Immigration Reform - Britannia Bites

Immigration Reform : Videos

President Obama Speaks on Immigration Reform ...

President Obama Speaks on Immigration Reform ...

Weekly Address: Time to Pass Commonsense ...

Weekly Address: Time to Pass Commonsense ...

Immigration Reform Digital Town Hall - YouTube

Immigration Reform Digital Town Hall - YouTube



Bachmann: "We Will Never Again Have A ...

Bachmann: "We Will Never Again Have A ...

Weekly Address: Time for Congress to Pass ...

Weekly Address: Time for Congress to Pass ...

Obama Immigration Reform Speech In Las Vegas ...

Obama Immigration Reform Speech In Las Vegas ...

President Obama Speaks at an Immigration Reform ...

President Obama Speaks at an Immigration Reform ...

Immigration Reform - YouTube

Immigration Reform - YouTube

Immigration Reform: Clinton Thinks Bill Can Pass ...

Immigration Reform: Clinton Thinks Bill Can Pass ...

Immigration Reform May Spell End for Green Card ...

Immigration Reform May Spell End for Green Card ...

Laura Ingraham Confronts Marco Rubio Over ...

Laura Ingraham Confronts Marco Rubio Over ...

Big Step Towards Comprehensive Immigration ...

Big Step Towards Comprehensive Immigration ...

Republican: Immigration Reform is a 'Betrayal ...

Republican: Immigration Reform is a 'Betrayal ...

Union Bosses: We need Immigration Reform Now ...

Union Bosses: We need Immigration Reform Now ...

Mark Levin interviews Paul Ryan on immigration ...

Mark Levin interviews Paul Ryan on immigration ...

How Immigration Reform Could Affect English ...

How Immigration Reform Could Affect English ...

Immigration Reform - YouTube

Immigration Reform - YouTube

Obama Pushing Immigration Reform - The Black ...

Obama Pushing Immigration Reform - The Black ...

Critics Of Immigration Reform Bill Question Special ...

Critics Of Immigration Reform Bill Question Special ...

Sam Brownback Backs Immigration Reform | Seib ...

Sam Brownback Backs Immigration Reform | Seib ...

Latest Sign GOP is Afraid to Obstruct Immigration ...

Latest Sign GOP is Afraid to Obstruct Immigration ...

Obama Pushing Immigration Reform - The Black ...

Obama Pushing Immigration Reform - The Black ...

Barack Obama Urges Congress to Pass Immigration ...

Barack Obama Urges Congress to Pass Immigration ...

Immigration Reform : Photo Gallery

Immigration Reform Deal Close Senators Say, Could Be 'Rolled Out ...

Immigration Reform Deal Close Senators Say, Could Be 'Rolled Out ...

Humanity? Practicality? Amnesty? The arguments for and against ...

Humanity? Practicality? Amnesty? The arguments for and against ...

Wonkbook: Immigration reform debuts

Wonkbook: Immigration reform debuts

Evangelical Day of Prayer and Action for Immigration Reform ...

Evangelical Day of Prayer and Action for Immigration Reform ...

Comprehensive Immigration Reform a Priority as Republicans and ...

Comprehensive Immigration Reform a Priority as Republicans and ...

Immigration Reform News 2013: 4 Amendments That Could Make Path To ...

Immigration Reform News 2013: 4 Amendments That Could Make Path To ...

Immigration Reform and the English Language | Mother Jones

Immigration Reform and the English Language | Mother Jones

Comprehensive Immigration Reform is More Interior and Exterior ...

Comprehensive Immigration Reform is More Interior and Exterior ...

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Immigration reform's ...

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Immigration reform's ...

Immigration Reform | timesfreepress.

Immigration Reform | timesfreepress.

Comprehensive immigration reform is dead — and the left is to ...

Comprehensive immigration reform is dead — and the left is to ...

Include everyone in conversation on immigration reform | Campaign ...

Include everyone in conversation on immigration reform | Campaign ...

Strong Support For Immigration Reform - Paperblog

Strong Support For Immigration Reform - Paperblog

House Republicans push specific immigration changes, say reform ...

