Virginia governor race - Why is the elections in New Jersey and Virginia getting coverage in Great Britain?

Virginia governor race : Photo Gallery

Libertarian trying to shake up Va. governor's race gets tough on ...

Libertarian trying to shake up Va. governor's race gets tough on ...

Virginia Governor's Race: Negative And Getting More So : It's All ...

Virginia Governor's Race: Negative And Getting More So : It's All ...

The gender gap in the Virginia governor's race - The Washington Post

The gender gap in the Virginia governor's race - The Washington Post

Virginia governor's race - The Washington Post

Virginia governor's race - The Washington Post

Libertarian Candidate's Impact on Virginia Governor's Race | NBC4 ...

Libertarian Candidate's Impact on Virginia Governor's Race | NBC4 ...



NYC Mayor Bloomberg to pour $1.1 million into Virginia's governor ...

NYC Mayor Bloomberg to pour $1.1 million into Virginia's governor ...

McAuliffe walks tightrope on energy issues in the Virginia ...

McAuliffe walks tightrope on energy issues in the Virginia ...

Va. governor's race shifting into high gear - Richmond Times ...

Va. governor's race shifting into high gear - Richmond Times ...

In Va. governor's race, divergent paths for new jobs to reenergize ...

In Va. governor's race, divergent paths for new jobs to reenergize ...

McAuliffe Widens Lead Over Cuccinelli in Virginia's Governor Race ...

McAuliffe Widens Lead Over Cuccinelli in Virginia's Governor Race ...

The Secret Weapon In The Virginia Governor's Race Isn't What You ...

The Secret Weapon In The Virginia Governor's Race Isn't What You ...



Women may hold key in Tuesday's Virginia governor's race marked by ...

Women may hold key in Tuesday's Virginia governor's race marked by ...

Virginia race seen as crucial election bellwether - Yahoo News

Virginia race seen as crucial election bellwether - Yahoo News

Cuccinelli tests conservatism Va. governor race - Salon.

Cuccinelli tests conservatism Va. governor race - Salon.

APTOPIX Governor Race

APTOPIX Governor Race

Lining Up For 2013 Big Election Race Today: Will Double Down Affect Chris Christie? Candidates for Virginia and New Jersey governor and New York City mayor on Monday sprinted toward the finish line of Election 2013, trotting out the big names to keep thei

Lining Up For 2013 Big Election Race Today: Will Double Down Affect Chris Christie? Candidates for Virginia and New Jersey governor and New York City mayor on Monday sprinted toward the finish line of Election 2013, trotting out the big names to keep thei

Terry McAuliffe talks to a biology student at J Sergeant Reynolds Community College

Terry McAuliffe talks to a biology student at J Sergeant Reynolds Community College

Lining Up For 2013 Big Election Race Today: Will Double Down Affect Chris Christie? Candidates for Virginia and New Jersey governor and New York City mayor on Monday sprinted toward the finish line of Election 2013, trotting out the big names to keep thei

Lining Up For 2013 Big Election Race Today: Will Double Down Affect Chris Christie? Candidates for Virginia and New Jersey governor and New York City mayor on Monday sprinted toward the finish line of Election 2013, trotting out the big names to keep thei

