002, even as the intelligence officers flew in a surgeon from Johns Hopkins Hospital to treat Abu Zubaydah, who had been shot - CIAs actions in regard to videotapes of suspected terrorists were partly prompted by worry about how its conduct might be perceived; concern about image drove decision to both begin and stop taping interrogations as well as nearly three-year campaign by CIAs clandestine service for permission to destroy tapes; disclosure of tapes and their destruction have become part of public spectacle agency had sought to avoid; photos; timeline (L) - By SCOTT SHANE and MARK MAZZETTI

Veterans Day | The Moderate Voice

It is another Veterans Day and as usual I would like to remember my late father. He served in the India/Burma campaign during WWII. He was there for over 3 years and was awarded a Bronze Star. ( he is the second one from ...

Soldier Mom Surprises Daughter For Veterans Day - Huffington Post

If this story doesn't make your Veterans Day weekend, we don't know what will.

Veterans Day - Honoring All Who Served - US Military -

Many people confuse Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Memorial Day is a day
for remembering and honoring military personnel who died in the service of their

Presidential Proclamation -- Veterans Day, 2013 | The White House

On Veterans Day, America pauses to honor every service member who has ever worn one of our Nation's uniforms. Each time our country has come under attack, they have risen in her defense. Each time our freedoms have ...

What can I do for my husband on Veterans Day?

Tomorrow is Veterans Day, and I wanted to do something for my Veteran.

Any ideas? Ive been thinking about this for days.

Answer: just let him be, and allow him to do whatever he wants...

or, make him a nice breakfast, serve it to him in bed. Then tell him the rest of the day is for him to do whatever he wants
Category: Military

Michelle Malkin | Veterans Day 2013 «

Happy Veterans Day to all who have served our great nation. Thank you for your courage and dedication. Thank you for our freedom. We can't say it enough. Find a local Veterans Day celebration in your neighborhood here.

Veterans Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Veterans Day is an official United States holiday which honors people who have
served in armed service, also known as veterans. It is a federal holiday that is ...

Would a construction company that works for the Massachusetts union work on Veterans Day?

From what Ive seen, people who work for the Massachusetts union work on Veterans Day. Ive also seen a mix, and have gotten a mix of answers. One person said they do work, and so on. Does it depend on the company or most likely they are working that day?

Category: Other - Business & Finance

History of Veterans Day - Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

History of Veterans Day. World War I – known at the time as “The Great War” -
officially ended when the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, in
the ...

Veterans Day |

Veterans Day statistics, history of the holiday, war poetry, and more.


GIULIANI UNDER SCRUTINY In 2002, the drug maker Purdue Pharma hired Rudolph W. Giuliani and his consulting firm to help stem the controversy about OxyContin. Among Mr. Giulianis missions was convincing public officials that they could trust Purdue because they could trust him. MOVIE RENTALS FROM APPLEDespite the fact that Apples chief executive

How should I write a paper on the importance of veterans day. Where should i get info on this topic.?

I have to write a paper about the history and importance of veterans day.
How should i celebrate this day.

Answer: Interview a veteran.
Category: Homework Help

Veterans Day — Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts

Discover the history of Veterans Day. Find out how Armistice Day was celebrated
in 1919, why its name changed to Veterans Day and more on

Veterans Day in United States - Time and Date

In the USA, Veterans Day annually falls on November 11. This day is the
anniversary of the signing of the armistice, which ended the World War I
hostilities ...

NEXT STOP; A Month Of Commuting

EERILY silent does not begin to describe it. For nearly the entire trip from 42nd Street to Coney Island, the commuters on the evening F train -- a seemingly handpicked cross-section of the citys races, ages, careers and sartorial tendencies -- are soundless. When the train stops between stations and the usual mechanical hum powers down as we wait - In new online series Next Stop, New York Times real estate reporters will undertake daily commutes in New York area for month of January; plan anticipates that in New York area, people choose where they live by how accessible it is to their work and that commuting patterns reflect real estate trends; photos (M) - By BILLIE COHEN

What does Veterans day mean to soldiers and their families?

I have a school project coming up and i need to make a slideshow about the sentimental meaning of veterans day! the slide i have to do are "What Veterans Day means to Soldiers and Veterans", "What Veterans Day means to the Families of Soldiers and Veterans", and "How we should honor them." Ive been working on this for a while and cant seem to get anywhere with it! im completely stuck! any suggestions or ideas? THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Answer: it means alot to them because its a day of recegnition of there sefive and its a time to look back at what they did and sacrifices they made for there country, its a happy and sad time for them as well.
Category: History

V.C. NATION; A Post-Google Fraternity of Investors

Chris Sacca had a plum job as the Wi-Fi guru at Google. But with his stock options fully vested, he left the Internet search company this month for a new career as a venture capitalist. Mr. Sacca, 32, joins a growing number of Google millionaires hoping to parlay their newfound wealth into even greater riches by bankrolling technology start-ups. - Growing number of Google millionaires are hoping to parlay their newfound wealth into even greater riches by bankrolling technology start-ups; fast-growing network of company veterans is fanning out across Silicon Valley three years after Google went public; some are joining venture capital firms that financed technology boom of 1990s; others are raising investment funds or backing embryonic companies with their own money as so-called angel investors; Google veteran Chris Sacca, who has new career as venture capitalist, comments; photo (L) - By MIGUEL HELFT

On Veterans Day 2013, Gen. Charles Krulak: It's not the glory, but ...