House Republicans push specific immigration changes, say reform ...

Arizonans join thousands rallying in Washington for immigration ...

Arizonans join thousands rallying in Washington for immigration ...

How Arizona cheats immigration reform - Salon.

How Arizona cheats immigration reform - Salon.

New York Public Library, Chatham Square Branch

New York Public Library, Chatham Square Branch

U.S. Senate Approves Biggest Immigration Reform Since 1986

U.S. Senate Approves Biggest Immigration Reform Since 1986

Great job America! #immigration #reform #itsabouttime #senate

Great job America! #immigration #reform #itsabouttime #senate

Republicans in the House of Representatives are apparently considering suicide:

Republicans in the House of Representatives are apparently considering suicide:

US Senate passes #immigration reform bill.

US Senate passes #immigration reform bill.

I am a #proud #immigrant with my on #story to #share, like many we come to find #success and #opportunities. But #without a #doubt we work #hard to get what we work for and what we have #without taking from #anyone. #immigration #reform #2013 #battle #fig

I am a #proud #immigrant with my on #story to #share, like many we come to find #success and #opportunities. But #without a #doubt we work #hard to get what we work for and what we have #without taking from #anyone. #immigration #reform #2013 #battle #fig

Thank you Senate leaders for passing #immigration #reform! #politics #USSenate

Thank you Senate leaders for passing #immigration #reform! #politics #USSenate

Human Life & Dignity Symposium, Session on Immigration

Human Life & Dignity Symposium, Session on Immigration

Immigration Rally Washington D.C.

Immigration Rally Washington D.C.

70 vote goal vanishes as Senate near immigration reform vote - @757Live

70 vote goal vanishes as Senate near immigration reform vote - @757Live

Nuns on the Bus in Phoenix

Nuns on the Bus in Phoenix

Next step in passing #immigration reform -  $30 billion "border surge" approved in Senate: #latism

Next step in passing #immigration reform - $30 billion "border surge" approved in Senate: #latism



Immigration Reform Rally in Indianapolis

Immigration Reform Rally in Indianapolis

Immigration Reform Rally in Indianapolis

Immigration Reform Rally in Indianapolis

Senate passes immigration reform bill, Joe Biden says so. #timeisnow #latism

Senate passes immigration reform bill, Joe Biden says so. #timeisnow #latism

Immigration Reform, Finally

Immigration Reform, Finally

Immigration reform bill 2013: Senate passes legislation 68-32

Immigration reform bill 2013: Senate passes legislation 68-32

What the DOMA Decision Means for Immigration Reform

What the DOMA Decision Means for Immigration Reform

Immigration reform bill passes Senate, moves to skeptical House

Immigration reform bill passes Senate, moves to skeptical House

Sen. Marco Rubio Speaks From the Heart for Immigration Reform

Sen. Marco Rubio Speaks From the Heart for Immigration Reform

Senate passes immigration reform bill

Senate passes immigration reform bill

Senate Passes Sweeping Immigration Reform

Senate Passes Sweeping Immigration Reform

Immigration reform bill clears Senate, but faces roadblock in House

Immigration reform bill clears Senate, but faces roadblock in House

Senate passes immigration reform: What's next?

Senate passes immigration reform: What's next?

Clearing the first hurdle

Clearing the first hurdle

How Immigration Reform Can Pass

How Immigration Reform Can Pass

Immigration reform has passed the Senate. Here's how it passes the House.

Immigration reform has passed the Senate. Here's how it passes the House.

Immigration reform passes Senate with Hatch's support

Immigration reform passes Senate with Hatch's support

Immigration Reform Overwhelmingly Passes Senate

Immigration Reform Overwhelmingly Passes Senate

GOP House a barrier to Senate's just-passed immigration reform bill

GOP House a barrier to Senate's just-passed immigration reform bill

House Republicans Feel No Pressure to Pass Immigration Reform

House Republicans Feel No Pressure to Pass Immigration Reform

Immigration Reform : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

LINK BY LINK; Quoted in the News? Post a Comment, Please

THE days when the journalist had the last say about a subject are long gone. This thought is usually expressed by repeating -- and then dismissing as outdated -- the words of A. J. Liebling: Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one. Owning a press today is as simple as publishing a blog, right? (That would make more than - Google News has feature it calls Comments From People in the News; if you have been quoted in article that appears on Google News, which presents links and summaries from 4,500 news sources, you can post comment that will be paired with that article; photo (L)0 - By NOAM COHEN

What is your idea of a fair immigration reform?