Terry McAuliffe listens to a programer describe his new startup

Terry McAuliffe listens to a programer describe his new startup

Terry McAuliffe on business tour

Terry McAuliffe on business tour

Former Virginia Governor Doug Wilder teaching his class at VCU

Former Virginia Governor Doug Wilder teaching his class at VCU

“The Patriot” - v

“The Patriot” - v

West Virginia Derby Day 2013

West Virginia Derby Day 2013

West Virginia Derby Day 2013

West Virginia Derby Day 2013

West Virginia Derby Day 2013

West Virginia Derby Day 2013

West Virginia Derby Day 2013

West Virginia Derby Day 2013

West Virginia Derby Day 2013

West Virginia Derby Day 2013

West Virginia Derby Day 2013

West Virginia Derby Day 2013

West Virginia Derby Day 2013

West Virginia Derby Day 2013

West Virginia Derby Day 2013

West Virginia Derby Day 2013

McAuliffe wins nailbiter Virginia governor's race

McAuliffe wins nailbiter Virginia governor's race

Christie wins big in New Jersey, Democrat takes Virginia in governors' races

Christie wins big in New Jersey, Democrat takes Virginia in governors' races

In Virginia, hotly contested governor's race draws to a close

In Virginia, hotly contested governor's race draws to a close

Virginia governor's race too close to call

Virginia governor's race too close to call

The 5 counties that matter in the Virginia's governors race

The 5 counties that matter in the Virginia's governors race

Democrat Terry McAuliffe Wins Virginia Governor Race, AP Projects

Democrat Terry McAuliffe Wins Virginia Governor Race, AP Projects

Terry McAuliffe, Democrat, Is Elected Governor of Virginia in Tight Race

Terry McAuliffe, Democrat, Is Elected Governor of Virginia in Tight Race

It's a nailbiter in Virginia governor's race

It's a nailbiter in Virginia governor's race

Virginia Election Results: Terry McAuliffe Beats Ken Cuccinelli In Governor's Race

Virginia Election Results: Terry McAuliffe Beats Ken Cuccinelli In Governor's Race

Election Day 2013: Virginia governor race still too close to call

Election Day 2013: Virginia governor race still too close to call

Historic turnout for 2013 Virginia governor's race

Historic turnout for 2013 Virginia governor's race

CNN projects: McAuliffe wins governor's race in Virginia

CNN projects: McAuliffe wins governor's race in Virginia

NBC News: Virginia governor's race 'too early to call' with McAuliffe leading

NBC News: Virginia governor's race 'too early to call' with McAuliffe leading

Democrat McAuliffe Wins Close Virginia Governor's Race

Democrat McAuliffe Wins Close Virginia Governor's Race

Democrat Terry McAuliffe wins Virginia governor's race, CNN projects

Democrat Terry McAuliffe wins Virginia governor's race, CNN projects

Biden frames Virginia governor's election as race against the tea party

Biden frames Virginia governor's election as race against the tea party

Virginia governor race : Videos

McAuliffe Wins Close Virginia Gov. Race - YouTube

McAuliffe Wins Close Virginia Gov. Race - YouTube

Ken Cuccinelli Concedes Defeat in Virginia ...

Ken Cuccinelli Concedes Defeat in Virginia ...

Star power helps Democrat in Va. governor's race ...

Star power helps Democrat in Va. governor's race ...

Bill Clinton Campaigns in Virginia Gov. Race - YouTube

Bill Clinton Campaigns in Virginia Gov. Race - YouTube

The Daily Show Tackles VA Governor's Race ...

The Daily Show Tackles VA Governor's Race ...

Ben Swann: Virginia Gov. Race, Blocking The ...

Ben Swann: Virginia Gov. Race, Blocking The ...

Virginia Governor's Race: Bill Clinton backs Terry ...

Virginia Governor's Race: Bill Clinton backs Terry ...

Virginia governor race : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

Virginia governor's race too close to call | Fox News

12 hours ago ... The polls are now closed in Virginia, and Fox News can report that Democrat
Terry McAulliffe has a slight lead over Republican Ken Cuccinelli, ...

'The Daily Show' analyzes Virginia governor's race - The Raw Story

The Daily Show turned its attention to the Virginia governor's race on Monday, with correspondent Al Madrigal finding out more than he might have wanted to about the two major candidates. “Holy sh*t, this is a nightmare,” ...

Democrat Terry McAuliffe Wins Virginia Governor's Race : It's All ...

11 hours ago ... Democrat Terry McAuliffe won the hotly contested Virginia governor's race,
defeating Republican Ken Cuccinelli, who was supported by the ...

Are you happy that the GOP is going to retake Congress in 2010, White House in 2012?