Birmingham-Southern College president and former U.S. Marine Corps commandant commanded troops for 36 years from Vietnam through the Gulf War.

Veterans Day |

Online tribute from includes history, movie, tips for celebrating with
children, interviews, and a copy of the veterans bill of rights.

How do you wish someone a happy veterans day?

The phrase "happy veterans day!" sounds like saying "happy 9/11!" to me. Is there a better way to say it?

Answer: If I am talking to a veteran, I try to make it more meaningful than just "Happy Veteran's Day". I try to say something that let's them know I am happy it's Vet. Day without actually saying it. Sorry if it is confusing. But I may something like, "Thank you so much for serving America and keeping our country safe." That way, it is obvious that I am thinking about the holiday but it doesn't sound as awkward.
Category: Other - Holidays

Can I wear the ribbons I earned in the Navy on Veterans day?

I work a government job and most of the people I work with are not veterans. I will work this veterans day and was wondering, even though not in uniform, can I still wear my medals/ribbons?

Answer: Not sure if it done every year but I read a notice, online, that VA was encouraging Vets to do this.

That said lets keep in mind that it needs to be on the right kind of clothing. Not sure about the Navy but the Army has this to say about when to wear them and the type of clothing they should be worn on.

30–6. Wear of medals on civilian clothes
Retired personnel and former members of the Army (as described above) may wear all categories of medals described
in this regulation on appropriate civilian clothing. This includes clothes designed for veteran and patriotic organizations
on Veteran’s Day, Memorial Day, and Armed Forces Day, as well as at formal occasions of ceremony and social
functions of a military nature. Personnel may wear either full-size or miniature medals. Personnel who wear medals on
civilian clothes should place the medals on the clothing in approximately the same location and in the same manner as
for the Army uniform, so they look similar to medals worn on the Army uniform.
I will guess that all Branch's regs are very similar if not exactly the same.

I would go with a sport coat or a dress shirt, like Class B. Don't forget the Flag pin on your left collar and maybe a rate pin on your right. What are they gonna do...tell ya to take the rate off.

Have fun with it, I guarantee you will get lot's of looks, stares and perhaps some nasty comments on the street.

SSG US Army 73-82
Put my rank insignia on the back of my work van, It has gotten spit on in both SF and Berkeley...I do luv to piss off the less's so easy!
Category: Military

Will six flags be crowded on veterans day?

I want to go to six flags this coming veterans day. I was planning on going during the week to avoid weekend crowds. However, will going on veterans day avoid those crowds, or will they be there anyway? Thanks.

Answer: veterans day will be the most crowded then saturday next most...historically speaking
Category: Amusement Parks

Veterans Day - November 11 - US Department of Veterans Affairs

Department of Veterans Affairs web site lists Veterans Day celebrations
throughout country, relates history of Veterans Day, and provides downloadable

Is Veterans Day a recognized holiday for the Massachusetts union?

Do all unions in Massachusetts have Veterans Day off or no?

Category: Government

What is a good processional march for veterans day?

Looking for an instrumental piece for the processional on veterans day. A march is prefered.
Preferably something sounding patriotic.

Answer: Trumpet Voluntary
It is called Arsenal, but i don't remember who the composer was.
Category: Performing Arts

Around Town

AROUND Town Museums and Sites AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, Central Park West and 79th Street. Through New Years Day, the annual Origami Holiday Tree, decorated in the theme of Fantastic Creatures: Mythic and Real, and two outdoor dinosaurs in holiday decorations. Saturday, from noon to 5 p.m., a Kwanzaa Celebration, with dance, music

What is a good idea for a debate topic on Veterans Day?

Im hosting a meeting and the topic of the day is Veterans Day. Do I need to stick to military veterans or are there other people giving there time and energy out there to make the world a better place?

Answer: Veterans Day is more about honoring individuals who are currently serving or have served their country.

Of note, you realize the military is a major contributor to the health and welfare of the communities around their military bases right? The military has a combined federal campaign, which gives servicemembers the opportunity to donate to hundreds of organizations, one of which you maybe benefiting from. And military rewards members with ample community service hours with evaluation points, thus helping them advance. So many do a lot of community service out of their own free time to better the world.