What components do you feel need to be addressed and how would you address them if you were to write an immigration reform bill?

Answer: Contrary to popular opinion, immigration doesn't need to be reformed; the US just needs to enforce the laws already on the books. When people say that immigration needs to be reformed, the only thing that they are referring to is what to do with all of the illegals who are already here. We don't need to change terms of our guest worker programs (if anything, to disallow family members); we don't need to change the wait period to get a green card or US citizenship (if they wanna be US citizens bad enough, they'll wait); we do not need more immigrants altogether (if anything, we need less); we do not need to give amnesty (a path towards citizenship) to anyone, they need to take their asses home!
As with any rules, there needs to be some sort of assessment made to accomodate changing times, but total reform is not necessary at all. When people are talking about "comprehensive immigration reform," they are really talking about (in the case of politicans) getting more voters; whereas, many of the Hispanics who speak of such, only want to legalize their brethren and bring more of the here.
Category: Immigration

President Obama Talks Immigration Reform with Business Leaders ...

President Obama meets with CEOs, business owners and entrepreneurs to discuss the economic benefits of fixing our broken immigration system.

Federation for American Immigration Reform: Home

Working to help the American public convince Congress that United States immigration must be reduced. Information and links on a wide variety of ...

MUSEUM REVIEW; Return of a Long-Dormant Island of Grace

Stand at the center of the 1887 Eldridge Street Synagogue, whose main sanctuary reopens tomorrow after a restoration that took 20 years and cost $20 million, and gaze upward, past the chandeliers with their curled vintage glass, toward the 70-foot-high vaulted ceiling, painted with gilded stars. Even now -- as this spaces religious function has - Edward Rothstein reviews restoration and transformation of old Eldridge Street Synagogue on Lower East Side into new Museum at Eldridge Street; photos (M) - By EDWARD ROTHSTEIN

Immigration Reform: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News - Huffington Post

Big News on Immigration Reform. Includes blogs, news, and community conversations about Immigration Reform.

Jeb Bush: Immigrants are 'more fertile' | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Jun 14, 2013 ... From the blog The Ticket: Jeb Bush, a former governor of Florida, had a lot to say at Friday's Faith and Freedom Coalition conference. But the ...

what is the pro and con of immigration reform?

what is the pro and con of immigration reform? and how should the reform be? what should happen?

what is the argument for both side? both democrat republican and independent?

Answer: If the right type of reform is done--it would make the path to citizenship quicker and easier for those who legally do so. This....most people have no problem with. If the reform involves blanket amnesty--the con is that many who should not be here (criminals and enemies included) will be given a free pass while those who did so legally and waited did so for nothing. The next problem is the cost of given automatic citizenship to millions. For those that argue that they can pay taxes, etc....let's get it straight. They can NOW legally receive benefits everywhere versus a select few places in the U.S. It will break the system which is not a problem for this government. They will use this move to anoint millions of new grateful democratic voters in an attempt to grab permanent power.

*And many here make an excellent point--the government is using immigration reform as the only solution to the border problem as if they have ANYTHING to do with one another at this point. Drug cartels, violence, and people illegally crossing the border is not a factor that will change based on if it's easier to become a citizen. That's just throwing alcohol on a fire to try to put it out.
Category: Politics

How will immigration reform punish employers who hire illegal immigrants?

Does anyone have any type of information and maybe a link to information on how immigration reform will address this issue?
im doing a report. i already talked about strengthening the border.