And, the GOP will be winning governorships in many states this year as well.

Who would have thought that the Democrats would have failed so much so fast? I love that Americans are wanting the GOP in charge now, and not the corrupt dems, fact.

Answer: Yeah baby, 2012 coming on real fast and the democrats are gonna be hit by a freight train!
Category: Politics

Terry McAuliffe, Democrat, Is Elected Governor of Virginia in Tight ...

9 hours ago ... Both Sides Invoke Obama in Climax of Virginia Governor's Race (November 4,
2013). Mr. McAuliffe, 56, ran as a social liberal and an economic ...

Factors That Will Determine the Va. Governor's Race - Real Clear ...

Pre-mortems on the Virginia governor's race are flying fast and furious these days. Here are my thoughts: 1) Ken Cuccinelli hasn't lost, yet. I have expected the Republican attorney general to lose this race since May, and it ...

'Battle is not over' after a close Virginia governor's race -

8 hours ago ... Virginia Democrats spent much of Tuesday night biting their nails with the
governor¿s race too close to call -- despite polls showing their ...

Kentucky Governor Loses To Democratic Challenger

Dogged by political scandal in his first term, Gov. Ernie Fletcher of Kentucky, a Republican, lost his bid for re-election yesterday to Steve Beshear. In Mississippi, Gov. Haley Barbour, a Republican, emphasized his handling of the rebuilding efforts after Hurricane Katrina and won a second term, beating John Arthur Eaves Jr., a conservative - Gov Ernie Fletcher of Kentucky, Republican, loses re-election bid to Democrat Steve Beshear, whose campaign focused on scandals in Fletchers first term; photo (M) - By IAN URBINA; Sean D. Hamill contributed reporting from Pittsburgh.

Terry McAuliffe projected to win Virginia governor's race | The Raw ...

Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe has been projected to become the next governor of Virginia, NBC News reported Tuesday night. With 95 percent of precincts reporting, WUSA-TV reported that McAuliffe led state Attorney ...

Which way is the Senate seat vacated by Obama going?

I have not heard much about the race involving the vacated senate seat left by Obama.

Does a republican have any chance at all?

I know Illinois (actually Chicago) is a "blue state" and itll be tough for any republican to win there.

Answer: Actually Mark Kirk, a five term incumbent US representative, is considered to have a good chance against Alexi Giannoulias, the state treasurer and a good friend of president Obama. On top of the Virginia and New Jersey governor's races and the loss of Ted Kennedy's old Senate seat, this could be a massive embarassment to Obama. Of course it's a long time until November so we will just have to watch how it plays out.
Category: Elections

Famous Mayor Under Fire in Virginia

When L. Douglas Wilder left the Virginia Executive Mansion in 1994 after serving as the countrys first elected black governor, talk of a possible run for the White House floated briefly in national political circles. The bid never materialized. Instead, Mr. Wilder worked in the private sector for years and in 2002 began to explore running for - Former supporters of Richmond, Va, Mayor L Douglas Wilder say Wilder has gone too far in trying to run city by himself, firing department heads, upbraiding public officials and starting secret investigations; Wilders most controversial move was aborted attempt to move offices of school board out of City Hall in middle of night; photo (M) - By LISA A. BACON

NATIONAL BRIEFING | SOUTH; Virginia: Republican Ex-Governor Enters Senate Race

Jim Gilmore, a former Republican governor, announced that he would seek the Senate seat held by John W. Warner, a Republican who is retiring. The announcement sets up a campaign against another former governor, Mark R. Warner, a Democrat. Mr. Gilmore, 58, made the announcement in a video e-mailed to 5,000 supporters and reporters and posted on - Former Virginia Gov Jim Gilmore announces that he will seek Senate seat held by John W Warner, who is retiring; will run against another former governor Mark R Warner (S) - By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