Good Debate Topic:
All Volunteer Military Force vs. A Conscripted Military

What are the benefits on the Volunteer Force? What are the benefits of the Conscripted Force?
What are the disadvantages for the Volunteer Force? What are disadvantages of a Conscripted Force?
Category: Military

How many other presidents have not been in the US on Veterans day?

Ppl are making a big deal about Obama not being in the US today. Are there any other presidents that was not in the US on Veterans day? If so, who are they?

Answer: I'm a veteran and am glad my president is busy doing his job instead of wasting time paying lip service and doing photo ops. He honored the military by meeting with our troops in South Korea.

There is nothing magical about a president being on US soil during these occasions. Bush did all of the outward appearances thing but sent thousands of military hero's to die in a trumped up war because he wanted to appear stronger that he really is.
Category: Politics

News Summary

INTERNATIONALA3-15 Bhutto Is Slain at a Rally; New Turmoil for Pakistan Benazir Bhutto, the Pakistani opposition leader and twice-serving prime minister, was assassinated as she left a political rally in Rawalpindi, a scene of carnage that plunged Pakistan deeper into political turmoil and threatened to ignite widespread violence by her enraged

What's open, closed Monday for Veterans Day | Local News | The ...

Here's a list of what's open and closed Monday for Veterans Day: • On-street parking is free in Seattle. • In Seattle, garbage, food and yard waste, and recycling will be picked up on the regular schedule. Bellevue pickup also ...

FREE Stuff For Veterans, Troops On Veterans Day « CBS Detroit

Click for a rundown of some of the local places and national chains offering free food and deals for veterans and troops.

Spare Times

Around Town NEW YEARS EVE RIDE For the 10th consecutive year, Times Up!, an environmental advocacy organization dedicated to promoting bike riding, is organizing a two-wheeled entry into the new year. Cyclists will congregate under the arch in Washington Square Park at 10:30 p.m. on Monday for a free, leisurely commute to Belvedere Castle in - By THE NEW YORK TIMES

Here's a map of the Veterans Day Parade route in Huntsville |

The Veterans Day parade will begin at 11 a.m. in downtown Huntsville. Here is this years parade route.

For Iraqi Street Cleaners, Scraps Include Human Flesh

It must be a candidate for the worst job in Iraq. It falls to Baghdads street sweepers to pick up the fingertips and scraps of flesh left behind after the emergency workers haul away the torsos and heads of bombing victims. They do the job without gloves, in all but the coldest weeks of winter. If the attack comes while they are off duty, they get - Iraqi street cleaners receive roughly $8 bonus for grisly job of cleaning up scraps of human flesh after bomb attacks; say that while extra sum is welcome, they would rather see end to killings; separately, fears that first anniversary of Saddam Husseins execution would be marked by violence prove to be largely unfounded; photo (M) - By STEPHEN FARRELL; Reporting was contributed by Mohammed Obaidi, Hosham Hussein and Khalid al-Ansary from Baghdad, and Iraqi employees of The New York Times from Awja.


Fill in the blank: In the mid-70s, most Americans could name more members of the celebrity panels on Match Game or Hollywood Squares than they could name ------------. If your answer was a) Romantic poets, b) Renaissance painters, c) justices of the Supreme Court or d) anything else highbrow or civic-minded, youd probably have matched - Rob Hoerburger article pays tribute to Charles Nelson Reilly and Brett Somers, whose repartee enlivened Match Game, television game show of 1970s, and who both died in 2007; photo (M) - By ROB HOERBURGER

What is the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day?

I understand that Veterans Day was originally the end of WWI, later changed to Veterans Day to honor those who serve (alive and dead). Memorial Day is for those who have given the ultimate sacrifice and lost their lives to save our way of life. That being said, is there a more concrete difference between the two?

Answer: memorial day remembers war dead
veterans day is for all veterans
Category: Other - Holidays

Battles Rage on the Cultural Front: Television

ON television 2007 was the year of the wounded. The early, naïve expectations of easy victory in Iraq fell away soon after the invasion, but the full horror of the wars collateral tragedies took time to sink in. First viewers had to absorb the insurgency, the suicide bombers, the roadside bomb explosions, the mounting death rates, then Abu Ghraib - By ALESSANDRA STANLEY

How should I write my Veterans Day Paper?

Ok so Im in middle school, and in language class we are supposed to write a Veterans Day Paper. I have nothing to write about at all. So i was wondering if anybody had any ideas. Thanks for all who answer.

Answer: You could write it from the vantage point of a WWI veteran. You will need to do some research about what WWI was like. 'All Quiet on the Western Front" is a classic WWI novel told from the German soldier's point of view. War is not glamorized at all in this novel.

You can also check encyclopedias about the war and what the conditions were like.

The war ended on 11/11/18.

Your paper can include memories of bombs, people dying, etc.
And, perhaps your feelings about the war finally ending.

Category: Valentine's Day

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