Answer: In the 1986 immigration reform, the initial bill carried severe sanctions against employers that do not verify the authenticity of work authorization. However, the Chamber of Commerce, farm lobby, other businesses, and the republican opposed those sanctions until the bill was changed to not require employers to authenticate those documents.

This is why when "American Apparel" was found to be hiring 1,500 illegals, the federal government couldn't even fine them.

The proposed bill requires that all people legally working in the US must have a high tech social security card that must be verified before employment.

However, since the bill has not yet been made available to the public, nothing is known about whether there will be sanctions if employers do not follow the law.

If there isn't severe sanctions against employers that hire illegals, that would be similar to have a drug bill that gave drug pushers a free ride and only goes after the users.
Category: Politics

Immigration reform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Immigration reform is a term used in political discussion regarding changes to current immigration policy of a country. In its strict definition, "reform" means to ...

What candidate will get the comprehensive immigration reform?

Obama and McCain support a comprehensive immigration reform, but it seems that Obama want to bring back the bill in the first year of his administration something that I think its not going to work, and McCain want to seal the border first and put in place the document verification first.

Who will bring this immigration reform that we really need????

Answer: If you look at each candidate's record, its pretty clear that John McCain will likely get the comprehensive immigration reform to pass. He's already tried once and if he's elected president, I believe he could get it done. I have nothing against Obama, but he never says exactly what he is going to do. He's only been a senator for 3 years, so there's not much of a track record with him.
Category: Immigration

Is the problem with immigration reform that Libs think anyone who comes here lawfully or unlawfully is legal?

How can there be immigration reform when Liberals refuse to even to recognize the process of legal immigration.

Answer: No. The current problem with immigration reform is that conservatives refuse to recognize that comprehensive immigration reform is the practical, sensible way to address the issue.
Category: Politics

LETTERS; Ways to Lead: Reach Out, or Confront?

To the Editor: Paul Krugmans Dec. 17 column, Big Table Fantasies, labels as unrealistic Senator Barack Obamas plan of inclusiveness to address the nations health care finance problem. Instead, Mr. Krugman claims that the solution must exclude insurance and drug companies, because they are the cause of the problem. Many progressives would - Seven letters comment on Paul Krugmans Dec 17 column criticizing Sen Barack Obama for proposing to include drug and insurance companies in reform of nations health care system; Tim Platt, Laughlin Phillips, Michael Wang, Michael Benson and Zachary W Oberfield support Obamas stance; Lucie Skadden agrees with Krugman on need to challenge entrenched interests; David Lefer says Obama is shrewd enough to know what kind of message he must send to get elected; drawing

What is this immigration reform that those supporting illegal aliens keep demanding Is it making something?

What is this "immigration reform" that those supporting illegal aliens keep demanding? Is it making something that is illegal legal? Is it amnesty for those who have broken our laws? Is it relaxing immigration laws in order to improve the already overwhelming influx of immigrants? Thats what it appears to be. So considering this, how long will it be until this country becomes just like the countries the illegals are fleeing en masse?

Answer: They want amnesty to reward those who broke the law. They are for the destruction of this country and worry more about people who don't belong here than the real citizens who are this country!! If by chance another amnesty is ever passed, we can kiss the GOOD OLE USA goodbye. These people are already draining our country and it will be 100 times worse if thes legalize these invaders.
Category: Immigration

Immigration Reform Passes Senate, House Leadership Calls Bill A ...

Immigration reform is half-way to its goal: The Senate passed a comprehensive bill this afternoon 68 to 32. The bill is loaded with tech-industry goodies, inc..

US Senate passes immigration reform bill — RT USA - RT asks

The United States Senate approved a landmark immigration bill Thursday afternoon after lawmakers in Washington voted 68-to-32 in favor of the Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act of ...

Would Immigration Reform affect the Hispanic Market in a positive or negative way?

I know that not all illegals are Hispanics. This is just a question that we have to answer in our assignment.

Would Immigration Reform affect it in a positive way or negative?

Answer: Very Very Positive! and not to mention the $5.5 Billion Hispanic Advertising.