THE NATION; Hey, Candidate, Im All Yours, Your Very Own Pied Piper

SO the most unlikely pairing of the presidential campaign is unveiled, with the Rev. Pat Robertson flashing a television-practiced smile at Rudolph W. Giuliani, the thrice-married, pro-abortion-rights former mayor of New York. This same preacher once said that the terror attacks of Sept. 11 proved that God was lifting his protection from an - Presidential hopefuls are hunting for endorsements, which can be boost, dud or neither; when Rev Pat Robertson endorsed Rudolph Giuliani, endorsement led broadcasts and suggested that evangelicals sense Giulianis front-running power; many endorsements signify litte but candidates chase after few that matter; consultants say most powerful endorsement is unexpected one; photos (M) - By MICHAEL POWELL

McAuliffe narrowly wins Va. governor's race - The Washington Post

1 day ago ... Ralph Northam is elected lieutenant governor, while Mark Obenshain narrowly
leads for attorney general.

A Year Still to Go, and Presidential Politics Have Shifted Already

With a year to go until Election Day, the Republican and Democratic Parties are going through internal battles over their very identity, even as the races for their presidential nominations intensify. In many ways, the battles over how the parties will define themselves in the post-Bush era are nearly as significant a political fight as the - By ADAM NAGOURNEY

How liberal is Greta Van Susteren? Please name the few conservatives on Fox now?

She used to be a liberal on CNN I hear, but I always thought she is was a liberal by her thoughts shared on her Fox show. She is also a friend of Hilary Clinton. She acted quite happy today as she heard Mccahlia was slightly ahead in Virginia governors race, he is a friend of Clintons. She then said that McCahlias win will help Hillary in 2016.

Foxs owner, Rupert Murdoch is well known liberal. When Fox blasted Mitt Romney 24/7 the entire last two weeks of Presidential election, their true liberal colors came out strong.
Fast, yes they mostly do use facts, but Oreilly lets his Rhino opinions get in the way...he is not a true conservative nor libertarian. Rhino establishment seems exactly what he is, and that means "liberal" on some big important issues.
Smiln Bob, I see from a legal standpoint, but she her comments, questions and replies sure label her a liberal. Thanks for spelling of the Virginia candidate.
Ray Here, I agree on Romney/Obama debate. Romney should have told Candy just what you say. When Obama said "please proceed Governor" to Romney when Romney brought up terrorism/Benghazi, Romney almost apologized, Seems he was bullied. Notice even in their foreign affairs debate Romney said not one word regarding Benghazi. Fox really did criticize Romney constantly last two weeks of election, a complete shocking turnaround. Hannity even did a special titled "The extreme bias of the media" about this on his own Fox News channel. This allowed to appease viewers. We are ruled by corporate globalists and that controls this two party system. Except of a very few that are not bought and brave to speak out.

Answer: Hannity and oreilly use straight facts
Category: Politics

Poll: Virginia governor race a nail-biter - Tal Kopan -

With less than a week until Election Day, Virginia gubernatorial hopeful Terry McAuliffe holds a slim lead over Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli in a tightening race, according to a poll on Wednesday. McAuliffe leads ...

Is this the CHANGE that Obama was talking about?

Virginia and New Jersey Governor races, I like that change. You can keep your hope.

Answer: Obama doesn't even know what change he was talking about, it just sounded good because he knew people wanted something different from what Bush was doing. Nothing like an open ended catchphrase to help you win an election.
Category: Politics

how do Virginia’s Governors races compare to aother state?

how is it different?

Answer: You're got dumb (McDonnell) and dumber (Deeds).
Category: Government

How many elections were "stolen" last Tuesday?

I count two. New Jersey and Virginia governor races were won by non-leftists. Thats the litmus test for a "stolen" election. Have I missed any?
No lawsuits are filed because the ass kickings were so incredible. The left only lawyers up when they can cook the books enough to get their way.