Immigration Reform would bring these people out of the shadows, so they would be spending and working like before. This would boost these markets, and in turn, boost the entire economy.
Hispanic advertising to outpace general advertising

According to Kagan Research, Hispanic advertising will reach $5.5 billion by 2010, with a growth curve of 32% for Hispanic cable networks. General broadcast networks will show 12% growth during the same period.
Hispanic business ownership is growing three times as fast as the national average and Hispanic purchasing power is expected to reach more than $1 trillion by 2011, according to the Census Bureau and other studies.
Category: Immigration

If immigration reform is for those illegals that are already here?

And we are not a Third World Country, how exactly will immigration reform turn this place into one?

Anti-immigration folks make this claim on a regular basis, but how would it change anything if these people are already here, have been here for a few years, and are in good standing? Immigration reform will probably allow them to get better jobs, with higher pay, have benefits so how does that claim add up? Please explain anti people!

Answer: I take it you do not get out much. Take a visit to places like Miami and Los Angeles to see why they keep getting labels of Third-World status.

L.A. area is the only place the US that has concertina wire on its road signs to keep graffiti from getting on them. The signs that do not have concertina wire on them are covered in that garbage

Also those so-called "immigrants" congregate together furthering their failed county's ideas. You see it everywhere where these people congregate. Take a visit to their own countries and see how they live. Realize these people were raised this way. People will usually stick with things they know or feel comfortable with.

Besides the people who are hiring these people do not immigration "reform." They are taking advantage of the low wages. If these illegals are legalized then they have to be paid regular wages. They will find others, thus causing even more of a tsunami of illegals crossing the border.

Real immigration reform would to duplicate the immigration laws of Mexico (strictest in the western hemisphere) since they want to be hypocrites.

If people breaking laws are rewarded by citizenship and their children. Where does it stop? Then why not follow the letter of the 14th Amendment (equal protection under the law) and start giving other law breakers rewards for their crimes? I can see it now.. "That bank robber was only making an unauthorized withdrawal to feed his family. Why should he be torn away from his family?" Or, "that rapist was only trying to alleviate their mental state of frustration. Let them rejoin their families!"

Stop the insanity!
Category: Immigration

G.O.P. Rivals Exchange Jabs In Testy Debate

The Republican presidential candidates engaged in a slashing debate last night over immigration and other issues, confronting one another in testy exchanges that reflected the wide-open nature of the race in the final sprint toward the Iowa caucuses. The debate showcased some of the fierce battles that have raged recently between Rudolph W. - Republican presidential debate includes confrontations and testy exchanges reflecting wide-open nature of race in final sprint toward Iowa caucuses; immigration is major topic, as Mitt Romney accuses Rudolph Giuliani of making New York sanctuary for illegal immigrants when he was mayor; Giuliani turns tables, noting that Romney employed illegal immigrants at his home; debate also shines spotlight on Mike Huckabee, who has come from behind in polls; candidates take questions from youthful, diverse group in forum sponsored by YouTube and CNN; Giulianis record is put under intense scrutiny; immigration issue draws passionate responses from candidates, who seem to score political points off one another, while still managing to highlight their differences; photo (M) - By MICHAEL COOPER and MARC SANTORA

Who else thinks that immigration reform will finally prove whether USA belongs to its citizens?

Who else thinks that immigration reform, when it comes, will finally prove whether USA belongs to its citizens or whether it belongs to an elite class that does not care what american citizens think?

Who understands my meaning?

Answer: Immigration reform is needed for so many more reasons that have nothing to do with undocumented workers. The US immigration law is a total mess. It is a loosely strung together bunch of laws and amendments to laws dating from the turn of the last century. There is no cohesive logic. There is no effective due process. There are ambiguous and contradictory laws that even duly appointed immigration judges are clueless concerning what is controlling legislation or precedent. Please do not criticize laws unless you know what you are talking about. Talk to immigration judges. Talk to Immigration lawyers, not the ones representing undocumented aliens, I mean the ones representing US corporations who are trying to maintain their global competitive advantage by hiring the best and the brightest minds from around the world for scientific research, business model development and corporate guidance. Why settle for second or third best when you can get the best people for the job? Talk to immigration lawyers representing performing artists from other countries who can not even get into the US to give a concert. The current immigration law is ridiculous and needs to be changed . . . yesterday!
Category: Immigration

Mounting Signs of GOP Rebellion Against Immigration Reform ...

Jun 10, 2013 ... Despite Marco Rubio's push for comprehensive reform, most Republicans aren't listening.

TRANSCRIPT; Republican Presidential Debate


What is your opinion on Immigration Reform being good for America’s security?

Why do some groups push against bills that can make our country safer? Do they think Immigration Reform is only Amnesty?


For America’s Security

The immigration system we have today makes little sense in terms of America’s security. With few legal options to come in through the system, many seek ways to go around it. The broken system has spawned a thriving market for smugglers and has generated chaos on the border. A seemingly random enforcement regime targets ordinary immigrant workers and families, diverting resources away from protecting against genuine threats. Millions of immigrants are unknown to the government. Unscrupulous employers have little fear of punishment for recruiting and exploiting undocumented workers and undermining their honest competitors.

Immigration reform will allow more immigrants to come with a visa, not with a smuggler. It will require undocumented immigrants to get right with the law, register with the government, and go through government background security checks. This screening process will separate ordinary immigrants who have come seeking opportunities to better their lives from those who may be exploiting opportunities a broken system provides to those who may be coming to do us harm.

Enforcement resources can then be trained on employers who flaunt labor laws and exploit undocumented immigrants, on smugglers who traffic in drugs and guns who are creating chaos on the border, and on violent individuals inside the country who may pose a threat to public safety.

By getting ordinary immigrants in line for citizenship and prioritizing enforcement actions to target genuine threats, immigration reform will be good for America’s security.

Answer: Honestly its just plain stupid to push against immigration reform, and i agree totally on the opinions stated into this not reforming the system and keeping the laws the same will just continue the problems we have today.
People need to get real and see that the laws we have in place now are NOT WORKING and haven't been since we made them.(part of a law being a good one is being able to enforce it and obviously out govt doesn't want to or cant)

i agree that the people who would be legalized are not the threat to this country and we should be focused on people who immigrate illegally to traffic humans and drugs, and recruit gang members. that is the REAL problem.

as far as why people would be against Comprehensive Immigration reform, i'm really not sure. But the people who are do not seem to be aware of the FACTS on both sides of the debate, and do not have an understanding of the issue. ex. Joel W

so what if the people are Catholic WHO CARES! this country was built upon many things as well as FREEDOM OF RELIGION.

and the idea that immigrants would not want to pay a fine to be legal is ridiculous, and whomever doesn't want to pay is dumb and can just be deported, so why even bother saying that as a valid point.

anyways Immigration reform is definitely needed and should be passed SOON.
Category: Immigration

Is Obama spying on Americans whom oppose his immigration reform bill will they be arrested & jailed?

Is Obama spying on Americans whom oppose his immigration reform bill will they be arrested & jailed and be subjected to IRS Tax Audits ?

Answer: Yes,
big brother is spying on us since Baby Bush signed the Patriot Act into Law and Obama extended it, unfortunately, all in the name of "public safety" and "national security."

However, there is no Obama immigration bill; he surely would love to sign one, but there is none. The bill that the "Gang of Eight" tried to introduce won't even make it through Senate and thus it will never see the light of the day in the House of Representatives. At this point I'm not very confident that there will be any comprehensive immigration reform anytime soon.
Category: Immigration

Will supporting an Immigration Reform weaken Obamas campaign for the next elections?

If the majorift are really anti-immigration reform then he is weakening himself by stating that he will continue to support a reform. He made the promise, but how many politicain actually keep them.
I think McCain will be running for president. He supports the Dream Act.

Answer: It all depends on how the question is framed, and the approach used.

No matter what, he will make a portion of the electorate angry at him, but they are unlikely to vote for him anyway.

He framed the DREAM Act as impacting children who were brought here by their parents as children, not of their own accord, but now, who consider that they are American, and wanting to contribute to this country, face deportation. If it is framed as a matter of fairness, it can be a winning argument.