Answer: 3 out of 4

In Virginia
In New Jersey
In Maine

- Virginia elected Republican
- New Jersey elected Republican
- In Maine , one of the most secular states in the nation , gay marriage was banned

In New York Dede Scozaffava dropped out YET her votes counted for Bill Owens ( he's bad but not as bad as Dede Scozaffava )

One of the reasons why Doug Hoffman lost was because he was for illegal immigration and amnesty ... open borders

And because he was too inexperienced in some levels
Category: Politics

Why is the elections in New Jersey and Virginia getting coverage in Great Britain?

I was on-line and saw BBC Coverage on about the off-year elections. Why is that news in Great Britain? I can see if it was a presidential election but for two Governors races why would that be news in UK? Do we have full coverage on our news sites of province elections in UK? No. So why is it important? Just curious.

I live in the USA (Florida) and even I dont know much about the two races except that in NJ Chris Christie is popular and I see now won the race.

Category: Media & Journalism

McAuliffe narrowly defeats Cuccinelli in Virginia, ObamaCare ...

6 hours ago ... Democrat Terry McAuliffe won the Virginia governor's race on Tuesday, Fox
News projects, in a surprisingly close victory over Republican rival ...

Terry McAuliffe Defeats Ken Cuccinelli in Virginia Governor's Race ...

Democrat Terry McAuliffe has defeated Republican Ken Cuccinelli in the race to become the next governor of Virginia in the seat currently occupied by Republican Bob McDonnell.

How Come Democrats Are Trying So Hard to Get Terry McAuliffe Elected As Virginias Governor?

It seems they are playing it rough in the race.

P.S: I have no opinion in politics, Im just interested in the ads.

Answer: I had to look this up as I live in Florida and was not aware Terry McAuliffe was running for governor. The reason they are working hard to get him elected is because he is Democrat.
Category: Elections

Daily Kos: Virginia gubernatorial election benchmarks

It's election day in a number of places around the country; as is always the case in a year after a presidential election, the main events are the gubernatorial races in Virginia and New Jersey, and the mayoral contest in New ...

Please explain why 2 newspapers wrote opposite stories?

I was at a funeral in the DC area yesterday and today as I was leaving the for the airport to go home I got a Washington Post and Washington Times. The Governors race in Virginia (near DC) was the story. The Washington Times had a long article on how Terry McAuliffe is losing ground in the race and Kenneth Cuccinelli is doing better with very close. The Washington Post did a story on how Cuccinelli is struggling even with Republicans and McAuliffe, while being criticized for some policies, is gaining strength in the race.

Why do two newspapers right such different articles? I am with my Dad whose in-laws live here in DC area and he said the Washington Post is liberal and the Washington Times is either fair to both sides or more conservative. How can newspapers get away with this? Which article is true? Are both articles made up by bias of the papers?

I live in Florida so the Virginias governors race doesnt mean anything to me. But, I know this can happen in national media as well (like Fox News vs. MSNBC).

Answer: I wouldn't say "bias" exactly, which implies a twisting of the truth. But there are certainly different perspectives and opinions. Writers have them, newspapers have them, readers have them. It's how we discover the truth, by sharing different perspectives.

If we all thought the same, life would be pretty dull.
Category: Media & Journalism

Is Tea Party candidate Ken Cuccinelli a victim of the declining popularity of the Tea Party?

Terry McAuliffe (D) and Ken Cuccinelli (R - Tea Party) are in a race for governor of Virginia. Earlier this year many Tea Partyers pointed to Cuccinelli as a sign that Tea Party candidates were viable.

However, in mid-summer when the Tea Party staked out its position on the shutdown, McAullife started to pull away from Cuccinelli in the polls. McAuliffe maintained a stable lead over Cuccinelli until October 1 when the shutdown took place. Thats when McAuliffe REALLY started to pull ahead.

In fact, when Ted Cruz recently visited Virginia, Cuccinelli refused to meet with him because he didnt want to be associated with Cruzs radicalism.

Is Cuccinelli the poster child for the declining popularity of the Tea Party?