And America is built on the back of immigrants. And going further back then great grandparents, there were few restrictions on entry into this Country.

It seemed that the first restrictions on immigration into the US was in 1870, targeting Chinese. Quotas began in 1921. Although there was the Aliens Act of 1798.

But if the question is allowed to be framed as giving illegals a free pass, then it will be detrimental.

But America is not going to deport 10-14 million people who are here illegally, so what is to be done? That is a beautiful cheap workforce that businesses love, since they cannot make waves.

I really doubt that the majority of Americans are against Immigration Reform. It is just that many who are strongly anti-Immigrant have the loudest megaphone. Some of the American border cities have very low crime rates, but you would never know it hearing some politicians speak.
Category: Elections

Immigration reform critics flood Senate with phone calls | The Daily ...

Critics of the Democratic-led immigration rewrite bombarded Senate offices with thousands of phone calls, and advocates say those calls are keeping numerous wayward GOP Senators from joining the Democrats' ...

Britannia Bites

TASTE The Story of Britain Through Its Cooking. By Kate Colquhoun. Illustrated. 460 pp. Bloomsbury. $34.95. In an effort to clarify and define the rights and obligations of British citizenship, Prime Minister Gordon Brown recently invited the British public to help its government develop a statement of British values: as a Scot at a time when - Ian Jack reviews book Taste: The Story of Britian Through Its Cooking by Kate Colquhoun; photo (M) - Ian Jack, until recently editor of Granta, writes for The Guardian. - By IAN JACK

LETTER; Punitive Arizona

To the Editor: Re Blazing Arizona (editorial, Dec. 18): Arizonas punitive immigration legislation might be the exact experiment the rest of the country needs to witness to decide how best to handle the illegal immigration problem. Currently, a large faction of the country seems to think that we can simply force undocumented immigrants to go - Don George letter holds that Arizonas punitive immigration legislation might be exact experiment rest of country needs to witness to decide how best to handle illegal immigration problem (Dec 18 editorial)

Senate Passes Immigration Reform - ABC News

12 hours ago ... Senators passed a sweeping immigration reform bill Thursday that would give 11 million undocumented immigrants a pathway to U.S. ...

Daily Kos: Senate passes immigration reform

Against all odds and recent experience, the Senate actually functioned smoothly Thursday to pass a comprehensive immigration reform bill. The vote was 68-32, with Vice President Joe Biden presiding. Here's the basics of ...

Immigration Reform News - Topix

8 hours ago ... News on Immigration Reform continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.

Immigration Reform: Good News for Contractors | Mother Jones

Christopher Penler/Shutterstock. On Monday, the Senate voted 67-27 to clear a path for the bipartisan passage of comprehensive immigration reform by ending debate on the border security compromise reached by Sens.

EDITORIAL | IN OFFICE; Immigration and the Candidates

Even by the low standards of presidential campaigns, the issue of immigration has been badly served in the 2008 race. Candidates -- and by this we mean the Republicans, mostly -- have been striking poses and offering prescriptions that sound tough but will solve nothing. They have distorted or disowned their pasts and attacked one another - Editorial scores Republican presidential contenders responses to immigration issue; singles out Rudolph Giuliani, Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee as candidates who have changed their views to call for stricter enforcement; praises John McCain as single voice of reason among Republicans; says Democratic field, including Hillary Clinton, John Edwards and Barack Obama vigorously supported legislation that was killed by Republican opposition; holds that bill was flawed, but it contained seeds of true reform

Immigrants Pull Weight In Economy, Study Finds

Immigrants contribute nearly one-fourth of the economic output of New York State, and outside of New York City, they are overrepresented in some of the most critical occupations, including higher education and health care, according to a study to be released today. In the suburbs north and east of the city, about 4 of every 10 doctors and more than - Fiscal Policy Institute study finds that immigrants contribute nearly quarter of economic output of New York State, far beyond low-wage work often associated with them; in area suburbs, where just 5 percent of residents are foreign born, immigrants are overrepresented in critical occupations; study counters perception that illegal immigrants receive more in benefits than they give back to economy (M) - By PATRICK McGEEHAN

When is the immigration reform bill 2010 going to become active?