Answer: McAuliffe experienced another spike in polling shortly after Ted Cruz's performance of the 'Filibuster a Box with a Fox' which brought to glaring light the leadership of the Tea Party - an offshoot of the Republican Party. Cuccinelli and other Republicans can run, but they can't hide from the association they have with the Tea Party members. Yes, he is a victim.
Category: Politics

A Union With Clout Boldly Stakes Its Claim on Politics

For an idea of the influence that the Service Employees International Union carries in Democratic politics, consider that former President Bill Clinton phoned a 17-member committee of the unions New Hampshire operation last Monday to extol his wifes record on issues that are important to the labor movement. Mr. Clintons seven-minute pitch was - Profile of Andy Stern, president of Service Employees International Union, whose focus on politics has led Democratic presidential hopefuls to court unions endorsement aggressively; photo (M) - By STEVEN GREENHOUSE

Spending Trumps Social Issues on Ballots This Time

When it comes to the state and local ballot measures before voters across the country on Tuesday, it is mostly about the money. While hot-button issues like immigration and gay rights attracted the focus of measures in the past several elections, nuts-and-bolts concerns like health care financing, road projects and land-use regulations fill local - State and local ballot measures before voters today are mostly about nuts-and-bolts concerns such as health-care financing, education spending and road projects, rather than hot-button social issues that have been focus of measures in several past elections; there are 34 statewide propositions in 6 states being decided today, down from 204 in 37 states in 2006; photo; maps (M) - By IAN URBINA

Big-time Obama bundler bankrolling Libertarian in Virginia ...

Who here is shocked? A major Democratic Party benefactor and Obama campaign bundler helped pay for professional petition circulators responsible for getting.

McAuliffe wins nailbiter Virginia governor's race - CBS News

3 hours ago ... Democrat Terry McAuliffe pulled out a surprisingly razor-thin victory over
Republican Ken Cuccinelli.

Voters Split on Spending Initiatives on States Ballots

In Texas, voters were in a spending mood on Tuesday. In New Jersey and Oregon, they were not. Five statewide bond initiatives were approved by Texas residents this week, including $3 billion for cancer research and prevention that was championed by Lance Armstrong and up to $5 billion for highway improvement projects. But in New Jersey voters - Round-up of results of ballot measures before voters across country on Nov 6; isolated voting problems are reported in Colorado, Georgia, Maryland and Pennsylvania; photo (M) - By IAN URBINA

Who will win the Governors races this year in New Jersey and Virginia?

There are two "off year" Governors elections in New Jersey and Virginia. Im not going to give a lot of background because I figure most political junkies know about this. Who do you think will win?

My guesses:

Christie, the Republican, beats Corzine, the Democratic Governor, in New Jersey

And Deeds, the Democrat, narrowly beats McDonnell, the Republican, in Virginia.

Answer: I can't say anything for Virginia. I'm in NJ. I can tell you that I have not seen hatred for a governor of this state since the infamous James Florio and his "toilet paper tax." Florio was defeated by Whitman in 1993. Corzine is almost universally hated here, even many of his union buddies have turned on him. It is likely that the Democrat party will pull him out at the last minute and put someone more acceptable in the race. Newark mayor Corey Booker is the likely candidate. They are very fearful of a repeat of the 1993 election.
Category: Politics

Flush With New Millions, Underdog Vies to Compete

If media muscle is any measure of a candidate, Representative Ron Paul of Texas is getting ready to flex his. In the last two weeks, Mr. Paul -- a Republican presidential candidate -- has spent nearly a half-million dollars on radio advertisements in four early primary states, the first major media investment of his campaign. On Tuesday night, he - Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul raised surprising $5 million in third quarter; his campaign says that 78 percent was collected online; Paul has spent $1.1 million on five TV commercials that will be shown in New Hampshire market; photo (M) - By JULIE BOSMAN

Virginia Governor's Election Today: Mother Jones Attacks Dem ...

Even if Democrat Terry McAuliffe wins today's Virginia governor's race, the generally Democrat-friendly Mother Jones will be disappointed. Reporter Stephanie.

Democrat Terry McAuliffe Wins Virginia Governor Race - ABC News

11 hours ago ... In the battle for governor of Virginia , Democrat Terry McAuliffe pulled out a
narrow victory Tuesday over Republican Attorney General Ken ...

Will Republicans win the governor races in New Jersey and Virginia?

I live in Florida but know there are only these two races this year.

Answer: They'll definitely win in New Jersey but Virginia remains an open book.
Category: Elections

Why did young voters and minorities who helped elect Obama stayed home during the recent election?

Many of the young, first-time voters who propelled Obama to the presidency stayed home this year, a glaring absence that helped Republicans win governors races in Virginia and New Jersey. More than 3 million voters who cast ballots in the 2008 presidential election — majority of them minorities — failed to show up at the polls in either state.

Answer: ACORN wasn't there holding their hand.
Category: Politics

Did Ted Shutdown Cruz overreach and cost the Republicans an easy win in the Virginias governors race?

I think we are seeing the chickens come home to roost in Virginia. Republicans working for the federal government havent seen a raise since 2011. Theyve been furloughed and abused by the national GOP and the TEA party. Seems like these loyal Republicans either 1) didnt vote or 2) voted for the Democrat.

Is this an ill omen for Republicans, as Midterms are less than 12 short months ahead? Ted Cruz wants another shutdown in January or Februrary. The TEA Party wants one too.

Is the TEA Party darling, Cruz, willing to sink the national GOP to further his ambitions at the expense of the Republican party?

We shall see. Indeed.

Answer: Although I agree that voters have been turned off by the shenanigans of the Tea party Republicans, especially their leader, Ted shutdown Cruz, I don't think Democrats can rest on their laurels for one minute through the midterm elections. The governor's race was not an easy win....McAuliiffe won by a narrow margin and after spending a significant amount more on his campaign than Cucinelli. Democrat voters need to remain alert and active.

I think Ted Cruz will continue to do what he thinks is best for Ted Cruz.
Category: Elections

Where the Votes Are, So, Unfortunately, Are All Those Calories

Running for president is like entering a competitive eating contest and a beauty pageant all at once. Candidates are expected to eat local specialties often and with gusto, yet still look attractive and fit. So it is no wonder that many of this years candidates have what might be called food issues -- the same kinds that plague the rest of us, - Running for president means eating local specialties on the campaign trail but this venerable method of establishing bond with voters must be balanced against pressure on candidates to be fit and lean, something that portly presidents of 19th century did not have to worry about; photos (M) - By JODI KANTOR; Ben Werschkul and Jeff Zeleny contributed reporting from Iowa, and Marc Santora from New Hampshire.

Why do pathetic Democrats focus their attention to New Yorks 23rd District Congressional race?

They dont even care that Virginia, a state which traditionally elects Democratic Governors, turns for a Republican.

New Jersey, a traditionally blue state, turns RED by voting for a Republican.

These positions are IMPORTANT to any party for these positions are vital for the life of the party.
While ignoring their HUGE DEFEAT on high positions in the state of Virginia and New Jersey.

Answer: They are simply in denial. All ive heard from Dems online for the past year is Republicans are dead-well it doesnt look that way now does it?

As far as the New York race goes, considering that the Republican Doug Hoffman is not a life-long politician, this was the first time he had ran for public office and is just some average Joe who jumped in the race at the last moment and still almost won the thing-that should be a wake up call for dems as well.
But they wont see it that way, they still are in denial.
Category: Elections

Why is the elections in New Jersey and Virginia getting coverage in Great Britain?

I was on-line and saw BBC Coverage on about the off-year elections. Why is that news in Great Britain? I can see if it was a presidential election but for two Governors races why would that be news in UK? Do we have full coverage on our news sites of province elections in UK? No. So why is it important? Just curious.

I live in the USA (Florida) and even I dont know much about the two races except that in NJ Chris Christie is popular and I see now won the race.

Category: Elections

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