Does anybody know around what time they will engage work on this immigration reform bill. This can directly affect me and I needed to know when this may be happening.

Answer: Most likely no immigration reform bill will be passed before the November midterms.
Category: Government

Immigration reform doomed? « Hot Air

The Senate will continue its deliberations this week on immigration reform, including a key vote today on a border-security amendment that runs more than 1,000 pages. The amendment dropped on Friday, which means that ...

This is a survey that tells me howmany people agree with the immigration reform and howmany disagree?

If you agree with the immigration reform answer "AGREE" if you dont answer "DISAGREE" thank you. oh and youre answering for the good people that come here to the us for a better future not for the drug dealers.

Answer: I disagree with 'immigration reform' as it currently stands because it reforms nothing. It is nothing more than an amnesty bill.

A true immigration reform bill will focus on making it easier for 'high quality' immigrants to come to our country while tightening enforcement of our immigration laws to keep out those who decide that they do not have to obey our laws.
Category: Civic Participation

5 things to know about immigration reform -

Jun 11, 2013 ... The full Senate formally kicks off debate Tuesday on the bipartisan "Gang of Eight " immigration reform bill -- a plan which, if enacted, will create ...

Who is more likely to lose from immigration reform the Democrats or the Republicans?

Immigration reform is like a megaphone that announces that illegal immigration is not a crime anymore. So anyone and everyone who wants to go to America can do so and within a few months you will have Amnesty. So this new wave of immigration will actually double the unemployment rate.

Guess who will be blamed for the higher increase in unemployment? Its not like the GOP is in charge.

Answer: No matter which way you go, the leftists who voted this nonsense in again will always, absolutely ALWAYS blame the Republicans if something turns out bad. It matters not they still have 2/3 of the government control, it's always someone else's fault. However, neither party has done much to make the problem better, and while they play their political games, our borders are NOT secure.
Category: Politics

EDITORIAL; Blazing Arizona

On Jan. 1, Arizona intends to become the first state to try to muscle its way out of its immigration problems on its own. That is when, barring a last-minute setback in court, it is to begin enforcing a new state law that harshly punishes businesses that knowingly hire undocumented immigrants. It is a two-strike law, suspending a businesss license - Editorial opposes Arizona law that would punish businesses that knowingly hire undocumented immigrants; argues for national immigration system that would not just punish but try to solve problems that promote and sustain breaking of immigration laws; holds that collateral damage of Arizonas law will be severe as citizens and legal immigrants are also thrown out of work and as businesses struggle to find workers

How will immigration reform affect me as a US worker?

Now that Obama passed Health Care Reform, its obvious that Immigration Reform is on its way to. How is going to affect me?

Answer: Immigration Reform will not even affect you, or it will affect you in a very positive way if you are a blue collar worker.

The employers would not be able to take advantage of these people anymore by getting away at paying very low wages, this helps out your wages to.
For America’s Workers
Reforming immigration will help protect all workers from exploitation and unfair competition. Currently, millions of workers — one in twenty in the U.S. workforce — are vulnerable to employers who seek unfair advantage over their competitors by not paying workers minimum wage or by ignoring labor rights protected by law. Bringing undocumented workers into the system will allow them to stand up for their rights and to unionize. When they are on equal footing with other workers, unscrupulous employers will not easily be able to pit one group of workers against another, driving down wages for all Americans.

America should not settle for a downwardly spiraling competition for lower wage jobs. America needs more jobs, more rights for workers, and better wages, not more laws to keep workers out or keep workers down.

Reforming immigration is an important part of fixing the ailing economy. The federal government has an obligation to reform immigration for all American workers.
Category: Immigration

Immigration Reform: Senate Passes Bill - Business Insider

The Senate's bill serves as an attempt at the most sweeping overhaul of the nation's immigration laws in a generation, the first since President Ronald Reagan signed the "Immigration Reform and Control Act" into law in 1986.

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